Have You Ever Loved Someone...

Listening to Eminem: When I'm Gone (Song makes me cry, it's so passionate). Then I thought about Rotg and got this random idea about Jack's father; if they ever did show him, how would I picture it? A father with problems of coarse!

~Not all lyrics will be used~

Disclaimer: Do not own anything but my OCS and ideas!

Warnings: Relationship abuse, Drinking problems, Jack's father is a troubled parent, cursing, and of coarse heartbreaking stuff.


It's my life...

My own words I guess...

(299 years ago)

Jack Frost, a new born spirit of the moon, soared with Wind holding him up. He giggled happily as he did tricks and flips in the air, creating small flurries of snow behind his feet. Still no one could see him, but he has learned to find company of his own, such as Wind. You could not see her, but you can hear her- well, only Jack had that gift. She was his only friend, his only comfort.

Sure, Jack would get lonely, but for some reason, he knew someone one of these days will be able to see him. Believe in him.

But for now, he will just cause winter joy and winter hazard.

Jack commanded the wind to take him back to the lake. Within five minutes, he arrived at the lake of his resurrection. He remembered rising out of the ice. How he scared he felt; how cold he was...

But this now felt like home and Jack never wanted to leave. He loved his lake. He usually tried keeping it frozen all throughout the seasons, and he was getting better at fully succeeding.

But something was different this time... The lake was not empty... He was not alone... There at the far side, there stood a broad figure- a man with brown hair, standing still at the edge of the lake. That's odd? Nobody has not welcomed themselves near his lake? Jack wasn't even fully positive if anyone knew this lake existed. Well, apparently this newcomer knew of its existance.

But why was he just standing there?

Jack landed softly on the snow, lifting a curious eyebrow at the man's back. "Hello?" Jack instinctively called out. The man didn't even flinch at his voice. Of coarse. Jack walked up towards the newcomer until he was a foot away from him. Now that he was visibly close, Jack could see that the man's shoulders were shaking and he could hear small hitches of breaths- it sounded like sobbing- coming from the man.

Jack reaches his hand at the man, praying on full edge that he could at least touch him, but sadly his hand went through. Jack recoiled by the hate of that feeling. He shook off the feeling and peeked his head over the man's side to get a view of his face. Jack was shocked.

This man looked like an older version of him, only he had green eyes, brown hair, and a depression looking scruff on his face. His emerald eyes looked completely dead as tears leaked rapidly from them and down his face. Clearly by the bags under his eyes, Jack could tell this man has not slept in days.

The winter spirit felt his heart ache. This man was clearly broken.

Blue eyes followed the man's gaze. He was looking at nothing but the ice of the lake. Nothing to see. Nothing important right?

"I'm so sorry," spoke a hoarse, deep rumble, full of sorrow.

Jack shot his gaze back to the crying man. Was he... Was he talking to him? Jack felt his stomach leap to his throat as hope filled him. "I beg your pardon?" he sputtered breathlessly. The man didn't even bat an eye at him. Jack frowned and waved a hand in front of the man's face.

He didn't even blink.

He just kept staring at the lake. Jack made a frustrated sigh. What was he even thinking?

"I'm so sorry... I let you down, when I promised I wouldn't."

The man's voice seemed to crack at every word, and his voice sounded like he swallowed a cup of glass, then ate a bowl of gravel.

Jack felt himself cringe. Okay, something definitely happened to this man to make him feel so... Dead.

"Wh... What are you so sorry about?" Jack whispered- asked- even though the man wouldn't hear him. He did this ever so often to someone. It made him forget the whole invisibility dilemma. It brought him little closure.

The man cracked a sloppy smile and chuckled emptily, stuffing his hands in his pockets. For a split second, he looked very familiar to Jack. Like Jack knew him before, like he saw him before... But Jack couldn't remember anything, he did not even know if he was someone before Jack Frost. How could this man look familiar?

"Heh... I remember when you came out you mother's womb... And I got to hold you for the first time..."

Jack pieced what he was saying. Oh, so something happened to someone that caused the man so much pain. A broke sob escaped passed the man's lips and he quickly muffled it with his wrist. He clenched his eyes hard, trying to stop the tears from leaking down his flushed face.

Jack winced. Seeing this man cry made him feel sorrow as well...

The man regained half of his composure and continued with a weak clear of his throat. His throat be raw, Jack thought by the way he winced from the action.

"Um... I remembered that just holdin' ya made me feel like a different man..." The man shuffled his feet, and his eyes studied his shoes, "I told myself- damnit I promised myself I wouldn't become my old man... That I'd take care of you and your mother..."

Tear slipped down his face and landed in the snow; the warm substance melted the top layer, creating a small dent in the white hill. Jack stared at it with wonder.

"... But I lied to myself. I left ya when you needed me the most... I knew you would become a greater man than I ever was... I just knew it." The man's breath hhitched and he palmed his face in his hand, "b-but..." He stopped and he stammered over his words. His voice shook terribly and his body trembled.

"B-But... You were only just a child when you made a man's decision!" He broke into sobs, loud and outspoken to the world. Jack felt his eyes sting. He was going to cry. This man crying was going to make him cry. Clearly, he was talking about a son of his... Obviously this son of his died... Jack trailed his tear shimmering eyes to the lake. Clearly this son's body was under the ice...

A lump caught in Jack's throat at the thought of a small body decaying underneath the water. How sick it made him feel...

How guilty he felt...

He kept that lake frozen all summer, through spring, through fall and winter. This man lost a son because of his winter mess... A tear rolled down Jack's face and his breaths shook. His fist tightened around his staff and Frost crawled around his body.

"I-Im so sorry, Jackson! Daddy's so sorry he wasn't there for you and Emma!" The man was now nearly screaming and crying as all the hate for himself fell in tears. Jack furrowed his eyebrows.



Everything sounded so familiar to him, but he couldn't put his finger on it. The man collapsed to his knees and pounded his fist onto the snow repeatedly.

"I let you down! I-I waited t-too long, I-I was too late!... Oh God, I was gonna make it right! I-I was gonna come back and wrap you and your sister in my arms and never let you go-o! I was gonna tuck you in bed and sit beside you for hours, telling you about the mountains and the further lands you always wanted to see! I was gonna take you one day to those lands!..."

When he couldn't scream no more, his voice broke into a small hoarse whisper. The man shook violently on the ground. "Most of all... I was gonna teach you and Emma how to ice skate... Just how we always talked about..." His hands clawed at the snow and he chucked a handful against the lake. His anger grew and self-hate tormented him. It ate him alive. Jack jumped back when the man arched his head towards the sky and roared as loud as he could until Jack feared he would lose his voice permanently.

With a whimper, the man collapsed on his face in the snow. "I'm so sorry, Jackson... My baby boy..." He reached his hands and rested it against the ice, rubbing it softly. "I'm so sorry I never got a chance to say how much I love you. I'm sorry I never got a chance to hold you in my arms no more... I never got a chance to say sorry for leaving you..."

Jack had not realized rapid tears fell down his cheeks and that he was crouched beside the man. Something about this man... Something about him made Jack reach his cold, ice pale hand and lay it gently upon the man's hand...

It went through.

Jack made a frustrated sob and threw himself on the body in which he went through again. The winter spirit sobbed on the floor. "N-no! You don't have to say sorry! It's not your fault! Whatever happened it is NOT your fault!" Jack whimpered.

The man suddenly stood up and Jack watched blurrily as he reached in his jacket and pull out a cringled orchid. It was a light yellow and red... It was beautiful. Jack stared as the man stepped through him and place the flower gently on the ice. He heard him sniffle as he stepped back.

"Daddy loves you, Jackson... Daddy loves you so, so much..."

With that, the man turned his heel and walked away and disappear through the trees. Jack sat up and wiped his face with sniffle and gazed at the orchid that rested against the ice. Gently, Jack lifted it into his palms. By his touch, weak layers of frost covered the small plant. Jack sat criss-cross and cradled the flower close to his chest as if it were the most breakable thing in the whole world. The winter gazed to the area where the man exited with sympathy.

That was the last time Jack saw him. It was like he was a ghost. Jack did try looking everywhere for the man... But he couldn't find him.

Soon, years upon a century past, and Jack knew that the man was far dead... No doubt. It saddened Jack for he really wanted to see how he progressed since that day he saw him at the lake. He did look awfully familiar, and Jack just wished he knew him... That he remembered him.

Who knew that in over three centuries late, Jack will get his answers about the broken man he saw at the lake...

I know, It's short. Next chapter will be MUCH longer, because Jack's memories are awesome to write! Man, if you listen to the song while reading... Golly, it made me cry!

Please for support, review~