Disclaimer:I do not own Dragon Ball/Z/GT/Super or any of its franchises.

Author's Note: Sorry I haven't updated in a while. School was certainly getting to me for sure.

This drabble is special because I actually had written out the entire first chapter of this. However, for some reason I don't really like how this chapter was written and am currently rewriting it for the fourth or fifth time. -_-

Also, this may be the last drabble for a while. My ideas are starting to wane due to school, which may actually be a blessing in disguise- less to choose from to make a full-length story, you know? I'm letting this drabble be a LOT longer since it may be a while before another update.

I would like to thank Sunshine and Wynora for their lovely reviews, Ashii P and Maiika for their wonderful feedback, and all the silent readers out there enjoying this.

Drabble:: Morning After

"Chi-Chi, are you okay?"

The sliver of concern in his voice was the only thing tamping down her panic.

He was still staring at her as they sat across from each other, even though all she wanted was to hide among the sheets. Said sheets were a not-so-flattering shade of orange that was opaque enough to shield her from her sins. Or at least she hoped.


How could she? How could they? What were they thinking last night?

"We weren't even drunk!" she cried, clutching the sheets closer to her chest.

He blinked. "Well, yeah. Of course not." One hand reached to scratch his hair, which was fluffed and wispy and tugged at in several places. It was an embarrassing reminder of the reality of last night. "Did you want to be drunk…?"

Yes. Maybe. She couldn't stand alcohol, but it would have at least provided a halfway decent excuse for her behavior last night. The way her thighs had clenched around his hips—

Oh God.

She shook her head and tried to ignore how her face prickled with unwelcome heat. "How did we even end up here?"

"Oh, this is my room. It was just upstairs from the party, remember?"

Unfortunately she did. She really was shameless, following him in here with little more than a suggestion and smile after the DJ had cranked up the decibels to unbearable levels. But just being near him had buoyed the air in her lungs and made her giddy enough to be a little reckless.

And now here they are.

"I don't know about you, but I'm starving." Her companion shuffled around, kicking off the coves as he went. Then he stood, bare as all get-out and without a hint of shame.


He turned to face her, which was even worse. "Hmm?"

"Put some boxers on!" Her entire body flushed red. "You…you can't just walk around naked."

"How come?" he asked, unmoving. His eyes glanced over her form. "You're naked too."

She glanced down at herself. To her relief, everything below her shoulders was still covered. "It isn't decent," she insisted.

"If you say so," he conceded. She looked around to resist the urge to stare at his behind as he bent to look for his boxers. The room was far less appealing. Packs of uneaten snacks littered the dressers. Clothes were piled in one corner and thrown everywhere else. What a mess!

Though it was nothing compared to the one she was in now.

Well it wasn't like she was a total stranger to the guy, Chi-Chi assured herself. She had known Goku since last year, after all. They had been passing acquaintances, maybe even casual friends. And they had a mutual friend or two.

Okay, so maybe last night was the first time this year they had a conversation spanning more than three sentences. She at least knew more than his name at this point. And she had always known how strong and kind he was. So it wasn't so bad that she jumped into bed with him. Right?

"Want one?"

Goku was sitting before her again, this time with a couple of apples in his hands. One was held out to her in offering while he devoured the other in loud, crisp bites.

She was a bit hungry. She took the apple and bit into it. He beamed.

"It's good, right?" He upended a bag next to him. Apples spilled all over the covers. "I have some more if you want."

"Thank you," Chi-Chi said. She didn't know what else to say. It really was nice of him to feed her before he kicked her out.


Of course! Why didn't she see it before? Their activity may have been a bit clumsy, but surely this wasn't the first rodeo for someone so well-liked and popular. He was letting her down easy until he found the right time to kick her out and forget about her for the rest of his college life. Or maybe remember her enough to joke to his buddies about how easy she was.

She crushed the rest of the apple in her hand and tried to keep tears from forming. How could she be such a fool?

"What's wrong?" the heartbreaker had the nerve to ask. His eyes were wide, and he had stopped crunching. If she didn't already know his true intentions she would have been fooled for sure. "You're not hungry anymore?"

"No," she snapped. "Who would be hungry after dealing with someone like you?"

"Me?" He pointed to himself. "What did I do?"

The sight of him pretending innocence made her want to smack him. It was unfair how adorable he looked. She settled for chucking the apple to some random corner.

"You're not playing that game on me," she demanded. "Clearly we…we had…" She swallowed. "If you think you can have a laugh at me then—"

"Why would I laugh at you?" Goku interrupted, eyebrows still stretched high.

His incredulity made her stuttering worse. "B-because…because…" Her voice lowered. It was the moment of truth.

"That was...my first time."

He studied her for a moment. Then, "Oh."


"What's so bad about that?"

Something snapped, deep in her mind. She could hear it clatter against the remains of her composure as it burned to a crisp.

She had just admitted that he had taken her virtue, and here he was treating it like any other walk in the park. Didn't her father warn her away from such men? Didn't she promise she would be careful? And yet she jumped feet-first into the bed of some remorseless player!

She squirmed out from under the sheets to look for her clothes.

"Chi-Chi? What are you doing?"

"I'm letting myself out," she smartly answered. Her yellow skirt was right by the door, so she went there first. Now if only she could find her underwear.

"Wait." The bed creaked, and then he was in front of her. She covered her chest with her arm, but to his credit his eyes stayed on her face. "You're mad about something. What is it?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you."


"No!" The tears had come back, and she was determined not to let them fall. She won't.

"You're crying." Slowly, gently, Goku took her hand. She let it stay there. "Chi-Chi, whatever I did to make you so upset, I really am sorry. I promise I will do anything to make it up to you."

He sounded so genuine. And remorseful, strangely enough. "Anything?"

"Anything," he confirmed with a nod, his eyes serious. Then visible uncertainty set in. "Uh…what do you want me to do?"

At this point, there was only one thing that could make up for the loss of her dignity and virtue.

"I want a house."

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed this! (And yes, this is definitely getting rewritten as we speak.) Please let me know what you think!