WRONG [Incomplete]

"No!" Lovino muttered in anger, dragging his paintbrush haphazardly across the canvas, leaving streaks of blue paint in its wake. "It's wrong, all wrong!"

The next second, the palette and brush were thrown away and Lovino had his fingers on the canvas, clawing and ripping and tearing at the unfinished painting. It was wrong! He couldn't paint it... He couldn't... Why couldn't he?

The artist dropped his hands and the canvas, or what was left of it, clattered to the floor. It was the seventh canvas, the seventh attempt at trying to paint it, but he could never get it right. It always turned out wrong, wrong, WRONG!

"Feliciano always makes this look so easy..." he muttered as he rakes his hands through his hair, uncaring of the wet paint that clung to the strands. He was so frustrated- at Feliciano for being too good and at himself for not being good. He felt like a charlatan, like all of the "beautiful" things he painted before were flukes, like he wasn't really an artist at all.

"Dammit," he cursed, getting up and throwing his stool. He kicked at the rubble at his feet, stomped at the shredded canvas and dumped all of his paint bottles on the floor. He was only good at destroying; why was he trying to be become an artist- someone who creates?

"Dammit." It was a cry that slipped from his mouth as tears made their way to his eyes and he could only sit down and stare at the chaos around him.


* This fic is marked "incomplete". "Incomplete" stories are stories/drabbles that were written as part of a much larger story that I currently do not have the time nor motivation to write. Each one will be posted as separate complete stories and are available for adoption. That is, if somebody wants to expand that particular fic, they are free to do so as long as the writers tell me beforehand that they're going to use the story.

* However, I will also try to complete these stories on my own, but only if enough people want me to. If you'd like to see this story expanded, you may do one of the following:

- Follow this story

- Review this story

- PM me

* Thank you for reading.! :)
