It was strange how much he needed her and how much he denied he feel something for her that is more than just simple sexual attraction. It was surprising how much he wanted her in his life and how much he tried to avoid her every following day. It was confusing how much he desired to feel full and how much he tried to ignore the fact she was the only one who managed to fill the hole in him only with smile and laugh.

It was awful how much he wanted to feel her in his arms and how much he tried to tell himself she deserve something better than the shitbag he was yet he secretly wanted to spend every little second around that little ray of sunshine also known as Levy Extalia, the most perfect woman lived on this goddamned world.

Daughter of a police inspector – a military veteran – and a lawyer, with warm smile, big golden eyes and heart as big and golden as them, she stepped in his little tattoo studio, and with that, in his life, lost balance over herself and fell on the floor within the first seconds of their meeting. Even from the second he saw her blue dyed hair and the red glasses she wore, Gajeel had decided she's a strange bird. Part of him was going to tell her she probably had mistaken the place, but then she calmly asked him if he's the one who had made ask for a tattoo artist and if she was allowed to start from tomorrow. The joy in her big eyes enchanted him and he knew she stole his heart even before he knew her name.

Gajeel shook his head from the thoughts and opened the door of their shared apartment, Scorpions' "Send Me An Angel" flowed into his sensitive ears. The fact she shared the same taste of music with him surprised him, but soon the man learned to expect surprises from that woman. Everything in her was different from what it looked like, and that was one of the many things he loved for her.

Not like she was going to know he loved her.

"Here I am… Will you send me an angel?" Her heavenly voice mixed with the solo singer's vocals and Gajeel stopped dead on his spot, drinking the sight of beauty before him. Why would she ask for an angel, he wondered, if she already is one? His eyes ran through her petite yet sinfully perfect body, carefully scanning every part. Soft skin with the color of caramel, decorated with the cutest freckles the world ever knew. Long – consider to her five feet nothing short height – and slender legs, bare to his hungry eyes. Perfectly shaped wide hips, embraced by simple black shorts who did nothing to hide her sweet backside but wrapped tightly around it and suddenly his trousers felt ways too tight. White sleeveless crop top was the only thing covering her fine C-cup sized breasts (he suddenly saw that little fact while doing the laundry) aside the temping red bra which straps were visible through the simple white fabric. Long blue hair fell like a waterfall on freckle-covered shoulders and back, her eyes closed and her thick lashes touched her sweet cheeks, soft pink lips opened as she hummed along with the melody. "Here I am…"

"In the land of the morning star…" His gruff, low voice was in sharp contrast with her own sweet one and he laughed when she jumped from her place, dropping the hairbrush she used as mic.

"Gajeel! You surprised me!" She tried to pout at him for interrupting her singing session, but the huge smile on her lips told him otherwise. "Welcome home!"

He would never tell her how much he loved the way his name sounded when she said it, or the how much he loved the fact she always welcomed him. Their mutual friends used to tease them about acting like married couple and because of that she called him pansy nicknames two months. Two fucking months. But nevertheless he loved every single second from them. Levy giggled and stood up, wrapping her arms around him in quick yet warm hug and he felt her breasts pressing against his chest. Fucking tease.

Luckily for both of them, she quickly pulled away and sent him a bright, heart-warming smile. Ruck, how much he wanted to kiss her right now. Instead, he folded his arms across his chest and sent her one playful grin.

"Don't surprise me like that again, or the Hugging Monster will attack you, Shortstuff." He reached his arms out like to catch her but she dodged half-heartedly, giggling. "Run away, but you know you can't hide from me!"

"Hmm... Don't act so cockily, Hugging Monster" the bluenette scoffed, mischievous spark playing in her beautiful eyes. "You can't catch me!"

"Are you sure?"

She didn't answer, just stuck her tongue out and ran away. He quickly followed her around the whole apartment. In normal case he would be faster, but all stuff around she was better because of her size. Finally she disappeared into one of the room. Gajeel knew it - it was his bedroom. Fuck, fuck, fuck, he mentally cursed as he chased her. There were thousands of times when he wanted to drag her in the same bedroom and make her his, but he never did. When he finally entered the room, he slamed the door shut behind him and looked at his prey. Levy was resting her back against a wall, looking at him breathless.

"Well, it looks like I caught you" he said and put his arms on either sides of her head, breathing labored the same way she did. His eyes locked with hers and he found himself falling in these deep golden orbs. He unconsciously leaned forward until his lips were mere inches away from hers. He wanted to kiss her so much, to feel the sweet strawberry taste of her lip gloss... And then he realized what he was doing and quickly pulled away, making one step back. "I'm... I'm sorry for that, Lev."

He expected her to laugh, or to blush or to hide her beautiful face in embarrassment like did when someone thought they were a couple. Not to yell at him.

But she did.

"For what are you sorry? For chasing me? Or for almost kissing me?" She didn't give him time to answer and let herself collapse on the floor with her back against the wall. "Are you blind or I'm so unappealing you don't want me? Hell, I thought you would at least react, but nooo! It looks like the short bluenette isn't enough for the big bad dragon!" She sighed. "I was practically giving myself on a silver plate and nothing! Fucking nothing! Can't you see I'm trying to seduce you? Can't you see how much I want to be with you, you stupid brainless idiot?!"

She was seducing him. Levy was fucking seducing him. How he haven't realized earlier?

Gajeel walked to the petite bluenette and kneel before her.

"Hey, Lev" he said, trying to catch her attention. "If I knew you were seducing me, you would be fucked into oblivion by now."

Well, at least his words took her attention. Her eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say something - probable to yell at him again - but he took the chance and placed his lips against hers, successfully shushing her. After the first seconds of shock she wrapped her arms around his neck and let her sweet little tongue to dance with his own. Her beautiful body was pressing against his in way who aroused him and he knew he wasn't going to last any longer.

"Let's take that to the bed before you go from Hugging Monster to a different type of monster" Levy said when they parted, her lips inch away from his.

"Roger, ma'am."

sorry for being late... I had some work to do. That happens in the same AU as day 4!