Word count: 1,008

If there was something that Levy McGarden never expected, it was to fall in love.

Okay, okay, wrong way to say it. She never expected to fall in love in the way she did, neither with that particular man. But, after all, always expect the unexpected. Especially when it comes to things like family, hobbies and relationships.

The bluenette lifted her arm and covered her eyes with its inner side, trying to hide her face from the sun rays. One part of her told her she could stand up and get herself ready (and dressed) but everything else protested loudly. It was Saturday. No lectures. No work. Only rest... Excluding the fact she promised Natsu she could help him to get gift for Lucy for their fourth friendship anniversary. And she had to bring some ice cream home… One smile appeared on her face. Some people would call that pure torture, but there wasn't nothing in this world she loved more than her big and crazy family. Okay, it maybe was something – more like someone – who tried to take this place.

"Why are you smiling like that, Lev?"

Thinking about the devil…

"I don't have to answer that question for yours, Mister Redfox" she replied, not even bothering to look at him. "Will you please leave me to sleep in peace?"

"You have to answer, Miss McGarden" Gajeel said and she felt his weight over the mattress as he lied next to her, "or I'll use my awesome abilities to make you talk."

Levy removed her arm from her face and looked at her boyfriend, amusement clear on her face. The smug grin on his face annoyed her and she had to hold herself back from telling him to stop looking at her in that way.

"Awesome abilities, you say, huh?" She teased back and used the blanket around them to cover her bare torso. "And from when you have these so-called 'abilities?' To be honest, I don't know what you are talking about."

He grinned at her and put his hands on either side of her, trapping her. His lips hovered over her own and she felt light blush covering her cheeks as his breath caressed her skin. Every time he'd stop with his constant teasing and act serious towards her she would blush like crazy. And they were dating for about year and half, for crying out loud. It was just personal problem.

"So you don't remember any from the last night, huh?" His grin spread on his whole face as he leaned so close, his lips almost touching her. "Then it looks like I have to do it again and again and again until the only thing you remember is me and my awesome ultimate abilities for making you scream mine name on top of your lungs."

And before she could say something, he sealed their lips and pushed her to lie down on the bed as he reminded her every one of his abilities.

After one hour of long, lazy and sweet session of lovemaking, Levy sat up in Gajeel's lap, her arms around his neck as he kissed her, tenderly and softly. Sometimes it surprised her how a big man like him can be so gentle for someone like her, yet it seemed just right. Deep inside, behind that hard exterior of his, was buried a cuddling monster who had soft spot for kids and blue-haired short women with love for art as much as his own. (She made sure she's the only one who filled these requirements and he laughed because there wasn't other woman in the world who would fit them.)

"Did I told you how much I love you?" he whispered against her lips as he guided himself inside of her again, taking sigh of pleasure from her sweet pink lips.

"Hmm…" She smiled as he helped her move over him, his hands on her thigh as she slid up and down. "More times than I can count only for the past half hour."

Gajeel grinned at her and placed one kiss on her neck, making her laugh.

"Then I'm gonna say it again and again until it's the first think you think for when you wake up: how much I love you."

She looked at him with a big smile and wrapped her arms around his neck tighter as she came again. It was always like that – she was getting so tender and sensitive at the end and only few thrusts were enough to finish her. The same for him, of course.

"Hmm… How beautiful…" His whisper caressed her ears.

"I'm not going to do it again" Levy said and looked how her boyfriend pouted at her. "No way! No more! I can't do it again!"

"Fire, fine…" Gajeel rolled his eyes. "But let's take a selfie."

"Why?" She looked him confused.

"Because I want to remember this forever. And to show our children the morning when I did their mother so bad that she said she's not able to come again."

"Stop talking about your future children! I won't let you harass them like that, you big lug!"

He laughed and took his phone.

"Come on, Lev. Let's take a selfie so I can show everyone how fucking beautiful my woman is!"

She rolled her eyes but nodded.

"Fine, but make it quick."

"No problem!"

He took her chin and suddenly kissed her, catching her off guard as she heard the camera snapping the pic. Then he pulled away and grinned at her while she pouted.


"Your idiot" he said and kissed her cheek. "What you think Cana will said?"

"Dunno. Why? Are you– Gajeel no."

"Gajeel yes." He grinned even wider. "I'm sure she would keep it so I can show it to our brats when they're old enough."

"You know, if I weren't that tired, I should have killed you."

"Love ya too!"