So, while I finish up the next chapter of the sequel, I decided to post this unused chapter for this story. This was written a long while ago, back when the sub-plot between Michael and Shelly was still something I wanted to do for the story. Also, at this point, Micheline and Junko didn't exist yet.

So, I hope this sates you guys enough for the next chapter of Electric Splataloo 2.

The sun had almost set. Angela and Randy had retired for the night, leaving Michael and Shelly on the roof of the house together. Michael looked over to Shelly, she looked nice in the light the sun was giving.

"Hey, Shelly?"


"I've been wondering. You remember back when I was new to the team, and you did all that stuff like get into my bed in the middle of the night?"

"Yeah. Yeah I remember." Shelly laughed at the memory.

"I want to know, did you love me back then like you do now?"

"Oh, no. Not at all."

"Why'd you do all that stuff then?"

Shelly paused a bit before answering. "I just like messing with the new guys to the team a bit, that's all. I'm sure Angela's told you but I was like that too when Randy joined."

"Yeah, she's told me."

The two looked back at the sunset for a bit before Michael broke the silence.

"So, if you didn't love me immediately, when do you think you started?"

Shelly mulled over the question for a moment.

"I don't really know, honestly. It's kind of hard for me to pinpoint a certain time. I think it started developing the more I saw of how you took care of Angela, Randy, and I. You were always checking in on us when something happened, you were the first to go ahead into danger almost all the time, when one of us wasn't doing well emotionally you'd always provide moral support the best you could. Even if it ended up not helping much you still did your personal best."

Michael thought the response over, then started laughing.


"It's nothing. I'm just thinking to all the movies I watched when I was younger. Always with these people falling in love at first sight. Back then I thought love was that easy in the real world. Now that I'm actually in a relationship it's so much more complicated than what movies show. I don't mean that in a bad way either. I think I can honestly say that I'm having the time of my life just being with all three of you. Our relationship just makes that feeling all the sweeter."

"You know, Michael. I've seen your genius in battle, how great you are in Turf Wars, and I know that you defeated the Octarians and their leader by yourself. But on the inside, you're just a big softie." Shelly said as she wrapped her arms around Michael's waist.

"Hey, c'mon now. Don't act like you're not a big softie too." Michael returned Shelly's embrace.

They broke off from the hug. Both sat and watched the sunset together until it had fully disappeared from the horizon. Once night fell the two left the roof, but not before saying:

"I love you, Shelly."

"I love you too, Michael."