"So, let me get this straight. You, the hero of Inkopolis, don't know what a Turf War is?"

The baffled horseshoe crab looked up to the teen standing before him, who didn't seem to be fully aware of what was wrong.

"No, I just-, look, Sheldon, I know what a Turf War is. You go around this arena and spray your color of ink everywhere, the team with the most area covered wins. Alright? I got that down. My problem is that I don't exactly, well, know how to play correctly. I want to get into the whole Turf War scene but I've been so deep into the whole war with the Octarians thing for, like, a year. So I don't really know anything about it. Like, is there a certain strategy you're supposed to employ? What do I do if a bomb comes my way? What are the best weapons to use? Chargers? Sloshers? Rollers? I just don't really know if there's anything I can-"

The boy cut himself off when he discovered that Sheldon had fallen asleep while he was talking. He gave Sheldon a little shake on the shoulder to jolt him back into consciousness.

"Huh? W-What were we talking about?"

"I'm beginning to think that you were the wrong person to talk to about this."

He began to turn to leave the store when Sheldon grabbed his arm to keep him in place.

"Now look here Mr. Michael, I may not be the most well-versed in the whole thing with 'battle strategies' and the like, but I'm the only one here who sells weapons, and something is telling me that you only have that Splattershot you used against the Octarians."

"Um…" An awkward silence loomed over the two.

"You don't even have that?" Sheldon asked dryly.

"Captain Cuttlefish said it was only temporary, and I never told him I didn't have any other weapons!"

Sheldon put his hand to his face and shook his head while groaning.

"Okay. Look, I have a lot of regular Splattershots that I give to the new guys. Going off of what I saw they should be pretty similar to the one you used. They're in the storage room back there. There's a training facility where you can go test it out if you want."

"Aw, man, thanks Sheldon! You're the best!"

Michael excitedly went into the designated room to get his weapon.

"That kid's got a long way to go."