AN: sorry for the late update but I have been busy... Sadly this story has come to an end. Thamks everyone for your reviews.


Arai and Sam had a talk just before the Masters family could leave amity park. "You have powers. Thats why you can love him."stated sam. Arai shook her head, "I know what you're doing. You're trying to find a reason why couldn't accept Danny. I dont just love him because I understand what its like to be different Sam, I love him because hes different. He changed me and I don't think you understand how he did that." Sam tried to smile, "I thought I loved Danny Arai, but things just changed. I still want him to be happy though. Take care of him." Arai shook her hand and promised she would.

Sam and Tucker got married eventually. Danny even came for the wedding. He was happy for his friends and Paulina was quiet upset to find that the heir to the Masters fortune had brought along his pregnant wife to the wedding.

Arai and Danny spent a lot of time coming to grips with what happened in amity park. He phoned Jazz and told her about Maddie but all the older girl had to say was, "I expected this to happen. I'm sorry you had to see it." Madeline Fenton was buried in the amity park graveyard. The offical report was that she died in a lab accident while her husband and daughter went to visit relatives. Danny saw no reason to let the town know that she went nuts. In their grief the Fenton family moved away and no one ever heard from them again.

Jasmine Fenton married a doctor when she was 25 years old. She was also one of the best psychologists in Europe. They had 2 children a boy and a girl. It was common knowledge that the Masters family had gotten her, a position in a high up hospital however she worked hard and she did a brilliant job. She named her son after her brother Daniel and her daughter was named Violet. She lived a happy life with her husband.

Jack Fenton stopped hunting ghosts and opened up his own gargage, where he fixed cars. He never re married but he spent plenty of time with his grandchildren and his daughters family. He was also good friends with Dan Masters. They were seen playing with Jazz's children many times.

Dan Masters married Arai winter when she was 26 years old. He took over his fathers business when he was 22 years old and he had 3 children. Two boys and a girl.

Dani Masters married Michael Malfoy. The younger brother of Adam who never touched a drug again. He loves his sister in law now, he also apologised to Danny for the way he had treated him and spent most of his time trying to be a better person. He went into business with Danny where he met his wife.

Vlad masters never married either but his family painting has a son, daughter in law and four grandchildren. He had never been happier.


If there are any other spelling erros then I fucking give up. I loved this story, it was my first fanfiction, I just had to edit it. Thanks for reading...