Time for another chapter!

My friend and I have to make a video game for an English class project in just two weeks...

so I may not be able to update again until sometime near the end of May. Sorry...

Anyways, I left some hints last time about a character coming into the story. It's (insert drumroll)...

Kenjirou Tateyama!

Kido's phone vibrated.

She was waiting to speak with Momo's manager, who was already speaking to someone else.

Kido didn't really care who it was. She just wanted to sort out Momo's problem.

"Hey! Kido, you've got to help me."

The girl in the iPod hoodie thought she heard a familiar voice through her earbuds.

The voice of an eighteen-year-old Hiki-NEET.

"Shintaro. Please call back later."

"Kido! I'm not calling! I'm IN YOUR PHONE."

Kido pulled her phone out of her pocket.

Inside her screen, Shintaro stared at the leader of the Mekakushi-dan.

"Whoa. I didn't expect..."

Kido sent one of her signature glares at the Cyber-Hiki-NEET.

"Is it that funny that I have your sister's ability? I didn't expect you to be in my phone either, so..."

Shintaro suppressed his laughter.

Kido draws people's eyes now? That's definitely a change.

"Oh, sorry, Kido. Why are you at Momo's manager's place?"


"Becoming an idol? Come on. We've never even heard you sing. And I don't think acting's your thing, either..."

Kido had to remind herself not to crush her phone.

"I was going to say that I'm here to ask her manager to postpone the concert! I've already been to five different offices!"

"Five of them? No one knows where he is, huh?"

At this point, a tall man walked past the girl talking to the guy in a phone.

"Come on in, there! Waiting a long time?"

The man clicked a key into the door and swung it open carelessly.

"Yes, sir. Are you Momo Kisaragi's..."

Kido took another look at the man she knew all too well.

"K-Kenjirou?! Why are you here?!"

Kido punched Kenjirou in the arm before she realized what she was doing.

"Tsubomi-chan, I'm not Shuuya! You don't need to hurt me like thaaaatttt..."


Kenjirou adjusted his glasses.

"Actually, I'm filling in for the manager! So what's bothering you, Tsubomi?"

Seto carried the petrified people to the customer service desk.

They weighed much more than 130 apples.

"Hey! I've come to return your employees!"

The customer service worker glanced briefly at Seto carrying the bodies.

He laughed.

"I don't know what's going on! Why're you laughing! 'S not that funny!"

The black-haired customer service guy laughed again.

Seto tried to search for any distinguishing feature of the worker.

I've heard him before! That laugh... where did I hear it last?

"Ah, Kousuke Seto... they look petrified! Do you know what I'm thinking?"

"Not sure I do, really."

Seto tried to find the creepy guy's thoughts.

The guy reached toward Seto's neck.

I'm sure I've felt that hand on my neck before...

The customer service worker brushed a fly off of Seto's neck.

"Huh? T-thanks?"

The guy turned away.

"If I'm stuck working customer service, I'd better do my job, right?

He seemed to be slightly bitter about this.

"'S not your... favorite job, huh?"

Golden eyes shot a mean look at Seto. Somehow, the man wasn't petrified.

"I thought the Queen petrified people? Don't you read minds?"

"How'd you know? Wait... I know you!"

Sorry it's shorter. I promise the next one will be longer!

Can you guys guess who the customer service guy is?