The red aura danced between his fingers as it began to envelop his entire hand, like a spreading flame, only one that couldn't harm him.

The red suited his hair - a match, and in a way also suited his eyes. A beautiful shade of amber that granted him a more intimidating appearance in the eyes of anyone who dared cross his path.

Mikoto somewhat enjoyed it, however, despite living in constant paranoia and even fear that he would one day lose control of his powers and burn the ones around him to ash. But it did give him power. Enough power to protect himself, and even his Clansmen. The power he needed to deal with the threats to the ones he loved.

He sat back in his seat, dipping back his head with a lit cigarette between his lips as he gazed up at the ceiling, and clenched his fist to rid it of the flame.

Red aura was not easy to control - never had been. He had heard Munakata and the Gold King, on several occasions, refer to it as the red of violence.

"Suits a barbaric man such as yourself, Suoh." Had also been said, but he never paid much attention to it. Didn't care, really.

Munakata had always been like that; he had always claimed that he despised him, had always claimed that the very thought of breathing the same air as the Red King was toxic to him.

Mikoto simply didn't understand him at all. Despite these claims, he always noted a hint of worry in the Blue King's gaze whenever the topic of his Weismann level's were brought up, the condition of his Sword of Damocles. Hell, the guy had even given him several options as to how to deal with it without the unnecessary death.

'Unnecessary' was how Munakata would word it. 'Necessary' was what Mikoto believed.

Tatara was gone, and it was only right that something was to be done about the man who had murdered him. Mikoto wouldn't last much longer at this rate, regardless. It would just be easier to get it over and done with before it was too late. If he hesitated, if he stopped, then his chance to avenge his clansman, his friend, would slip from his grasp and disappear before he could even make a move to stop it.

He forced the thoughts to the back of his mind and finally lifted his head, returning to reality.

The bar was quiet. Business was slow, and as he glanced around the room, he noticed that most of his clansmen had already left. How long had he been dwelling on his thoughts?

Izumo, of course, was still behind his bar, and Anna was sat on one of the stools, sipping quietly at a glass of juice through a straw. He watched as Yata talked animatedly with Rikio at one of the tables, and allowed a small sigh to escape his lips.

He leaned forward, taking the cigarette from between his lips and putting it out on the ashtray on the table in front of him, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he pushed himself to his feet with a huff, and he noticed Izumo's head turn to look at him out of the corner of his eye.

Before the bartender could ask, the Red King cut him off, stepping towards the door without looking back.

"I'm going out."

If they could relax at a time like this, he supposed a few hours to himself wouldn't do any harm.

Although he could've just had a drink back at HOMRA, Mikoto wanted a change of scenery, and instead had headed to a different bar that was in the area. Nothing too fancy, yet somewhere that wouldn't be swarmed with drunk, often violent men he was too exhausted to deal with right now.

He pushed the door open, and was about to head over to the bar when his eyes caught something- no, someone, of interest.

They narrowed. His back was towards him, but Mikoto recognized the hair and posture as he looked the Blue King up and down. Of course he would be here.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you here to have a drink, Suoh?" Munakata spoke, without turning to look at him.

Mikoto grunted in response, and sauntered to the bar, taking a seat next to the Blue King, despite being well aware that they were enemies. However, Munakata wasn't wearing his uniform - instead something surprisingly casual - so Mikoto wanted to know how far he could push his luck.

He glanced to Munakata, who returned the glance and smirked at him ever so slightly, before his gaze and attention returned to the glass of red wine in his hands.

"What can I get you, sir?" The bartender asked, giving him a polite smile. Mikoto didn't meet his gaze.

"Any kind of beer you have, I guess..." He mumbled with a dismissive shrug. He didn't particularly care for alcohol, as long as he got a drink.

The bartender hesitated, and Mikoto could only guess he was initially surprised by his request, but he soon heard a "Of course, sir." before the man turned to make him a drink. That was when the redhead finally realized Munakata was, in fact, smirking again.

"Somethin' funny?" He growled.

"Your lack of disinterest is rather amusing, I must admit. Why come here when instead you could have stayed with your clansmen?" Munakata was quick to reply, and as he spoke, he noticed his cheeks were tinted red from the alcohol. Mikoto was curious to know how much the other man had drank before he had arrived. "You all practically live in a bar, afterall."

"Maybe I wanted to see my favourite King." Mikoto's tone dripped with sarcasm, and he nodded in gratitude to the bartender when his beer was set down in front of him.

"I'm flattered." Munakata shot back, and despite the intoxication of alcohol Mikoto was sure about at this point, he didn't sound nor look entirely convinced.

Their discussion dropped after that, the two of them sipping at their drinks in silence. They did exchange glances, but Mikoto didn't speak. What was there even to talk about, now that they had met at a place like this? It may have been outside of work, away from their clansmen, but the fact that they were enemies still stood.

"...Suoh." Munakata was the one to break the silence, and Mikoto didn't know whether to feel relieved or irritated. "Are you still going to..?"

There was always that to talk about, of course.

"Yeah." Was all he could say. He did detect a hint of.. Sadness, in both Munakata's expression and tone, and it made him falter.

He couldn't tell if that sadness was genuine, or Munakata had had too much to drink.

"Why, you gonna try and tell me not to again?" Mikoto continued, wanting to keep up the conversation now, despite the topic not being very pleasant.

"...No." Munakata sighed, and Mikoto finally looked at him. Properly. Not a glance out of the corner of his eye. No, he looked at Munakata, and he actually found himself taken aback. "I'm going to respect your choice, Suoh. I realize now that nothing I say will change your mind."

"...You really are drunk. This isn't like you." Mikoto stated, and he allowed a small smile to tug at his lips. "I think that's enough for one night, Munakata."

"For once, you aren't spurting absolute stupidity from your mouth." Munakata chuckled, and placed his now empty glass at the bar, reaching into his pocket to pull out his wallet and set some money down beside it.

Mikoto watched him, and he couldn't help but chuckle himself. He looked back at his own glass, finding it empty. Probably best to leave it there, too, despite it only being one glass. He went to pull out his his own money, but Munakata stopped him.

"What I put down should be enough for the two of us." He stated, and Mikoto couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"...You want somethin' from me? You're being awfully generous." Mikoto was suspicious now - it certainly did seem like the Blue King wanted something.. Or, again, it was the alcohol. Maybe both.

Munakata ignored his question altogether, turning towards the door, but he paused, and Mikoto was about to ask again.

"Come outside." He heard, and then Munakata kept walking.

Mikoto was wary, and thought it over before he even moved towards the door. There was no way the Blue would attack him in such a place at this time, so he doubted it was a trick.. But his mind couldn't come up with any other possible reasons. Time to find out.

He followed him, and once he was past the doors and out in the fresh air, he looked around briefly for Munakata, who had walked down the pavement to the right so he was out of sight to anyone still in the bar. And he had his back to him again.

Mikoto was cautious as he approached, his footsteps echoing in the silence of the street. Munakata's behaviour was awfully peculiar... Yet, he was drawn to it. He was curious. Incredibly curious.

He heard Munakata take a deep breath.

"..As it is likely the next time we meet will not be in the best of conditions..." He began, and Mikoto watched him as he trailed off for just a moment. Despite his impatient nature.. He was willing to wait for Munakata to find his words. "...I'd like to give you a parting gift."

Mikoto opened his mouth to ask, when Munakata finally turned to face him, and stepped forward. He felt hands on his shoulders, gripping at his jacket, and not even moments later, the feeling of lips on his own. The kiss was brief, and Munakata soon pulled away from him.

Mikoto had to take a minute to register what had happened, and kept his eyes fixed on Munakata as the Blue King pulled his hands away and stepped back, turning on his heel abruptly to leave without another word.

Despite his shock, Mikoto didn't want him to go, and without even thinking about what he was doing, he reached forward and grabbed Munakata's wrist before it was too far out of his reach, and pulled him back.

He turned him around, and made their lips connect again, this time, for much longer, and it was surprisingly tender considering they were enemies, as they both- no, as Munakata claimed.

And for the first time since Tatara was murdered, he reconsidered.