New story! I'm so excited to write this! Please review and enjoy!

"Alright, you guys know Sirius and Remus, but this is Lily and James, my parents," Harry said with a huge smile on his face.

Ginny, Hermione, and Ron got up to meet Harry's parents and hug Sirius and Remus. Harry soon joined them.

"Who is-" Sirius started, before he was interrupted by another person showing up.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy," Harry said.

"Where am I?"

"Long story."

They explained what had happened and the events of the first musical.

"Now, I know you guys have a sort of feud," Harry said, referring to Snape and Sirius and James, "Can you just put that to rest?"

"Harry, that is not possible for us," Sirius said.

"It is. Draco and I used to be that way. Now we're kind of friends."

Draco nodded as Harry said this.

"Wait, your friends with him?" Lucius asked his son.

"Yes, as well as Ginny, Ron, and Hermione."

"Your friends with that mudblood?"

Before anyone could begin to shout a him, Hermione was on her feet, across the room, and punching Lucius in the face. Harry, Ron, and Draco burst into laughter.

"Are we missing something?" Remus asked.

Ginny shrugged as Hermione sat back down. Harry stopped laughing first.

"When we were in our third year, Draco was being really rude and acting kind of like that, so Hermione punched him."

"Reminds me of someone," James said looking toward Lily.

"I never punched anyone."

"You got close to it though."

"Okay, so you've explained everything, except, who's that?" Sirius asked pointing to Tom.

"About that..." Harry started, looking a bit nervous.

"What's wrong, Harry?" Remus asked.

"This is Tom Riddle, he used to be Lord Voldemort."

"What?! Harry!" Sirius yelled.

"Harry, you know what he's done," Remus said.

"Yes, I am well aware. He's changed."


"No, Sirius, he's changed. That's the end of it. He spend the whole first musical apologizing for the things he did and once we are done he's making an unbreakable vow to never use unforgivable curses again, to be good, never hurt anyone, no more horcruxes, no more Death Eaters, no more Lord Voldemort."

"Alright..." Sirius said, still a little unsure.

"I'm going to go make us dinner," Harry said.

"Can I help?" Ginny asked.


Harry and Ginny walked into the kitchen together.

"Are you okay?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Well, it's Sirius, and Remus, and your parents."

"I get to see them one more time. I get a proper goodbye. I couldn't be happier."


They began to make some homemade pizzas. Ginny leaned over and kissed Harry.

"And now I'm even happier."


Meanwhile, back in the living room,

"So you two are Harry's best friends?" Lily asked Ron and Hermione.

"Yeah," Ron said.

"How did you guys become friends?"

"Well I met Harry on the train to Hogwarts," Ron said.

"And I also on the train, but we didn't really become friends until a troll attacked me in the bathroom and Harry and Ron came and fought it off for me."

"A troll? When was this?" James asked.

"First year," Ron responded.

James laughed, "Oh wow."

Harry and Ginny walked back in the room.

"Food?" Ron asked.

"It's in the oven," Harry said.

"So Harry, do you have a girlfriend?" James asked.


James raised his eyebrows. Harry put his arm around Ginny.

"Since when?" Sirius asked.

"Well, we dated in sixth year and we broke up at the end of the year because I didn't want her relationship with me to put her in danger. Now that isn't a problem, so we are back together."

"So you broke up to keep her safe?" James asked.

Harry nodded.

"Harry does stuff like that a lot. Whenever he had to do something dangerous, he would try and convince Hermione and I not to come with him, that he could do it alone. He didn't want to put us a risk. He always put us first and never stopped trying to keep us safe."

James and Lily smiled.

"Alright, one more question. This is the most important thing. Do you play Quidditch?"

"I made seeker my first year and in sixth year I was captain."

"First year? That's impossible."

"It's a long story, but basically a teacher saw me flying and put me on the team."


The timer went off on the oven. Harry went in the kitchen and got the pizzas out.

"It's ready," He called out to everyone else.

They came in the kitchen and ate the pizza.

"Wow Harry, this is amazing," Lily told him.


"So tell me about living with my sister."

The room went silent as everyone present for the first musical looked at Harry. Ginny reached over and held his hand.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked.

"It's just that the musical revealed to everyone that for the eleven years of my life I slept in the cupboard under the stairs. It was my job to cook and clean and stay hidden whenever guests came over."

"They made you sleep under the stairs?" James asked.

Harry nodded.

"After I came back from Hogwarts, they were so afraid I would use magic on them, that they gave me my own room."

"Oh, Harry," Lily started.

"I do have a funny story though. Sort of funny anyway."


By this point everyone had finished eating.

"Well, it was right before my third year and Aunt Marge, Vernon's sister, came to visit. On one of the last nights of her visit, she was talking about you two, being really rude. She said you were a drunk," Harry said to his dad, "And I got really angry and she started to blow up like a balloon. She started to float away. I really enjoyed it."

"You blew up your aunt?" James asked.

"Pretty much."


"Who would like to start the next musical?" Ginny asked.

Everyone agreed and they moved back into the living room, where there was another couch and a chair for Lucius.

"Alright Mr. Malfoy, if you are going to stay, then you can't be rude to Hermione, Ron, Ginny, or anyone else here," Harry warned.


"Alright then, Dumbledore will you start the next musical?"

Dumbledore nodded and the next musical began.

Lucius: You're late

Yaxley: Late? What's it matter? Look at this mornings Prophet, "The Boy-Who-Lived Does It Again," "The Dark Lord Dead For Good." I knew it! We backed the wrong side again!

"Hang on, Harry you defeated the Dark Lord?" James asked.

"Yep, for good."

Lucius: Calm yourself Yaxley

Yaxley: All us Death Eaters are going to Azkaban now. No! No, no, no!

Lucius: Do you have what I sent you for or not?

"What was that?"

"Was he dancing?"

Hermione started laughing.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Think about it, in the first musical, Draco kept rolling around everywhere, and look at that man's hair. Isn't it obvious. That's Lucius Malfoy."

Everyone, except Lucius, started laughing.

Yaxley: Yeah I got it (Pulls out pouch) I had to break into the Ministry for it, but I got it

Lucius: Excellent

Yaxley: And you should see the Ministry. The Dark Lord not dead for more than a day, and they've already got the wizard cops out after us

"Wizard cops?" Draco asked.

"Aurors I guess," Hermione said.

Lucius: Damn those wizard cops! Well, none of that matters anymore, for as long as we have this

Yaxley: Who do you think you are? We don't stand a chance against the wizard cops. Not even you Lucius Malfoy

"Nice Hermione."

"Thank you Harry."

Not Over Yet

Lucius: Don't ever tell me what I can't do. I'd watch my tongue if I were you, for all we know, You-Know-Who could be watching us

"He's dead," Draco pointed out.

"No, at the end of the last musical, he went back to Quirrel," Hermione said.

"Yeah, but the Death Eaters don't know that."

Yaxley: (Spoken) He can't be, he's dead!

"Not a word anyone."

Lucius: That never stopped our plans before. You have no idea what I have in store. You really think you'd be at my door if we had nothing to discuss? He may be gone but that is just as well. Come inside and don't you fret, for it's not over yet

"I have a bad feeling about this," Harry said.

"I really hope this isn't about future events," Ron said.

Harry nodded.

Death Eaters: Evil plans, we are making evil plans. Evil deeds with evil hands, we are making evil plans

Death Eater 1: Lucius Malfoy, why have you called us here?

Death Eater 2: What do we do Lucius?

Death Eater 3: There is nothing to do, the Dark Lord is dead, Harry Potter wins, end of story

Lucius: Yes, I know, I know. He marries Ginny, they live happily ever after.

Everyone turned to look at Harry and Ginny. Ron raised his eyebrows. Ginny blushed and put her face on Harry's shoulder, hiding from everyone.

"I guess if she has to marry someone, I'm glad it's you," Ron said.

"Thanks, I think."

"As long as I'm your best man."

Harry nodded.


Harry put her arm around Ginny and she turned so her head was just resting on his shoulder. Harry's parents smiled and then turned back to the screen.

"What, so we aren't even going to make fun of him?" Sirius asked.

"No," James said.

"Your no fun anymore," Sirius joked.

James just chuckled.

There is literally no way to move forward from this point

Yaxley: Then why are we all here?

Lucius: I was just getting to that. Harry potter, we're in this sorry state because of him and to think of all the chances we had to destroy him. Why, if we had destroyed him at his first year at Hogwarts, we'd be ruling the world right now!

"That's debatable," Harry said.

"There's too many things to factor in to really figure that out," Hermione said.

Death Eater 1: Yes Lucius, no one is arguing that

Death Eater 2: What does it matter? We can't change the past

"Oh no."

"I'm right there with you Hermione," Harry said.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Just wait and see."

Lucius: Oh? (Singing) I know it seems impossible we've been thrown off our track but if we can't move forward why shouldn't we move back?

"At least it's not about the future," Ginny offered.


"Plus, in reality, you can travel back that far with a time turner," Hermione said.

"Yes, but this means they are probably going to use real events," Harry said.

"Maybe it won't be that bad."


Friends and companions of evil and sin, think not of loss but a new way to win! For what is a present without a beginning to start it all?

Yaxley: Go on

"Are they going to go back to what would be my first year according to the musicals?"

"I think so," Tom said.


Lucius: There is a boy that everyone knows the plan is simple, I propose that we choke the weed before it grows up and ends it all. Do you follow me?

Death Eater 1: No

"Wow, they aren't that smart."

"Which is weird because in the first musical, they seemed intelligent."

Lucius: The Dark Lord would have survived had they never met…

Death Eater 2: Wait, wait, wait, wait, so you're saying he wouldn't be destroyed?

"They really aren't getting this," Remus said.

"Yeah, well what do you expect?" Sirius asked.

"Not this."

Lucius: He'd be alive, what don't you get

Death Eater 3: Still not understanding…

Lucius: With Potter gone, the future will be set!

Death Eaters: Oh!

"Finally!" Ron yelled.

"Calm down Ron," Harry said.


Lucius: So it's not over yet

Death Eaters: Evil plans, what a brilliant evil plan! Malfoy you're an evil man. We love making evil plans

"What are they doing?" James asked.

"I don't know, but it's kind of funny," Harry said.

"It's not funny!" Lucius said.

"It's even more funny now that you don't think it's funny," Ron said.

"I wouldn't say anything if I were you," Hermione said.

Everyone laughed at the look on his face.

Lucius: (Speaking) So it is decided, we shall use this time turner to go back in time to Harry Potter's first year at Hogwarts. We'll destroy him before he ever gets the chance to destroy us. My friends, I think were going back. Who's with me?

Death Eaters: Yeah!

Everyone: Our history is nothing more than what the losers settle for

Lucius: So look alive and don't forget that it's not over

Everyone: It's not over. It's. Not. O. Ver. Yet! (Everyone laughs evilly)

"Well that was weird," Ginny said.

"Agreed," Harry said.

"Next scene?"

"Wait guys, this one isn't over yet," Hermione said.

Train assistant: Platform 9, Platform 10, nothing in between

Harry: Can somebody tell me how to get to Platform Nine and Three Quarters?

James, Lily, Remus, and Sirius started laughing.

"Harry, is that supposed to be you?" Sirius asked.


"Next scene now?" Ginny asked.

"Yes," Harry said.

And as the next scene started, even though Lily had stopped, the three marauders were still laughing.