The frog youkai swallowed at the sight of the inuyoukai. Although, he could sense no youki from him, the cold gleam in the beautiful inuyoukai's eyes had him stumbling, and taking a step back, as fear gripped his throat.

It was the way that creature was looking at him, the violent bloodlust that was reflected in those amber eyes with flecks of gold. He held no weapon in his hand, his hands were folded within the sleeves of his haroi. But he stood in front of the human girl.

And then he smiled.

The way his lips curved was a beautiful sight, but it promised endless screams of pain. Inuyoukai were as deadly as they were beautiful. They thrived on pain and pleasure.

As Kagome breathed in relief at the sight of Touga in front of her, protecting her, her relief vanished when her reiki strained against her. Her powers writhed inside of her, agitated. She gasped at the pain as she could not control them.

Falling onto her knees, she bowed over, arms going protectively around her midriff.

It burned.

Oh, Kami, IT BURNED!

As she collapsed on her side, she felt the rustle of silk, as the inuyoukai turned to look at her. Something inside her froze in fear as she witnessed the look in his eyes. Gone was the amused exasperation she witnessed in his eyes just this morning. Gone was the gentle firmness that had been present there when he had chastised Inuyasha and her. There was not a hint of humanity in those gorgeous eyes.

Just a promise of excruciating pain that would destroy a person in more ways than just the physical. A steely glint that was laced with sadistic intent. The malice that shone in them, showed no softening as they turned to her

The screams that she could hear were getting louder and louder, and a dazed part of her wondered where they were coming from. When she saw his face close in on her, the fear that sparked within her soul made the dagger at her side pulse in warning.


It identified a threat to her.

Inside her head.

The screams were inside her head.

Her soul writhed in its confines of this youkai's bond. It had not recognized the bloodthirstiness of his very nature and her gentle soul wept and trembled in fear of the wicked darkness that surrounded it, that wanted to claim her.


The shout that bounced off the stone walls went unheard as Kagome found her gaze transfixed to that of the cold figure of that stood in front of her.

The red haroi that broke into her vision made her release the breath she was holding and she felt familiar arms gather her up.

There was some murmuring, shouting, but the terror that had clouded her mind was such that she could no longer handle it, and she gave into blissful darkness.

Touga watched the young miko as she lay curled up at his son's side. He had tried to approach her unconscious form but the dagger that he had given her for her protection had flared in warning.

His own youki rejected him.


He knew why. A part of him knew why but he refused to acknowledge it.

He had bonded with a miko. He had laid claim to the pure soul of a miko. And in his haste and eagerness, he had forgotten that there was a reason that miko and youkai were unable to live together in harmony. Youkai souls were full of violence and death and darkness, whilst miko were gentle souls, who abhorred darkness.

His back was against the tree, as his top knot flirted with the gentle breeze, sharp amber eyes fixed on the unmoving form of his intended. Maybe his decision had not all been in the heat of the moment. Whilst natural enemies, the darkness that resided within the youkai craved the light that pulsed within the soul of mikos.

Not every miko, though.

Despite being holy beings, they were humans, and thus were not susceptible to the taint of evil. But his miko, the female that had been brought to him from across time, had one of the purest souls he had ever come across. He wanted to taint it with the darkness that defined him.

It was the way if the youkai.

The light that was Kagome was like a balm to the darkness that resided within him. He wanted that light, craved it. As he watched the innocent young woman sleep, her reiki in turmoil, he did not bother to hide the lust in his eyes. He wanted to corrupt her, teach her innocent body how to crave both pleasure and pain.

Because that was what it meant to be the mate of a youkai.

It was a pity she was so young. Remorse lit his eyes for a second before it vanished. He had not meant to cause her pain. But then he had also not expected her to react that way to his darkness.

He had destroyed the frog youkai, had wanted to take the time out to give him a slow death and watch him writhe in his blood and guts, and beg for mercy, but Kagome's reaction had him on edge.

She had clung to his younger son in desperation. The humanity that made Inuyasha part of what he was, she had taken comfort in that.

He had not attempted to remove her from Inuyasha's side after that one attempt. Let her find her comfort in the temporary presence of his son. In the end, however, she would taste his darkness.

And grow addicted to it.

The thought pleased him, and settled his beast which was not a little hurt at the blatant rejection from its female.


His hanyou son glanced at him, warily, "What do you want, old man?"

"Protect Kagome. I have something to attend to."

Inuyasha growled, "I don't need you telling me to protect the wench! She's my-"

Touga had already started walking, but stopped at his words, glancing over shoulder to meet that angry amber gaze. His eyes were cold and sang with violence, "She's your nothing, Inuyasha. Kagome belongs to me. Do not get too attached to my female, son."

Inuyasha closed his mouth with a snap, feeling his instincts quiver with the demand of submission. Not wanting to give in, he turned his head to the side, breaking the eye contact.

That was enough for his father, who walked on.

Touga had not gone much further, when he stopped suddenly, and then murmured, "Seshomaru."

It was an order, the command in his tone obvious to his elder son.


Seshomaru was not pleased to have his presence detected by his father but he did not want to his sire to see his annoyance.

"You will guard your brother and my intended."

At this, Seshomaru clearly bristled with the insult, "I am not part of your pack, Father. You do not-"

"Inuyasha is still too young to fully comprehend my strength. But you are not," Touga looked at him. It was a quiet look, one that held strength and power. It was the look of a General, and his son gritted his teeth to maintain the balance, not wanting to submit.

"You have come into power of your own. If you disobey, I have no qualms about disciplining you."

The anger that flowed from his oldest son was ignored and Touga started walking, throwing over his shoulder, warningly, "Watch over the pack in my absence, Seshomaru. Or I will not be pleased."

Seething, Seshomaru watched his father blend gracefully into the shadows and then felt more than saw the orb of light that flew into the sky.

"Oh my! Lord Seshomaru! Are you really going to let your father talk to you that way?!"

Jaken's voice broke the heavy silence in the clearing and Seshomaru straightened, feeling vaguely annoyed at being treated like a pup.

"Granted you're no match for the Inu no Taisho, but to have him degrade you like –"

A stone hit Jaken smack in the forehead, making him fall over.

Keeling from the blow, the kappi youkai moaned in pain and then looked up to watch his Master walk away. Jumping onto this feet, he rushed after him, only for Seshomaru to say, "Jaken."

He froze, not knowing what he had done wrong now.

"Follow my father. Find out where he is going."

"Y-yes, M-"

"And if you fail-" The threatening look that he threw at his retainer had the smaller youkai tremble in fear. "-I will have to kill you."

"N-no, Lord Seshomaru. I mean, yes, Lord Seshomaru! Right away, Lord Seshomaru!"


His retainer ran.

Once Jaken had left, Seshomaru released a low growl. It was full of insult and loathing. He had outgrown his father years ago. And now, his father presumed him to be part of his pack. Furious at being reduced to Beta, he felt his beast snarl, demanding blood for the insult to his status as a daiyoukai.

Wrapping his aura tightly around himself, he leapt into the trees and moved so fast that he would have been a white blur had anyone been watching. He stopped right on top of the camp site where his half brother sat on guard and the human miko lay.

Seshomaru felt his eyes bleed red as he considered incurring his father's wrath. Maybe it was time to dispatch the bastard to Hell. His eyes bled red, as he smiled, releasing the hold he had over his aura.

It was to Inuyasha's credit that he recognized the danger before it had even hit. The piece of ground where he had been sitting on was charred beyond recognition.

A bleary Kagome was in his arms as he glared up into the tree, "What the fuck, you bastard?!"

He eyed Seshomaru, angrily as he felt Kagome jolt to awareness. He scented her surprise at seeing Seshomaru and both brothers were taken aback at the refreshed cheer in her voice, "Hello, Seshomaru!"

The daiyoukai eyed the human female with wariness. He had expected fear, maybe shock, but not a complete disregard for the situation at hand.

He cocked his head, his beautiful bangs flowing with the movement, "Humans are rather odd creatures."

He sniffed, "So beneath us."

He moved so fast that all Inusyasha saw was the blur before he was thrown into the trees. The loud crashing sound as the tree broke in two with brunt of the force with which Seshomaru had thrown his brother, had Kagome wincing, and then glancing at the beautiful inuyoukai with a newfound wariness.

Her eyes darted towards her bow and arrows and saw dismayed echoed through her when she saw them lying way out of her reach.

"You're looking in the wrong direction, human." A silky voice murmured in her ear. He was right in front of her, his curious eyes dissecting her form.

He towered over her, and Inuyasha noted that his face was more feminine, more beautiful than the rugged wildness that was stamped on her hanyou friend's face. His eyes were stunningly golden, a sharp mesmerising colour.

Her eye twitched as the first wave of fear assaulted her, "C-Can I help you, Seshomaru?"

There was no sound from where Inuyasha had been thrown and for a heartbeat Kagome feared the worst. But then her attention was brought back to her own situation.

He was still standing there, studying her like one would an insect, "What makes you so special that my father wants you as his mate?"

Kagome's hand twitched with annoyance as he continued, "All I see is a useless miko, who can't even defend herself."

Oh yeah, he was definitely related to Inuyasha.

The daiyoukai was momentarily surprised to scent that her fear had dissipated, only to be replaced by anger. A small smirk played on his lips. Just like his hot headed half brother. So easily agitated.

He hadn't forgotten the fact that she had raised Tessaiga at him.

"I do wonder," He said, loudly for his brother's benefit who was now groaning with pain, "What will happen if I were to kill the human?"

Kagome glared at him, "What makes you think I can't purify you?"

Seshomaru leaned his face close to hers till there was only a centimetre's space between them, "Let's test that, shall we?"

His hand too, had those pretty stripes, Kagome thought vaguely, as she saw him raise his hand towards her and murmur, "Be annihilated by my Dokkasou."

The enraged howl from behind them had Seshomaru smiling a beatific smile as green posion emerged from his claws and Kagome closed her eyes, trying to call onto her miko powers and failing.

Damn it! Where was Touga?!

She felt, rather than saw the barrier emerge around her, even as the posion surrounded her, aiming to destroy her. The dagger that hung in the belt of her jeans pulsed and her miko powers tuned itself to the youki that poured from Touga's dagger.

She could hear the muffled exchange of words, Seshomaru taunting Inuyasha. But she tore her focus away from them and towards the situation at hand. Anger flowed through her, and that anger fed her miko powers that were pouring out of her.

She had always been an impulsive child, hot tempered but logical. But right now, her temper was getting the best of her.

She had no plans to die just yet. As she felt the poison try to break through her body, that was the moment she really lost it.

"Why are you so upset, Inuyasha?" Seshomaru. "There was nothing special about her. Just an ordinary girl."

He shrugged, "How dull."

Inuyasha felt a tearing pain at Kagome's loss and snarled at his half brother, "The old man will kill you!"

And him. He would also kill him for failing to protect Kagome.

Seshomaru glanced at him, "Well, then, he should not have asked me to watch over you two. The nerve, expecting me to watch over a half breed and a human girl."

He seemed almost disgusted.

Inuyasha felt his blood boil at the callous way Seshomaru was treating Kagome's death, like she had just been a minor inconvenience.

He rushed towards the vaguely disappointed looking inuyoukai, who just exuded annoyance now and had raised his hand, "Shut up. I'll melt you too, bastard."

However, Inuyasha's anger was at the tipping point, and Seshomaru found himself on the defensive, avoiding Inuyasha's attack. The crack in his armor infuriated him, but he kept up that scornful demeanour.

A hand grabbed his ankle, making him frown and look down at the ground.

He barely had time to register the face of the hand's owner before purifying energy coursed through his body and he was forced to shake himself free of the grip and leap away.

The pain of the burn radiated through him and he narrowed his eyes as he saw the human girl, he had just supposedly killed, emerge from the poison barrier. Her eyes, however, made him stand still.

They were pink, similar to the color of her reiki which was pouring from her fingers.

The girl pushed herself out of his barrier and straightened.

She ignored Inuyasha's hushed whisper of her name and turned to look at him.

Seshomaru could feel her anger pouring off of her in waves.

"You bastard! You tried to kill me!"

Well, so the wench had the temperament of an Inu bitch.

Meanwhile, Touga stood by the ancient well. The clearing was devoid of any youkai, animal or human, and for a few seconds, he stood there, watching the blades of grass sway with the midnight breeze. It was peaceful, quiet.

His finger touched the rim of the well, and he said clearly, "I wish to speak to the guardian of this ancient magic."

He hadn't immediately expected the being that guarded the well, to actually show up so instantly.

But a musical voice flowed to his ears, "Well, Inu no Taisho, your mate has been returned to you. Why do you seek me?"

The being, because that was all Touga could call it, sat on the edge of the well, one leg dangling on the side, the other raised to the chest. It's arm rested on the upraised knee as it studied him.

But there was no face.

This guardian was simply power, pure power.

He did not lose his composure, but tilted his head in a respectful bow. "Kagome is a miko. Her soul is too pure. How do you expect her to mate with one whose soul carries so much darkness?"

The tinkling laughter, and he felt the being's amusement, "Your mate is light. Her soul had been nurtured just so that she can be yours, little pup."

Touga bristled at the nickname, but kept his silence. That amused the sentient being even more.

"She rejects me."

"Then tame her soul."

A whisper of his name on the wind had him frowning and looking in the direction of where he had left his intended.

"Your mate has housed the Shikon no Tama in her body for centuries. Her soul is no stranger to the darkness of the youki, your darkness is different."

What did that even mean?

Touga felt his patience wither and his beast became a little frantic, wanting to return to his mate's side.

"Leave, pup."

As Touga immediately departed, he scowled at the utter waste of time this had been. However, as he neared the forest, he felt three auras clashing against each other.

And his eyes turned red when he recognized all three.

A.N: I have a plan.