Smiling to himself Stiles laid back down in his bed and closed his eyes thinking of his werewolf, well hopefully his. He does want Derek to be his as he wants to be Derek Hale's maybe they could get married and he could become Stilinski-Hale? Or Hale-Stilinski or just Stilinski? Or even just Hale? Stiles did not know or did he care all he knew he was with Derek Hale and he lost his virginity to the man.
"Stiles!" He heard his father yell through his door and if he did not answer him his dad would just open his door and walk in.
"Yeah?"Stiles called out he did not want his father to see him right now looking like a love sick fool, not that he could move since he was quite sore in a particular area. If his dad found he was sore there he would be taken to the hospital where he was sure they would find Derek Hale's semen in his ass. That would not go down well with his father nor his alpha Werewolf lover.
"You alright son?" His dad asked and Stiles was almost laughing that he could hear the worried tone that was present in his dad's voice. He loved his dad he really did but sometimes he was a bit too much, but then if Stiles had a kid like clumsy he too would be like that.
"Yeah dad I'm fine thanks for asking." Stiles said to his father he did not want to make him worried about anything so he mostly tries to keep his head down and doesn't always work but he does try. Stiles does not like to make his father worry a lot not with his job.
"Alright I'm leaving now so I'll see you later." Noah Stilinski told his son and only child that he was going to the sheriff's office where he worked. Stiles didn't get into trouble that the cops needed to be called in and Stiles was grateful his father didn't need that when his review came in.
Stiles also getting out of bed he was awake might as well be up for the day, he hoped he would see Derek again today it would give a chance for Stiles to ask the werewolf if they were together or not. He hoped the answer was yes and not no, he would be crushed if the answer was a flat out no. He liked what they did before Stiles passed out he did not know Derek could make him pass out during sex!
Having a quick breakfast as he didn't want to waste time as he was planning to see a certain werewolf before school started, he also took his adderall for his ADHD. Going to his trust Roscoe and hoping he started up which he did. Stiles reversed out of his driveway and went in his way to Derek's, and hoped he was home and not somewhere else that would be embarrassing for the teen.
The drive to Derek's was not that long and Stiles' anxiety got the better of him. What would the magical teen say to the big bad werewolf? I love you? I want you? I want us to be together? I like how you made me pass out in the hood of your car? Even deep in his thoughts Stiles still paid close attention whilst driving his Jeep to where Derek Lived.
Stiles was paying attention to the traffic lights and pedestrians and of course other drivers, he wanted to go to Derek's quickly and right now just to see him. Maybe stiles should play hooky and just be with Derek for the day and who knows maybe a repeat from last night!
As Stiles pulled up to Derek's building he noticed his camaro was still there which was a good thing that meant Derek's as home! Hoping out of the Jeep and making his way to the door knocking on the door which was opened by a sleepy But still very creepy Peter Hale. "Is Derek awake?" Stiles asked the man who step aside to let the boy in, they all smelt the boy on Derek when he returned.
"I'll let him know you're here." Was all that Peter said and left walking in the direction of the bedrooms Stiles wondered what Derek's bedroom was like. Or what he wore to bed? Was just his underwear Stiles pictured the man was boxer briefs type of man or was going all commando in those jeans of his? It was one minute when Peter went to get Derek who walked out with his black boxer briefs on and Stiles' eyes zeroed in on that bulge that was in them.
"Stiles." Derek said, making Stiles' eyes go up to Derek Derek's face which looked like he had just been woken up or Peter had woken him up since he was there. Derek's green eyes were barely opened and Stiles' heart melted at the sight of his alpha and he wanted to do things to his alphas body kissing and licking certain places. Derek's nostril flared as he smelled his mate's arousal. It was too early for his mate to be here aroused. He was too tired from last night and he bet Stiles was too sore to do anything else that Derek might have wanted to do.
"I wanted to talk about last night." Was all that Stiles said as Derek just looked at him why would they need to talk about what happened last night? Did Stiles not like it? It seemed he did at the time but what if he changed his mind about it? "I wanted to know if it makes us in a relationship?" Stiles asked and Derek's fears were laid to rest.
"It's too early for this conversation Stiles come back after school we will discuss it then." Derek replied and Stiels' heart soared that was not a flat out no to him it was let's talk I about when I've not just woken up sort of thing.
"Yeah Sure!" Stiles said brightly and he left Derek to go to his Jeep and drove home to close to things he would need for school but he could not wait for school to be over so he could speak to Derek again.