Jack... A Guardian?
Me: Welcome to chapter 3!... Again!
Jack: *still tied to a chair* I'm sensing a bit of déjà vu right now? *gulps* and it's not the good kind.
Me: Aw, don't be so impulsive, Jack, I can assure that what you are senses are feeling now, is NOT déjà vu... *smiles sweetly and pulls out black cloth* You have not even be gagged yet.
Jack: *frowns* if you do such, I will bit off your finger!
Me: Do such thing I'll have Pitch CUT something VERY valuable as well.
Jack: O_O... You wouldn't.
Me: *holds up cellphone* Try me...
Jack: *thinks for a bit then nods* You win.
Me: I always do Jack.
*Story Continues*
The red sack swirled out the portal and was jotted down harshly on a rug floor; Storm made a yelp by the impact. He felt his heart race in pqnic. Great, first Jack was kidnapped, and now HE was being kidnapped.
By a freggin Guardian... Storm shook his head. Oh how humiliating this would be to Jack.
"Oh, shshsh, he's here! He's here!" a voice, despite the effort to whisper, was heard clearly as a Russian accent. The wolf rolled his eyes.
Was this not freggin great.
Storm maintained his curiosity and kept hidden inside the dark sack, which had sadly been a fail since the seal opened up and Storm was able to see a surprised face of an elf. Storm growled lowly at it, making the tiny worker scurry from view. With his cover now blown, Storm found no reason to hide anymore, and peeked out of the damned sack.
What he saw were four people.
A jolly man stood ahead of the trio in overalls and a red shirt, both uncovered arms revealing two tattoos spelling 'Naughty' and 'Nice'. His white beard reached down to his belly and his eyes shown a blue wonderful mist. This was North, and all Storm knew him for was that he had earned the famous title "Santa Clause." You know- breaking in people's homes like a creep then eating ther delicious sweets, drinking their milk, and let's not forget the presents he leave behind as a "token of his gratitude."
Beside him a was a beautiful color feathered lady or "Toothina". She was the "Toothfairy." The original story has some of her story correct. Yes, she does take children's teeth- and any all Storm knows, only God could tell what the hell she does with them- and she replaces that tooth for a quarter.
And next to her was a small man of golden sand. Now Storm had to admit... "Sanderson " or "Sandy" the "Sandman" was technically the most kinder Guardian and one of the most humble spirits he and Jack, surely, had ever met. There were many encounters him and Jack has had with Sandy, in fact, even though Sandy is just a small chubby Guardian... Hell... Just seeing the Guardian's face actually made Storm not want to rip someone's face off.
And of coarse, Bunny stood a distance, with his focus fully on an unfinished painted egg. He, on the otherhand, was not well like by Storm and Jack. The Australian bastard was too much of a douche when it came to messing with Easter. Storm had a few color words to say to the rabbit on the Blizzard of '68'. That stupid furry monstrosity dare ridicule Storm's pup over something he had no control over?! The memory still pisses Storm off!
Bunny better stay at least ten feet away from Storm unless he did not wish that his fur- shall it be ripped from his body- be the next floor bedding for Storm's puppy's comfort.
"Zhere he eez..." the jolly man said in a welcoming tone which grabbed Storm's attention to him. " North looked down at the sack with open arms, waiting for a white head and it blue eyes t poke out. "Jack-"
A head of white did pop out, but it was not the one North was expecting. His face dropped.
"Frost?..." North finished with confused eyes. Tooth and Sandy were just as confused.
Storm growled lowly and with a huff, the large wolf jumped out and the Guardians (Except Bunny), jumped back with a frightened gasp. If Storm had not been so aggravated, stressed, and pissed off, he would have busted into a fit of laughter, for their expressions were priceless. These Guardians have every damn right to fear me, Storm told himself in dark humor.
After a moment of cautious silence, Tooth swallowed and was the first to speak, yet her wide eyes never left the massive wolf.
"Bunny, what did you, um... Do to Jack?" she asked shakily. Bunny stepped next to her, but stood as far away as he could from the wolf. "That ain't Frost," he countered plainly.
North frowned at him. "Zen vhat eez vith mutt?"
Anyone could just barely see a scowl form on Storm's lips. His misty eyes were narrowed in annoyance, yet no one could tell why. Such incredulous IDIOTS, Storm said to himself. Just saying the word "mutt" reminded him too much about Pitch; the demon that took his pup.
{I can hear you, ya know!}, he snapped. He really did not wish to be here with these morons. How could just them become such a sore eye to Pitch's irritation? Surely, based on what Pitch did back there before he had taken Jack, he seemed obviously powerful and scary. Hell, not even Storm could scare him away! So why is it that Pitch is worried about these soft imbeciles?
Unlike Bunny, the other Guardians could only hear, a low growl coming from the wolf. The three Guardians that could not interpret, looked at the winter wolf with cautioned eyes, as if Storm was about to maul them all.
Storm, to be honest, found the thought very tempting.
Bunny rolled his eyes with groaned. Obviously he could understand. "'E said 'e could hear ya and that 'e doesn't like it... When you call him a mutt, I guess," he exclaimed.
Storm smirked at the Guardian of Hope.
{Guess you have ALOT of experience being called something your not, eh?}
Bunny frowned but uttered nothing.
The three Guardians gazed at Storm then back at Bunny with surprised expressions.
"Vait, so you can understand him, vut ve can't?" North questioned.
Bunny shrugged, ignoring Storm's insulting glare.
"It's an animal thing, but some spirits can understand him as well, Ah guess. Probably only seasonals," he muttered.
Storm lowered his eyes in sudden thought. No... Jack could understand him not only because he was a seasonal...Some spirits that were not even seasonals, such as Pitch, could understand Storm at times and that was when he and Jack were either really pissed, or on their emotional side.
Storm perked up. Maybe it had something to do with the bond he and Jack have... When Storm actually tried to speak his words out, others could understand. All he needed to do was get everyone to hear him out, Storm just needed to take out the emotional touch! Maybe he could use that bond to communicate with the Guardians just as if he were communicating with Jack or like he was cursing Pitch!
"Then where is Jack?" Tooth asked, a hint of worry in her voice. Everyone turned to their furry Guardian.
Bunny rubbed the back of his scruff. "Yeah, about that.. 'E sorta um... Was taken by Pitch, apparently."
Gasps filled the room and before anyone knew it, Tooth's mini fairies fainted to the floor with horror stricken thoughts and Tooth herself zipped crazily like a bullet around the room. Her big pink eyes were wide as terrible images of a boy with white hair and blue eyes sat in a corner crying for help, and being terrorized by shadows. "Oh my God! That poor sweetooth! Pitch, that evil monster, must be torturing him to the fullest!" she spat, then gasped in horror as she realized something and clenched her fists. "And his teeth! If Pitch dares to touch one of his snow white incisors, I will personally knock out his!"
Storm tilted his head in wonder and looked at North.
{Does she always do this?}
"Dah," North replied.
Everyone froze, even the rambling Tooth. Inside, Storm yipped in joy. The Guardians all gazed at each other. Tooth bit her lip.
"I'm sorry... But is it just me, or did else hear what the wolf said?" she asked, the rummage in her mind completely gone.
"And is it jus' me, or are his eyes glowing?" Bunny added with a slight horror to his voice.
He was right.
Storm's once grey eyes took a more white neon.
Storm's eyebrows (Or furbrows?) furrowed in curiosity. He did feel a small tingle in his chest and eyes... Could the bond be doing this as well? Might as well test this out and see how far he gets.
{Uh... Okay, ummmm...} Storm faced the jolly leader of the group. {North, can you understand me?}
North's eyes brightened and he instantly nodded. "Dah, dah! I can hear you!" he replied. Storm sighed in relief.
{Good. This will be a lot easier. Luckily, I can communicate you through I and Jack's bond}
Tooth raised an eyebrow. "What bond?" she asked curiously, only to receive a glare and growl from Storm.
{That is none of your concern... Now for MIM's sake, can any of you PLEASE tell me why Pitch kidnapped Jack, or why you imbociles want Jack as well? Because you talked a little late. I don't recon that Jack is some prize you bastards can fight over}
Sandy raised a hand immediately to get Storm's attention. Storm gazed to the dreamgiver and watched as many small golden sand images floated above the golden spiky hair, rapidly. Jesus, if this is how fast Sandy would sign images, Storm couldn't dare think about how fast he spoke if he could use a voice. Sadly, as much as Storm would be more grateful to talk to only Sandy, it would be a pain to understand and a waste of time to translate.
The wolf shook his head with smirk.
{Apologies, but that really is not helping. But thanks Sanderson.}
The wolf turned his tail and began strolling around casually.
{Geez, innocent little Jack must have done something REALLY bad to get you four to actually pay attention}
As he passed a small elf who was already shaking like a leaf, he growled at the creature, causing it to make a shaky whime and fall backwards in a faint. Storm chuckled soft and turned to the Guardians where they could barely see a playful smirk on his lips; a curious whine vibrated in the back of his throat.
{Is he on the Naughty List?}
"On Naughty List?" North snorted, his amused look turning to a serious scolding glare, " he holds ze record vhich eez vhy he needs training like you. But no matters, ve are villing to viping clean slates."
Storm tilted his head. Wiping the slates? Like a fresh start? Like ever! Storm would rather drink out of a toilet than start fresh with these losers! But yet... His curious side got the best of him.
{How come? And you did not answer my question about Jack.}
"You vant to know vhy ve need him?"
{Uhhh, yes?}
North grinned, holding a twinkle in his eyes. "Vell I'll tell you how come! Vecause now, he eez Guardian!" North boomed.
After those words spewed from the Christmas Guardian, the two yetis behind North held up torches, and elves began playing music. Confete went everywhere and the other yetis were marching.
All in the mist of this surprise, Storm's eyes were wide and his mouth was dry. North's words seemed to echo deep inside his head.
Jack... Jack was or is going to be a.. Guardian? One of them? The wolf took a mere step back with the expression of disbelief written upon his face.
Jack... His joyful Jack... His pure, innocent, fun, bright pup is destined to be part of the group that was joined with other spirits, who ignored, pushed away, and banished them to centuries of alone care? The ones who never too a single glance at HIS pup?! The ones that out of all "heroic' four, only one had a humble heart?!
The more Storm thought of this, his confusion...
Turned into pure RAGE.
Storm stood his paws in a firm position...
No... Not Jack...
He lowered his back into a crouch...
His Jack will not become a selfish Guardian...
He sucked in a heavy breath. North could see that something did not appear pleasant with the wolf and his eyes widened.
Storm clenched his eyes tightly shut.
No, not my Jack! NEVER my pup! Damn... So much fake rejoicing, that damn music revealing nothing but lies... They just want ta use my pup, then once their done, they'll throw him out into the desert... Gotta protect Jack, gotta have him safe!... Safe again! SAFE AGAIN!
Storm jolted his head back up to where his snout pointed to the ceiling and released a loud, bone-chilling howl, long and far too comforting. The wind bristled and the flurries of snow seemed to pick up speed to where they busted open the windows, sending everyone back. The flames on the torches were snuffed away and the elves that held the instruments were blown back.
The aroma of fright rang about the room as the last of the howl, even the echoes were all to be heard until it was completely quiet.
The Guardians looked back at Storm, seeing that the wolf had now the glare of a killing beast. His canines, sharp and thick, bared with a snarl and the mist of smoke heaved out through the jagged teeth from the chilling air that entered the room. The still glowing eyes complied nothing but anger. His fur stuck up and his claws were literally digging into the floor. Storm looked like what he was... The Helldog of winter itself.
{ENOUGH of this PATHETIC game of innocence, you weak minded spirits!}
A loud snare jumped out through the sharp teeth, making everyone flinch back. Seeing their fright, Storm took a clam breath, yet still kept his hard glare. A icy huff blow out like smoke, out of his mouth.
{What... makes you sorry excuses for care giving beings, think that MY Jack would want ANY part of being a Guardian?}
You could hear the low growl in Storms voice.
North stared at the wolf for a second, then bursted into a fit of laughter, startling the others. It only agitated Storm more. Did this blob really think he was kidding?! Storm meant his question, why would Jack ever wish to join this gang?
North looked at them, then stopped when he realized no one was joining in what he thought was humorous. He looked back at Storm with a quirked eyebrow. "Of coarse he does... Music!" he declared with a snap of his fingers.
The elves began playing again, and Storm shot his head towards them, barking twice. {NO MUSIC!}
Finally, in a fit of annoyance, one of the elves threw his small trumpet down in defeat and in a little frustration, he rudely the elf next to him, showing his pissed of mood. The Guardians watched as the wolf strolled ahead of them with an annoyed expression.
{Look, this is the nicest way I can put this, but... You are all hard work, deadlines and -no offense- but just sticks in the anus. But Jack... He is snowballs, fun times, and he is a kid who doesn't have to deal with the torture-dash-monstrosity of this world... Well not until now. He can't even handle himself without me. He is not a Guardian}
Bunny elbowed North. "That's exactly what Ah said!" he agreed.
Tooth ignored the rabbit and flew to Storm. "Storm I don't think you see what we are exclaiming here," she said and floated to the large globe full of small dots of lights, "each of those lights is a child."
"A child who believes," North joined, "and good or bad- naughty or nice, we protect them."
Storm took in what he was saying and thought of Jack; he was a CHILD who had just been captured by the Nightmare king. So much for protection. He rolled his eyes.
{Yeah, you are doing a hell of a job doing that. Anyways, pick someone else, because Jack will NEVER be a Guardian. Not if I have a word in it.}
North scowled. "Pick? You think ve pick? No, Jack vas chosen! Like be vere all chosen. By MIM," North exclaimed, waving to the moon.
Storm stopped dead in his tracks and looked back with narrowed eyes of not anger, but confusion.
"Last night. He chose Jack," Tooth replied.
"Maybe," Bunny added.
Storm gazed up at the silent ball of light.
"See. Zhere eez no 'no' in zis. Eet eez destiny," North exclaimed.
Storm shook his head in disbelief, still looking at the moon, studying. How could this be? After three centuries of being ignored, the damned moon had sentenced Jack into becoming something he is not or wishes not to be? Was this the reply to all those questions? To help the spirits that wouldn't help them? That ignored them and walked pass them as if they were the children and adults with no belief. But most of all, why would MIM reply back to the Guardians?
{Then why would he not tell us- especially Jack- this himself?}
Storm snorted with a confused whimper and looked away.
{Three hundred years of silence and being an outcast and THIS is the MIM's answer for Jack? A child spirit that does not even remeber his own true name?! A child that awoken to the world alone, this is his best solutution?}
He turned and glared at the Guardians with a growl.
{To spend eternity cooped up i-in some, hideout, thinking of new ways to bribe kids?! No no no, that is not for my pup!}
Storm barked at the moon in a native curse, then gazed back to the Guardians.
{ No offense...}
Bunny scowled, seeming though as he has ahead it with just chatting with the wolf. Bravely, he stepped forward. "Now how is that not offensive?" he growled, "ya know what? Ah think we dodged a bullet here. Ah mean what does a spoiled winta brat and his dog know about bringin' joy to children anyway?"
Storm rolled his eyes with a annoyed snarl. That ferret did not just go there. Storm just couldn't fight defending his pup. They knew NOTHING about Jack, and if he was just going to have that overgrown bunny talk, he had another thing coming.
{Ever heard of a snow day, Rabbit? I know it is no hard boiled egg, but the children, not counting Jack who is by the way a CHILD, likes, no, LOVES what he does}
Bunny walked closer with a game face on. "But no one believes in him. They don't believe even in you. Face it, it's like you two don't even exist," he countered. Storm huffed and hid his pain with an annoyed expression.
{I don't actually give a damn about my pleasure and needs, unlike yourself who is always so cheerful and strong until a child runs through your body. I can guarantee you that even with no believers, Jack is always smiling and is always as strong as he can be}
"You sure about that, mate? Let's no forget where the kid is now," Bunny growled.
"Bunny," Tooth snapped, "that's enough."
{No, no... The kangaroo is right.}
The room dropped dead silent. Bunny stiffened in offense. "A what? What did you call me? Ah am not a kangaroo mate," he growled.
He and Storm stepped closer to each other till they were inches from each other's chest. Storm was just inches below the other's shoulders. Tension began to impregnate the room.
{Oh really? And this whole time I and especially Jack, thought you were. Listen, I know what I am and I do know how to show it, so if you are not a kangaroo, but show it... Then what are you exactly?}
The two animals met noses and eyes glared daggers into one another. Bunny's ever greens were fiery and Storm's eyes lit a brighter white.
"Ahm a bunny. The Easta. Bunny. Ahm can actually protect what Ah am responsible for," Bunny hissed.
The air dripped into a cold state and as Storm glared into the rabbit's emerald greens, he fought the dying urge to go into a craving for rabbit meat. But his eyes dimmed a bit in a hint of sorrow and regret at the sudden reminder. He couldn't protect Jack... He was given responsibility to protect his pup and he as failed as a protector...
Sandy, seeing the tension reach his limit, signaled North to stop the conflict. North walked between Storm and Bunny and pushed the two away. "Enough," he said sternly. Storm only growled and turned away. Bunny huffed and did the same.
Suddenly, gasp was heard and all attention turned to Tooth, who clenched her head in agony and sank to the floor.
"Toothy?" North questioned in worry.
Tooth gasped breaths and was helped to her feet by Bunny, who had immediately forgot about the wolf he left in fury. "Tooth you alrigh'?" Bunny asked in concern.
Tooth made a choked whimper and shook her head before zipping into the air. "Something is wrong... Very wrong!... Someone is attacking the Toothpalace!," she whispered.
Everyone stood in alert.
"Can you tell who eet eez?" North questioned. Tooth stopped and eased herself, and closed her eyes for a few moments. She could take a glimpse at her palace like this...
What she saw was a dark figure of black sand... Holding a golden container that had a picture of a boy with chocolate brown hair, smiling mischievously. A cackle that was too familiar arose as well before a strong force forced tooth out of the vision. With a strangled gasp, Tooth was brought back to reality and breathed ragged.
"Oh no..."
Storm furrowed his eyebrows at the Fairy Queen.
"It's Pitch," she whispered.
Storm's eyes widened in immediate alarm. Wait... Pitch was at the ToothPalace? Could he have Jack?! Before he could ask Tooth, she shrieked and flew out the open roof.
"Pitch is attacking the Toothpalace!"
Me: All better! Now Jack, let's go through the series of torture to get you into the shape we need you in for the next scene!
Jack: *Shaking in the chair and gagged* Hmmmph!
Me: ehh, what?... Sweetheart, you gotta talk more clearly... HEY! I understood that and trust me, that is not a way to talk to the author!
Jack: *Glares*
Me: why are you... OH! Woops, I forgot all about Pitch! Man, which closet did I put him in?
Jack: Cmmph?
Me: Yeah, I put him in a closet. He and Storm were being a pain in my rear end! Ironic, I stuffed Pitch in a closet and I put Storm in a doghouse.
Me: *Frowns and beckons finger* Hey, don't make me make this more ironic- I WILL put you in a box! (Take a while to get that XD)
Jack: *Sighs* Mph.
Me: *Smiles and turns to the audience* well, there you have it! Please review and love! Next chapter will be up VERY soon, so bye! Love you all!