A Twist In Plot...

Me: Hello! As you know, this is chapter one all over again!...

*crowd stays silent*

Me:... Hehe... Yay?... Hehe- ehhh...?

Storm: {What?!} *Growls*

Jack: You telling I have to go through all that over again?! this is bogus! I hate you...

Me: ehh, sorry, I'm just starting to become a better writer, and now and days when I review all those lousy chapters, I could see what "shortness" I put my fans into! Forgive me!

Jack: forgive YOU?!- What after I DIE?!-

Me: shut up Jack, not you! I'm talking to my readers. You just need to suck it up and take 2 on the torture!

Pitch: *appears and grins* MWHAHA! Ooo, I'm gonna LOVE this! You, my dear, are the BEST author in my book!

Jack: *Sobs*

Storm: *Growls and jumps in front of Jack* {You stay away from my Jack, you pathetic excuse for a Halloween decoration!}

Me: GUYS! STOP!... Now. *turns to you* Enjoy!... ACTION!

Jack: *glares at reader* You better n-

*story begins*

Warnings: blood, torture, mild cursing, NO SEXUAL CONTENT, and vivid injuries, detailed wounds.

Out in the dark forest of Burgess, in which laughter rang about, a energetic boy whose appearance seemed to brighten the scene- hair white as the snow on the dirt floor, eyes blue as the sea, and wearing a blue hood, covered in frost, darted through the trees full of laughter as something enormous and fluffy followed behind him. It was a white wolf, that on all fours stood tall that his head was a inch or three over Jack's shoulders; its eyes were a light, foggy grey and his snout a smokey black. "Come on, Storm! I'm not even feeling three hundred!" the magical teen, or Jack, exclaimed. The wolf barked and in a quick pace ran up beside him. The earth seemed to rumble over his movements.



Thu-Thud, each pair of paws went. The staff held securely in Jack's hand glowed a faint blow as he glided and leaped on trees and over logs like he were a leaf in the wind, while Storm crushed nearly everything under his massive paws.

My name... Is Jack Frost. How do I know that?... The moon told me so. But that was all he ever told me. And silence was all I could get for a VERY long time.

Jack- with no hesitation whatsoever- skidded gracefully across a frozen lake, helping the large wolf beside him with a strong layer pf ice, in which both never slipped an inch upon.

Luckily, I wasn't alone, for I had found Storm, a winter wolf- AND, my partner in crime to comfort me in my three hundred years and counting IMMORTAL life. Sometimes, I hope that it was the at least the moon's blessing to give me someone I could refer to as a friend; a brother; and a guardian...

Storm and Jack raced to a small neighborhood, where everyone slept nice and warmly in their beds. Jack had no ideal to warmth- in fact he hated it. The only warmth he was used to was the warmth aroma that radiated off of Storm, who cuddled with him when he felt afraid, lonely, or hell, even when he shivered from the sudden thought when he forgets that no one could see nor hear him; Jack needed at least something to show him that he existed. That he was not a ghost to everyone. That he was somebody... Not only that, but Storm was more of a guard dog, protecting Jack from any sorts of danger- mostly angered spirits.

Especially Summer. He was the worse; he always fussed about Jack's winter creativity. Or he just hated winter. Period. But the damned flame head needed to make sure he had nine lives before coming upon Jack again with Storm around... Jack was certainly positive that Summer wouldn't want last time to reoccur.

But anyways, that's a different story.

Meanwhile, in the mist of their running, Jack decided to take it up a notch and sped a little faster with the wind, which had left Storm somewhere behind. He was merely mindlessly racing when he noticed.

Jack came to a halt and swished around, yet did not see that familiar furball anywhere. "Storm?" he called with a hint of fright in his voice. Like Storm was always the one to watch over Jack, Jack took it upon himself to do the same to the wolf. Being separated seemed to hurt the invisible bond between them. For some reason, Jack always felt like they were a match, and no- not in a romance sort of way- but in a spiritual, friendly/family, brotherish sorta way.

Jack could recall sometimes when he had to remind Storm he wasn't a pup and tongue baths weren't necessary. But still, just by having Storm at his side could calm the wildest of Jack's blistering storms. Now at this moment, Storm was no where in sight which scared Jack. For one, he and Storm had each other's back, and two, just the second of being alone gave Jack the anxiety.

Oh no... No, I can't be alone. No, not again!, he thought to himself. Tears brimmed his eyes as he felt his breathing quicken. Jack began to run instead of taking flight, back to the direction he had come from. "Storm! Storm, where are you- oof!"

A large furry body suddenly impacted with the snow elf and to massive paws pinned him down by his frail shoulders. Then a warm slick tongue lapped over Jack's ice cold face at a rapid pace. Jack laughed in a mixture of joy. disgust, and relief. The winter spirit tried to push of Storm by pressing two of his hands against the animal's breasts. The warm, slobbery tongue tickled his cheek and nose, causing him to laugh; especially by the soft whimpers and playful whines coming from the wolf.

"Ew!... Storm, gross!... Stor- Ha! Stop!... We're both males for Christ's sake!" he snorted, pushing the beast off his body. Storm sat, wagging his tail in excitement. It was absolutely an adorable sight with one ear perked up and the other half bent, and the large nose that wiggled. Jack laughed and stood, grabbing his staff and wiping his face clean with his sleeve. He dusted himself off and petted his partner's head.

"You scared me there for a second, bud," he exclaimed.

[What? Afraid I was gonna leave?]

The wolf's voice was a husk tone and was deeper than Jack's, but Storm's lips were not actually moving in sync. His words seemed to be spoken in the air, yet Jack could hear them nice and clear.

Jack snorted. "Not too quite. I know you couldn't last a day alone, Fur ball."

Storm rolled his eyes.

{Yet, you need me to save you from becoming everyone's either chew toy, or target board} Jack nudged StormStorm, barely making the massive wolf tilt by his frail weight. "Alright fine! You win, but that still doesn't prove you can survive a day without this blizzard to run with your snow."

{Eh, well vice-versa.}

"Okay, now you're just being a know-it-all."

{I'm just saying. I have been here for two centuries more than you, so that technically makes me your guardian. My one occupation is to make sure you are safe. No matter what.}

Jack gazed into Storm's eyes and gave him an affectionate smile. He could barely see a smirk stretch upon the animal's lips. The winter teen then looked up at the fairly too dark sky and yawned. "I think it is time for us to get some shut eye," he informed tiredly. Storm made a small whine of comfort anf nuzzled his nose against Jack's cheek in affection. Jack accepted the gesture and leaned in like he were a pup. The small spirit made a sound of his own, that were much similar to Storm's. Storm had taught him it in a way to communicate things such as "you're not alone" or a way to reveal you love and care towards each other.

{Whatever you say, Puppy.}


By the sudden intruding noise, Storm immediately stood in a crouching position in front of Jack, snarling and growling at the direction where the noise had came from.

Like you have seen in documentaries, every wolf had a sense to detect whether there was a welcoming soul ahead, or a threat.

If there were pups involved, they were a main priority; Jack was Storm's pup.

Jack held his staff defensively in front of him, nudging closer to Storm's side; his baby blues were wide with much alert as Storm's more narrowed eyes. "Storm, what was that?" Jack whispered.

"Well, well," a familiar velvet voice spoke from somewhere unknown, "a boy and his mutt. How sweet."

Followed by the tone, a man with dark features then stepped out of the shadows with a sinning grin on his ashy grey skin. His golden catlike eyes glimmered with dark satisfaction. "And not just a boy..."

Jack was very aware that the figure was staring directly at him and like an instinct, Jack moved as much closer against Storm as he could to bask in the protecting aroma.

Long ago, he and Storm had encountered this being, known as Pitch Black; The King of Nightmares; The Boogieman. And to put a long story short, let us just say, Pitch almost had been ripped to shreds by Storm when the man tried to avoid Jack's personal space. Not in a sexual manner, but in a more, creepy, frightening, toying manner; There were much harsh things used towards Jack to cause Storm to attack.

Jack had hoped they would never have to run into Pitch again... Looks like luck was not on their side tonight.

Out of nowhere, something gritty coiled around Jack's ankle and yanked him from Storm's side; The staff slipped from Jack's grip. Jack was too late to clutch onto Storm as Storm was too late to grab onto the fabric of Jack's hoodie. Helplessly, Jack was dragged into a bush. "AH! Storm!," Jack shrieked as he disappeared and reappeared beside Pitch; black sand tendrils, neither boy or wolf recalled Pitch controlling, wrapped around Jack's legs, torso, and wrists, leaving the boy strictly bounded beside the towering shadow.

Pitch grinned at his new catch. "Jack Frost to the exact," he crooned.

Storm, looking more ferral than ever, took a step to approach the Nightmare King. "I would sit, Dog," Ptch snared. To his words, a tendril coiled around Jack's small neck like a snake and give it a teasing squeeze, causing Jack to make a small cough. The helpless winter spirit's eyes darted to his guardian in a pleading way.

Instantly, Storm stood still, but never took his eyes off Jack.

His pup.

Pitch smiled in triumph. "Good, Dog. Sorry I have no treats to give you for your obedience, mutt," he insulted. Jack turned his glare towards his captor and tried struggling against his bindings, wanting to show Pitch a piece of his mind. No one talks to Storm that way!

"Don't talk to him like that, you evil- ACK!" Jack began but was cut off when the tendril tightened around his throat.

For a split second, his air supply was cut off. The winter elf felt something only the fear of not being able to breath was able to give him. Storm saw this and whimpered, small enough for Pitch not to hear, but for Jack to hear it. Jack decoded the whine. He could feel Storm's worry, Storm's more inner wolf side overtaking him.

Jack realized he would need to shut up if he wanted Storm to keep composure, especially in front of Pitch, who would not hesitate to take advantage. Pitch beckoned his finger like a metronome's hand, in front of Jack's face as if scolding a child. "Ah, ah, ah. Just like the dog, you must be a good boy as well, Jackie boy," Pitch crooned. Jack lifted his lips up and snarled threateningly how Storm taught him as a animalistic tactic to make their enemy feel contempt.

Pitch eyed the boy and brought his finger back, like he thought Jack had been tempting to bite it off.

It brought a bit amusement to both Storm and Jack, until the moment grew serious and tense once more.

"What do you want, Pitch?" Jack bit out.

"What do I want? Why, I have it in front of me right now."

Storm's eyes widened by the man's respone. No... Not Jack.

Jack slightly shivered. "Me? W-Why do you w-want me?" he stammered.

Pitch pursed his lips and moved his slender hand slowly down the boy's cheek, and back up to brush away the snowy locks from Jack's eyes; Jack dared not to move. The touch made him feel sick to his stomach. From the corner of his eye, he could see the fur on Storm stick up in growing fury. Jack could tell that Pitch could see too. The King of Nightmares was trying to ruffle/annoy Storm.

"I need someone," Pitch began, "a child I could touch- in my grasp in order to make a bargaining tactic with the Guardians, if I am ever gong to win." He grabbed Jack by the chin and pulled the boy's head more up to meet his direct gaze. "You will do the job. You have all Wonders... Hopes... Dreams... Joy..." Every word Pitch rolled off hs tongue made Jack shiver. Storm growled in desire to rip the man's head off for even touching Jack, but he knew better. If he moved, Jack would pay the price.

So, the wolf waited for the right moment to make his move.

Pitch, in cobra speed, slapped his hand over Jack's mouth, muffling a surprised whimper from the younger immortal. Jack struggled again, but all was in vain. A levitating ball of the same black sand Jack had holding him captive appeared in Pitch's free hand and grew more frightened. "Now be still so I can get a good aim," Pitch hissed, raising the blacksand ball up.

Though his shriek was muffled, by the way Jack's eyes darted to Storm's tensed form, Storm understood exactly what Jack was saying. "Storm!"

He needed no further cry.

Storm barked as loud as he could and leaped forward towards the pair, grabbing Pitch by the raised arm holding the ball of black gritty substance, and threw him to a tree. If Pitch had been human, he would have died instantly by the impact that sent cracks up the tree's bark. By what Storm had to watch, he wished the moon had stripped every inhuman thing Pitch possessed, just so he could hear the damned shadow's bones crack.

But that did not matter right now.

Storm darted his attention to his pup that had been dropped from his bounds and was now frantically scrambling towards the wolf, desperation in his eyes. Storm met Jack half way and grabbed the boys's hood betwen his teeth and tossed him onto his back, taking a leap away from Pitch's recovering form; doing this, Jack reached down and grabbed his staff.

"Thanks Storm!" the winter teen said gratefully, snuggling into the comfort of Storm's warm fur.

{Don't thank me yet, I gotta get you out of here, Pup!}

The large wolf darted through the streets of the neighborhood, and jumped onto cars, crushing them under his weight. All Storm could process in his head was: Gotta get my pup safe! Gotta have him safe again!

But in the mist of his running, Jack was suddenly knocked off of his partner's back by what looked to be a weird grainy black horse. Storm skidded to a stop, gazing back at the fallen snow spirit. His poor pup was face down at the mercy of this damned hoarse. Storm's greys flared and he barked.


Jack rolled onto his stomach, immediately noticing his staff was yet again out of his hand. He frantically looked around for Storm with a groan, when his was met faced to face with a heaving Nightmare. With a terrified yell, Jack scrambled backwards. "Storm!" he cried.

Storm darted to Jack, only to be blocked by several mares. He growled, showing his canines and tore one by one. Nothing will stop him from getting to his pup.

The mare above Jack tried stomping its hooves upon Jack's small dodging form with no success.

Jack spotted his staff that had fallen feet away and crawled immediately to it; his fingers barely brushed the crook when he was snatched vigorously by the hood and forced into a firm chest. Pitch, on a much bigger horse, lifted into the air with Jack squirming to get free in his arms.

"Let go of me! Put me down!" Jack demanded, only to be held tighter each time he was close to slipping. The winter boy suddenly spotted Storm at a distance. Baby blues squinted in desperation to be saved and returned to the comfort of his guardian.


Storm had finished off the last of the mares, when the cry of Jack's voice attracted his full attention. It was laced in fear. Immediately, Storm searched frantically for that head of white, and when he looked up, he grew over furious at the sight of Pitch holding Jack in his arms. Grey orbs flared a glowing white. Storm darted after Pitch's horse, never caring if he (Storm) was on ground; he'd claw up a skyscraper just to reach Jack.

{Hang on, Pup! I'm coming!}

Jack heard this loud and clear.

Tears brimmed his eyes. He didn't want to leave Storm! He wanted to stay! "Storm! Help!" he shrieked. His heartbroken voice twisted Storm in knots. It urged the wolf to run faster.

This only amused Pitch.

"So long, dog!" he cackled n victory, "and don't worry, send my regards to the Guardians!" Then, like a thief in the night, Pitch and Jack were gone.

Storm came to a slow stop and stared at the empty starless sky in terror. No... Jack... His pup was gone... No...

Anger boiled inside of him. Tears threatend to escape. A whimper released irself into a whine. His ears flattned back against his head. He couldn't hear his pup's voice. He couldn't hear the faintest cry... But he could feel inside that Jack was hurting. That Jack was scared...

His pup was afraid...

Storm could not bare it anymore. With a breath, he released a loud howl- filled with sadness and pain and anger- but not one living soul could hear it echo through the night...

*Silence... Utter silence...*

Jack: holy hell...

Storm: {That was deep... Deeper than last time.}

Pitch: I just get even more psychotic through every improvement...

Me: Hmmm...

Storm: {Pup? Puppy?!... I... I-I...}

Jack: yeah, JF1234! He HATES it! What else kind of ridiculous nickname can you-

Storm: *Pounces and barks happily* {I LOVE IT!} *wags tail*

Jack: *Glares at Storm* say what?!

Storm: *licks Jack's face* {I always wanted a pup! A little brother! It's ike we're in Twilight- even though I seriously give double bogey on the warewolf stereotypes}

Me: ummm... Whatever makes you happy Storm?... Anyways, you guys know the motto here, read and review!

Jack: One more question!... Is there any sense involving critical torture in this?

Me: *Chuckles darkly* oh, Jack... *bats eyelashes* I wouldn't lie to you... PITCH!

Pitch: *grabs Jack by the arm* yes! MWAHAHAHA!

Storm: *growls* {Let go of Peh-peh!}

Me: um. I think its 'puppy', Storm.

Storm: {Oh. But can it still be Peh-peh?}

Jack: Let go of me, Pitch! OW! We haven't even got to the crowbar yet! OW!

Storm: {I'll save you, Peh-Peh!}

Me: Read and review- Storm! Let go of Pitch's arm RIGHT NOW!