The day was filled with Haruhi having to wrangle them all together, since they were most definitely not behaving. Yuki, surprisingly was one of the worst, she stopped to look at everything, not paying attention to the world around her. Tamaki was not any better, but nobody could honestly say they were surprised when he had to be called on the loudspeaker because he had wandered off to look at something.

Kaoru watched Yuki with utter fascination. After realizing how in love he was, everything she did seemed magical to him. The way her eyes lit up when they passed the toy aisle, the way she smiled at the people passing by. He felt a surge of pride in noticing her everyday smile was different than the smile she'd give him from time to time. Like she had this one smile reserved for him and only him. He knew it was nonsense, but he could dream, right?

Yuki, on the other hand, couldn't help but watch Kaoru's casual posture, his hands in his pockets, his eyes wandering around the store. It felt like nothing could bore him. It took her awhile to notice they had gotten separated from the others, because she felt like with Kaoru, she could never be lost. They were always going in the right direction. At one point she noticed he had a freckle behind his ear. Just a small one, but still, she wondered how many other people knew that, how many others had noticed this small freckle that had now become everything to her. Was she obsessive? Maybe, just a little. But Kaoru had so suddenly consumed her mind that nothing seemed to make sense without him.

Nothing was uncomfortable, there was no awkward silence. But they would find the other to be too close at some point, and casually step away to calm their racing heart. Kaoru felt ready to burst when she laughed at a strangely-shaped vegetable. Her smile was so blinding, like looking at the sun, but loving every second of the pain it cause. And it did cause pain. Kaoru would feel it every time she would break away to talk to someone about a certain item. Yuki would feel it whenever another woman walked passed and Kaoru spared a glance. They were jealous by nature, and they knew this by now. However, no matter what the other thought they saw, they only had eyes for each other.

"Hey, Kaoru?" Yuki called out to him as he picked up a small trinket.

"Yeah?" he turned around to watch her.

"Say...that there was this girl, and she had this...crush." she hesitated, but Kaoru was now giving her his full attention, and there was no going back. "This guy that she likes...she doesn't think he sees her as anything more than...a 'friend's friend' kind of thing." she gulped, this was not her area of expertise. "And so, she's too afraid to tell him anything. How do you think she should go about it?"

Kaoru was silent for a moment. He wasn't an idiot, he knew what was going on. She was talking about herself. He felt his heart squeeze.

"Well, I'm sure that this girl could get any guy she wants." he laughed a little when her face went red.

"But she wants this...specific guy." she looked up at him through her eyelashes, trying to read his face.

"I'm sure that guy likes her back." he said quietly.

"You think so?" she sounded hopeful.

"Trust me." he smiled.

They stared at each other for a moment longer before Yuki took a step towards him.

"So, should she just...go for it?" she bit her lip to try and hold back a smile, and watched his eyes follow the gesture.

"Well…" he said after a beat. "I think...maybe she should." he nodded.

"Yeah?" she smiled widely. "Great." she said.

For a moment they just stared at each other, and then Kaoru started leaning down to her, and she leaned up. The air was filled with tension and his brain was short-circuiting. This was it, it was finally happening. He closed his eyes, and felt something press against his lips. It felt strange, so he opened his eyes again, just to make sure it was what he thought it was.

Her finger was pressed into his lips, keeping him a couple inches from her. Her outfit had changed into a flowy white gown and a long veil covered her hair. She beamed at him.

"Thanks, I'll be getting married to Hiro now." she moved away, and Kaoru looked to see a big chapel with said boy standing in a tux not far away, a smirk on his face.

"I won, Gingerbread Boy." he cackled. "I'll always win."

"No!" Kaoru screamed.

And then Kaoru woke up.

He panted and swallowed hard. Hikaru was in bed next to him, groaning in obvious discomfort at being awakened.

"Kaoru, what the hell?" he lifted his head and sleepily squinted at his twin. "Why were you yelling?"

"Umm…" Kaoru tried to even out his breathing, and calm his heart. "Just a bad dream…"

"Okay." Hikaru said and got out of bed. "We should go out with the club more often, it was surprisingly fun."

Kaoru had trouble discerning his nightmare from reality, so he asked his brother what all had happened the day before. Hikaru looked concerned before answering.

"You must have had a hell of a dream…" he said. "We went and saw a bunch of shops with them after eating at a diner." Kaoru nodded. "Then we went to the commoner's market, where Tamaki got did you and Yuki for a little bit, but we found you later. You looked pretty happy to have spent so much time alone with your sweetheart."

"Shut up." Kaoru frowned. "So that's all…" he got out of bed as well. The dream had taken a happy time and twisted it into a false confession from the girl of his dreams and his rival beating him. "Yeah, I remember now, shouldn't have eaten those candies we got yesterday."

Did I trick ya? So, this is kinda a little filler fluff piece to hold you guys over until next time.

Special thanks to JustAnotherFairy and chocolatewolf19 for their encouraging reviews!