Hello and welcome to another chapter. Now it has been brought to my attention that the equipment may be a bit overpowered and I am still ironing out all the details of said equipment as they don't actually make an appearance nor do the team make contact with a fugitive witch or wizard for at least a few more chapters. I will be deciding whether to nerf or leave the properties of the equipment or not. News on the runic rounds, I'm still working on those.

One other thing is that I still haven't decided whether I'm going to make Dumbledore actually evil or just manipulatively grey. If I do choose for him to become manipulative instead of actually evil like he is in my PJOxHP crossover fic then he'll manipulate everyone so that the world is "better off" in the end. As we all remember from the final book Dumbledore did say that "the path to hell is paved with good intentions." If he's evil, well then I'll try to make him as hated to Harry as I've made him in my other fic. Though I'd like to try my hand at a morally grey and manipulative Dumbledore instead.

Also one last thing before it slips my mind. This is an official casting call for original characters. As you know the current cast of characters consists of the students and teachers at Hogwarts some of the international schools' students and teachers, the NCIS major crimes unit crew, Gibbs, Kelly, Director Jenny Shepherd, and the other characters that appear as cameo appearances. That being said that's not going to be enough to get through an entire story. That being said I need original characters. Now how do you submit them? You have to PM them to me as that's the only way no one's character is being stolen and I can keep a record in an email folder for when I do in fact use them.
By submitting them you are acknowledging that I can use these characters, and I don't necessarily have to use them as well. That also being said, here's what I need from you guys who want to submit any OCs. First, first and last names (middle is not needed unless they have the tendency to get in trouble a lot). Second, a complete physical description (sex, height, weight, age, hair color, eye color, skin tone/ethnicity, specific hair styles if that's their thing; for girls you don't need to list specific bust or waist sizes, however descriptive words like "thin," "skinny," "buxom," etc. will be welcomed) to help me get a mental visualization of them. Third, if they're muggle/mundane or magical, this will determine their role inside the story itself. Fourth, an in depth personality description (I need to know how they think, why they are the way they are). Fifth, anything pertaining to their personal lives (they live in a one parent home, they have a parent serving in the military, they're adopted, etc.). Sixth and finally, personality quirks.

This is more or less a note on the rating. So in this context, what does mature mean? Well I'm going to be going by the MPAA's rating of R as a guideline. This means there will be violence as there are quite a few fight scenes and firefight scenes in the NCIS series. There will be language, swearing, etc. There will be mild sex scenes (nothing graphic as I do not want this story banned). This story will not transverse over to the MA territory as those aren't allowed on this site. Hopefully this is clear to everyone reading, the M rating is primarily a precaution just in case I skirt the line between the T and M ratings outside of language.

Review time!

Lalenja: I do like it. Plus I saw another story whose title is eerily similar to mine, but that can go both ways.

mithrilandtj: I'm pretty sure that's what I'm going to have to do to keep most major players of the characters in canon still in play.

jslee102: I don't know if I replied to you via PM but see above reply for the first part. The second part is that there are several parts that all coalesce, if I mention something where it seems to not be filler, it's important.

geetac: Well he's under the impression that he's "protecting his investment" for the future. Plus I pulled the idea from another story called "Harry Potter – Three to Backstep" so if you're interested in some senile Dumbles with Harry and a few others outwitting him in some crazy ways, check it out.

God of Vampires aka Alucard: I know the feeling. Like for example I was looking for a Bones crossover (to everyone else, it's a show sort of like NCIS and CSI but primarily involves Agent Seeley Booth of the FBI and Dr. Temperance Brennan, it's a good series and it's entirely on Hulu and Netflix) and all I found were slash pairings with Harry and Booth *shiver*. I get that all fan fiction is in fact wish fulfillment or living out fantasies with certain characters in your place (or you yourself), but there's a point to which you have to ask yourself "can I really see this actually happening in the writing room?" TL;DR, I feel you bro.

athenakitty: I believe that I mentioned this in a PM but I'm not sure as I'm writing this section out at 1am local time, but he'll get there as it's only been about a day and a half (at the end of this chapter) where he's been free of Dumbles. As for Fawkes I do give a semi-subtle hinting at where he is with this whole Harry vs. Dumbles debate.

zmanjz: If you do watch the series the NCIS team in DC don't bring out the heavy artillery (anything above handguns and shotguns) unless it's a case involving a high class threat. The LA team on the other hand is a different story. Also +10 non-existent points for mentioning one of my favorite TV shows of all time. Plus I thought they tipped those rounds used on offworld missions with naquadah or tritium for enhanced penetration, especially against Jaff'a armor. As for the Founding Fathers, they all had some ancestry with magical England that had some standing, hence why I mentioned only them for now. Will there be others? Only time will tell.

dogman999: So far so good. SQL server is a pain to learn, but group projects are worse. But yeah, I'll update when I have the chance, like I am now.

Stats since last chapter:
241 Favorites
5 Communities
Keep being awesome people!

Disclaimer: I only own my copy of MS Word and my laptop. Full disclaimer in the first chapter.




'Telepathic conversations.'

[Specific event start/stop]


NCIS, Abby's Lab. 1000 hours EST.

"So you're telling me you do everything down here?" Harry asked as he 'looked but not touched', as per Abby's request, at 'Major' Mass Spec.

"Yep!" Abby chirped cheerfully. "Fingerprints, DNA, and all sorts of digital goodies as well."


Abby hummed in thought, "Well there was this one case where we used age modifying software to age a photo of a suspect up, and after some fooling around we found the guy."

"Fooling around how?"

"We made babies."

"Uhh... do I want to know?" Harry asked nervously.

"Get your mind out of the gutter." Abby then opened an application on her computer. She took a photo of Harry with her phone and brought it up in the program. She then took a photo of Kelly on the other side. She hit a key and the computer generated a virtual child. "See? That might be how you child will look!" a chipper sounding Abby replied. "Aww, you two would make cute little Gibblets."

"Uhh..." Harry trailed as he was unsure what to say.

Luckily Fate decided to intervene and Abby's lab doors opened. "Abby I need-," DiNozzo said before noticing that he wasn't alone with Abby. "You're that kid from yesterday."

"And you're the agent whose desk I sat at yesterday. Have anything else you'd like to point out, Captain Obvious?" Harry replied with a raised eyebrow and a hidden twinge of amusement in his voice.

"You know Gibbs," Tony replied quickly.

"Yes. And…?"

"How?" Tony pleaded. This was one of those once in a lifetime chances to learn something about his boss that wasn't work related.

"Obviously since you weren't told it's something that you don't need to know," Harry replied smugly.

"Please, I need to know," Tony pleaded while folding his hands.

Harry put his hand on his chin in a thinker's pose. "I don't know. Abby, should I tell him?" he asked the forensic scientist. She could already tell that her new unofficial assistant was messing with her long time coworker.

"I don't know, my faithful assistant. Maybe we should have him guess and tell him when he's getting close," Abby replied with a wry grin.

"Or he could pay for lunch in exchange for knowing," Harry suggested.

'I swear, you're like a young Sirius,' Hedwig commented dryly.

'I'll take that as a compliment,' Harry mentally replied.

'It wasn't meant to be one.'

'Well that's not very nice. Wait... how do know what Sirius did in his younger years?'

'While we serve two different masters with different ideals, Fawkes and I still talk about the past when Dumbledore is out of his office. While he can tell whenever someone floos or Apparates in and out of his office, he can't tell when we phoenixes flame in and out,' she said smugly. She immediately felt Harry's worry about the phoenix of fire. 'Do not worry, Fawkes has stayed that he will stay out of the affairs of the mortal, he week not come to fetch you for the Goat, even if he is commanded to.'

"You alright, kid? You looked as though you were about to have a panic attack," Tony said with some concern.

"I'm fine. And my name us not 'kid,' it's Harry," Harry replied, annoyed at being called a kid. 'But at least it's better than being called "freak" or "boy,"' he thought to himself.

"Wait… more importantly what are you doing here? This is a restricted area," Tony said in realization.

"Harry here is my unofficial assistant for the day," Abby said proudly.

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why he's here in your lab in the first place."

"To annoy you, DiNozzo. That and I want him here," Gibbs said while entering the room with a Caff-Pow for Abby and a bottled cola for Harry. "I thought you were going to find that SUV?"

"I was just going to check with Abby to see if she had GPS data on it," Tony replied quickly to save face.


"I was just about to ask when I got distracted-." Tony got a quick headslap to the back of the head. "Sorry, boss. Won't happen again. Abby?" Tony turned his attention to NCIS's mistress of tech.

Abby tapped away at her keyboard before finally saying, "Nope. Nothing."

"Well I guess I could check the house." Tony stood there for a moment.

"Well what are you waiting for? Get to it," Gibbs stated.

"Yes boss," Tony said as he left the room.

"So how're you doing, Harry?" he asked handing both Abby and Harry their drinks.

"Fine. You showed up at the right time, I was just about to crash," Harry replied before taking a drink of his cola. "Stupid jetlag."

"Here," Abby held out her massive cup of Caff-Pow. "Drink and be awakened."

"You sure this is ok?" Harry asked warily.

"I can't have my assistant falling asleep on me in the middle of a case."

"If you insist." Harry took a drink and immediately scowled at the amount of caffeine and sugar in Abby's drink of choice.

"So do you feel energized yet?" Abby cheerfully asked.

"I feel something. What's in that stuff anyway?"

"Caffeine, sugar, and lots of other stuff!"

"This is why you drink coffee, isn't it?" Harry asked Gibbs, to which Gibbs only shrugged.

"And what's wrong with Caff-Pow?" Abby asked accusingly.

Harry waved his hands in front of him defensively. "Nothing! I just think that Gibbs likes knowing what's in his drinks."

Gibbs again shrugged, he was a simple man who loved his coffee. "Abby you don't mind Harry hanging out down here, do you?" Gibbs asked.

"Of course I don't mind, he's been quite pleasant company," Abby replied.

"Well then I'll leave you two to it." Gibbs then reached into his jacket and pulled out a cell phone and handed it to Harry, "Call if you need anything." And with that he left the lab.

Harry looked over the phone and saw that it had a few scratches and dings in it. "Do I want to know?" Harry asked.

Abby took a quick look at it, "Oh that must be one of the ones that Gibbs had 'rebooted.'"

"Rebooted?" Harry asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Well whenever one of Gibbs' phones gets screwed up he tells Tony to reboot it. What Tony actually does is just pull out a new phone out of filing cabinet next to his desk."

"So Gibbs isn't that tech savvy, is it?" Harry asked with a chuckle.

"Despite lessons from myself and Kelly, no."

Sensing that was the end of that line of conversation he changed the subject. "So apparently you guys all know about magic and all that?"

Abby was already back at work at her workstation. "Oh yeah. Being a federal agency we get involved in all sorts of cases, especially those that involve US Marines or Naval personnel. Of course there are more clandestine things that we get into that I can't discuss, but there are many times when we have to delve past the mystic barrier to solve the case."

"So how do you know?"

"Well before we even get started on our first case we sign a NDA which states we can only talk about magic to those in the know magic."

That actually made sense to Harry, 'Why don't countries like magical England do this as well?' (1) he asked himself while unknowingly telepathically transmitting to Hedwig.

'Because they're blood bigoted idiots that believe in keeping that status quo,' Hedwig replied over their link.

'That sounds about right,' he replied. "NDA?"

"Nondisclosure Agreement. We could get in serious legal trouble, for those of us that do have a trace of magic in us as well as those that don't."

"So how do you know when a case involves magic?" Harry asked as this was genuinely interesting.

"Well whenever a magical anything dies it gives off a very specific type of energy that is picked up by specific sensors scattered through the country. When one gets tripped the Agents, members of the Department of Magic, do a preliminary investigation consisting of their identity. Should they be identified as Marine or Navy then the case is turned over to us with their assistance if needed."

"And if it doesn't?"

"Then either the Agents themselves handle it or they hand it over to the FBI to investigate."

"That's a better system than what magical Britain has. Over there if you're anything less than a Pureblood you're not even worthy of living. The things that the Purebloods get away with are just deplorable, they can get away with rape and murder of they put money into the right hands. One example is Lucius Malfoy, Voldemort's number two, he has probably has more rape, torture, and murder victims than the rest of his little group combined (2); yet he was able to get off scott free by claiming he was under the Imperius."

"You see that would never fly here. Do you know why there hasn't been a dark lord over here?" Abby asked, to which Harry shook his head 'No.' "Well upstart dark lords fear what the military can do to them, especially in this day and age. We don't even have to see them face to face in order to take them out thanks to technologies like drones. Do know what I think? I think that Voldemort character was secretly afraid that if he or his followers came here and tried to pull the same stunt they're doing across the Atlantic that they'd fail immensity and that's why they've stayed in Magical Europe only. But that's just a theory (3)."

"If the bloody Ministry did their jobs like they're supposed to then my parents might still be alive," Harry stated sounding quite depressed.

"So do you have any favorite movies?" Abby changed the subject quickly.

"I haven't seen many, my aunt and uncle never let me watch any. Those that I did were movies that Gibbs rented."

"Well what kind of movies did he rent?"

"Westerns. Primarily John Wayne movies. Shannon and Kelly were the ones that got all kinds of movies."

"Don't let Tony hear that, he'll make me or McGee torrent every 'classic' movie ever made and force you to watch them until you've caught up. So what else do you do in you free time?"

"Well I used to play games on computer libraries before Hogwarts. (4)"

Abby put on her best Thinker's pose and hummed in thought. "What if I could build you a brand new, top of the line computer?"

"You'd do that for a kid you just met?" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Well yeah! I mean you're besties with Kelly and Gibbs hasn't headslapped you yet."

"Wait… that's actually a thing?"

"Oh yeah. Tony gets it all the time, Tim and Ziva occasionally. Gibbs says that a slap to the face is an insult, but a slap to the back of the head is a reminder to do better next time. (5)" Harry gave her a look of disbelief. "Well it's not like he hits them hard."

"Ok then. Uh sure, that would be nice, having a new computer I can use."

"Then it would be a pleasure to build you a new super powered gaming rig," Abby said triumphantly, as her fist thrust into the air. If Harry was in one of those anime series that he saw early this morning he would have sweatdropped.


Meanwhile at Hogwarts...

Dumbledore was plotting, more precisely he was playing damage control for a certain Boy-Who-Lived who vanished without a trace. He investigated the hotel room further and found all of Harry's school supplies, books, and every scrap of hand me down clothing that he owned right down to his glasses. So either Harry was running around naked, or he had another change of clothes he was wearing, ones that did not have tracking charms attached to them. Dumbledore pinched his nose in frustration, 'But where did the boy go?' he thought.

"Albus," one of the former headmaster paintings said getting his attention. "Minister Fudge is on his way up. He looks very unhappy."

It was at that moment the office door had slammed open revealing Minister Fudge. "Ah Minister, welcome. What can I do for you today?"

"You can skip the pleasantries, Albus," Fudge replied with an irate demeanor. "You need to cease this fruitless search for Potter."

"But Minister, it is impeccable that we find the young man," Dumbledore replied with shock evident as he assumed that the Minister would support the search for the boy, even if it were to get votes in the next election.

"Albus, the boy has made his position quite clear. He does not wish to participate in this tournament, and if he wishes to sacrifice his magic to remain a selfish little brat, he has the right to."

"But we have to bring him back, he's a British citizen!" Albus protested.

"As of this morning he renounced his citizenship, he is no longer a member of our society."

Albus's eyes widened and exclaimed, "What?!"

"Honestly Albus, this is unbecoming of you."

"B-but we have to find him!"

"Or what, Albus? The world will end?" Fudge rhetorically asked.

'Yes,' Dumbledore thought. "No, of course not. I'm just concerned about his wellbeing," he half-lied.

"Well if I were you I wouldn't. Some might take your unhealthy level of concern the wrong way. Besides we are not going to waste Ministry resources on an ex-patriot."

"But surely there's something we can do!" Albus protested yet again. His plans were falling apart right in front of him.

"No, there isn't. If he doesn't show up tomorrow afternoon for the first task then he forfeits his magic, it's that clear and simple. If the brat wants to become a filthy muggle, let him." He then tipped his bowler hat at the aging headmaster. "Good day," and with that he left, leaving Dumbledore to think how he would salvage this situation; after all Harry would lose his magic, making it impossible for him to confront and weaken the Dark Lord which would lead to his destruction, if he didn't compete in the tournament.

Then it hit him. 'Of course! Young Ronald and Hermione,' he thought to himself. If he had them send letters begging for forgiveness and for him to come back the emotional side that came from his mother would compel him to come back. "This is how I'll get him back," he said triumphantly with only a phoenix to hear him, to which said phoenix rolled its eyes. At least one of them knew how this would end for the Headmaster.


Madam Bones' Office, DMLE Headquarters. 8pm GMT.

'Don't call me' Nymphadora Tonks had been up for close to eighteen hours reading past rulebooks for the Triwizard Tournament. All past rulebooks stated that if one wanted to withdraw from the tournament the contestant would have rip up the slip of paper used to enter within forty-eight hours of the slip's emergence from the Goblet. Unfortunately well over three weeks had passed so that option was out for her distant cousin. One thing that Tonks did find interesting is that little stipulation was removed from this year's rule book. She was about to give up when she found something that she and Madam Bones could use to get Harry out of the tournament.

She quickly ran from the private room reserved for her to read these manuals under the impression she was examining evidence to her boss's office. She ran past the secretary but stopped to knock on the door. Once she heard, "Come in," she entered. She saw Madam Bones with an enormous, yet neatly organized pile of paperwork on her desk. "Yes, Auror Tonks? I assume that you have found something?"

Tonks nodded, "I have. I found an out."


Meanwhile at Hogwarts...

"You want us to do what?" a certain redhead named Ron asked.

"You heard me correctly, young Ronald. I want you both to write a letter to Harry asking him to return, that you were sorry that you deceived him," Dumbledore replied.

"Wait… you want us to be sorry for what we did?"

"No, young Ronald. You need to be convincing in your writing to bring him back." There was a pause that did not convince Dumbledore that Ron would succeed. "On the other hand, let Miss Granger write the letter. She'll be able to use that intelligence of hers to convince him."

"So if I'm successful-?" Hermione trailed.

"Then the plan will be back in place and will proceed as planned," Dumbledore finished.

To be continued…


And that's another chapter done, a bit on the shorter side but oh well. Well why do I leave cliffhangers? I want you guys to look forward to the next chapter, duh. But before some additional notes, chapter notes!

1. Note that Harry does not know about other countries other than magical England and more recently the US.

2. Please note that Harry does not know Lucius's crimes as he bribed his way out of them, hence they were expunged.

3. A Game Theory! Thanks for… wait I'm getting a note from my assistant. Wrong series. Also building onto this little theory I've put out there. While electrical items may be susceptible to magic overloads that mimic EMP blasts, military hardware is hardened to withstand that kind of thing. Also cameras don't act like biological eyes, they can't be fooled unless you know how. Unlike machines we can't rewind our eyesight if we missed something, with digital files we can. Hence drones and other visual technologies (see satellites for example) can see straight through the ancient and not updated "Notice-Me-Not" wards that have been in place in magical England.

4. Why is Harry allowed to speak to Abby about Hogwarts, even in passing? The NDA she signed. She WOULDN'T be able to talk about it, nor would she as she is the honorable sort.

5. That's a paraphrase.

Ok so here is some new stuff I've thought up, specifically for the Salem Institute of Magic. Now I don't know if this is the same around the world like it is here in the US, but the University System here for certain colleges have satellite campuses. Take for example the University of Wisconsin, Arizona State University, etc. That have multiple campuses where you can have a similar college experience that you would at the primary campus. I figure that I would use the same type of system for the Salem Institute. The Institute in and of itself is a multilevel system of learning consisting of grade school level, middle school, high school, and college courses. There are satellite campuses for all four levels that exist in all major cities while the main campus is in Salem, Massachusetts. So that being said there will be a set of campuses in DC that Harry will have access to.

On the topic of magic things, who knows why there's no J Street in DC? Well it's because during the 1800's the script for I and J looked very similar, so there is no J Street to avoid confusion, but what if there was a J Street? What if J Street was the hidden alleyway where the magicals do business and have their shops?