So I updated as you can see. Although I doubt anyone still remembers this story or will even bother reading it. It'll be easier to work on chapters now that my laptop is fixed. Anyway this chapter picks up after Lucy is knocked out by Demon Lisanna. Enjoy! I own nothing but the plot! ^-^

Published: August 2, 2016

Normal POV

"Lucy-chan, Lucy-chan, it's time to wake up!"

Lucy's eyes shot open and stared into vibrant blue eyes. She slowly sat up, "Wha - Who're you? Where am I?"

The black haired boy pouted, "You still don't remember me, Lu-chan?"

Lucy frowned, "Am I supposed to?"

Frowning, he responded, "It doesn't matter right now. But when this fight is over... I'll make sure to help you with your memory loss."

Lucy curiously glanced at her company. "What? I have all my memories, at least I hope so. And what fight?"

He pointed to his right, "There! Oh, and by the way, my name is Zen Matsumoto."

She closed her eyes, Zen Matsumoto, that name did sound familiar. Oh well. Lucy looked to Zen's right. Now, what fight was he talking abo-! The blonde jumped up. Zen looked concerned and stood also. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he asked, "Lucy-chan, what's wrong?"

She grabbed his left hand's pointer and pointed it towards the screen. "That's what's wrong! How could I be there fighting Lisanna when I am obviously here?!"

He smiled, "Oh, that was my doing. You see, I sent a figment of yourself to occupy Lisanna while I talk to you, here."

"Okay then, where is here?"

Zen threw his arm over her shoulder, "Here, my darling, is your mind."

She stared at him blankly, "...What?"

"Basically, we're inside your head."

Lucy scurried away, greatly increased the distance between them. How did this creep get inside of me?! Does that mean we can find my brain in here? What if we're standing on it?!

Zen pouted, "I'm not a creep!"

"Did you just read my mind?"

Zen took a sudden interest in his surroundings and rubbed his neck. "No?"

Lucy rolled her eyes, deciding to move on, "So, Zen, may I ask what we're standing on, exactly?"

"It's a platform I made with my magic." Lucy took a second to examine the glittery silver platform. It had a semi-transparent glow to it. She glanced at Zen, "This is cool."

Zen started crying tears of joy, "T-thank you! That means s-so much to me Lucy-Chan!"

He leapt towards the blonde for a hug. Lucy dodged and watched as Zen hit the floor. Suddenly realization dawned upon her bringing her back to an earlier question.

"Zen, if we are inside my mind, does that mean you can hear all of my thoughts?"

Zen shook his head, "Nope, in fact, I can only hear your thoughts because of my magic."

Lucy nodded. "One last question. How can I have an individual mind from the one we're in?"

Zen sighed, "It's complicated but the you that's here is your actual body and the other you that we're in is the one fighting Lisanna, she is part of your soul I separated from your body into another body that looks exactly like you. After this conversation is over she will return to you and your soul will be whole again. "

Lucy slowly nodded, processing the information. "Anyway why did you want to talk to me?"

Zen's expression became serious. "I came to rescue you from that creep. You're here now so I can tell you this before it's too late. Before I go into details let me give you, your lost memories."

Lucy was completely lost. What memories could I have forgotten?

Zen answered, "Your childhood memories Lucy. Someone has altered your memories to make you believe all you had were your spirits and parents. That isn't true, you had many friends and I was one of them, we all need your help."

Lucy looked down at her hands. "What help am I? I can't even defeat Lisanna's take-over demon. I'm weak and useless just like that voice said."

"Lucy!" Zen pulled the blonde into his arms. "You are none of those things, you just need to get used to your magic and you will. Don't listen to anything that voice says to you."

Zen tightened his hold on her. "Please, don't let him take you from us," he whispered.

Lucy smiled, "I don't know why but I trust you. I would also like to get my memories back."

"Right. This may take a while."

Zen put his palm on Lucy's forehead. He whispered a spell then a bright light shone, blinding both mages. After it dimmed down Lucy was asleep in Zen's arms. Said boy sighed and kissed Lucy's head. "I'll always protect you."

~~Meanwhile with Lisanna~~

The demon punched the figment of Lucy in the gut and the blonde coughed up blood.

Lisanna glared at Lucy, "What's wrong with you? You got super weak suddenly. Come on power up, this was suppose to be fun."

Figment Lucy smirked, "Sorry but the rest of my soul is being moved to a safe location for training."

The white-haired girl fumed and unleashed a series of blasts on Lucy. "Tell me where the bimbo is now!"

Lucy shook her head and coughed up some more blood, "Sorry, no can do." After saying that she was gone.

~~After Figment Lucy disappears~~

Zen held Lucy bridal style as he teleported them to a remote tropical island. He carried her into his room and laid the blonde on his bed.

"Lucy...Please, you have to quickly go through your memories...before it's too late."

A dark figure appeared behind Zen. "It's already too late."

Zen turned around, eyes blazing with hate. "How did you find this place?"

Ignoring the question the figure walked towards Lucy and reached out his hand. Before he could touch her, he was blasted into a wall by Zen.

"Don't you dare lay your hands on her. You have no right, not after what you did to us."

The man removed his cloak and laughed. He brushed his red hair with his fingers and walked towards Zen, stopping when only inches apart. He glared at the black-haired mage, "You and your friends betrayed me first. Taking Lucy from me and turning her against me."

Zen returned the glare, fists clenched. "You were planning on using her. Marrying her only for her power and then controlling her against her will. You even made her forget us, all of us, when the engagement was canceled."

The redhead erupted with laughter. "You were the reason the whole engagement was canceled. I couldn't let you confess to Lucy, I knew she loved you too. So I erased her memories of all her friends, of us, just so you two wouldn't end up together. I was supposed to marry her, not you! Lucy belongs to me and when I get a hold of her we will rule the world. Whether she wants to or not."

Zen's eyes narrowed,"I won't let that happen."

"You and your group of pals can try to stop me...but Lucy will be mine no matter what. After all I have her entire guild, her nakama, under my control." The mysterious man finished and disappeared.

Zen sighed and laid down next to Lucy. He put one arm around her waist and smiled. "I won't let anyone have you and I'll definitely protect you from him."

~~With Lucy~~

"Ugh, where am I?"

Lucy looked around and there wasn't much to see, considering Lucy couldn't really see in the darkness anyway. All the blonde could make out was a door.

"Um, hello? Is anyone here? Am I supposed to go through that door?"

A little girl came out of nowhere and tugged on Lucy's pants. "Hi Lucy-san!"

Lucy shrieked and looked at the girl. Picking her up, Lucy got a better at the girl's face. Jaw dropping Lucy exclaimed, "Your six year old me!"

Child Lucy, or better yet Mini-Lucy, nodded, "Yep! Now you we have to go through the door and see your memories before the bad guy comes to get you."

Lucy tilted her head to the side. "Bad guy?"

Again, Mini-Lucy nodded, "Mhm! Zen-kun would get hurt protecting you! That's why we need to hurry!"

Lucy looked towards the door with a newfound determination. Don't you worry Zen, I'll be in and out before you know it! Hand in hand with Mini-Lucy, both girls walked through the door. Towards their first forgotten memory.

Yasss! I finally finished this chapter! It took me forever to figure out how I should introduce Zen and the dark mysterious person and Lucy's lost memories all in one chapter! But I bet you guys never saw this coming! You definitely won't guess what will happen next!


Peace out readers! (If anyone even reads this chapter *sigh*)