A/N: I am terribly sorry. I hope everyone enjoys this. My updating is few and far between, and I apologize for that. Blessings!

Kuroko stared out the window the entire time as he was taken back to Murasakibara's house. He knew he should apologize, but this was the last place he wanted to be at that moment, and really didn't feel like saying anything at all to the tall man seated next to him. Nigou was curled up between Murasakibara and Kuroko, as if he was trying to protect his master from harm, sensing Kuroko's distress. It didn't appear as though Murasakibara was willing to speak yet either which made Kuroko feel slightly more at ease over his silence. Though it didn't take long for the vehicle to pull up in front of Murasakibara's home to drop off the three occupants of the backseat.

Kuroko shivered standing on the driveway before the humble abode as the car drove off. He and Nigou were alone with the tall and intimidating man. In the back of his mind, Kuroko reminded himself he still needed to apologize, or else Kagami would be upset with him.

"Hmm... It's late," Murasakibara spoke, breaking the silence as he lead Kuroko and Nigou through the front door. "Are you ready for bed, Kuro-chin?"

Kuroko looked up at Murasakibara. "I am quite tired, yes," Kuroko answered, the apology still sitting on his tongue.

"Me too... Let's get some sleep, and I'll make breakfast in the morning. What do you like to eat, Kuro-chin?"

Kuroko only shrugged, not really caring about the meal since he won't eat a whole lot of it anyway. "I'm sure no matter what Murasakibara-kun makes, it'll taste really good," Kuroko answered, knowing the older would only keep pressing until he said something.

Murasakibara hummed in response, opening a door off to the side, gesturing for Kuroko to go inside. "I'll be in the room right there, next to the bathroom, so if you have a nightmare or something, I'll be there."

Kuroko looked down at his feet, shuffling slightly as if he was nervous about asking the next question. "Can... Can Nigou sleep with me?" Kuroko inquired tentatively.

"Nigou? Sure, I don't really care either way," Murasakibara answered, herding Kuroko and Nigou into the decent sized guest bedroom.

Before Kuroko could thank Murasakibara, the door was already closed behind him and Nigou.

"I guess Murasakibara-kun really doesn't like me that much," Kuroko spoke to no one in particular, though was comforted by the fact Nigou appeared to be listening to him. "He doesn't really have a reason to like me though either, huh? You like me, don't you, Nigou?" Kuroko asked his dog sadly. Nigou yapped in response. "I love you Nigou. Let's get some sleep... I still have to say sorry to Murasakibara-kun tomorrow. Kagami wouldn't ever forgive me if I didn't. Goodnight, Nigou."

Kuroko laid on the bed, his eyes closed, but still finding himself unable to fall asleep. Kuroko just didn't know what to think now.

Murasakibara yawned as he waited for his phone to buzz quietly to tell him the cookies in the over were done. He may have been a lot bigger than Kuroko and intimidating at times, but he had never meant to try to hurt Kuroko. That is why Murasakibara was making sweets. It was the only way he could think of to properly apologize to someone. It was quite late, but if he didn't finish them now, he would never be completely prepared to apologize for scaring Kuroko like he did. What Murasakibara didn't know was that Kuroko was still awake, unable to hear what he was doing, but the strong scent of chocolate chip cookies drifted through the cracks around the closed bedroom door, alerting the prone Kuroko to what was going on just outside the thin walls that prevented him from seeing what was going on.

"Nigou, I don't like it here. It's cold."

In response, Nigou nudged his nose under Kuroko's hand.

Kuroko peaked out the door of the room the following morning, having only slept for a couple hours. However, despite his tire, Kuroko wandered out, Nigou at his heels. It didn't take long for him to find Murasakibara sitting on the couch, watching the morning news. He flinched when Murasakibara spoke up.

"I wonder if the cookies are done..." Murasakibara said absentmindedly, not noticing Kuroko hiding around the corner.

Murasakibara stood slowly as he continued to watch the program still playing on the television. Kuroko backed up slightly, not wanting to speak with Murasakibara at the moment. He knew that Murasakibara wouldn't hurt him, he learned that, but that didn't mean he would talk to him so easily. Even so, the aroma from the kitchen drew Kuroko towards Murasakibara, Nigou still beside him, yapping happily.

"Good morning, Murasakibara-kun," Kuroko greeted.

"Ah... Good morning, Kuro-chin. Did you sleep okay?"

Kuroko merely nodded in response, sitting down at the table. He was only sitting there for a short moment when Murasakibara placed a plate of freshly baked cookies before him. Kuroko wrinkled his nose, knowing that this was not the type of breakfast he should be eating, though, at the same time, if this was how Murasakibara ran his house, Kuroko couldn't really bring himself to complain. So, hesitantly, Kuroko picked up the first cookie, biting into it just as cautiously.

Kuroko wasn't usually one who enjoyed eating deserts (unless it was vanilla shakes, of course), so he was surprising even himself when he was reaching for a second treat. However, knowing he would get a stomach ache if he continued, Kuroko finished two cookies before deciding he was done. Murasakibara, though unsure of how little Kuroko ate, accepted it, and allowed Kuroko to go dress himself, and prepare for the day.

"I wonder what Murasakibara-kun had planned for today," Kuroko told Nigou as he got himself dressed. "It's already been a day, hasn't it? Do you know who I'll be sent to next?"

Nigou yipped in response, which Kuroko seemed to understand. "I hope so too. Kagami-kun is really nice." For a moment, Kuroko merely sat on the bed, thinking about what he would be doing. He didn't want to tell Kagami or the others that he didn't like moving around so much, but he really didn't like all the moving around. Kuroko wished he could just stay with Kagami. He wanted to learn one place, and stay there. Kuroko would never tell the others that all the motion and not staying in one place was starting to make him feel sick, and he had only gone to three places total.

"Kuro-chin?" Murasakibara asked from the door. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes!" Kuroko squeaked, surprised by the giant's appearance.

"We need to get going now... Aka-chin is anxious to see you."

Of all people Kuroko was being shipped off to next, he was really hoping it wouldn't be Akashi. However, when did things ever go as Kuroko wanted?

"Coming," Kuroko answered, packing up whatever he had taken out of his bag before heading to Murasakibara.

"Don't worry, Kuro-chin. Aka-chin will take good care of you. Okay?"

Kuroko nodded, allowing himself to be led outside by Murasakibara.

Kuroko didn't really pay attention to where they were heading. He just knew that he was running out of time to apologize. Not knowing where they were meeting Akashi, Kuroko decided that instead of speaking to Murasakibara as they walked, it would be best if they stopped.

"Murasakibara-kun?" Kuroko asked, twiddling his thumbs.

Murasakibara hummed in response, raising an eyebrow.

"Can we take a break? My feet are starting to hurt," Kuroko lied.

"I could carry you if your feet hurt that much," Murasakibara offered.

"No!" Kuroko practically shouted, covering his face in embarrassment at his outburst. "You're just hard to keep up with. Please? Just a small break?"

Murasakibara eventually relented, deciding that Akashi can't take away his sweets if Kuroko was the one who wanted to stop.

The two sat on a bus stop bench, not intending to board the bus. Kuroko swung his legs that hung over the edge of the seat, his eyes fixated on the ground between his shoes. Nigou sat obediently on the sidewalk next to the bench, while Murasakibara munched on some chips as he waited for Kuroko to be rested enough to move again.


Murasakibara turned his head. "Are you ready?"

Kuroko shook his head. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have run away like that and worried you. I hope I didn't get you in trouble."

Murasakibara cocked his head. "I didn't mean to scare you either, Kuro-chin."

"I know... I'm sorry. Can we go now?" Kuroko was getting uncomfortable already, so he wanted to get a move on despite what he told Murasakibara just a moment ago.

Murasakibara gave no objections, so the three went on. Kuroko swallowed as they approached the place they would be meeting Akashi. He could remember things about the redhead from when he stayed with Kise a year or two ago, and all he could think was that this was going to be rules, rules, and no fun allowed. Akashi just seemed like a very busy person who couldn't be bothered with children like Kuroko. One thing in particular Kuroko recalled Akashi mentioning was how he hated disobedience. Nigou didn't listen to anyone except for Kuroko. So aside from what Kuroko knew about the man he would be with for the next twenty-four hours, it was what he still had yet to learn about Akashi that really frightened him.

As if sensing his hesitancy, Murasakibara dropped a large hand on Kuroko's head. Kuroko hadn't given Murasakibara enough credit. The man was extremely observant when he wanted to be, and he knew just how to comfort Kuroko at that moment.

"Aka-chin isn't as scary as he seems."

"Are you afraid of Akashi-kun?"

Murasakibara nodded.

Kuroko didn't get it. Akashi was both not scary, but terrifying all the same? That just didn't make sense to Kuroko at all. But at the same time, he didn't want to try to understand Murasakibara's thoughts. He just wasn't ready for that sort of mind flexing quite yet.

"Kagami-kun isn't scary."

"He has a scary face."

"But he really isn't scary," Kuroko quickly shot back.

Murasakibara hummed in response, sticking a stick of pockey into his mouth. "That so?"

Kuroko nodded. "He helped me lots."

"I know."

"He fed me. He let me keep Nigou in his home even though I'm pretty sure dogs aren't allowed where he lives. I'm also quite sure he doesn't like dogs."

"That so?"

"Yeah. I owe a lot to Kagami-kun."

Murasakibara didn't respond to that, but he really didn't need to. Kuroko was sure the man knew what he was talking about, and Kuroko also planned on repaying Kagami for what he has done.

Kuroko didn't have much time to think about how he would go around thanking Kagami because the other redhead who would be taking care of him approached Murasakibara, Nigou, and Kuroko.

"I didn't realize I would have to play a game in order to find the two of you on time, Atsushi."

Murasakibara hummed, standing to his full height. "Kuro-chin needed some help, so we stopped."

"I concluded that myself while making my way over," Akashi informed the much taller man. "I shall relieve you of your duties regarding Tetsuya for the time being now. You may return home now, Atsushi."

"Bye-bye, Kuro-chin. Have fun with Aka-chin."

Kuroko swallowed thickly, looking down to Nigou for some reassurance. The dog did little to lower Kuroko's stress though, the pup sticking his tail between his legs, letting out a soft whimper. Kuroko felt like crying himself. He remembered Akashi. He was strict, he was curt, but most of all, Akashi couldn't empathize. This was going to be a long twenty-four hours.

"Tetsuya." Akashi's voice dragged Kuroko back into the present. Under Akashi's calculating eyes, Kuroko felt so much smaller. He instinctively looked away. "Are you ill?"

Kuroko's eyes darted around looking everywhere but at Akashi's face. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, so he just shook his head. Kuroko could practically feel how Akashi's eyes narrowed at his weak response. He knew Akashi wasn't about to hit him, but he couldn't help but shrink into himself.

"You didn't sleep well." It wasn't a question. "It's a long drive home. You can sleep in the car."

Kuroko didn't protest at all as he was guided to a company car. Kuroko typically loved long car rides, but before the vehicle was even in motion, the atmosphere was suffocating. He longed to be with Kagami again. The man may not have known entirely what he was doing, but at least Kagami tried his best and made Kuroko feel not only welcome, but safe. There was something about Akashi that made Kuroko feel a little frightened.

Nigou nuzzled his nose into Kuroko's hand, attempting to relax the boy a bit, but to no avail. There were only two people Kuroko wanted to be with, and neither of them were there for him.

"Hopefully this day goes by quickly," Kuroko muttered to himself, gently petting Nigou's ears.