A/N: I'm the new person running this account. I do not own Kuroko no Basuke, nor the cover art that inspired this fic. Please know that there will be only a few things the same from the actual show...So, yeah. I hope you enjoy!

Summary: Ever since he decided to become a firefighter, Kagami Taiga has had no regrets. He likes what he does, and not once did he run into a problem... And he expected it to stay that way... Until a little boy he almost missed enters his life. He knew things would never be the same for him again.

Kagami Taiga was twenty-two years old, living alone, a college dropout, and a firefighter. His best friend since he was young was a man named Aomine Daiki, a police officer, who was also recently engaged to a woman named Momoi Satsuki. The three would hang out every now and then when they all had the time, but those times were quickly dwindling down to rarely to ever. That day was a good example.

Aomine and Momoi were off, visiting some friends from their middle school they somehow still kept in contact with. Kagami didn't really know these people, so he just shrugged it off, and continued on with his day.

Kagami woke up at 5:30 in the morning to his alarm. He slammed his fist down on the annoying device, groaning as he sat up. The man rubbed his eyes, pushing his blankets aside, and opening up the blinds that protected his peaceful sleep from whatever was outside that would unnerve him. The sun hadn't yet risen, though close, he could see. But knowing he didn't have time to wait to watch the sunrise, Kagami began getting ready for his day.

Shower, clothes, breakfast, teeth, and finally, shoes and gone. Kagami went through the same steps near every morning, and though he started to find it repetitive, he didn't change it up at all in fear it really would mess him up, and make him late. He wasn't expecting anything to happen that lovely spring day, as it was not likely for anything really to happen in his town where everyone knew everyone, and not a sour soul in sight. However, that's not what his afternoon time would greet him.

It was around two thirty that afternoon that someone had contacted them, frantically saying their apartment complex was on fire, and that there were still people trapped inside. The group wasted no time, and within three minutes, they were on their way, sirens blaring, demanding people get out of the way so they could do their job.

The flames were enormous. Kagami couldn't believe that this happened starting just a few moments before they received the call. He didn't have time to think about it as everyone around him, on his team, began the process of putting out the flames.

Going with his designated partner, Kagami burst through the flames in search of any people. He saw his fellow fighters dragging some people out, and he figured there would be none left to save, even though he would look anyway... But he saw a female who was being brought out. She looked as if she was about to pass out, but with the last of her strength, she reached out to the kicked down door of one of the apartments. Judging by how desperate she looked, Kagami could guess someone was still in there... Probably a child, or spouse.

Without even thinking anymore, Kagami rushed to the open apartment, and began searching. His eyes looked around everyone, unable to see anything. But then he heard something. It was quiet at first, but then he heard it again.


It was a freaking dog. Kagami couldn't believe he rushed here for a stupid mutt. It was a dog! Sure, dogs were nice to have around, but they were easily replaced... A human cannot be replaced. Plus, Kagami wasn't really too fond of dogs, so he supposed it was different for someone who actually did like the stupid animals.

The redhead sighed, walking towards the sound, as much as he didn't want to. He was there, and he had just a small amount of time to waste before the floor crumbled from beneath him. However, he was glad he looked for the dog. It didn't make sense at first. Kagami hates dogs, and would prefer to stay as far away as possible from them, but he heard someone talking to what he assumed, was the dog.

"Nigou, please go." The voice was soft, calm, and was barely heard. "You'll get hurt..." It sounded like a boy.

Kagami rushed then, going as fast as he could to the sound of the boy's voice. He didn't see anyone. How could this be?! He couldn't have imagined it.. The dog, the kid... Kagami knew that both were there somewhere.

He spotted the dog first, nudging a man laying face down on the ground. But he knew that whoever that was, was not the one he heard before. As he got closer, he decided that the guy on the floor might be only unconscious, so he picked up the man, wrapping said man's arm, around his own neck.

"C'mon Dog," Kagami said then to the dog. He was there, so why not?

But said dog, would not listen. He whined, and went up to something that started moving. Kagami soon realized that it was a kid; the one he had tried finding earlier.

"Ah, crap. Chief is going to kill me if these flames don't first," the firefighter said, noticing just how the flames were slowly closing them into the room.

The tall man went to the kid, and picked him up like a sack of potatoes. If the kid resisted, Kagami couldn't tell. His main goal, after all, was to save everyone he could.

It was far too late to go out the way he came in though, so Kagami had to improvise. He ran to the back of the place, and kicked out the window. This was their only chance, and they were on the second story.

Taking in a deep breath, Kagami also grabbed the small dog, and gave it to the boy, who was reaching out for the animal. He looked out the window, and began scaling the outside of the building. He wanted to just jump from the window, but the risk of something happening to any of the three people there was far too great. It would be safer to just take the long way out.

The dog was whining the whole way down, not liking the uneasiness of the man's tense shoulder's, or the fact that his owner, who was generally a silent kid, was staying completely motionless, barely breathing even.

"It's okay, Kid. I'll get you out of here."

Kagami's words died off, knowing he didn't really help the kid feel any better.

It didn't take long for Kagami to get down from the second floor, and soon, he was laying the man down on the grass, and the tall redhead was able to get a good look at the kid.

The boy was short, pale skin, light hair that looked soft to the touch. Kagami saw his eyes were the same color as his powdery blue hair, though sweating, and covered with ashes, he looked fine. Kagami took off his excess gear and jacket, and looked over the boy once more. The kid's blue short sleeved sweatshirt was a little dark, but that's to be expected. The kid's shorts were singed a bit, but again, expected. The kid's shoes looked fine, but why he was wearing them in the first place was beyond Kagami.

"What's your name?" Kagami asked gently.

"..." the kid didn't respond, only looking into Kagami's eyes, his face void of emotion, though tears drooled down his face.

"My name is Kagami Taiga... May I know your name...?"

"..K...Kuroko... Tet...Tetsuya," the boy stuttered out, more shaken than he physically let on.

"Well, Kuroko, it's nice to meet you... Who's your friend?" the redhead inquired, gesturing to the puppy.

"N...Nigou," Kuroko responded with a small voice again.

"And is this your father?"

The boy nodded solemnly. "We're too late for him," the boy said, thicker tears forming.

Kagami didn't know what the boy meant until he felt for a pulse on the man. They had lost him.

"Kuroko... Are you okay?"

The boy nodded, coughing.

"Okay... I'm going to take you to the front, see if we can find your mother, okay?"

Kuroko shook his head. "I'm sorry, Kagami-kun... My mom isn't here."

"Then who was the woman reaching out for you?" Kagami wondered aloud.

"T...Tou-san's lady... She doesn't like... like me..."

"Wow... Okay, well, we still need to make sure you're okay. Alright?"

Kuroko nodded, and Kagami hoisted the boy up, glaring at the man on the ground before picking him up as well.

Kagami-kun?" the boy asked, looking into the man's eyes.

"Hmm? What is it?"

"Will... Will I be alone now...?" the boy tentatively asked.

Kagami didn't know how to respond... What did the boy mean? Being given up for adoption? How horrible! "No," Kagami finally answered. He felt the kid relax a bit in his arm. "If you've nowhere to go... You'll come live with me. Okay?"

"Kagami-kun is very kind. Thank you."

"Yeah, yeah. Let's just make sure you're okay."

Kuroko nodded, not saying another word.

Kuroko was doing just fine, nothing wrong with him at all. For that, Kagami was thankful. But now, it was time for the hard part. Assessing the damage, and getting a place for all the people to stay in. Not only that, but the cause of the fire was still unknown. This whole thing required much more than just the skills of the firefighters, but the police that had arrived weren't much of a help either.

Kagami pulled out his phone, and dialed a number.

"Who are you calling?" Kuroko asked from his feet.

"A friend of mine who'll be able to help us out here," Kagami responded, waiting for the other man to pick up. "He's a police officer, but he's better than the ones here."

Kuroko nodded, understanding.

"Oi, what do you want now, Kagami?"

"Wow, you still suck at answering the phone I see. Anyway, You guys aren't too busy, are you?"

"We kinda are, actually... What do you need?"

"There was an apartment fire... There's cops here, but they can't... Well, let's just say they're incapable. Can you help us out here?"

He could hear the tan man sighed, then asking, "Which apartment building?"

"The one right down the road from the Maji we always go to."

There was somewhat of a long pause, Kagami knew Aomine had covered his speaker, or muted himself to talk to whoever he was with. But the man's voice came back through. "We're on our way," was all he said before the line went dead.

"Aka-chin, I'm hungry, can I eat?"

"You're always hungry," Aomine groaned at the taller man. "What are you? Seven?"

"Older than you," the giant responded, face unchanging.

"Yeah, but less mature," Aomine shot back.

"Do not cause a scene. I will most definitely be associated with all of you if you do," a green haired man sighed, pushing his glasses up.

"Don't pick a fight now, Dai-chan!"

"What are you doing telling me what to do, Satsuki?"

"Minna, minna," a blond said, waving his hands, trying to stop the bubbling fight, but to no avail.

"Daiki," a voice sounded from the end of the table. "That's enough now."

Just then, a phone rang.

Aomine groaned, looking to see who it was.

"Oi, what do you want now, Kagami?" he answered it rudely.

"Wow, you still suck at answering the phone I see. Anyway, You guys aren't too busy, are you?"

"We kinda are, actually," Aomine informed the man, lying smoothly. "What do you need?" he ended up asking anyway.

"There was an apartment fire... There's cops here, but they can't... Well, let's just say they're incapable. Can you help us out here?"

Aomine sighed, "Which apartment building?"

He said Kise's head jolt up from resting on the table.

"The one right down the road from the Maji we always go to."

Aomine muted his end of the phone, not answering Kagami right away. He looked at the others, and informed them of the situation at hand.

"We have to go!" the blond nearly shouted. "Please, Akashicchi? We have to. I have to. Please let me go."

The redhead closed his eyes, thinking. "We will go. Inform your friend, but do not let him question it."

Aomine nodded, putting the phone back to his ear, not forgetting to allow Kagami to hear him again.

"We're on our way," he informed the man on the other end, hanging up right after.

Kagami let out a sigh of his own. That was a crazy phone call. He wasn't expecting it to take that long either. But in the end, he got what he needed, so now, he could focus on what he needed to focus on; Kuroko Tetsuya.

The boy was seated on the ground, talking to his dog, who would bark occasionally, as if to answer the boy.

Kagami knelt down next to Kuroko, and asked him, "How old are you, Tetsuya?"

The boy flinched at the sound of his given name, but quickly recovered, though the action didn't go unnoticed by Kagami. "five," the boy answered, looking away for a moment.

"What do you like to do for fun?"

"I like... I like playing basketball with my cousin," Kuroko replied, this time, looking into Kagami's eyes.

"No kiddin'? I love basketball myself. I used to play it when I went to school."

Kuroko only nodded, not saying anything.

Kagami sighed again, picking up the kid, and putting him up on his shoulders.

"My friend should be here soon. Okay? We'll talk with him for a little bit, and then we'll go home. Okay?"

Kuroko nodded, holding onto Kagami's head so he didn't fall, while Kagami raised an arm to hold the boy in place as well, his jacket covering the kid up as well, as the cool air of night started setting in, despite how hot it was there just moments before.

Aomine and the others arrived shortly after the phone call with Kagami, looking around for the redhead. After realizing the man they were searching for had his back to them, his jacket up, covering his noticeable red hair.

"Oi!" Aomine shouted out, making the tall man turn around, revealing him, with a kid on his shoulders that was covered by his jacket.

Aomine continued to walk forward, but didn't know who the heck the kid was.

"Kurokocchi!" Kise shouted, running to the redhead, smiling at the kid.

Kuroko whispered something in Kagami's ear, and the man placed the kid back on the ground.

Kuroko then went to Kise, silently asking the blond to pick him up.

Kise happily obliged to the pale boy's wishes, picking the boy up with a smile. "I'm glad you're not hurt, Kurokocchi," the blond said quietly.

"What...?" Kagami started asking before he was cut off by the other redhead in the area.

"Tetsuya is Ryouta's cousin, Taiga."

The sound of his first name coming for the other man's mouth felt unnatural, and a little threatening to him.

"Tet-chan!" Momoi came running up to the blond, ogling the little boy in the man's arms. "It's been so long since I've seen you, how are you?!"

The boy responded with, "Momoi-san, I am well, thank you. Are you okay?"

"I'm just fine! Thank you!"

"Hmm... Kuro-chin, where's your dad?"

The boy went still in Kise's arms. The blond doing a bit of quick-thinking replaced the giant's question with a different one. "Ne, Kurokocchi, you wanna sleepover at my house tonight?"

Kuroko looked to Kagami, who nodded, then he turned back to Kise and answered, "If it's alright with Ki-chan..."

Kise could tell the poor kid was vulnerable. Never was the kid... Not polite, but now, it seemed as if he was being more like a child, and that's what Kise wanted right then.

"Ki-chan... Can... Can Nigou come too?"

Kise smiled. "Of course he can. Now, are you ready to go?"

The little boy nodded. "Thank you... Goodbye, Kagami-kun."

The blond walked away, the boy still in his arms, the little puppy following close behind, while also leaving the others behind.

"So, Taiga, what happened to Tetsuya's father?"

"He was dead by the time I reached their apartment. Probably inhaled too many toxins or something like that. He was virtually untouched by the flames."

Akashi nodded, thinking while he took in this information. "And what of the cause of this fire?"

"Still undetermined. Everything was burned too much... It could have been anything."

"Wow, such skill our firefighters have nowadays," the green haired man said, rolling his eyes.

"Like you could do a better job," Kagami growled back.

"Of course not. I'm still a college student."

Kagami took his turn, rolling his eyes then. Some people's children.

"I'm going to investigate. Daiki, you're with me."

Aomine looked to the shorter redhead with a questioning glance.

"My orders are absolute. Daiki, come with me now."

The officer sighed, knowing there was still no arguing with the man, and followed him off, towards what was left of the apartment complex.

Kagami watched as his friend and the other redhead walked away, ignoring the three left with him... That is, until Momoi decided to speak up.

"Kaga-chan, how are you doing?"

"Eh? Oh, I'm fine. Why?"

"Can't I be concerned for a friend?" she asked defensively. "We were all worried when Kise started freaking out... We thought maybe it was something with a girlfriend or something, but this was much worse... I mean, Tet-chan has been through enough, and now this?"

"Didn't you know he lived here?"

"We only see Kuro-chin at Kise's," the tall purple haired man said, pulling out a bag of chips.

Momoi nodded. "He's right..."

"Now Kuroko will have to find somewhere to stay; somewhere he'll be safe... Not that I care about him or anything," the green haired man added at the end, pushing his glasses up once more.

'Tsundere,' Kagami immediately thought at the sound of the man's words. He looked at the only girl there with them, and saw that she was rolling her eyes, as if to say this was a regular occurrence, and that it was getting quite old.

The redhead sighed, an unanswered question entering his mind.

"How come all of you came, and not just Aomine and Kise then?"

"Bakagami!" the pink haired woman shouted. "Of course we all came!"

"Aka-chin wanted us to," the tallest man explained, as if Kagami would know why that was logical.

"Only a fool would go against Akashi," the one Kagami dubbed as Glasses said with a sharp nod.

"Right... And who are you two again?"

"Midorima Shintaro," Glasses answered with a glare.

"Murasakibara Atsushi," the other replied with his mouth full of food.

"I see... And why does it matter what that midget wants to you?"

The two other men paled slightly, gone unnoticed by Kagami.

Someone cleared his throat from behind the redhead, who whipped around to see who it was. Kagami's eyes landed first on Aomine, but then to the shorter redhead standing there, arms crossed, and his foot tapping impatiently.

"Taiga," the man said, venom dripping from the very words. "I would refrain from insulting someone else; especially if you don't know them." After a few moments of silence then, the shortest man spoke once more. "The fire started in the apartment near the opposite of the complex from where Tetsuya lives. That was made quite obvious by the severity of the burns along the walls and floors. The family of three that lived there didn't survive. The most probable cause of the fire was a cigarette placed on a tray too close to cloth covered furniture. Fire started while Mom was preparing dinner, Dad working in office, and Child in their room, working on homework. There. I believe we are done here now. Good day to all of you..." A menacing aura surrounded the short redhead. "Do not disturb us again, Taiga; there will be terrible consequences next time. Today is forgiven because it was for Tetsuya. Do not test me."

And with that, Akashi was gone.

Aomine and the other two guys let out a breath they barely realized they were holding.

"Dude, seriously listen to him. He will kill you, and make it look like an accident."

"Like I care. Sure beats the boss getting on my hide."

"You misunderstand," Glasses... Midorima spoke. "When Aomine says he will kill you, he literally will kill you."

Kagami swallowed. "Jesus Christ... Aomine, who the hell was that?"

"Akashi Seijuro... Do not mess with him."

"Yeah, I got that... But if I'm to avoid him, I'd have to avoid you too."

"Just don't mess with him... Don't hurt the people he's close to, and you'll be fine."

"And how many people is that?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure, actually... Maybe like... nine...?"

"Eight," Midorima corrected.

"Nnnn... Kuro-chin is probably really sad," Murasakibara said, not even paying attention to what the others had been saying.

"Poor Tet-chan," Momoi agreed, sniffling at the thought. "Who will take care of him?" she asked into the air.

"Kise's got it covered."

"But for how long?!" the woman inquired, tears forming in her eyes. "What if Ki-chan's jobs get in the way, and Tet-chan is left alone!?"

"He'll stay with me," Kagami said, interrupting whatever Aomine was about to offer up to calm his fiancee down.

The others all looked at him with one look that shouted, "Are you crazy?!"

"What?" the firefighter asked. "It's not like I can't care for him."

"I wonder how Aka-chin will take that..." the tall man drawled out in question.

"Tetsuya already said he'd want to, so what's the harm in that?"

"Akashi doesn't like people touching what he's claimed," Midorima informed Kagami.

"The kid's not even related to him! How could he claim a child? Isn't that basically kidnapping?"

"Bakagami," Aomine spat. "You don't know what you're saying. Akashi has been keeping his eyes close on Tetsu... He says there's something special about the boy that we haven't discovered yet... Besides that he's the best hide and seek player ever... But that doesn't matter. Akashi has already thought about teaching him some things to help him go far in life... He's thought about... Raising him, I guess... He was coming close to taking his dad to court anyway to get custody of him; legally adopt him and stuff..."

"Why would he do that?"

"Kuro-chin's dad is evil," Murasakibara put in for the others.

"Besides," Aomine continued, "what about the dog he has? There's no way he'd part with him, and from what I remember, you're afraid of dogs."

"The kid deserves to grow up right. If I have to deal with the dog, I will..."

"Well, it's your funeral," Aomine concluded, his arm going around Momoi's shoulders.

Kagami looked at the two, gears turning in his mind.

"Why don't you guys take him?" he then suggested. "If you're so intent on scaring me out of it... You guys are going to be married anyway, what does it matter?"

Momoi's face grew bright red, she hadn't really thought about it. Having kids...

"No way is Satsuki to be trusted with Tetsu," Aomine answered. "She'll suffocate him with one hug... In other words, he won't live to see six."

"Like Ki-chan's any better," Momoi puffed her cheeks in a pout as she said it.

"Rather him die than you."

"You're all impossible," Midorima sighed. "I'm leaving before I catch any stupid from you."

He turned tail and left, Murasakibara following shortly after.

That left the three standing there, some people around them, working on the building, or figuring things out, but ultimately ignoring the group of three.

"You just take him... Pretty soon though, you might regret it. Just don't push him aside, and don't forget he's there, like an idiot that you are, Bakagami."

"Not any worse than you, Ahomine. Like I could forget about a child living in my house, eating my food, and using my money to get things he won't use."

"Tetsu isn't a huge bother. You'll see that he's easy to take care of... It's just one person you gotta look out for... So be careful, alright?"

"Are you genuinely concerned for my safety, Aomine? I'm touched."

"Pft. As if! C'mon, Satsuki, we're going home."

"If you hurt Tet-chan, I will hurt you, Kagami," Momoi informed the man, then allowing Aomine to lead her away.

The only thing left for Kagami, was to wonder why he would hurt a child in the first place.