SBURB/SGRUB Walkthrough

Session Types

Each universe has what we can call a "reproductive system", used to create new universes, via Sburb/Sgrub. However, like any normal organism, it isn't always successful. Hence, the different session types. Only one can go on to create a new universe under regular circumstances, but getting to know the game enough can allow for some exceptions.

Here I shall explain the session types, and how they work, as well as add some more information on Scratches as well.

Successful Sessions

As the title states, these sessions are the ones to bear a new universe. However, they are rare and far between. This, I suppose, is good to prevent an "overpopulation" of universes. The problem is, is that most sessions are not like this. If one were to shoot off into the Furthest Ring, it may be imperative to try and steer for one of these universes. They are least likely to fail, and their post-Reckoning planets are inhabitable if the Carapacians have gotten any ground in their rebuilding of society.

Null Sessions

These are one of the session types that fail inevitably. The manner can vary, from a cancerous Genesis Frog that wasn't properly bred, or the death of a player before the game, to even the interference from an intergalactic enemy. They always end up the same, with either a Scratch or dead players.

These grim outcomes can be avoided, of course. Launching into the Furthest Ring is actually a pretty good start, as long as you have an appearifier, teleportation devices, an augmented alchemiter, and plenty of reading material. If you've been blessed with a capable Space player, ask them to try and go God Tier, and then salvage the Battlefield before the Reckoning. Then make sure the Genesis Frog's younger self is somewhere where it won't be in danger. That way, it can stay safe for a plausible victory later.

Void Sessions

These failed sessions are unique in that they have an undeveloped Battlefield. This is caused by a player or more not prototyping their sprites before entering the session. This may stop the enemies from evolving, but it does the same to the Battlefield. Because of this, the eternal stalemate between the Prospit and Derse armies is still in place. This prevents the war from starting, and in the process, prevents the Reckoning.

There is a bright side to this. No Reckoning equals no destroyed Host Planet. If the survivors of a Null session were to enter a Void session, with a fully prototyped Battlefield and healthy Genesis Tadpole, then there is hope yet for the session. Until something of the sort happens, though, there is no limit to how long the game may stretch, and until an outside force comes in, it will stay that way forever.

Single-Player Sessions (AKA: DEAD SESSIONS)

It's unknown as to how this game is supposed to work in a perfect situation, but it works like this. One player, either an immature Cherub or something else that's too stubborn to bring in anyone to the session, has both the server and client disks of the session. They go into the Inciphisphere alone, and I'm not sure how it's supposed to go from there.

In any case, it means they'll have to go either the Conqueror's route or the Inspirer's route. Conquerors take over the planets they find violently, and the Inspirer through unity or caring. Doing either earns them the loyalty of a different kind of game construct; the Leprechaun. Each one has abilities surrounding their master's Aspect, and are naturally uncooperative with each other.

The goal is to get them to cooperate and help you supposedly beat the Black King in the place of fellow players. The frog breeding and forge stoking would have to fall on the only player, or perhaps a competent Leprechaun if you're lucky enough to receive one.

However, this is only how it would work IN THEORY. The moment a single player tries to prototype their sprite, it will turn into a black hole. The Prospitians wear black, the Dersites wear white; the whole thing is basically a glitchy mess at this point. Plus, I do not believe there is a method of ectobiological self-creation in this type of session.

These sessions are unable to produce in any manner, with or without outside help. This is exactly why you never go in alone. Your session gets sucked into a black hole, and you become a borderline eldritch abomination if you somehow survive.

The only example of this type of session involved a particularly dangerous Cherub, whom I prefer to call Cali. Cali had two components: the polite and cheerful Muse of Space(Calliope), and the hateful and angry Lord of Time(Caliborn). Caliborn killed his sister's dream self, resulting in the possibly eternal sleep state she is stuck in now, and he later became Lord English. The Felt are his Leprechaun minions, alongside The Handmaid, Doc Scratch, Snowman, and at some point Her Imperious Condescension(Meenah Peixes to be specific). Like I have said before, this group is to be avoided at all costs.


A little more information on Scratches. The Scratch, as a hard reset, changes the circumstances of the game, but it also changes the type of session that specific host will have. For example, a Null session can become Void. Successful results are most likely rarer than being first tries, but it is still worth giving a second chance. The circumstances of the game are changed in that an outside force will come into play, and the roles between the players and their individual guardians/ancestors will flip.

Sometimes that guardian/ancestor turned player may be better suited for the game, or the opposite. The outside force has only taken the form of either a fully sentient First Guardian, or an invading force from an alien world(which is often between dimensions). It can always be different, of course.

From my notes, the other set of ectoclones will be the players of the new session. How they will be spread out can vary, but the Inciphisphere doesn't work on the same timeline as the host planet, so it doesn't matter.