AN: Sorry I've been a depressed lazyass. Haven't updated in a month and I still feel awful about it. This is the 10th chapter though. It's a little different bc it shows more than just Eren's life, situation whatever. There is Armin x Annie fluff bc I wanted something cute and happy for a change. And to inform you, I didn't forget about the robbers when I wrote this, they were haunting me in the back of me head all the time, I just didn't find a good opening for them. My writing is rusty now (especially in the beginning). I'm sorry. I will finish this fic, don't worry.
Love ya!
"Put the boxes down there and come over here. I need to discuss some matters with you." A low voice commanded. Two people were carrying boxes, they placed them in a dark corner of the room and walked up to the speaker. The room was dark apart from sunlight let in by cracks in loose panels, lighting it enough to see what they are doing. Dust covered the place leaving the air musty.
Their boss was a clever man. He had good tactics and plans for everything his crew did. He wasn't the type to praise even if you did well, but that made them respect him even more. Though they were usually commanded by his assistant and he rarely joined them personally, this week was special.
"I was asked to return here because you apparently have good news for me." The low voice started. One of the two stepped forward and nodded in confirmation. The one standing behind fidgeted, wiping his sweaty palms on his jeans. Their boss was intimidating when he was angry but now, even in a good mood, something in his aura made them both be on edge.
"Update me then, please." The man crossed his arms.
The one in the front cleared his throat before speaking, "on our mission in the cafe, I saw someone I haven't seen in a long time. It took me by surprise but in a good way. I used to be a friend of his and he is the kind of person you have been talking about." He paused before continuing, "I think you would be interested in him." A small smirk crawled on his lips.
Their boss unfolded his hands with a curious look on his face, "do tell me more."
The smirk grew wider, "Eren Jaeger, sir."
The one standing behind stepped forward and nodded. Their boss stood in silence, staring off into space before smiling devilishly, "Oh, Eren Jaeger, the real deal indeed." He let out a laugh that echoed in the room, making the rest two look at each other in confusion. Did their boss know who he was talking about?
The laughter stopped and a fourth member walked in and stood next to the boss. "I heard that you were talking about Eren Jaeger?"
Eren's heart was pounding like it was going to burst out of his ribcage. His head was spinning but he managed to get into his apartment without fainting right then and there. After closing his front door, he leaned on his knees, taking deep breaths. It's okay. I did fine. He doesn't hate me. He likes me. Oh my fucking god he likes me. Eren though that his face couldn't get any hotter but the thoughts of what had just happened in the car proved him wrong. He suddenly snapped out of his thoughts as the foul smell in his apartment made him gag. There were still dishes and clothes all over the surfaces. Eren covered his nose with his shirt before starting cleaning. First he decided to take care of the dishes. Since they didn't all fit into the dishwasher, he had to wash some of them in a sink.
Picking up and shoving his dirty laundry into a washing machine was a lot easier. After finishing the chores, he opened a window to get rid of the disgusting, stingy air. Phew. "Maybe I've done enough for today. I need a shower." He breathed out before heading back to the bathroom.
The kettle finished boiling so Eren filled his cup with the water, adding a blueberry flavored tea bag in it. He put the cup on the TV stand, flicked the TV on and walked into his bedroom to change. He heard the news reader report on the weather, then switching to a guy giving the sports updates. Nothing that would interest Eren. He put on a purple sweater, grey jeans and white ankle socks. He jumped over onto the couch to enjoy his tea. He forgot that the window was still open, and was reminded of it when a cold wind blew inside. Oh god it's cold. Eren walked to the window, glancing at the traffic below him before closing it. He had had the urge to jump off the balcony from time to time during his depression, but never actually having the courage to do it. He sipped his tea as he stared out of the window. Many thoughts flickered in his mind, some of them more unpleasant than the others.
Armin hung his apron and changed out of his work clothes. He brushed his hair, put on some cologne and headed out, locking the cafe behind him. He checked the time on his watch as he hooded his head to keep his hair dry from the pouring rain. He could have driven but the place was so close he thought it would be simpler to just walk. He stopped in front of a market to get cover from the rain. He took out his cellphone to text his location to Annie. They had a date night and had decided to go to Annie's place to eat.
Annie was late. Armin would still patiently wait for her. After 20 minutes behind schedule, Armin saw Annie running towards him with a blue umbrella. "Oh my god, Armin. I'm so sorry for being late." She panted. Armin took the umbrella from her to hold it above them. He smiled, "it's okay. I didn't wait that long."
Annie smiled, sighing in relief as they intervined their fingers. "Were you busy?" Armin asked. She stared at the ground before answering, "yeah. I had some urgent business to take care of."
Armin just nodded, not caring about her being late, he was just happy that she was there now. They walked quietly, no need for a conversation when the silence between them was already comfortable.
Armin had spent so much time with Annie that her home was practically his too. They hadn't officially moved in together yet, but they had some of each others stuff in their apartments. Armin took his wet jacket to dry in the bathroom after they got inside. Annie followed soon after with a pile of clothes for both. They casually changed out of their wet clothes, Annie then heading to the kitchen. Armin seated himself at the dinner table to watch her cook. Her hair was tied up in her usual, messy bun. The black apron covered her white tee and grey sweats. Her blue eyes looked focused when she cooked. Armin loved her cooking. It had a spin of its own to it, tasting like more than just food. He leaned his elbows on the table to keep his head up. The mood was peaceful, warm and just like everything it should be. "Need any help?" He asked. Annie took a quick glance at him. "You know you can't cook proper food, right?" She chuckled. Armin rolled his eyes as he stood up and walked over to her. He hugged her from behind, smelling her hair and murmuring something she couldn't hear. "You'll burn yourself if you mess with the stove." She leaned against his touch. He kissed her briefly on the head before walking out of the kitchen. "What do you wanna do tonight?" He raised his voice for her to hear.
"I was planning on watching a movie, if you don't mind?" She walked to the doorway, "the dinner's ready."
Annie set the table for them. She had made feta salad, steak and chips. Annie always put ketchup on her chips. Armin on the other hand hated ketchup, it was sticky, messy and didn't even taste good, so he put mayonnaise instead. He smiled as he ate with his girlfriend, not caring about the rest of the world when he was with her. He watched her as they ate, noticing the bags under her eyes that weren't usually that dark. Sliding his gaze to her delicate hands holding the cutlery, he noticed they had small cuts. Uneasiness swelling in his stomach, he couldn't let it be. "What happened to your hands?" He took them in his own, looking into her eyes.
Annie seemed confused at first. When she took a look at her hands, she chuckled, "oh these are just everyday scratches, nothing to worry about." She assured. Armin still felt unease, but forgot all about it when she leaned over the table to kiss him. They put the dishes away after finishing, heading to the living room to pick a movie.
Armin made himself comfortable in the corner of the couch, while Annie laid down with her head on his lap. They picked Transformers: The Dark Side Of The Moon. He stroked her shoulder while watching. Annie sat up next to him, resting her head on his shoulder, Armin wrapping his arm around her. This is just what she needed. The feeling of safety and comfort. They didn't rush anything, feeling like they had all the time in the world for each other. She didn't even notice falling asleep shortly after.
Armin himself noticed only after hearing soft snoring next to his ear. He paused the movie and carefully got up to gently carry her to her bedroom. She didn't weigh much, she was a kickboxer after all, having a strict diet to keep herself fit.
Her bedroom walls were brown, making the room warm but dark. He placed her on the right side of the bed, tucking her under the covers. You are so pretty.
He leaned over her, "I love you." and gave her a goodnight kiss on the forehead.