"Cah!" Judith squealed. She crawled excitedly on her brother, starting at his legs, up onto his lap. This was the first time she has seen him in days. "Cah!" She climbed up his chest supporting herself as she stood on her brother.

"Miss me, Judy?" Carl smiled, giving her kisses and holding her hands, bracing her as she laughed and bounced happily on his lap.

Carl has been lying in the infirmary for four days since he was first poisoned by Jessie. When the rest of the group got word that he was awake and speaking, they all rushed over to see how their young companion was doing. Maggie, Glenn, Daryl, Carol and Tara were all surrounding Carl's bed. Abraham, Rosita and Sasha were looking on as well, happy and relieved that the treatments worked. Even Eugene was there explaining to Carl how he defied the odds in just being alive with the amount of poison they estimated was in his body.

"He's a fighter, for sure." Glenn affirmed.

Carl offered him a smile. He was not paying much attention to all the excitement going on around him. He was focused on his little sister Judith who was now pulling on his hair trying to communicate in her baby gibberish. He had been filled in for the most part on what happened with Jessie, but for now he was just happy to be alive with his family again. It did not surprise him, it was always surprising when someone did not try to kill them.

Although he was awake and talking, the whole ordeal left Carl very weak. He did not have much of an appetite, any food that he was given, he was unable to keep down. In four days he lost almost ten pounds, his skin was still pale, though color was beginning to return. All the buzz and attention he was getting was beginning to wear him down, he yawned, ready to get some sleep.

As if on cue, Michonne walked over to Carl's bed. "Okay, okay, I think that's enough." she smiled. She had been standing by the doorway watching Judith and Carl's interaction. She picked Judith up off of his lap. The baby began to cry, reaching out for her brother, not wanting to leave. Michonne gave her a series of tiny bounces and her pacifier, calming her cries after a few minutes.

"Right," Carol began, "We should let Carl get his rest so he can get his strength back."

The group said their goodbyes, leaving Rick, Michonne, Carl, and Judith in the infirmary room.

"How are you feeling?" Rick asked when everyone was gone. He had been sitting on the opposite bed, the one Morgan occupied not so long ago.

"Better, just a little tired." Carl explained. Rick walked to his son and helped him adjust his sheets and pillows so he could get more comfortable. "When can I leave?"

"Soon." Rick answered. "Most likely tomorrow." He tucked the sheets over his son like he had done so many times before. Taking his time, admiring the young face, his eyes just like his mother. He had been lucky so far and was determined to harbor and cherish these moments that could so easily be taken away from him. "I am going to go home and feed your sister, I'll be back later okay?"

Carl nodded, his eyelids were heavy, ready to welcome sleep.

Michonne passed Judith off to Rick, "I'll stay here."

Rick nodded. He and Michonne did not have time to talk with all of the commotion surrounding Carl waking up. The impassioned kiss they shared not too long ago was still fresh on their minds. They both knew they wanted to move forward in their relationship, but a lot was still unsaid between the two. When the entire group was around they almost seemed to steer clear of one another. Not ready to attract too much attention. "Talk later?" Rick asked as he headed for the door. Michonne gave him a small nod and he walked out of the infirmary.

The happy sounds coming from his daughter's mouth was music to Rick's ears. He was feeding Judith leftover rabbit and carrots in her high chair. The memories of a time when he thought he lost his daughter forever, came flooding back. The mental anguish he experienced was something he thought he would never be able to recover from. He had been luckier than most, getting Judith back, Carl being saved not only once, but twice. Each time he had help and support. Now his son was healing and his daughter was eating actual food, happily.

"I stumbled along the way, I know." Rick said out loud. Judith looked curiously at him then smiled as if he was talking to her.

"Carl is getting better. A problem I created, I know, but I can't dwell on that. I gained something special, Lori. I am happy now."

"Mii!" Judy cried out gaily, spilling her food all over the herself. Rick raised his eyebrows. It could have been a coincidence, but looking at her tiny face and big smile he felt she understood.

"That's right, baby!" Rick laughed, wiping food from around her mouth.

"Lori, I found the woman I love. The woman I am able to love. Truly." he paused as he thought about Michonne. Ever since she found her way into his life he has had the support that he desperately needed, to know that the path he is taking is correct. Even when he strays, she is always the one able to reel him in. "She is strong… and beautiful." Rick said aloud admirably to his wife now dead and gone. "She understands me on a different level, she has helped keep our children alive. Carl loves her, Judith too. You would have liked her. I know you would approve."

Rick played with his wedding band on his finger. "I was not the best husband to you, Lori, but our love was pure." He twisted it back and forth using his thumb. "I have to move forward now. So I can be the best father, to give our boy and girl that life you always wanted them to have." Back and forth, the gold glinted in the candlelight.

"Our chapter ended, the way it had to I suppose." Rick resumed more quietly to himself. "You're never coming back. You're at peace now and I will always love you, but I'm ready."

He took it off the gold band. The tan line from years of wear was a striking visual of how far he had come. Rick examined the ring closely then placed it in his pocket.

Michonne was engrossed in her novel as she sat beside Carl. He was sleeping soundly ever since his father left a couple of hours ago. He stirred in his bed and rolled over, opening his eyes to find Michonne staring at him.

"Hey kid, you hungry?" Michonne asked, putting her book down.

"A little." Carl answered.

Michonne grabbed a tupperware bowl out of the refrigerator. Carol prepared soup for Carl for when he got hungry. It was the only thing he could keep down at the moment. She put it in the microwave to heat up. When it was done, she brought the hot soup over to Carl.

"Sit up." Michonne ordered. She placed a bed tray over Carl and placed the soup down for him to eat. "Let it cool a little, first."

Carl grinned at Michonne as she picked up her book again, returning to her seat beside his bed. It was a look of self satisfaction. Michonne raised one eyebrow and peered at Carl inquisitively over the top of her book. "Do you have something to say?" Michonne inquired, placing her book on her lap now giving him her full attention.

"It took me almost dying for you and my Dad to finally kiss!" Carl boasted. He burst with laughter, holding his stomach, still in some pain. He took a slurp of his soup. "Ouch…hot!" he yelped.

"That's what you get." Michonne teased. She went to the sink to pour him a glass of water.

Carl continued on, "No, but really, you and my Dad, it's great. You both need each other." Michonne placed the water on the tray, "But please…, just don't make out in front of me, every five minutes." he pleaded.

"Ok, I will make sure to only make out every ten." she shot back.

Carl laughed. "We are going to be a real family now." he said more seriously.

Michonne studied his face. He was so young at times, it was easy to forget. "We were always a family." she corrected. She lovingly moved a piece of hair that fell on to his face.

"Are you going to tell Dad?" Carl finally asked.

"Tell him what?" Not sure what he could be referring to.

"About Andre, I know you said it wasn't a secret, but now, maybe he should know, so you don't have to deal with everything by yourself." Carl explained.

A moment ago a young, innocent teenager, he surprised her again with his wisdom. Michonne was about to reply when Rick walked into the room. She would save that conversation for a later time.

"Welcome home, Carl!"

The entire living room erupted when Rick and Carl walked in the home the next day. Maggie organized a small welcome party for Carl, the entire group was there as well as Enid, who had been with him the night he ate the toxic pie. Maggie and Tara put together an elaborate meal for everyone, the delicious scents filling the entire home. Everyone ate and mingled together. It was a jovial celebration, a much needed break from all the somber get togethers that they had more often than not. Michonne and Daryl were bantering in the corner of the room with Sasha and Abraham, discussing how many times each of them saved each other in the middle of a fight.

Deanna stopped by for a little while to talk to Rick and greet Carl. She was back to her normal self since losing her husband, as best as she could be. Her experience as a politician worked well in keeping up the facade of a woman who has it together. Carl waited to see if Ron would stop by, but he expected he would not. It was an awkward situation now between the two boys with Jessie on the run, Morgan dead, and Carl having almost died. The two boys pretty much stayed to themselves now.

A few other Alexandrians stopped by to greet Rick and Carl. Most of the people in the community were good friends with Jessie, so the news of her deceit seemed erroneous, but with the death of Morgan and poisoning of Carl, and her subsequent absence. it was hard to dispute. Deanna, with the help of some community members, swept Jessie's home for any clues on what actually happened. There was a generic box of rat poison under her kitchen sink that they presumed was used in the pie. Some of her clothes was missing, but other than that no clues as to where she went. No one believed she would survive outside of Alexandria, but Deanna held a meeting with the community members anyway. She declared Jessie guilty of the accusations against her and warned everyone to keep a look out for her, should she return.

It was going on 10pm when the party wrapped up. The group said their goodbyes, Carl was completely exhausted, he spent most of the night chatting with Enid. He did not eat much of the food that was prepared, but his health seemed to be improving. Michonne took Judith upstairs to give her a bath and put her to bed. Carl walked up to his room, Rick followed him to deliver a pair of clean clothes for bed.

"Have fun today?" Rick asked passing him a t-shirt and sweatpants to sleep in.

"Yeah it was okay. Glad to be home." Carl answered.

"How are you feeling?" Rick placed his hand on his forehead, evaluating his temperature.

"Just sleepy. That's all." Carl ensured. He changed and climbed into his bed. Being back in his room was familiar and comfortable. He did not realize until now how much he missed it, even after being away for just a few days.

Rick was turning to leave the room when Carl spoke up, "Dad, it is not your fault." He pulled his covers over him and laid his head on the pillow, looking in his father's eyes, he continued, "It's easy to blame you for everything, but I know you do the best you can. I'm fine now, we are together and we are a family. You, Me, Judith and Michonne."

Rick gave Carl his signature tilt of the head, "I did not get to ask you, how do you feel about that?"

Carl gave him a shy smile, "All I have to say is, its about time."

Rick chuckled.

"And don't worry about Mom, all she ever wanted was for you to be happy." He turned to face away from his father, sinking further into his covers.

Rick studied Carl, still amazed at the things he picked up on even at his young age.

"You have to find her though." Carl said, his tone more pensive. "She has to pay. For what she did. To Michonne, To Morgan, To Me. She has to pay."

"I will find her. I'll make sure I find her." Rick promised. With that he kissed Carl on the forehead and bid him goodnight.

Michonne noticed the weight of Judith as she lifted her out of the tub and wrapped her in a warm towel. She was growing, like a healthy baby should and it made her heart swell with joy. Judy let out a small yawn, tired from all the business of the day.

"Long day, huh sweetie?" Michonne smiled. Judith returned her smile with one of her own grabbing a lock of Michonne's hair. She carried her to the nursery, lying her down to put on her pajamas. The scent of baby lotion on Judith brought back pleasant memories of bathing her own son, before the turn. She yawned again, kicking her tiny legs out as Michonne put on a tiny pair of soft pink pajama bottoms.

"It's crazy, all this we had to go through to get here." she said aloud. She put the tiny matching shirt over Judith's head, her eyes now closing, the soothing bath making sleep hard to ward off.

"I've spent so much time in regret, blaming myself, for how things turned out. I thought if I willed myself to not feel, to avoid, the pain would just go away." She held Judith in her arms now, rocking her back and forth, while Judith grasped on her dreadlock with one hand and sucked her thumb with the other.

"You had to die, my sweet baby boy had to die, Andrea had to die, Herschel had to die…" she paused a moment. "…Morgan had to die. A piece of me died with each one of you, but I have gained so much.I have learned so much." Michonne looked down at Judith who was now sleeping in her arms. She looked so peaceful, already having gone through so much in her tiny life, but still innocent and pure.

"I wish my peanut was here, he would be friends with Judith and Carl, I could have taught him to fight, and I hated you for robbing me of that. I blamed you, but I don't anymore. Things had to happen this way. I do love you Mike…" she said as she lifted Judith to place her in her crib, "Watch our boy for us."

She gave Judith a kiss on the head and watched the rise and fall of her tiny stomach. If this was her life now, she was okay with it.

Rick and Michonne exited the children's rooms, simultaneously, meeting in the hall. It seemed like a lifetime ago they shared that first spark in the very hallway they stood that set their relationship forward in motion. In two days they did not have a minute alone to just talk.

"Carl, okay?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, sleeping now." Rick answered. "Judy?"

"Sleeping." Michonne replied.

The hallway was quiet, the air thick. The only sound coming from the ticks of a hanging clock on the wall.

Despite having kissed already, making out, the tension was still thick between the two. Neither really knew what to say or do next. Michonne offered Rick a small smile, and was about to walk past him when his hand was on her torso, blocking her path.

"Where are you going?" Rick asked, perplexed.

"To bed." Michonne responded, as if it was obvious.

Rick tilted his head down at her, rubbing the back of his neck. Suddenly Michonne felt a stirring inside of her. Her gaze fell to Rick's lips, his voice bringing her back to the present.

"You tired?" he asked softly.


He took her hand and walked her to his bedroom. The window was left open, the night air creating a cool breeze inside the room. Rick softly closed the door behind him. Michonne stood by the doorway watching Rick as he moved deftly around the room. He unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off, her eyes trained on his every movement. She admired his muscles, the light brown hair on his chest, all his battle scars from the countless fights he had taken part in.

When Rick began to unbuckle his jeans Michonne felt her heart skip a beat, as much as she wanted him, she was not sure if she was ready for this much intimacy just yet. She stuttered, "Wha…what are you doing?"

Rick looked at her wide eyes confused, he walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants. "Changing for bed, what does it look like?" giving her and accusing grin.

Michonne shook her head in response. Of course, that is what he was doing, it is bedtime. She thought to herself.

She was still in her jeans and tank. Her bed clothes were in her room, so she scanned Rick's bedroom and found what she was looking for. The brown shirt lying across a chair. She walked over and grabbed it. She stripped down to her underwear, and put the shirt on. The soft cotton fabric fell right above her knees. The brown complementing nicely against her own darker skin tone. The shirt still smelled of Rick and soap he used to shower. Nothing too fragrant or flowery, just fresh, igniting her senses.

Rick finished getting prepared for bed when he turned his attention back to Michonne. She was standing with her legs crossed out in front of her, her arms crossed across her chest. Her face was gentle, albeit a little bashful. The sight of her standing there in his shirt was the sexiest he has ever seen.

"Looks better on you. " he smirked, walking to the bed to pull back the sheets. Michonne returned his smile and they both slipped in. Rick was laying on his side, so he could face Michonne, she mirrored his posture and their gaze locked. Neither one said anything for a while. Rick took the opportunity to study her features, her almond shaped eyes, dark brown, that sparkled in the moonlight that shined though the window blinds.. Her heart shaped lips, soft and full. A single lock fell across her face, he moved it gently behind her ear, so he could see all of her.

His touch sent electric waves through her entire body. His blue eyes bore into her, the intimacy was something she has never felt, even before the turn with Mike. She remembered the first time her eyes connected with his, through that prison fence. It was immediate even though she did not know him, or even like him, she knew he was a good man. When Michonne looked at Rick knew that this was authentic, they are connected on a level no one else would ever be able to understand. She fell in love with him before she realized what was happening. Now she was in his bed, warm, safe and content.

"Can I ask you something?" Rick whispered, finally breaking the silence.

Michonne nodded.

"Who is Andre?" he asked. "I overheard you talking with Carl yesterday."

Michonne turned to lie on her back and looked up at the ceiling. "He is my son." Michonne answered simply. Rick sat up on his elbows to get a better look at her. He could not believe his ears, but the shock did not register on his face. Instead he waited for her to continue. "He died, when I was at the camp with my boyfriend Mike, and his friend Terry." His face turned grim, he was all too familiar with the pain of losing a child, though he was fortunate to have his returned to him. It explained a lot, and filled a massive hole about who Michonne is. He could not help but be angry with himself for finding out so late. After all she has helped him with, she was carrying this weight alone.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." was all he could think to say. He wished he had something else.

Michonne focused her eyes on him now, "You did not know because I did not tell you" she smirked.

"But you told Carl?"

"I like him better than you." she quipped back.

Rick chuckled and sat up, his back against the headboard. Michonne followed his lead and sat up beside him. He motioned for her to move onto his lap. Michonne obliged, straddling Rick. Her face only a few inches away from his.

"Can you tell me about him?" he asked thoughtfully. His hands resting on her thighs.

The words came easy for Michonne. She told Rick all about Andre. How she used to call him peanut, how he was a cheerful boy, his smile being the best part of her day. She told Rick how he was a handful, very curious, but very loving as well. She shared stories of her and Andre in a time before this world began. Michonne even talked about how he died. How she blamed Mike and how she blamed herself for not being there. Rick listened and hung to every word. He smiled and laughed when she laughed, he held her close when she got to the tough part. Rick was so enamored with Michonne and her resiliency. Hearing about Andre, and who she was before the turn was fascinating to him. He did not want her to stop.

Michonne moved off of Rick's lap, turning around and leaning into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, reaching for her hands, interlocking their fingers together. Michonne studied his strong hands in her own when she noticed the familiar gold band on his left hand was missing.

"Where is your wedding ring?" she asked.

"Got rid of it." he sighed.

"Why?" Michonne inquired. For as long as she has known Rick, he never took that ring off. She never thought he would.

"Well…" he started, squinting his eyes like he does when he is thinking of what to say next. "I think it was time to move on. From Lori, from my past."

Rick began to confide in Michonne about his own past. He talked about his own insecurities that put a strain on his marriage with Lori, and the deteriorating relationship with his best friend Shane. He even told her about questioning whether or not he was Judith's biological father. Michonne listened closely to Rick, caressing his thighs as he spoke. It felt unfamiliar to her hearing Rick talk about himself in this capacity, but she was glad for it. She felt alive in his arms.

It was going on midnight and Rick and Michonne was still up talking in bed.

"I can't believe we are here." Rick said giving Michonne a kiss on her neck. "Feels like a dream."

"I know." she smiled.

Rick's voice changed from blissful to a more authoritative tone. "I have to find her though." he said. "Tomorrow, I'll go back out with Abraham. She can't get away with this."

"Maybe we should wait until Carl is up and better?" Michonne offered.

"You did not wait when The Governor was out there, I didn't want to and we know what happened there." Rick retorted.

"Jessie is not the Governor. She will be back. She is bold, she is a liar, but she loved her kids." Michonne continued. "She will be back."

Rick nodded, but he knew he was still going to go out and search.

Michonne changed the subject. She had no desire to waste precious moments talking about Jessie. "I left my book in my bedroom. I can't fall asleep without it now." she explained. She moved to get up when Rick pulled her back down. His grip was tight around her waist.

"Maybe we can find something else to put you to sleep." The alluring sound of his voice caused an immediate reaction in Michonne. Rick's strong hands massaged slowly and meticulously across her shoulders and arms. He moved his hands down to her thighs, his thumbs rubbing the sensitive area in between. The room was quiet, nothing but a low moan escaping Michonne's mouth. He moved quickly giving her no time to protest. She would not have anyway. Rick kissed Michonne gently behind her ear. She shuddered feeling his length grow beneath her. His hands found the hem of the brown t-shirt she wore. Traveling underneath and upward, feeling her smooth skin, reaching his destination, Rick pulled down the cups of her bra and began fondling her breasts. Her nipples reacting, growing hard at touch.

"Rick…" Michonne breathed out. She leaned deeper into his warm muscular chest, never wanting anything more.

"Yes…" Rick whispered back. He continued to work his hands over her firm, full breasts, softly then more aggressively as his instinct picked up.

He moved his hands back down finding her underwear. Leisurely his fingers traced the band of her panties. Michonne's body temperature began to rise. She knew where he was going and she decided she would give in to the pleasure, she opened her legs wider, signaling Rick to proceed. His hand moved under the band. Continuing his voyage south, expecting to reach a tuft of hair, Rick's fingers were met with Michonne's wet lips, as smooth as silk. He buried his mouth in her neck, "Mmm..", the vibrations traveling through her spine. Rick's hand traveled further, sliding his middle finger between her lips, relishing in her warmth.

"Michonne…" Rick drawled out. He was determined to go as slow as possible. Sliding his fingers back and forth, her womanhood getting wetter with each passing. The pleasure on her face was enough to take him over the edge. It has been a long time coming, and he was focused on making this last. "…you ready?" he asked.

"…yes."Michonne managed to breathe out. In one motion Rick moved in, sticking his long finger into her.

Michonne inhaled deeply. It has been so long since she felt the touch of a man, the pleasure felt new and she did not want it to end.

Rick worked his fingers in and out slowly, around in circular motions. He wanted to feel ever part of her. He slipped another finger inside, her aroma permeating in the air, stimulating his senses. He worked her clit, gently at first then faster as she surrendered to his touch.

"Rick…" Michonne pleaded, her hips now moving in rhythm with his hand. Quicker, faster she moaned,riding her first orgasm in longer than she could remember. She fell back into Rick as he sucked and kissed on her neck. Michonne felt Rick grin against her skin.

"You okay?" he said, pleased with himself. He spent many nights thinking about bringing her to a climax as strong.

Michonne catching her breath, "Yeah…" puffing in return.

"Good because I'm not done yet." Rick moved from behind Michonne positioning himself on top. He reached in to give her a heartfelt kiss. Tasting her lips, her tongue, every inch of her mouth, he fell deeper into the feeling.

Rick's mouth trailed her neck and collarbone. He lifted the shirt, landed at her breasts suckling on each nipple. Michonne gasped at the feel of his mouth on her tender chest. Rick made his way to her center, her panties soaked, he pulled them off exposing her lips glistening with excitement. He inhaled the aromatic fragrance of Michonne, the sensual gratification that was close to sending Rick over the edge. He kissed the inside of her thighs carefully avoiding her lips, heightening her desire. He wanted to taste her so bad. He blew softly causing Michonne to groan with lust.

His sultry blue eyes looked up at her and she looked down at him, imploring without words to continue. Rick placed a small kiss her lips, getting a slight taste of her sweet nectar. Michonne quivered in response. Wanting more, Rick slid his tongue from the back to the front, closing his eyes savoring her taste.

"Delicious." he drawled seductively.

Michonne did not care for too much talk but the sound of Rick's voice was doing wonders by itself. He licked again using the whole length of his tongue not wanting to waste any drop. He paused again and looked at Michonne, she now looked at him with a angry fierce eyes. He knew he had to give her what she wanted. He began to work, tasting all of her. Rick's tongue darted in and out of her pussy. Michonne began gripping the sheets trying to stay grounded in her own body. Rick lifted her legs on his shoulders so he could reach deeper and further. Michonne grabbed onto his hair for balance. She began to shake as she felt herself begin to lose it again. Rick continued to suck and lap, drinking in all of Michonne. His hands found her breast as he pinched and groped at her breasts intensifying the pleasure. Rick knew she was close, he focused his attention to her clit. Michonne pulled his hair harder and the pain only escalating his fervor. She screamed out, Rick immediately finding her mouth to muffle her screams. She reveled in her second orgasm of the night. Michonne was no stranger to sex. but she was sure this was the best she ever had.

Rick continued to rest small kisses on her skin, now glinting with sweat. She was breathing heavy and he smiled. Seeing her so worn out from pleasure was a sight he loved to see. She pushed him to the side and climbed on top. Michonne lifted the brown shirt over her head and discarded her bra. Rick wasted no time in exploring her body with his hands. Michonne ran her fingers across his chest, the small soft curls through her fingers.

They were never very physical with each other and deprived themselves for a long time, so Michonne and Rick both made sure to take their time. Rick feeling the soft, gentleness of her skin, the curves of her body and Michonne feeling his strong, rough muscles she witness in action so many times before. She pulled down his pants, his erection springing out. Rick rolled to the side with Michonne straddling him. He grabbed a condom in the nightstand and put it on.

"Safety." he smiled.

Their initial animalistic instincts gave way to a more slow seduction as they both were aware of the act they were about to perform. Joining together at the peak of emotional intimacy. Michonne leaned down and kissed Rick. Taking notice of her nervousness and held her close to him. Michonne positioned herself over Rick's manhood and lowered herself down. She winced, adjusting to his size. Rick held his breath, her tightness was enough to make him explode. Michonne sat up, she was tense having not had sex in almost two years. Rick moved his hand gently on Michonne's stomach then felt up to her heart. It was racing. Their eyes met, both communicating without words, Michonne looked at Rick and he reassured her. She began moving her hips up and down his shaft. Rick closed his eyes to cave in to the feeling.

"Open your eyes." Michonne said softly. He did and looked at her angelic body working on him. He bit his lip, trying to contain himself. They reached a steady rhythm and Michonne began to move faster. Rick met her hips with thrusts of his own, he was about to erupt when he sat up and with one swift motion, placed Michonne on her back as he began thrusting on top. Ricks grunts were getting louder and Michonne put her hand over his mouth. He smiled and buried his face beside her as he pounded in and out. Michonne began to groan out in unison with his movements. She grabbed his back. digging her nails through his skin, willing him to go deeper. With every push she let go of any negativity she harbored. The sting of her scratches thrilled Rick even more. He became an animal. The animal she fell in love with out in the woods. Faster and faster he picked up pace until he was not able to hold out anymore. Michonne felt herself ready as well and Rick lifting his head finding her eyes again, they shared the rush of their first orgasm together.

Rick kissed Michonne again, each time like it was his last. Since the beginning of the end of the world all they have known was disappointment, heartache and pain.

"I love you." he said. Michonne looked him in his eye and for a second he thought he said the wrong thing.

She kissed him again and with conviction that could never be second guessed she said, "I love you too."

Rick's strong arms were wrapped around Michonne, his warm breath on the back of her neck. She was completely at peace. There were no dreams clouding her mind, just total tranquility in the embrace of the man she loved. Michonne snuggled deeper into him. Her eyes were closed, but an ominous feeling started to fill the atmosphere.

She barely opened one eye when she saw it. The barrel of a pistol aimed straight at her forehead. Michonne jumped up in shock, pulling the sheets over her bare chest but not making a sound. Rick feeling her jerk woke up as well to Jessie aiming a pistol at Michonne. He also noticed something cradled in her left arm. It took a moment to register that it was his sleeping daughter, Judith.

Rick sat up and opened his mouth to say something when Jessie cut him off.

"Shhhhh." Jessie said in a low tone.

She was dirty and disheveled. The absolute opposite of their first encounter. She put the barrel of the gun to her lips signaling them to stay quiet. A vicious look on her face, one in which Rick has never seen.

"Jessie, what are you doing?" Rick said, his voice shaking giving way to his sheer panic. Rick never taking his eyes off of his daughter.

Michonne's eyes darted around the room. She was looking for anything she could use against Jessie. She left her katana in her own bedroom. Rick's colt she knew was in the nightstand beside her, she racked her brain for a way to get to it.

"You see, and you called me paranoid. I knew there was something going on here." she said motioning between Rick and Michonne.

"Jessie, put my daughter down." Rick stated forcefully.

"Why Rick? I'm not good enough to hold your precious baby?" she teased.

Michonne inched closer to the nightstand, taking notice, Jessie fixed the gun right back on Michonne.

"Stop moving."

Michonne did, but stared straight into Jessie's eyes. She was not scared, anymore, just unadulterated anger.

Jessie focused her attention back on Rick, but had the gun still pointed at Michonne. "You stole everything from me Rick." Jessie started. "You killed my husband, you broke my heart, I lost my kids."

"You did that, when you tried to kill me." Michonne chimed in.

Jessie glared back at Michonne. She met her harden look with one of her own. After all she has been through she was not ready to die here at the hands of some scorned lover.

"I did not want Morgan to die. He was a good man." Jessie gathered.

"We can talk about this." Rick continued.

"No, Rick we can't. I will take care of this. You are a liar. You walk around like you are so high and mighty, like you are better than every one else. You walk in and you take, you take and you take. Now I am going to take something from you."

"Put My daughter down!" Rick screamed.

Jessie pointed the gun at Rick, "Calm down Rick, I'm not going to hurt her. She is innocent, I would never hurt a baby so pure, no matter who her father is." She moved the gun back at Michonne. "I will take away something you love though. Someone you love."

The extreme hate for Michonne registered all over Jessie's face. Michonne had everything she wanted, everything she was suppose to have.

"See, I don't care what happens to me, I told you I can handle myself. I made it outside these walls, by myself. My boys are safe, though Mr. Constable, I think you need better security." she sneered.

Michonne could get the gun out of her hand if Rick continued to keep her occupied, but Judith was a complication. She could not make the wrong move and jeopardize Judith's life.

"I want you to hurt like you hurt me." Jessie said. Tears were beginning to fall on her face leaving a trails through the dirt and grit that covered her skin.

"Jessie…I" Rick started.

"What, Rick? You're sorry? You can never understand what I've lost until you lose something as well."

"I have lost, we've all lost." Rick frantically tried to reason with her.

"Not enough."

Jessie cocked the pistol back and aimed straight for Michonne. Rick looked on horrified, preparing to tackle her even as she held Judith. In an instant her face changed. Her anger gave way to pain. A silver blade suddenly projected out of her mouth from the back of her skull. It retracted and blood began oozing out of her mouth. Tears streamed down her face as she sorrowfully looked at Rick one last time before collapsing on the floor. Michonne grabbed Judith before she could fall as well. A tired Carl stood in the room, Michonne's sword, bloody in his hand.

Two Weeks Later

Jessie was buried for the sake of Ron and Sam next to their father. They lost everything because their parents were unable to adapt to this new world. The story of Jessie's intrusion spread quickly. Spencer had been on guard that night, but fell asleep on duty. They presumed she just climbed one of the beams.

Carol took Sam under her wing, Ron was much older and more bitter about the whole situation. He and Carl barely spoke anymore, the death of his mother was too much for him. Rick did not tell anyone that it was Carl who took Jessie's life. It was better for that secret to stay within his family.

It was a sunny day, Rick stood by Morgan's grave. He recollected the time when he first met Morgan, when he had no idea what this world had become. He took some solace in that he was with his son and wife now.

"I would have liked to meet your wife, tell Duane I said hello." Rick quietly spoke to the grave. "I promise you I will take care of Michonne. My family is complete. You made that possible. You saved my life once again."

Michonne was searching for Rick when she spotted him at Morgan's grave. She walked beside him and took his hand, lacing her fingers with his, fitting perfectly with one another. He grabbed her hand and leaned down to give her a kiss. She grabbed a bunch of wildflowers growing nearby and placed them on Morgan's grave. She missed seeing his face and smile. A man she had known for such a short time was integral in helping her live again.

Michonne and Rick walked hand in hand back to the main road. Neighbors greeted them. Maggie and Glenn were outside their house with a huge grin on each of their faces like proud parents. Walking out in the open felt natural to Rick. He never wanted to let go of Michonne again. Michonne remembered what it was like to be genuinely happy. To be able to fully live.

Carl walked up to them with Judith in his arms.

"What is for dinner, Mom?" Carl asked.

"Mom?" Michonne grinned in surprise.

"I'm just trying it out." he said matter of factly.

It sounded pleasant in a strange way, to be called Mom again. She liked it, it was familiar but did not want to pressure Carl into calling her that.

"How about you cook dinner tonight?" Michonne suggested.

He nodded and walked up ahead with his little sister in tow.

Michonne stopped Rick outside of their home.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"Nothing." she smiled at him, "But I have something for you."

She pulled out a tiny gold chain and placed it in his hand. He recognized it immediately as the one she always wore, with the tiny 'M' pendant around her neck. This time, there was something else hanging next to the M. His wedding band, he took off two weeks ago when he and Michonne decided to be one together.

He looked at Michonne, her face soft and gentle.

"I don't think you should forget her, or remove her. She is a part of you, and I love her for that. She is Carl and Judith's mother, and I am grateful for that as well. You do not have to leave her behind for you and I to move forward."

Rick was speechless. He gazed lovingly at Michonne, as the sun kissed her skin. Just the two of them standing alone in front of this home they made with his children, he knew this choice was the right one. The pair spent years trying to control everything in life in the name of survival, but they both lost so much. Finally they gained the world when they decided to just let it go.