Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or Home Tutor Hitman Reborn, I do not have any rights to them and I do not make any money from writing these stories.

A/N: I decided to adopt and have a go Tempestas D. Uzu's Haven Mist story idea. While I am no where as good as a writer as Tempestas D. Uzu I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 1

Haven's body twitched with every sound the hallway clock made. Her mind filtered out the loud yelling of her angry uncle as she sat at the kitchen table. It was as if the world around her was being smashed into a million and one different pieces before being put back together again, only this time in a different order. It was as if someone had grabbed a hammer and smashed a window with, and then decided to try and fix it by hand with the help of super glue. The repair work however turned Haven's mind into a total mess.

"Uncle–" Haven said with an unnatural giggle. It was an unusual sound coming from her which threw her Uncle off balance. "Am I your pet? If I am, you should take care of me better."

Vernon Dursley found himself frozen on the spot as he gazed down at his niece, the glazed over look in her eyes as she looked at him caused a wave of fear to hit him. Thoughts of money and promises flying out of the window entered his mind while he watched his freak of a niece giggle to herself as if she had suddenly turned insane.

"Stop this nonsense!" Vernon yelled out angrily, raising a large beefy hand and hit Haven across the face harshly. "Stop pretending to act insane! Nothing will get you out of the trouble you are in now!"

"You're funny, Uncle Vernon," Haven said with a smile. As she spoke her gaze to turn from her uncle towards an empty spot next to Vernon instead. Not caring about how her Uncle's face was slowly growing more and more purple by the passing seconds, Haven let out an excited squeal and reached out only for Vernon to harshly grab her arm and pull her upwards until she was dangling in the air. "I want to–"

"Enough, I have had enough of you and your freakish ways," Vernon roared out as he turned and walked towards the backdoor, all the while never letting go of a pouting Haven. "I should of done this the very first day you came home from that freak school, instead of waiting until you finished your fifth year! Dudley! Have you got everything?"

"Yeah, everything," Dudley's voice said as it came from the hallway, his voice shortly followed by several loud thuds. "I could not find the freak's owl or stick though."

"Probably because the freaks know about how dangerous this weirdo really is," Vernon grunted as he swung the backdoor open. He didn't even notice the way his niece seemed to be staring wide eyed at her free hand with a strangely intelligent expression. "No worries, this will be the end of everything. I will not take this anymore."

"And neither will I," Haven said softly, her voice carried like the wind as it reached Vernon's ears with a dark promise attached to it. "I am going to let the pretty indigo flames play with you while I disappear."

"What did you say girl?" Vernon demanded as he harshly dropped the girl on the floor, smirking nastily when he heard a sickening crack from her free wrist that told him that he had broken it. "What is this stupid, freakish talk about indigo flames?"

Instead of replying Haven turned her attention to Vernon, pinning him in place as she trapped him with her angry stare. In what took Vernon a few seconds to dismiss her as now being clinically insane he didn't noticed the world around him slowly changing shape or form until it was too late.

"Stupid girl, should of went and died with your stupid criminal of a Godfather," Vernon muttered angrily as he reached down to grab Haven by the ankle, only he froze when he spotted a poisons looking snake on top of his niece's ankle hissing angrily, its fangs dripping with venom. "S-Snake! Snake!"

At Vernon's panicked yells Petunia and Dudley came racing into the kitchen. As they scanned the area looking for any sign of a snake, Vernon's eyes landed on a much larger snake, one around the same size as a dog. Gulping nervously Vernon took a step backwards in an attempt to get away from the evil looking serpent but froze once more when the sound of angry hissing came to his ears.

"Bloody hell," Vernon swore as fear filled him while he turned around only to find himself staring into the angry eyes of an eight foot tall snake. "Petunia! Get my gun, quick! There are snakes everywhere and they just keep getting bigger!"

"Vernon dear...there are no snakes," Petunia said slowly as she totally ignored her niece on the floor.

"But how can you not see that snake!" Vernon said as he pointed a large finger at the eight foot snake. "It is not hard to see!"

Haven, giving her Uncle one last sly smug look, turned and being careful of her wrist slowly began to stand up. Luckily for her, thanks to her relatives so called loving treatment, she only stood at four and a half foot when she should of been around five and a half foot. With measured moves Haven slowly and carefully inched her way through the kitchen, around the confused Petunia and Dudley and out into the hallway.

'Stupid whale, if he wanted me as a pet then he should of treated me better' Haven thought with a frown as the sounds of panicked screams came from the kitchen. 'I will let the pretty indigo flames teach him a lesson for not being a good pet owner.'

Then as if she suddenly did not have a care in the world Haven walked down the hallway towards her trunk where Dudley had left it at the bottom of the stairs. As Haven ignored the blood curling screams from the kitchen she tilted her head to the side cutely and with an innocent expression stared at her trunk.

"It sure is a good thing that I decided to put my most important items in my vault and leave Hedwig to explore as she wants," Haven said as if she was talking to her trunk. "But how am I supposed to get you out of here? I wonder if the pretty indigo flames can help me."

With a look of concentration on her face Haven stared at her trunk only for a small smirk of satisfaction when four small wheels appeared on her trunk along with a strong piece of rope attached to one of the handles. Not wanting to waste any time Haven quickly grabbed the rope with a happy hum and, being careful of her broken wrist, began pulled her trunk out of the house.

As the bright summer sun hit her face and a beautiful yellow and black butterfly flew pass her a grin appeared on Haven's face. Leaving the front door of Number 4 open for all to hear Vernon's screams about Snakes, which would disappear in a few hours but leave the man a blubbering mess, Haven giggled and followed the butterfly.

'I think I'll follow my new friend and do a bit of exploring' Haven thought as she chased after the butterfly in childlike innocence. 'No matter where I end up it cannot be anywhere as bad as Number 4.'

To Be Continued...