Chloe knew her cousin was home before she'd even walked through their apartment door. The stomping on the stairs outside was clear to hear, and she was surprised Lois hadn't snapped a heel. She looked up from her book in preparation of the coming storm and braced herself.

As expected, their apartment door swung open, before slamming shut behind a wild looking Lois Lane.


Chloe winced slightly at the rage filled growl, and then put her book down on her lap. "Bad day at the office?"


"Anyone that I know?"

"The red-headed bitch that walks into the top floor of the Planet, and suddenly thinks she knows what makes good journalism." Lois kicked her shoes off, sending them violently at the wall.

"Ah. Lex's replacement."

"She killed three of my stories. Three! For no reason."

"I'm sure she gave you a reason."

"Oh, she did!" Lois walked to the refrigerator and pulled out a bottle of beer.

Chloe waited patiently for Lois to remove the bottle cap and take a long draw on the cold drink.

"'I'm sorry Ms Lane, but this isn't the direction we're taking the paper in. But, I look forward to seeing more of your work!'" Lois said in a mimicking voice. "The bitch."

Chloe knew what it felt like to have good stories pulled, just on the owner's whim.

"Don't let her get to you. She's probably just trying to assert her authority at the Planet, making everyone know who's should settle."

Lois appeared to contemplate this. "Maybe. But she has made a huge mistake."

Holding back the urge to laugh, Chloe took a sip from her coffee cup. "So, who is the new Editor-in-Chief?"

"Tess Mercer. From what I hear, she's never worked in the media. Just some businesswoman trying to keep Luthor's legacy alive."

Chloe almost choked on her drink.

"You okay, Chlo?"

"Yeah, coffee just went down the wrong way."

As her cousin restarted retelling the injustices against her at work, Chloe was already trying to think through how to gain access to Tess' office. If she had taken up Lex's old office at the Daily Planet, and was making herself known at the labs, what else was she taking over? Oliver's ex-girlfriend was starting to look like almost as much trouble as Lex himself.

Oliver barely had time to stop his papers flying from the desk as his security system announced the arrival of Bart Allen.

"Sorry for the intrusion, Boss. I forgot that I left my gear here, I just wanted to grab it before I headed over to Isis."

"Sure. Mi Casa, and all that." Oliver said with a wave of his hand.

"Thanks." Bart sped towards Oliver's secret room and opened the sliding doors.

"You're spending a lot of time there lately. Is there something I need to know?" Oliver asked.

Bart shrugged, "No. Just keeping Chloe company between bank robberies."

"You've never spent this much time around her before. I know something is up."

"Nothing's up. I just thought Chloe could do with a friendly face." Bart said as he picked up his rucksack.

"She has plenty of friends, she doesn't need you distracting her." Oliver said, folding his arms across his chest. He was irritated, and he wasn't sure why.

"I'm not distracting her, and in case you haven't noticed, Chloe is spending more time behind her computer than with those she cares about."

Oliver chose to ignore the snap in the younger man's voice.

"We all work long and hard, it comes with the job."

"She sacrifices more than we do, man. She's accountable to family and friends, she doesn't have the freedom to do as she wants like us." Bart said heatedly.

It wasn't like Bart to be this serious. He knew the young hero had a crush on their blonde sidekick, but this level of defensiveness was new.

"What aren't you telling me?"

"I'm worried about her, okay?"

"So this isn't about you trying to start a ...thing with her?" Oliver enquired.

"If I thought I stood a chance, no offence man, but I wouldn't be standing here talking to you." Bart put his bag on, and slipped his hood up ready to run out the door.

"So why are you worried?"

Bart stopped his movements, as if he were contemplating even speaking further. "I went to see her the other night; the night before you so rudely woke me at her apartment. She was looking up therapists, Ollie. I didn't believe her story about her cousin's research for a second."

"Did you ask her about it?"

"So she could shut me out completely? No chance. I figure that if she knows she has a friend around who she can talk to, maybe she'll open up."

Oliver became defensive immediately. They were all friends with Chloe. Hell, he was sure he'd become even closer to the blonde in the last few weeks.

"What are you talking about? We're all here for her."

"Really? Stretch only pays attention to her when he needs something, her cousin's out chasing stories in the job that was hers, AC practically lives under the water, Victor is always plugged into something, and…" Bart's voice rose as he spoke.

Oliver waited for the accusation he knew was coming, "And me?"

Bart took a breath and appeared to calm himself down.

"Would you drop everything just to spend five minutes with her? Just to check that she's okay?" He asked quietly.

"Not all of us can cross eight states in the blink of an eye, Bart."

"But you could pick up the phone. Maybe even end a date early, right? The other night, did you even try to see what Chloe wanted before you went back to your one-night stand?" Bart asked as he grabbed his glasses.

"We're all allowed to blow off some steam." Oliver said defensively.

"I'm not accusing you, dude. It's just that I've been doing a little digging of my own, and I'm concerned." Bart sighed. "Do you even know how often she comes home to sleep at night? I've counted. Perhaps twice a week. She is literally spending her days working for us or spending time at the Talon. I'm scared she's going to burn out, and nobody seems to be noticing."

"If she was tired, she would say so."

"No, she wouldn't, and you should know that too."

Ollie paused to think. "You really think she was looking at therapists for herself?"

"Yes, I do; and if no one else is willing to be there for her when she does need to talk? Then I guess I'll be the one to do it."

"This isn't going to win her round, Bart."

Bart's shoulders sagged, almost like he was tired of the conversation.

"It isn't about hoping she'll fall in love with me, or some other wacko plan. I'm happy to be there for her no matter what my feelings are, because she needs me. That's what friends do."

Without waiting for Oliver's response, Bart sped from the room, leaving rustled papers in his wake.

Oliver stood there in silence. If Bart was right, how could he have missed something so serious. Chloe was supposed to be his friend, and yet she was looking to outside help for her problems. She had kept it quiet, that he was sure of, otherwise Lois would have mentioned something.

If Bart was only going over for a short time, maybe he would drive over to see her before he had to head out that night. He had a charity fundraiser tonight, and if it hadn't been for his mother's favourite charity he would have cancelled.

He'd see if Bart was exaggerating or not.