Hi guys, this is Bol, co-writer of this story. PassiveBot has exams so he hasn't had a chance to write and so did I, and honestly I'm pretty sure I spent a bit too much time writing this story rather than studying as he did. I hope you all like this new chapter!

Ruri Shimada stood in the living room, drenched in the morning's light, a fur-lined black bath robe hanging on her shoulders as her front was drenched by the cold light of a large flat-screen television, her skin coloured shades of black and white by the news report as she glared at the image of the Tokyo skyline, and Shimada United Tower crowned in flames, standing amid the light of blue and white sirens.

Her hands were clammy and numb as she held the holographic handset, her fingers cold as she dialled without looking a number onto the glowing blue hardlight. Her eyes followed the words on the bottom of the screen, focussing, fixating on one word that scrolled past.


The phone in her hands rang softly, buzzing into her skin with each vibration and sending warm shivers down her spine. She wrapped her soft robe more tightly around her shoulders as she crossed her arms, watching the scene cut away to a shot of ambulances with open doors, stretchers with red stained suits being rolled past, black clothed men with guns running in the opposite direction as they filed through the shattered doors into the tower.

The Sun's pale light streamed in through the high windows that formed the side of the living room, gleaming off the water of the huge water feature that the driveway up to the mansion ringed around. Ruri stood between the television and a white satin couch, listening to the sound of the news report of her husband's shooting.

The phone stopped ringing, Ruri pressed the holographic handset to the side of her face through a curtain of jet black hair to hear the sound of an older woman's voice speaking in Japanese. "Hamasaki Institution-"

"Hello, headmistress, this is Madame Oshiro," using her maiden name.

"…oh, Madame Oshiro, I heard about what…"

Ruri closed her eyes, turning away from the television and walking towards the glass wall to look out over the grounds bathed in the morning Sun, pouring over the grey stone walls and shining over the twenty metre wide water feature, watching the ripples travel across the water surface serenely. Further down the driveway, at the entrance to the grounds, two black suited men, guards under her employ, flanked the crimson laser gates. They were making some motions to someone on the other side, someone hidden by the glow of the glowing laser lines. After a moment, she asked, "Does my daughter know what happened yet?"

"No, she doesn't."

"Let it stay that way, I want to be the one to tell her. I will have her picked up from your school, get her things packed and have her ready to leave in half an hour."

The headmistress said readily, "Yes, Mrs. Shimada, of course."

The handset began to flash, there was a call on another line. Ruri thanked the headmistress and hung up, answering the other call. "This is Madame Oshiro."

A voice, this time in Eastern European-accented English, "Hello, Mrs. Shimada, my name is Agent Sinns, I'm at your front door. Me and my associates are with the UN. Your husband asked for us to keep you and your daughter safe before the incident at Shimada United. If you would kindly ask your men to let us through, we can discuss the details."

She calmly replied in an accented voice of iron, "My husband did no such thing. I apologise for your reception at the gates, but you would understand if I do not let strangers into my household, considering recent events."

The moment she heard the news she had ordered the grounds secured and no one to be let through the gates under any circumstances.

"Ma'am, I understand your concern, but believe me, your husband did ask for us to keep you safe. We believe he was targeted by terrorists on account of his past contributions with the UN as an agent of Overwatch."

Ruri Shimada heard the name Overwatch and took another breath to keep herself collected. It was either because Overwatch, or their family name and empire, that Hanzo was attacked.

"I've shown your men my badge, please let us in Mrs. Shimada."

She inhaled deeply, felt the tingle of the hardlight phone in her cold fingers, and replied, "Badges can be forged, names can be thrown around, but you will not convince me, whoever you are, UN or not."

The man on the other line was audibly confused. "I don't think you understand, Mrs. Shimada, we're here to help you. Keep you safe."

"It's not my concern what you think," she replied. "The Shimada Clan can protect its own, we do not need the UN."

"Mrs. Shimada, the Tokyo incident proves otherwise-"

Ruri tensed up.

"-and your husband reached out to us, and asked us to protect you so please, let us do our job."

"I think it is in your best interest to leave now, Mr. Sinns, you and your associates. Shimada does not need your help, we do not need your protection, do not contact me or my daughter, or I will have my men remove you."

A long pause. "Mrs. Shimada, might I remind you that you are threatening a representative of the UN."

"I understand, and I hope you don't need me to repeat myself. Goodbye."

A beep as hardlight interface retracted itself into a small comma-shaped black disc, leaving the sound of a news reporter listing casualties as the only sound. She loosened her grip on the disc, which had coloured the surrounding skin white with the force she had gripped it with, and removed it from her right palm, holding it between her fingertips, a digital blue '97' blinking on the black surface. 97 unopened voice mails. She watched shadows play across the glow of the crimson laser gate as the UN representatives drove away, no doubt taking a position a good distance away to keep surveillance on the mansion.

Ruri Shimada turned around to return to the news report, stalling midstep as her gaze was drawn to a figure whose dark image now dominated the room, a man standing on the other end of the living room, blue jeans, red jacket with hood pulled low, black scarf pulled up over his mouth, a dirty, unfamiliar dark blot in her pristine home of black and white shades.

She breathed in deeply, eyes fixed on the figure standing across from her, balling her hands into fists. They weren't numb anymore. She raised her chin, speaking in Japanese, "Who are you? How did you get in?"

The figure raised his gloved hands, one curling around the edge of his hood, the other around the hem of his scarf, pulling back and down to reveal a face of chrome edges broken by a slash of green light.

The tension left Ruri's shoulders as for the first time since she turned on the television she felt safe, walking forward and setting the black phone disc on the white couch armrest. "Genji, hello."

He nodded to her, replying in fluent Japanese with a voice that sounded young even through the metallic tones. "Ruri, it's been a while. Kaida?"

"Safe, as of now."

Genji didn't make a motion towards either of the couches at his sides. He clearly didn't intend to stay long. The younger Shimada slowly walked over to the television, hand softly brushing over the screen. "He was more your family than mine, but..." A mechanical whirr as he turned to face her, "Do you know anything about it? Why it happened? Who was it?"

Ruri furrowed her brows, she wasn't accustomed to feeling powerless, shaking her head. "Before it happened he didn't call me or message me. I received the news from one of my guards."

He turned away from the television to face her. "So nothing? Nothing at all?"

She paused, "…Before you came, there were men claiming there were from the UN."

"The ones at the gates?"

"Yes, they said before the bombing, Hanzo had contacted them, asked them to keep me and Kaida safe."

Genji nodded, thoughtful. A lead. It was something. He said thankfully, "I will find out the truth."

Ruri stood up, brushing her hair aside so he could clearly look her in her eyes. She was not one to cry and weep, but still he could see the sorrow and loss seared into her iron. She stated adamantly, "You know the truth. Someone tried to kill my husband, your brother by blood. I want you to find out who they are, hunt them down and kill them."


She walked towards him, fingers curling. "No reservation, no hesitation, no mercy. I am a Shimada by marriage to your brother, but you are Shimada by blood, the Dragon is your heritage. And Dragons do not deal in mercy."

He reached out to her as if to touch her shoulder but she instead grabbed his hand. She felt the hard metal of his wrist through the fabric of his glove and the sleeve of his jacket, the heat of his cold skin against her own. "Swear to me, Genji, when you find the man who hurt Hanzo, you will kill them."


"Swear to me."

She looked hard into his visor, the soft glow of green, the white sheen as light glanced off the glass, the faintest image of eyes within. Through the glow of emerald in its steel embrace, she felt a pang of emotions in the tortured gaze. The same mourning, loss, the same burning desire to avenge.

And so when Genji finally replied her, it wasn't the words he said that assured Ruri Shimada.

The purpose of this story has always been to create a living, breathing Overwatch world that was real, and a world like this needs people beyond their heroes. This is a real problem with Overwatch fanfics, with their heroes already with such character and personality implemented by Blizzard themselves, making OCs with enough character to stand up to existing heroes is a challenge. I hope our Ruri Shimada, wife of Hanzo Shimada, was a suitable OC, she took long enough to write.

Leave a review on what you thought, and until the next chapter, cheers!