Leo held his hands on the red sphere as he used his eyes to stare inside.

"Klaus!" The teen shouted as he whacked another fist to the blood sphere.

From the point of the hit, cracks started to form as it spread out like a spider web. The youth stepped back as he watched the cracks follow un-coordinated patterns across the entire ball. He witnesses as the solidified blood break down, revealing the empty shell.

"Klaus!" Leo yelled as he jumped upright, awaking from his nightmare. Sweat dripped from his head as he looked down into the white sheets that covered his lower body.

Calming down, the brunet looked around as he found himself a hospital room once more in his life. A large window on the left side of the room along with a small side table, holding a small vase with fresh new patch of tulips. A door was on the right which presumably led to a hallway.

After investigating the room, the teen assessed his wounds as each were treated. Bandages and patches were wrapped and stuck on the scrapes and cuts dealt. Two bandages wrapped around his wrist whilst another had been bound around his head. Over those, he had worn given hospital clothes as his make-up, hair extensions and clothes were removed. His attention was cut back towards the door as it had shifted open.

The recognisable butler stepped in as he closed the door behind.

"Please try to rest. Though minor, injuries are still injuries." The man instructed.

"Where… am I?" The teen felt stupid for asking, but had to be certain.

"The hospital. After the battle, we brought you here after you had passed out from fatigue." Gilbert explained.

"Did anyone find out… y'know… who I am?"

"Only Mister Dominik. But he has chosen to keep the information hidden."

"… Mister Klaus… Has he… returned?" Leo asked as he was nervous about the answer.

"I'm afraid not. The blood barrier is impenetrable and is too heavy for any equipment to lift."

"Oh… Okay…" The brunet turned his gaze towards his lap. A ringing sounded out the room as the combat butler reached in his pocket and pulled out his personal phone.

"Pardon me." Gilbert said, flipping the device open and held it to his ear.

"Hello?... Yes… At the hospital with Leonardo… Why? Has something happened?... I see… Very well, I'll be heading over shortly." With that, the grey-haired man ended the call as he closed the phone and hid it back in his pocket.

"Who was it?" The teen questioned.

"It was Mister Abrams. He's arrived at the scene and has somehow found a way to return the young master." The elder had revealed.


"He said that he had found one. Not that he's done it. That's why I'm being called over-"

"Let me come too!" The youth demanded. This had caught the man mildly surprised as nothing changed other than his expression. "I… I want to know why or how Mister Klaus became a Blood Breed. And since… Mister Klaus refers Abrams to be his teacher… I was wondering if he knew…" The short Libra member explained.

A short silence was placed over them as Leo had pushed up onto all fours, on top of the bed.

"Very well. Let us make haste and I'll tell you the reason the young master has recently become a Blood Breed on the way there."

The two exited the hospital building as they came up to a grey-coloured car. The youth had been given another pair of his usual clothes, along with new goggles. They had entered the vehicle as Leo took the front passenger seat while Gilbert took the driver's seat and revved the engines. The car had pulled out of the parking lot and down the streets of the morning. It was a moment before the bandaged man spoke up.

"It was a few years back," Gilbert began, "before even Libra was formed. The young master had been abducted by one. A Blood Breed. During that time he had been feasted upon 6 times."

This had confused the teen as he looked over. The butler noticing the youth's puzzled expression, explained it.

"It is said that one becomes a Blood Breed after being feasted upon thirteen times. Each time, they gain a more resemblance of one. Luckily, the young master had been saved by Mister Dominik at the time. But the Blood Breed had returned for more. This time, feasting upon the young master another six times. We had no choice and was asked by the young master to keep himself detained. It wasn't long until Mister Abrams had appeared with a solution."

"But how did he do it?" The teen questioned.

"No one knows. Only that he did. He had returned the young master to himself, and the man we see him as today." The combat butler said.

Silence came back for more as the vehicle continued on for a few more minutes before coming to a screeching halt. The two stepped out of the car as they viewed the bridge that was in front of them. Many had come to the police barricade and was interested at how the centre of the bridge had been damaged. Only after seeing a large tent had been pitched up over the scene of the battle, had they walked away.

The two closed the door of the vehicle as they began to make their way over, Leo following closely behind the butler. Bypassing the crowd, they came over to where the police had been stationed along with the leader's oldest sibling. Noticing the approaching pair, Dominik walked towards them before coming to halt after the two had.

"Mister Gilbert. Are you sure you'd want to bring him into the scene?" The taller man asked, his voice stern as ever.

"I am. I believe Mister Abrams is already inside?" The black and red haired man nodded as he stepped to the side. The two continued their pace towards the centre of the bridge before coming to a halt when the brunet found the Reinherz's hand on his shoulder.

"Know where your boundaries are and aren't." The man retracted his hand after speaking as Leo continued on behind the bandaged man.

Soon the two had reached the entrance to the tent and Gilbert had lead the way inside. Light was shone in every corner as the two objects could be seen when entering. One being the giant ball of hardened blood and the other being the renowned expert on vampires. The cloaked man turned back as his eyes laid on the two who had entered.

"Ah, Gilbert. Took you awhile. Oh! And it seems you've brought Leonardo." Blitz spoke.

"Yes. But is it true you've found a way to help Mister Klaus?" The brunet asked almost hysterically.

"Yes I have. But it's unlike the first time I've saved him. His chances are very low of surviving this time." The bearded man described.

"How are you going to do it exactly?" Gilbert inquired.

"… The first time, we did it with the help of Dominik. Having him provide a new type of blood, used for Klaus to restrict his Blood Breed activities. But that had caused Dominik to lose his power to fight against Blood Breeds. What we are trying to do now is too use a different type of blood I've found on my journey to counteract the vampire symptoms again. But I won't know if it will be effective or not because Klaus' body might've have grown to negate the effects of any new blood." The cloaked man held up his usual metal suitcase as to present it.

"That's not all, the last time we did this, Klaus had gone on a rampage for exactly an entire hour… as a Blood Breed…" He revealed. A small wind blew between them as Leo dove into his thoughts. Trying to remember anything that could help.

"… I think… we should do it…" The brunet stated.


"I think we should… at least try… for Klaus' sake." He continued.

"You do realize the chances of him dying are around eighty-percent?" Blitz asked.

"… But… if we don't, he'll be stuck like that forever…" The teen reasoned. The two older men stared down at the youth before Gilbert had turned up to the vampire expert.

"If young Leonardo believes we should do it, than I will support him." Gilbert said. Blitz stared intently at the two both giving in with a sigh.

"Alright, let's do this then." The man turn back as he began pacing towards the red sphere.

The other two trailed behind as they observed the equipment set up around the ball of blood. Lights, mirrors and computers were placed on tables along with a platform that was built around the sphere, with three pump-like machineries placed over the ball, looking ready to be used.

"We'll only start if you give the final word, Leo." The man said as he looked over to the youth. Leo took a swallow of saliva as he looked at the sphere of blood.

"I… I'm sure." The brunet spoke nervously.

"Okay. Then let's do it." The bearded man reached into his coat pocket before pulling out a small device. The object had only a red button on it as the man pressed the button down.

Slowly, the sound of electricity had ran through the cables of the machine and the sound of a pump starting was heard in the tent. The three points that hung over the sphere had pierced the ball as their generators spun faster by the second. The ground lightly shook as the lights flickered and tumbled. Leo observed as the ball of blood had changed in colour. From the dark red, it had brightened as though something was shining from the inside.

Cracks formed at the base of the sphere as it ran through out different sections of the ball like that of broken glass. Rays of light had burst from the cracks and steam had formed from both the mechanism and the inside of the sphere. Light filled the tent as the three had covered their eyes and a small explosion had erupted from the sphere.

Smoke slowly dissipated as Leo's blue eyes pierced through them and looked at the sight of the mechanism. The machine had been blown away, along with the red sphere as it had left shards on the floor and smoke rising from the centre. Peering through the smoke, only the outline of the red head could be seen as he was on all fours and gasping for air.

It was a short moment before the man's aura flicked on like a light. Crimson vibrant wings, much larger than any other the youth has seen so far, stretched pass the tent and flapped repeatedly.

The brunet blinked for a second, but in that second, the figure had disappeared as Leo looked around frantically. A moment passed before two shouts of pain was heard from behind the teen as he swung his head back. He had only gotten a small glimpse of the two older men fly back as if thrown. The two flew outside of the tent as a pair of groans were heard.

"Mister Gilbert! Mister Abrams!" The brunet called out. A small gasp escaped his lips as a breath was felt on the back of his neck.

The small Libra member quickly jumped around as his vision was cut when a hand grabbed a hold his head and held it up, lifting the teen of his feet. The teen gritted his teeth and reached his hands up to the arm and grabbed on it tightly, his blue eyes looking past the hand to the man's face.

"M-Mister Klaus! If you're in there, s-stop it!" The youth demanded as no answer was given and the grip on his head tightened.

"I'm sorry I have to do this!" The photographer apologised as his eyes widened to the extent and quickly gained control of the leader's.

Klaus grunted as the colours in his view began to blur and change. His hand reached up to his eyes and his grip was loosened, releasing the youth. Leo landed back on his feet as he turned around and headed towards the entrance.

The colours soon vanished from the red-haired man's eyes as he regained composure and headed out, after the teen. By that time, Leo was half-way down one end of the bridge with many police squads. The squads quickly held up their guns as the wave of shots were fired. Anticipating each bullet, the man dodged them with ease as he advanced forward in a flash.

Leo observed over his shoulders as the squads were quickly neutralised, dropping like flies in front of the leader. His mind returned forward as a car came to a screeching halt in front of him, leaving tire marks. The car was deep black with no hood as the inside was uncovered. At the driver's seat was Dominik with a hand on the wheel and the other on the handle.

"What are you waiting for? Get in!" The man ordered as the teen wasted no time in jumping into the back of the vehicle. The tires screeched as the two entered the morning streets at an alarming rate.

"Why are you here Mister Dominik?" The teen questioned.

"I expected this to happen again. But this time, I don't have any of my blood techniques. So all I can do is save one life today."

The wind blew the brunet's hair back as in a single moment, the sight of the red head suddenly appeared in front of the car, slamming down the front and flipped the car a little forward. But it was enough for the teen, who hadn't buckled his belt, to be sent flying out of it and over the leader. A groan of pain arose from Leo as he landed on his back.

The brunet looked up from where he had landed and the light of the sun was blocked by the tall figure looking down. His hand reached down to the teen's collar as he picked the young lad up like before, lifting him off his feet. And like the last time, the teen pulled his hands up to the man's wrist. A crowd of people stepped out of their homes, shops and windows as they watched the scene.

From behind, the red head was put into a choke as he released the teen. His body wavered back as his older sibling held him over the head and stopped him from moving. The leader reached a hand back and pulled the sibling over his head, making Dominik land on his back like the youth. Klaus lowered down onto one knee as he cocked his fist, ready to strike.

The red head shot his fist down, only to have it hit the ground next to Dominik's head. Confused by the mistake the leader retracted his hand from the earth and viewed up. During that time, Leo had already managed to retreat behind an alleyway and had taken control of the leader's eyes once more.

"After me, Klaus!" Leo taunted before running down the dark alley.

The red head stared for a second before moving up from his position towards the corner. And with that, the chase began between a prey and predator.

The chase had continued on for almost as long as an hour, with Leo dodging many attacks and kill attempts from Klaus. The youth now climbed the stairs of an office building as it reached up high into the sky. His heart raced as the red head followed slowly behind. The teen had looked back a few times before continuing to run up the metal stair case.

Finally at the top, the brunet pushed open the door, revealing the rooftop. Metal railings trailing around with a radar dish in the centre. Air vents had also been built around the floors as Leo bypassed them all towards a railing. His hand clutched onto the railing as he took a moment to catch his breath before turning back when the sounds of the door opening had sounded.

The man's red eyes searched the rooftops before finally landing on the one he's been chasing for the past minutes. Noticing the youth's eyes that were already opened, Klaus readied himself.

"Mister Klaus, please stop this! Remember who you are!" The brunet shouted.

Ignoring the shouts, the red head shot from his position towards the small Libra member. Once a metre away from the young lad, the scenery he witnessed changed as a wall appeared where the youth once was. Out of reflex, his arms pulled up into a cross as he crashed through the bricks.

Leo stepped out from behind the doors as he thanked his eyes. He had managed to take control of the leader's eyes once more and changed his perception of distance, using the image of himself in the red-haired man's mind. The youth shut his eyes closed as he continued to gasp for air and sweated buckets. Looking down at his hands and clothes, they were both badly tattered and worn out from the pursuit.

Reaching into his pocket, Leo pulled out his phone as he checked the time with it.

"One more minute... I need to go for another minute until he'll stop." The youth closed the device before placing it back into his pocket. His attention turned back to the leader as he appeared from the building on the other side, through the rubble and dust.

Panicking, the brunet looked over to the right where a set of rusted metal staircase led down into a different alley. Not wasting anymore time, the teen quickly ran towards it as he descended level by level, jumping off on the last. An unsavoury sight came to him as he looked around himself. Three walls and a tall metal fence had blocked any escape routes that might've helped. Other than a dumpster, there was nothing that could've hidden his location.

Leo ran over to the metal fence as his fingers held onto it, hoping to somehow break it loose enough. His heart almost stopped as the sound of something landing had come from behind. Turning around, he had found the red head already on his feet, his red eyes intent on the brunet. The youth knowing his eyes, they were too worn out to be used again.

Like before, Klaus had disappeared in the blink of an eye. His left hand gripped at the youth's shirt whilst the other pulled the collar that surrounded the teen's neck down, revealing his bare skinned-neck. The red head jerked his jaw up and down, allowing his warm breath to cover Leo's neck.

Without warning, the man dipped his grown in fangs into the nape of the teen's neck as a shout of pain erupted from the teen. The red head continued to push the fangs deeper as blood began to seep out the wound. The brunet had managed to muffle most of the yells afterwards, but tears began to form at the edge of his eyes.

"K-Klaus…" Leo muttered weakly as a hand reached up to the leader's hair. "Just a… few more… seconds…"

Blood poured slowly down the back of the teen as Leo could feel his consciousness going along with it, growing paler by the second. From the warmth of blood, the youth could feel a different sensation coming down his back. Like blood, it was wet, but the difference, it was cold. It wasn't long before the teen had figured what it was by the way it dripped from the older man. It was the man's tears.

Knowing that time will eventually run out, the brunet held his hand into the leader's hair for seconds longer as he endured the pain. It wasn't long before his teeth began retract and Klaus had begun to tremble, burying his head into the teen's shirt. Through the small Libra member's eyes, the red wings dispersed and returned to the orange flickering aura it once was.

"…I... I'm sorry…" The red head apologised through the small sobs and whimpers. With the pain gone, Leo ran his hand through the taller male's hair, comforting him.

"Sshhh… It's okay. I'm alright… Look." Leo held his hands to Klaus' cheeks as he lifted his head up and allowed the two to stare directly at each other.

The brunet's tears dried out a few seconds earlier as the burly man's had continued from his original green eyes to the bottom of his cheeks. The youth leaned in closer as his lips made contact with the red head's and relayed unspoken words. Words like 'I love you' or 'don't worry' could be told from the kiss as the leader returned the action. The kiss was broken as they both pulled away, blushing at the sight of each other. Their foreheads held together as their eyes drifted down and had stayed in the same position for minute. Only the sounds of the wind could be heard as it blew through them. It wasn't long until the youth had spoken up.

"C'mon. We still have that after party tonight."

"Mmm." The leader gave a nod and shared a smile with himself and the youth.

"What do you mean you lost track of them?!" Blitz questioned as the police officer shrivelled down under the stare.

The coated man had cast wrapped around his left arm with a sling to hold it up. Along with Gilbert, who was wearing another neck cast, the two stood at the bridge site as they talked with the leader of the police squad.

"Well sir, there was a lot of smoke and explosions." The officer explained with his hands up in defence.

"Well get out there and find them or else the only thing left of this city is a pile of-"

"Mister Abrams." Gilbert spoke up as his gloved hand held onto the bearded man's arm.


"I believe the two are approaching." The bandaged man stated as he pointed a finger at the end of the bridge.

Blitz averted his gaze towards where the finger pointed at as his eyes spotted the two. With the leader hanging over the teen's shoulder, they approached slowly towards them. Gilbert and Blitz shared a gaze before running towards the pair. Their light jog came to a stop as they were a few metres apart from each other.

"Leonardo! You're alive!" The cloaked man exclaimed.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you were up against Klaus. Barely anyone survives a minute, and yet you survived an hour." Abrams pointed out. The butler gave a sigh before turning to the pair.

"Are you injured at all, you two?" The bandaged man asked.

"Just a couple of scrapes… and a bite. Nothing much." Leo briefed.

"Bite?" The two injured men said in unison. The photographer grabbed his collar as he had pulled it down to reveal the bite mark and the dried up blood from it. Along with it a black marking was made with the Roman numeral for one. Klaus grimaced at the sight as he regretted the action.

"I'll call someone over to patch the wound up." Gilbert said as he turned back and began to pace to the ambulance taking care of the wounded police squad.

"Wait! Can you also get me something to wear? I need to get ready for tonight's party." The brunet explained.

"Hmm? Are you both planning to attend?" The combat butler asked as Leo looked up to the leader and back before he bobbed his head.

"Very well. I will make some calls." The grey-haired man continued his pace towards the ambulance as the three watched before turning to each other.

"I'll have to apologise to those I've injured." Klaus spoke up as the brunet hummed a yes. The red head pushed himself off of the youth as he began limping towards the squads, catching up to the butler.

"Hey, Leonardo?"

"Yes, Mister Abrams?"

"Knowing the man, this won't be the last time we see that Blood Breed part of him. So I want you to be there when and if it happens again." The cloaked man instructed.

"I'll… I'll try my best." Leo said.

~A few hours later~

The afternoon began to set in as the guest arrived at the Dresden Castle (Palace). The hall was filled with tables and chairs holding an arrangement and assortment of foods and drinks. Golden lights dazzled the room as many of the guests had already arrived and begun conversing in their own groups and discussions.

Axel sat with his wife, Delia, at the main table whilst sipping a glass of wine. Delia leaned closer to her husband with a hand covering her face.

"I haven't seen your brother nor his partner here today. Are you sure they said they'd be coming?" The bride questioned.

"They called and said they'd be here. But he didn't specify a ti-"

The whisper was cut off as the sounds of the entrance opening was heard. All eyes turned towards the main doors as some widened in surprise and shock. At the doors, Klaus had stood in a newly red, buttoned-up blazer along with a grey-vest under it and a white cloth wrapped around his neck and tucked into the vest. Under the vest was a plain white shirt. Going with the red blazer, he wore a pair of black pants with his black dance shoes. With a new pair of glasses given, he had returned to resembling a vampire on Halloween.

Beside him was the brunet which wore a dark black suit as a black blazer was given and left unbuttoned. Black office pants with a belt holding up wrapped around the teen's hips. A white shirt under the suit with a black tie wrapped around the collar of the shirt. A dark fedora was also placed over the top of the youth's head and he had been given similar black dance shoes.

Nervous from the stares, Leo had allowed the leader to guide the two inside the banquet hall. But was very thankful that the mark left behind on his neck was covered by the suit. What stood out was their arms as they were linked together. Klaus led them towards their seat which was right beside his brother as they observed the room. Eyes stared at the two, mainly at the brunet as Leo tried in his mind to avoid the judging eyes. It wasn't long until the orange-haired man had broken the silence with a shaky voice.

"Umm… Good to see you?"

"Likewise." Klaus replied. Leaning closer to the younger sibling's ear, Axel began to question his brother.

"May I ask, who is that?"

"Let me re-introduce you. This is Leonardo Watch. My lover." The red head stated as he held a hand towards the small Libra member. The teen gave a bow as his fedora tipped a little.

"Okay… Now would you explain to me what the hell is going on?" The groom questioned.

"It's a long story." The bespectacled man briefed.

"We're listening." A voice spoke up from the other side of the table. Looking past the married couple, their eyes find the rest of the family bending over on their tables to listen in.

Leo and Klaus sweat-dropped and shared a glance between each other. They turned back to the rest of the Reinherz family as they recounted the past three days, including today. Explaining their situations and solutions as the family, and probably the entire guest list, listened on intently. After finishing the last of it the two apologised regretfully.

"I predict that you will give a punishment for hiding this fact. But don't take any of this out on Leonardo." Klaus insisted as he lowered his head, Leo following as well.

"Mmm… I may be angry that you have hidden this fact from us," Felix started as Klaus lowered his head a few more millimetres, "but… if you truly do love this young man, then who am I to stop you?

"…I agree… Though I may not fully agree with this choice, it is but your choice in the matter." Lenore spoke up from her side.

"As your brother, I support any decisions you decide to make." The vermillion-haired man affirmed. Dominik had only turned away with a gruff.

Murmurs arose from the crowds as they grew louder and louder before they became cheers and claps. The Libra pair flushed at the gestures as they waved their hands to say 'thank you'. From behind the scenes, Axel was handed a mike as he held it to his mouth.

"Let us celebrate this announcement with a ballroom dance!" The 2nd-son of the Reinherz's suggested as another wave of cheers came.

Half of the lights were cut as the butlers pushed the tables towards the sides and the guests separated into partners. Leo and Klaus observes as the entire family pulled out of their seats and moved towards the dance floor, joining the rest of the crowd as music began to play.

(Note: 'Andre Rieu – Shostakovih' Second Waltz' is preferably played here. I don't own the video or music, but is just using this for the story)

The two watched as the others began to sync into the music and danced. It wasn't long before the red head stood from his seat and held his hand out towards the youth.

"May I have this dance?" The burly man asked politely as Leo gulped and took the hand with a small nod.

Together the two entered the dance floor, hand-in-hand. Feeling anxiety run up his spine once more, Leo gripped the hand a little tighter. They came to a stop as they reached the centre and turned to face each other. Klaus began to lead the dance as they it started off slow and calm before it had begun to follow the same pattern as the guests. Leo turned his gaze down to his feet as the red head had noticed.

"Is something the matter, Leo?" The bespectacled man asked, continuing the dance. The young lad flushed as he called Leo by his nickname.

"Umm, yeah… I'm alright… Just…" His words trailed off as the dance had begun to slow down.


"… Is everything just going to… go back to the way it was before the trip… when we return back to Hellsalem's Lot?" The youth questioned as he continued to stare at the floor.

The red head stopped the dance as his hand reached under the teen's jaw and held his lover's head up to meet his eyes. Softly, the taller male dipped his head in for a short, but tender kiss before pulling back right after.

"I hope not. I would wish to further our relationship when we do return." The burly man spoke as he lifted the fedora up and kissed the teen's head. Blushing madly, Leo looked up with a smile.

"I… I do too, Klaus." Leo replied.