A/N: So I know that I've been AWOL for a while, but, I'm about to post a whole bunch of oneshots that I've been sort of having ideas for but never actually wrote. In case you haven't guessed, this is inspired by the song Rude. Enjoy!

Looking back, Toby should have known that things would never have worked out between him and his ex-fiancée. They had thought they were so much in love but he should have started to suspect something wasn't right when he asked her father for his permission to marry his daughter.

Toby leapt out of bed to see a bright sunny morning. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, rolling the kinks out of his shoulders as he did so. Crossing the room, he opened the closet and scanned the contents. After a moment of indecision, he grabbed his suit and changed into it and went out to his car. His heart beating rapidly in his chest, Toby drove across town and to his fiancée's parent's house. Climbing out of the car, he nervously fiddled with his keys in one hand and approached the door. He took one more deep breath and knocked on the door. It swung open to reveal the unamused face of the man who would hopefully become his father-in- law. Toby felt all the breath leave his lungs and any confidence he had leave with it. "What do you want?" his fiancée's father said gruffly.

"I- I would like to ask for your permission to marry your daughter." Toby said.


"Thank you sir, I will treat her well and- wait, did you say no?" Toby's response petered out when his brain processed what was said.

"Yes, I said no. You are not right for her and you two will not last as long as you clearly think you will." With that the door was closed in Toby's face.

He gaped in indignation at the door for a moment before turning toward his car with newfound determination- he was going to propose with or without her father's blessing.

And that is what he had done, filled with a self-righteous certainty that they were going to prove her father wrong. It turns out that even a behavioral psychiatrist genius could be wrong about people and relationships.

It was different with Happy. There was never a sense of proving anyone wrong, just a feeling of rightness anytime he was with her. Although proposing was a long way off if even at all with her, Toby felt confident that they at least, would last.

Let me know what you think!
