Author's note: Congratulations to Guest for giving the right answer: it was indeed a reference to 'brother's battle' :)
Now: up to the story! :D

"Guys, I don't know what to say", mr. Davenport said as he sat down again "Thank you for everything."
"You're welcome", Adam replied.
"But I wouldn't cheer to soon", Bree entered.
"Because we aren't done yet…", Chase said with a mysterious glint in his eyes.

Mr. Davenport frowned at this: "You made us all an amazing breakfast and you each gave me presents. How are you not done yet?"
"Not everything in this world revolves around you!", Bree pointed out with a small grin tugging at her lips.
Now mr. Davenport was even more confused: "But it's father's day! And I'm your father! How many fathers do you guys have?"
"That's a tricky question", Adam replied.
"See, we always told you: you made us who we are. You're our father", Chase explained.
"But Douglas created us", Bree added.
"So in our eyes, he's also our father", Adam finished.

Douglas almost choked in his coffee when he heard this and turned to his brother on his left: "I didn't activate the triton app, Donnie! I swear I'm not making them do this!" He put his hands up in surrender to show he wasn't controlling anyone.
Mr. Davenport chuckled: "I know you didn't, Douglas."
Douglas sighed before he turned back to the kids: "Guys, I appreciate it. Really, it's nice that you see me as your father as well. But I'm just your fun-loving uncle."

"No matter what you say, you're our biological father", Bree said, not giving in "So that means you're also our father."
"Yeah", Adam joined in "you might not have been around for fifteen years and you might have wanted to turn us into weapons... Wait, what was I saying?"
"Our point is that father's day also your day, Douglas", Chase said.

Douglas didn't have the slightest idea of what to do or what to say.
In utter despair, he turned to his older brother: "Help me out here!"
Mr. Davenport started laughing: "You always wanted your kids back and be a Dad, now you figure it out for yourself!"
"You didn't have any idea of what to do either, did you?", Tasha whispered to mr. Davenport as soon as Douglas had walked over to the kids.
"Not the slightest clue", mr. Davenport admitted while he watched his brother pat Chase's shoulder and thank them for their nice words.

"And you didn't even get your presents yet", Bree replied with a wink.
Now Douglas' eyes grew even bigger: "You even got me presents?"
"Unless you don't want them?", Chase asked.
"No, that's not what I meant!", Douglas quickly said "I think it would be rude to not accept presents. Defenitely when you get them from your kids."
"So sit down again and enjoy!", Adam said as he walked over to his bag and pulled a grey cardboard box out of it, identical to the one he gave mr. Davenport.

As soon as Douglas had taken a seat, Adam pushed the gift into his hands.
Douglas carefully opened it and laughed as soon as he saw what was in there: "You really weren't joking with the mugs!"
In the box was a khaki mug with 'Happy father's day' written all over it in big black letters.
When Douglas turned it around, he laughed even harder.
"To my (evil) uncle daddy", he read out loud "That's great! Come here, you!"
Douglas stood up and hugged Adam while Bree and Chase smiled from a distance.

Mr. Davenport nudged Douglas once he sat down again: "Who would have thought! My little brother gets sentimental?"
Douglas rolled his eyes at Donald: "They're being extraordinary nice today. So the least I can do is do the same."

"My turn!", Bree said as she took a big flat gift from her back, wrapped in green paper with a white ribbon on top "Be careful! If you break if, I'm not getting you a new one!"
Douglas nodded as he accepted the package and gently unwrapped it.
When he opened it, he gasped. He was holding a painting of the entire family: Tasha and mr. Davenport were sitting on the barstools in the kitchen, Adam and Leo were playing a videogame, Bree herself was calling on her phone and Chase and Douglas were standing next to the couch while Chase was holding a tablet.
"Bree, this is gorgeous!", Douglas exclaimed "You've got a gift! After your career as a bionic superhero, you should become an artist!"
Bree started blushing, but accepted the compliment: "Thank you. I had a lot of fun making it."
"I'm gonna put this in my room. That way, I can look at it everyday!", Douglas said, now standing up to engulf Bree in a big hug.

Douglas sat down again and looked expectantly at Chase, just as mr. Davenport.
Chase started to fidget under their stare, but took a cardboard box out of his bag wrapped in plain white paper.
He walked over to Douglas and gave it to him while keeping his eyes on the floor: "I hope you like it".
"I will", Douglas told him with a smile.
Chase frowned and looked at him: "But you don't even know what it is yet"
Douglas smiled at this: "You gave it to me. And the fact that one of my kids gave it to me is enough for me to like it."
Now Chase started to blush.
"Enough with the emotional chitchat!", mr. Davenport interrupted "Just open it already!"
Douglas rolled his eyes at his brother, but started opening the present anyway.
When he opened the box, he just stared at the content.
"What's up, Douggie?", mr. Davenport asked, looking over Douglas's shoulder.
Once he saw what was in the box, he stared as well.
In the box was a brand new black smartphone.

Finally, Douglas dared to take the phone out of the box and turn it around.
"Did you make this, Chase?", Douglas asked.
Chase nodded shyly, not daring to look his biological father in the eyes.
"Why?", Douglas asked, putting the phone back into the box and putting it on the table.
"I remembered mr. Davenport saying once that he could make something way better than an ePhone out of some junk", Chase replied "so I thought: why wouldn't I make a better smartphone?"
"It's great", Douglas said, putting a hand on Chase's shoulder "But you really shouldn't have had to go through all of that trouble. I already told you: I was saving up to buy a new one."
Now Chase chuckled: "Why don't you just keep on saving for that car... Who knows when you'll need to live in it"
Douglas chuckled as well as he pulled Chase into a hug: "Thank you, Chasey."

"This is the best father's day ever!", Leo exclaimed.
"It really is", Donald added.
"Now, why don't we all go watch a movie?", Tasha proposed.
"Sounds good to me!", Adam said as he already ran over to the couch.
Soon the other kids followed suit.
"Aren't you guys coming?", Tasha asked mr. Davenport and Douglas.
"Nah", mr. Davenport said "I'm good over here."
"Same here", Douglas replied, taking another sip from his coffee.
"As you wish", Tasha said with a smile, joinig the kids on the couch.

Douglas and mr. Davenport watched the kids argue about which movie to watch while Tasha just rolled her eyes.
"They're good kids", Douglas said to mr. Davenport with a loving smile.
Mr. Davenport nodded in response: "Yeah, our kids are the best"
Douglas looked at his brother with bewilderment in his eyes, which quickly changed in a big, grateful smile.
Mr. Davenport smiled as he put a hand on Douglas' shoulder: "Happy father's day"
Douglas put his own hand on mr. Davenport's shoulder: "Happy father's day"

Author's note: Hi! This is the end of Father's day. I hope you liked it and I hope to see you again soon in my other stories! :D
I'm always open to requests, ideas and reviews! ;)