Author's Note : JKR owns Harry Potter. Hmmm... Will have to do something about it.

The Reunion

Harry stared at the beauty sitting at the shore of the lake. She looked really amazing with her hair flying with the wind, reflacting the light of the setting sun, making it look like they were on fire. Though he suspected that he would find her beautiful even if she was dirty, sweaty and covered in mud. He took a deep breath and started walking towards her. It was time to turn the old flame into inferno.

As he popped down beside her she gave him a small smile. But there was an underlying hesitation in it. He had a good idea why that was. He had a similar hesitancy whenever he interacted with her. It was high time he tore down that wall.

He gave her a small smile and asked her, "So... What's up?"

"Nothing. Just relaxing. I always liked cool breeze and smell of the flowers." She replied gazing towards the lake.

"You smell like wild flowers." Harry said, "I smelled you in amorentia."

Her gaze snapped to his and a blush appeared on her face. She said, "Last year Slughorn didn't make any potions that can be misused. Infact we didn't learn much last year."

Harry replied, "I wish I could ve been there for you."

Ginny shook her head, "You had more important things to do."

"You're quite important to me." Harry replied.

A small smile appeared on her face, "So... last year... did you happen to meet any Veela?" She asked with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

A mischievous smile appeared on Harry's face, "As a matter of fact I did."

Ginny was startled, "What? Where?"

Harry replied, "Yup. Rested for the night at her home in fact. It was beautiful little cottage on a beach."

Ginny was a little worried now, "Really! What was she like?"

"One of the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. She had silky golden hair. Eyes like a doe. Lips like rose petals. And a figure to die for. And she was so good natured and very helpful, too." Harry replied with a glassy look in his eyes.

Ginny's face was red like a tomato, "Did you like her?"

"Oh yes. She was quite lovely." Harry replied with a Cheshire grin.

"Did anything happen? " Ginny asked in a dangerous voice.

"She kissed me." Harry replied with most innocent face.

Steam was coming out of Ginny's ears, "WHAT? Who is that bloody temptress?"

"Hey, I happen to like her quiet a bit. And I know for a fact that she's no temptress." Harry replied with passion.

Ginny was obviously feeling contrite for her outburst, "Sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt."

Harry replied with a straight face, "Oh, don't worry. I don't think that Fleur will hurt me."

Wheels turned in Ginny's head and understanding dawned on her face. "You were talking about Fleur!" Harry just nodded his head.

Ginny was pleased that there wasn't really any Veela but she started hitting Harry, "Why you prat! You knew what I was asking about. You idi..mmmm."

Harry had found a fantastic way to stop her in mid rant. He pulled her by the waist and kissed her. Ginny was caught by surprise but responded passionately. Harry was pleased. Why would he need any Veela when he has his fiery red head.