I had a bit of a rough day today, so it's time for some sweet, sweet angst. :D


Dear Barbara,

I am really sorry you're reading this. Because if you are, it means that I'm dead.

Great way to start a letter, huh? Sorry. It's a bit melodramatic. Contingencies usually are, I suppose.

I've planted a microchip in my arm. It tracks my vital signs and contains files like this one which are addressed to certain people. If my vitals shut down, all the files will be sent to the Batcave. Pretty cool, huh? I don't want to leave anything unsaid.

So. I'm Robin, if you haven't figured it out yet. Bruce is Batman. You're smart enough not to tell anyone I wouldn't tell. I'm sorry I had to keep it from you, but it's to keep you safe. Because if any villains were to find out my identity, they'd try to get you to tell them my secrets. It's best if you don't know any just in case that happens. Selfish? Yeah, probably. But it's also for Bruce and the team's sake. Just try not to be mad.

I love you, Barbara. I have since we were twelve. If you don't love me, that's fine, because I don't have to worry about it anymore. I just wanted you to know.

You know that teddy bear that was left on your porch on the Valentine's day of 2010? That was me. It seemed silly about two hours later. My plan was to call and tell you, but I got nervous. Sorry.

And when you came home and your room was trashed that one time, that was also me. I was all jacked up on fear gas from Scarecrow and I was having a hallucination that the Joker had chopped you into bits and hidden you all around your room and I had to find all the pieces and glue them together or you'd be gone forever. Double sorry.

And you know how I'll never, ever see you again to laugh about it? That's what I'm most sorry for. I'm so, so, so, sorry.

Your Friend Until the End,

Dick Grayson

P.S. Too soon for that sort of sign-off? :P

So. I hope you liked it. I actually think that I like it. Oh well, it sucks that no one else has done this. I want to read stuff like this all the time.

Anyway, it would make my life if you would follow, favorite, and review! Flames, compliments, random crap you want to type because you're trying to be unique just like everybody elseā€¦ I love it all.