A/N: I've been a busy little be updating under captwulf. If like Inu Yasha, you ought to check them out. I'm finally updating some old danglers there. Anyways, this fic may be a bit heavy at the beginning but will turn more to romance towards the end. Hope you likey...

Mikey skated along the rooftops, enjoying the cool night air. The lair was feeling rather crowded these days with Sarah, Cat, and Mira. He smiled as he flipped his board in midair. He rather enjoyed little Mira's company. His little niece giggled and laughed at nearly everything he did. She was the only one who showed him attention of late with two of his brothers wrapped up in their wives.

Mikey sighed. He didn't begrudge his brothers their happiness. He could plainly see the benefits of a long term relationship with a female. He was also getting older and such desires were becoming hard to deny in himself. Not that anyone seemed to notice. His brothers still treated him like the baby of the family, despite the fact he could easily hold his own in battle. Though there hadn't been much of that lately either. The city had been pretty quiet.

Thus, his current predicament, he was bored. The only person willing to hang out during this downtime was Leo. Unfortunately, Splinter had decided to keep him locked up with him the past few days, leaving Mikey to fend for himself.

He came to a stop on a rooftop and looked out across the city. It seemed like such a long time ago now, since they had battled Shredder and Krang and dozens of other want-a-be bad guys. And although they still kept up their nightly patrol and thwarted the occasional robbery, things just weren't the same. He wasn't the same. Over time they had all grown and matured, and even hardened a bit around the edges. Battle tended to create scars that never fully heal.

He sighed once more as he sat on the edge of the roof to admire the stars. Donnie and Raph had found ways of coping with that pain. He'd seen them return home numerous times now after a rough night to be embraced by their spouses. And in an instance all the pain and fear would melt away. Then they would slip away with the woman they love to be soothed further in the quiet darkness of their bedroom.

Something flickered in the sky, drawing him from his thoughts. It was a vehicle of some type. Oddly enough it seemed familiar. Hopping back on his skateboard, he followed the quickly descending craft until it crashed in an alleyway no more than three blocks away.

Mikey sped along the rooftops until he reached the place it had landed. He gasped. It was a hover-car, and a red one at that. His pulse raced as he leapt down into the alley. The car was on fire and smoke was filling the narrow space.

He coughed as he pressed forward to find one slender form slumped over the steering wheel. Without thinking he grabbed the form and flung it over his shoulder, sprinting away as the car exploded. They fell to the ground a few yards away. The turtle wiped at his smoke filled eyes before gazing down at the being beneath him.

His jaw dropped. "Kala? Oh, God, Kala what happened to you?" He didn't expect a response from the unconscious woman. He barely recognized the girl he once knew in the woman before him. She was tall and slender. Her pointed ears giving away her heritage while making her seem even thinner. But it was her face that gave him pause. It was covered in bruises and her lip was split. One arm was twisted unnaturally at her side. The sight of her torn and battered body made him want to wretch. Who could do this to such an innocent creature?

Sirens were blaring in the distance as he scooped her into his arms. "Don't worry Kala. I'm going to take you home." She still did not respond as he leapt up the fire-escape and began to sprint across the rooftops, homeward bound.

Raph rolled his head back to look up at Cat from his position in her lap. Her eyes were half closed and her head was lulled to one side. "Hey?" She jumped slightly and he frowned. "Why don't you go on to bed? I know you're tired."

"But I wanted to stay up with you." The arm she had draped over his chest tightened.

He smirked as he sat up and pulled her to her feet. "You can make it up to me tomorrow."

Cat's eyes suddenly widened, a small cry escaped her as her hand flew up to cover her mouth. Raph followed her gaze over his shoulder to the elevator doors. "Mikey! What the-?"

The younger turtle was already moving to lay the limp form on the couch. "It's Kala! We have to help her!"

Raph blinked. "Kala...?" He wondered for a split second how anyone could determine who the pitiful creature before him was. Then he turned and called for help. "Master Splinters! Donnie! Leo! Come quick! We got injured!" He knelt beside his brother to examine the woman. Both her eyes were swollen shut and there was a long cut along her cheek, not to mention the varying shades of bruises that covered the remainder of her face. Raph placed a hand on Mikey's trembling shoulder. "We'll help her, Mike. Don't worry."

"Whoa." Donnie's voice caused them to look up. Their brother stood there slack jawed for an instant with Sarah and Leo to either side their faces reflecting the horror before them. Splinter appeared behind them, a bit disheveled, his eyes filled with worry.

A moment later Raph had moved aside so Donnie could kneel beside Kala and examine her injuries. He looked up at Mikey. "Is this...Kala?"

Mikey nodded, unable to speak around the terrible lump in his throat. Sarah was moving behind them, recovering from the shock. "I'll get the first aid kit. Cat, will you grab an ice pack from the freezer."

Leo stepped around the couch. "Mikey, what happened?" There was no response. Leo pulled his brother to his feet by the elbow. "Mike, you need to tell us what happened!" The orange clad turtle just shook his head. Leo was becoming worried now as he held his brother's face in his hands. "Michelangelo-!"

"I don't know!" Came his frantic response. "I don't know! I found her like this!"

Leo softened his tone. He could see that his brother was near tears. "What do you mean you found her?"

Mikey took a steadying breath as Sarah and Cat returned with the medical supplies. "She crashed her hover-car. I pulled her out before it exploded. She was already like...that. I brought her straight here." He was trembling again. His voice choked as he looked on the girl he'd once known. "What kind of monster could do that to her?"

Leo wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "I don't know, little brother, but we will find out."

Raph growled. "And when we do, we'll make them pay."

Cat handed Sarah the ice pack and stepped back to Raph's side. "Who is she?"

"An old friend. We haven't seen the Neutrinos in ten years." Raph frowned. "And I never thought we would again, especially not like this."

"How is she doing, my son?" Splinter leaned on his walking stick near the end of the couch.

Donnie shook his head as he handed the small flashlight to Sarah. "She definitely has a concussion and her arm is fractured, though I'm not sure how bad. I need to move her to the lab so I can X-ray it and set it properly."

Mikey swiped at his eyes and moved forward to pick her up. "I got her." The brothers watched as he carried the young woman into the next room.

Cat frowned. "Is he alright?"

Leo sighed. "He will be."

"Mikey always did have a soft spot for Kala." Donnie explained as he took the first aid kit from his wife.

Sarah shook her head, smiling slightly. "When are you guys going to realize that your little brother is not so little anymore?" She stepped around the couch, headed for the lab. The brothers exchanged a look before Donnie followed her out.

"You might as well go on to bed. This is going to be a long night." Raph told Cat.

"If you're sure." She had been up at the garage all day. Although the guys held a more nocturnal schedule, she still had to be up at least some hours during daylight to run her shop.

He nodded and squeezed her hand. "There's not much either of us can do for now. I'll be there in a few minutes." Cat gave a slight nod before heading off to get ready for bed.

"You might as well go back to sleep as well, Master. I think Don and Sarah can handle it from here." Leo suggested.

Splinter yawned. "Very well, but tell me when she wakes."

Leo bowed slightly. "Yes, Father."

Splinter left and they went to join the others in the lab where Donnie was setting aside the stethoscope he'd been using. "Her breathing seems normal at least."

Sarah had been setting up the heart monitor. "Her pulse is a bit elevated, but it is well within normal ranges."

Mikey stood on the far side of the cot next to Sarah, holding Kala's uninjured hand. He watched as Donnie moved the small X-ray machine into position. "Why don't you start an IV for fluids, it may be a while before she wakes."

Leo moved to the foot of the bed. "How long do you think it will be?"

Donnie frowned as he took a few shots of Kala's arm. "It's hard to estimate with concussions, it could last a few hours or even days. But hopefully no longer than that."

Mikey looked up. "Why no longer than that?"

"Because it could mean there is permanent brain damage or worse." Donnie set aside the X-ray panels to develop.

Raph put a hand on Mikey's shoulder while speaking with Donnie. "But Sarah woke within a few hours."

"It depends on the severity of the concussion. Sarah's was mild. We don't know enough about what happened yet to even have an idea of the severity at this point."

The room fell silent for a few minutes as Sarah put in the IV and they waited for the X-ray results. At last they were ready. Sarah and Donnie stood next to the light panel speaking in low tones. "Well?" Leo prompted after a long moment.

The couple turned with troubled expressions. "She has a spiral fracture. The good news is it's a clean break, which will be easy to set." Donnie explained.

"So, why the long faces?" Mikey asked.

"This type of fracture is usually caused by someone twisting the arm behind the back with a great deal of force." Sarah moved to Kala's side and stroked a hand over her brow tenderly. "It's not the kind of wound you receive in battle. In fact, none of her injuries appear to be from combat."

Mikey's frown deepened. "And what does that mean?"

Donnie cleared his throat and exchanged a look with his wife. "Well, we agree they appear to be from...domestic violence."

A collective gasped went around the room. Mikey sputtered. "What! But she wouldn't...she couldn't...Oh, Kala..." Leo pulled up a chair and Mikey sank into it, burying his face in his hands.

Donnie motioned the others toward the door, speaking quietly. "We'll keep an eye on Kala. You guys go on to bed. Hopefully she'll tell us more when she wakes up." Donnie turned and went back to the bedside.

Sarah turned to Raph. "Could you do me a little favor?" She nodded at the doorway, where a small green head was poking out around the corner.

Raph gave her a small smile. "Sure." He moved towards the door, picking up Mira. "You should be in bed, munchkin." Sarah smiled as he disappeared around the corner with her daughter.

Leo spoke up beside her. "Master Splinter said for us to let him know when she wakes up."

Sarah shook her head sadly. "Okay, but it probably won't be any time soon."

Leo nodded and left. Sarah went back to the cot where Donnie was preparing the plaster to put on Kala's arm. Sarah set the bone and began to wrap it in preparation for the cast. Mikey held Kala's other hand, while the other was wrapped in the stiff material.

At last, Donnie rubbed his tired eyes. "Mike, why don't you go on to sleep? We'll stay with her."

Mikey shook his head and Donnie shrugged at his wife. Sarah stroked a warm hand over Mikey's head and he looked up at her pleadingly. She gave him a small smile of understanding. "I'll get you a blanket." She turned to her spouse and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I'll take the first shift, you get some rest."

Donnie nodded slowly. "Okay, but I'll stay here. I'll sleep better." He graced her with a smile and brushed a kiss on her brow before going to lie down on the other cot across the room.

Sarah left for only a moment to retrieve two blankets, when she returned she found Mikey slumped over the side of the cot asleep, Kala's hand still clasped in his. Sarah laid the blanket over his shoulders and crossed the room to lay the other over her mate. He caught her hand and gave it a little squeeze. She smiled and returned the squeeze before settling into a chair to watch over the monitors.

A small movement beside him woke Mikey from his uneasy sleep. He looked up to see Donnie standing on the other side of the cot, watching Kala. A soft moan from the female beside him had him shooting to his feet. "Kala!"

Slowly her eyes opened. The once bright blue orbs seemed dull. It took a moment for her to focus on the two brothers leaning over her. "How are you feeling?" Donnie asked.

She wouldn't meet their eyes, which was rather disturbing. She opened her mouth to speak but what came out was a violent cough. Donnie handed her a towel while Mikey helped her sit up.

"Easy Kala, everything will be alright." Mikey soothed her.

Sarah appeared with a glass of water. She had left as soon as Kala had begun to wake to let the others know. It was already mid-day and most of them were settled around the kitchen table when she found them.

Kala stared at the other woman for a long moment before taking the glass in her good hand. Mikey stared at the towel, which had blood splattered on it.

Kala's eyes never left Sarah as she drank the water. Donnie wrapped an arm around Sarah. "It's okay. This is my wife, Sarah."

Kala's eyes widened and she was overcome by another fit of coughing. When she finally settled, Mikey reached out to touch her arm. She jerked back, making him flinch. He frowned. "You're safe here, Kala. No one will hurt you here. You're among friends."

"I know. I'm sorry." It was the first words she'd spoken and they had come out so soft and terrified that it broke Mikey's heart.

"It's okay. We just want to know what happened to you." Mikey said softly.

"Yeah and who did it, because I'm gonna rip them apart." They turned to see Raph as well as the rest of the family gathered in the doorway.

Kala's eyes locked on the small turtle holding Cat's hand. Suddenly, she was struggling to get out of the bed. "This was a mistake. I never should have come here." She didn't make it far when her legs gave way and she slid from the cot to the floor.

A/N: Don't forget to leave sweet reviews...hmmm, they're like chocolate. You can never have enough.