this will be my very first FNAF fanfiction, and honestly, I never thought I will get into this fandom, but here I am. just a quick notice to the hardcore fans, this story will not follow the games storylines, it will have parts from the games, but that's about it.

anyway, I hope you will enjoy this story. oh each chapter has a flashback, it will be in italic, so it shouldn't be confusing.

Freddy Fazbear Pizza closed permanently after a terrible fire and would seem to be that forever. But only a year later, a small restaurant opens, having the exact same name. People are curious. Why would they open the place again, especially after when the three other locations have been forced to close thanks to horrible incidents as the disappearing of children. And yet, here it is; a new location. New owner, though.

The owner of the three other locations has been an elderly man, he stepped down at the last location, let his two right-hand men take the ownership, he died not long after the last restaurant burned down in the fire and rumors said his two right-hand men both disappeared without a trace. So surely no one would take the company with all the bad rumors about it. And yet, someone apparently was either brave or stupid enough to take the ownership of the company.

Many feared the place and stays away, yet those who loved the place, well they just have to check this new location out.

They are all greeted with a familiar sight, four animatronics the icons of the restaurant. A dark brown beer, a purple bunny, a pirate fox and a yellow chicken stands on the new scene and greet people.

Many people are kinda surprised seeing those guys again, yet also happy, more so since this new owner has done the honor and has given the animatronics a huge makeover.

The last location hasn't kept them in fit condition and so the animatronics fur began to stink and fall off and they kept glitching, freaking the children out. Now, they were clean and movements incredibly fluid. Also, their appearance has changed a bit too, they looked more real like animals, and some did mistake them for people in suits as no metal parts could be spotted, giving them a more life-like appearance, especially with their incredibly lifelike eyes.

The loyal customers found their new appearance rather appealing, more so as the animatronics did not only sing children songs, but also songs suited to every age. The parents did get a little scared, though when the animatronics suddenly began moving around the crowd and interacting with the children. But the children loved this new change. and the first day of being open, those few people who have come has to admit it is rather good and many of them want to tell their friends and family that this place is worth visiting in the future.

The animatronics wave goodbye to the people and when the door closes the last time. The purple bunny jumps off the stage and locks the door, turning to the bear that gives it a smile, and says with a deep, yet soft voice to the three other animatronics. "Well done everyone." For unknowable for the humans, the animatronics are this place's new owners. A gift from their father, who happened to be the right hand of the former owner of Freddy Fazbear Pizza.

"There weren't many, though." Chica remarks sadly, like the three others, she wants this place back to its former glory. The last wish from their father.

The purple rabbit, Bonnie walks back to the stage, like the chicken, confused. "I thought they would like coming back."

Foxy, the pirate fox jumps out from his own small scene, it is filled with pirate theme's props. "We worked so hard opening this place..."

Their leader, the bear who is named after this place lets out a small sigh and tell the three others. "The humans still remember the bad stuff from the last places. Give them time." He ensures his family. "There will be more."

The three nodded.

"Now, let's clean this place up." Freddy jumps down from the stage, and fetches a broom, smirking. "Can't have a dirty restaurant." And he throws the broom to Bonnie.

The rabbit catches the broom, looking annoyed. "Why do I have to brush the floor?"

"Would you prefer taking the bathrooms?" Freddy deadpan, pointing at the place. The rabbit quickly begins brushing the floor and the bear smirks. "Thought so."

"I take the kitchen!" Chica beam and runs to the kitchen. "After I have made tomorrow's pizzas that is!"

"I'll help Bonnie." Foxy says and walks to help the rabbit with cleaning the floor.

"Guess I take the bathrooms then." Freddy shrugs and walks to that spot there isn't any of their favorite places, but someone has to do it.

After the cleaning, they help one another making ready for tomorrow customers. Bonnie helps Chica out in the kitchen, Foxy places the tables' right and sits down the party hats on each seat. Meanwhile, Freddy checks if they needed anything, he takes a checklist and writes down what they need to order and what could wait. So far, they are only running low on dough to the pizza and could use more cups as well.

"How's it going?" A deep voice, deeper than Freddy's asks from the stage.

Freddy turns to the stage and says to his golden brother. "So far, everything seems well."

Golden Freddy or Fredbear or simply his favorite nickname; Goldie nods while sitting on the stage. "That's good, have you thought about what I told you?" The golden bear asks, like the others, also newly repaired and his once dirty colored fur is once again shiny and bright gold.

Freddy makes a sight and eyes his bright blue to his brother's red colored eyes. "Yes, but..." He scratches his neck. "Can't it wait? I mean, we still haven't fully gotten used to our new upgrades."

"So you have turned them on?" Goldie asks, tilting his head. "How does it feel?"

Freddy blinks and this question. "You haven't turned yours on?"

"No, I am, well, I am a little scared." Goldie admits, lowering his head slightly. His brown brother sits down beside him. "Why? I admit it felt weird suddenly having the need for food, but it isn't that hard."

"And your emotions?"

Freddy groan hides his head in his big paw-like hands. "I rather not talk about it..."


But the brown bear did not answer, simply giving him a look. Goldie raises a brow. "Was it really that bad?"

"It was embarrassed, but at least, I wasn't the worst." Freddy smirks nods to the purple rabbit. "Bonnie's still have trouble being around Chica."

Goldie blinks and turns to the rabbit who's helping the chicken, seemly flustered about something, especially when his hands touched her wings. "What's wrong with him?"

"No idea" Freddy chuckle. "Still reading the emotion manual father gave us. It's not like Bonnie is going to read it."

"So true." Goldie turns to his brother, looking worried. "How's Spring doing?"

Freddy's face drop. "Marion is still working on him..." Nodding to the new Parts and Service room.

Goldie slowly nods, well aware how bad shape Spring is in. "You think he will..." He couldn't finish the sentence. He and Spring are best friends and it hurt seeing him like this.

Freddy sits his paw on his brother's shoulder, giving him an enduring smile. "Spring will be fine."

"That's good." Goldie smile in return, hoping his brother words are true.

Freddy gets on his feet, still smiling to his golden brother. "I have to leave now, still needs checking the income for today."

"Of course." Goldie nods and also gets on his feet. "I think I will see how Spring is doing." Nodding to the Part and Service door.

Freddy gives his brother a nod and both go to each of their business.

The first day went well, but there was still a long way before they reach their goal. And that will be hard, especially when people think this place is run by humans and not sentient animatronics.

Yet the whole first month of being open went without a hitch. The guests are happy and, in turn, made the animatronics happy. There is, however, one single problem, they needed waitress and cooks, for as the place gets more popular, the more people come and poor Chica can't keep up with all those people.

And today is not exceptions, Chica did not have time being on stage since she is needed in the kitchen and giving people the food they ordered, yet with all her skills. She just cannot keep up with the guests.

"Here, let me help." Goldie suddenly appears and takes the plates from the chicken. Chica lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh thank you, Goldie. You are a life saver."

"I wouldn't go that far." The golden bear chuckle, and adds while pointing grinning at her. "By the way, I expect you have leftovers of pizza tonight, just activated the upgrades."

Chica chuckle and shoves the bear out to the diner. "First; you make sure our guests aren't hungry." And Goldie did just that, still grinning, though.

On the stage Bonnie watches the chicken and golden bear, feeling kinda angry of them laughing together. He isn't sure why, though. Goldie is like an older brother to them.


The purple rabbit turns to his friend and boss, noticing Freddy is giving him a firm look. "Focus."

"Sorry." Bonnie returns back playing on his guitar, fortunately, only a very few people have noticed he had stopped.

Freddy watches the bunny for a little while, having an idea what is wrong with his purple friend. And he thanks their father for leaving that manual to them. "You should talk to her."

"About what?" Bonnie chuckles darkly. "We have nothing in common, she likes to cook and I likes to play on guitar. Besides." He glances back to Chica. "We fight all the time."

"True, but you both like making children happy and likes music." Freddy points out.

Bonnie looks rather surprised at the bear.

Freddy gives him a look. "Talk with her, after we have closed of course."

"...Alright." Bonnie nods and they both return back to playing for the customers.

Meanwhile, Goldie gives the guests the food they have ordered before he turns around since Foxy walks over to him. The fox doesn't have any children to entertain for the moment. "I have heard some small disturbing chatter." The fox muse to the golden bear.

Goldie blinks. "About what? People seem happy." gesturing to the people having a good time.

Foxy can't disagree on that, and yet. "Ay, but my ears have caught words of parents asking why no humans serve the food and keep 'us' in check."

Goldie sights, glancing to the humans, noticing some of them are looking at them with a mix of suspicion and fright. "I will talk with brother about this." Having people scared of them is the last thing they need.

"Thanks, old friend." Foxy nods and returns to his spot.

Goldie goes back to his new duty, but can't help thinking of the day where the one Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy called their father gave him the news about his plan.


"Why do you give us the restaurant?" Goldie asks the very weak man in bed. He was the only one who could leave the restaurant.

The sick man smiled weakly to the newly repaired bear. "Because... you will do what is best for—" He began coughing and Goldie quickly went to him and handed the man some water. The golden bear fell slump down again on the floor beside the bed; he didn't want to reveal his new mobility to anyone besides this man. He might not consider Scott as his father, like Freddy and the others did. He saw this human more like a good friend.

The man took three deep breaths and said weakly. "Fredbear... I have chosen Freddy as my heir..." He coughed again before he turned to Goldie, trying seeing any anger in the first animatronic's face, but there were none. "Please understand why."

"I understand." Goldie said. He has always, in some sense known Freddy would be the new icon for the company. And it had nothing to do with the name of the restaurant. "He is the best programmed to the job, but, what I don't understand." He eyed the human with his brightly red eyes. "Why us? We can't run a company. we—"

"Because you are robots?" Scott asked in a soft matter of fact.

Goldie nodded slowly, he- they have accepted the fact that they always will be owned by others. The new manager was far from being a nice guy... he was an idiot too, didn't know any of them were sentient. Only the one Freddy and his friends considered as their father knew of their sentiments. Unlike the manager, Scott has always been nice to them.

Goldie blinked as his human friend suddenly began laughing between his coughing. "You can my golden friend... with these..." He waved to a small box at the desk.

Goldie went to the desk and slowly opened it, revealing several memory cards to an animatronic inside, along with a small journal. Confused he turned to his friend.

The man smiled. "My last gifts... to you." He waved to the bear. "Take them."

Goldie hesitated took the box, not sure what to do with them. Scott simply gave him a smile. "Now, please leave me... I need rest."

"Will you speak to Freddy about this choice?"

"...Yes." The human nodded slowly. "Very soon my friend." He eyed the bear. "Now leave."

And Goldie teleported away with the strange box, somehow aware this will be the last time they spoke with one another.



The bear blinks and turns to Chica, she gives him a worried look. "You alright?"

"Just thinking." He simply says and returns back to work, giving her a smile. "No need to worry about this old bear." And he's gone.

Chica shrugs and returns back to warm the pizza's she made last night.

and this is the first chapter, hope you have enjoyed it. and before you rage at me. I only used the name Scott because I thought it would be a funny irony.

BTW: hope you like the front image I made ^^