A/N: Like promised this is the other ending. Thank you to all who have read and reviewed my story.

I was sure I was dead. No, actually I know I was. I even saw that bright white light. It was a glorious thing and I swear I could hear angels singing within and there standing in front of it was my mother. She hadn't aged a day since the day she died. Her light brown hair was flowing in some felt wind and in her arms was a small bundle. As I took a step forward it began to cry. I felt my heart break; I reached out and took her into my arms as my mother kissed my forehead. "It's alright my dear, it's not time yet," She said as the light faded away.

When my eyes opened once again I found myself in a hospital room attached to those same damn wires and machines. It took me a moment before I realized that I wasn't alone in the room. Sitting in the chair next to me was my mate. He was out cold with his head slumped back in an awkward position while he snored lightly. I stared at his hand for a few moments until I found the strength to reach out and squeeze it.

He awoke with a start but I didn't let go of his hand. His warm eyes were full of tears and for a second I thought he was actually going to cry. "Alfred," He started as he leaned down to embrace me the best he could. "Oi you scared the shit out of me. Don't ever fuckin' do that shit again."

Now I can look back on it with a slight chuckle since well I wouldn't have wanted to do that again either. I mean it was a one in a million kind of thing. Kuro had fucked me up good that night and it nearly killed both me and our daughter. Like I always thought my little heroine was a fighter. Well really she still is, while it didn't take her life it did take most of her eyesight.

My little Heather can see shapes but little else though the doctors claim once she's in her teens she'll be completely blind. Then again they have been wrong before so I have my hope and Scott has his faith. Both have gotten us through these past five years.

A lot has changed in these few years too. While he wanted to stay in that house of his, I found it kept far too many bad memories than good. So even though he complained the whole time we moved as soon as we could. It was a small house in an even smaller town but it felt more like home than any big city could.

It's where I want to raise all of our kids and still according to my mate we'll have at least a dozen. But then that's him not me. No I'm still fine with my little raven haired girl and her little brother. He'll be born soon but Scott can't keep his mind on his work so for his sake and mine I've called in a favor or two.

So while he parks the car I wait with Heather at the terminal. "We meet Grandpa?" Heather asks as she holds my hand tightly.

"Yeah," I answer as I push past a few people. "He hasn't seen you since you were born." Her smile widens as I pick her up. "And your Uncle Peter is really excited to see you again too."

As I say it I see a tall young man walk out of the line. He's grown so much but he still looks so innocent to me. "Alfred." He calls out rushing past a few gawking tourists and into my free arm. "Dude you're huge."

It earns him a playful smack to the side of his head. "I don't see your butt in three years and that's the first thing out of your mouth?"

His smile widens as he wiggles Heather out of my arms. "Well you know I love you so there was no point in saying it. Oh and," He says turning back to a few people still getting off. "Papa, Alfred hit me."

My heart tightens as I look up into his icy blue eyes. Sure he's my father but the Alpha can be downright terrifying at times. "Alfred," he says once he's a few inches from me. I half expect him to reprimand me for hitting Peter but instead in a flash he has his arms around me.

He holds me tightly and after a second I wrap my arms around him too. "Hey Papa…" I say softly as my mate starts to walk up. "I'm sorry I haven't called."

"It's alright." He answers giving Scott a cold glare. "Hello Scott."

Most would back down but in his normal fashion my mate smirks as his cigarettes appear in his right hand. "Hello Berwald."

My father glares harder before noticing Heather in Peter's arms. "May I?" He asks already reaching for my little girl.

She turns her head towards him as she reaches up for him. "Grandpa?" She asks in a timid voice.

I swear I've never seen a smile this wide on his face before as he holds her close to his chest. "Yes little one." He coos as he follows us out.

Instantly he's in love with her and doesn't let her go until he tucks her in. It really might take some talking to get him to go home in a few months especially if he does the same with my son. "Alfred?" He asks pulling me away from my thoughts. "Can I have a word with you?"

"Yeah sure," I say following him out into the back porch. "What's up?"

It takes him a moment to answer, "Is he a good Alpha?"

I shouldn't be surprised but I'm taken aback, "Hell yeah he is." He stares at me for a moment. "He is Papa I promise." I know why he's asking now, because he never asked when I first met Kuro. "He's a stubborn hot headed asshole but that's what I love about him."

His smile really is all the answer I need to know I have his approval. "Good." He says placing a hand on my shoulder. "And have I told you…"

"Told me what?"

He squeezes my shoulder. "That I'm proud of you and that your mother would be too."

I'm at a loss of words so I just wrap him in a hug. "Thanks Papa…"

"You're welcome," He says simply as the first few snowflakes of the year start to fall. "Now let's go inside before it really starts to snow."

"Alright but I think tomorrow we should go out for a walk. It's pretty when it first starts to come down." I say as open the door. "If you want I mean."

He nods. "Your mother thought the same thing." He takes the door and looks out as it start so shimmer. "How she loved the snow…"