Warning: Movie spoilers!
Ink & Chocolate
Chapter One
"I can't believe they're letting those villains into our school! Ben's too kind—I mean, Maleficent is the one who cursed my mother! How could they let her daughter attend, of all the villains to choose from?!"
The particularly shrill voice belonged to Princess Audrey, daughter of Princess Aurora and Prince Philip, and girlfriend to soon-to-be-King Prince Ben. She was a girl connected to many titles and was currently laying on her four poster bed, complaining about the injustice for the fifth time that day. To total the amount of times she had recited the same spiel since the proclamation was innumerable, mostly because the other girl had lost count.
She didn't even bother to make up a response to humor the princess, too busy trying to scrawl some last minute notes on the empty bars of her paper. Glancing back at the clock, her handwriting became more frantic as she tried to finish the thought before she absolutely had to leave. She really shouldn't be late. Again.
The grandfather clock chimed and she huffed, throwing her pen aside as she grabbed her sweater as she hurried, ignoring her inked fingertips. There wasn't any time to worry about her appearance. Of course there was always time for personal appearance in Audrey's opinion, one she had no problem reminding her roommate. Ignoring the princess's indignant huff at her abrupt departure, the door closed behind her as she took off.
Irene Radcliffe wasn't a lot of things, punctual being the first. She had a terrible habit of trying to get more done than she had time for and would be distracted easily by her own projects, adding to her lateness. Secondly, she wasn't any form of royalty.
It was bizarre stroke of chance that she was assigned to be Audrey's roommate as royals tended to be paired with other royals. It wasn't as if it was completely odd that she wasn't tied to any royal family, as her good friend Doug wasn't royal by blood either, with him being the son of Dopey. Though that did put him close to Snow White's royalty line due to friendships between the adults, which could be counted, she supposed.
"You're late."
Speaking of her favorite classmate, the boy had just arrived at the bottom of the staircase with the clear goal of retrieving her. She gave a guilty smile.
"Close enough though, right?" she tried. "We still have a little while before they're due to arrive, don't we?" She checked the slightly oversized watch, not that the accessory did her much good in the long run. It only served to remind her that she was late for something.
"Yes, technically we do," he sighed, adjusting his glasses. "You know what they say though, "Early is on time"—"
"And on time is late," she finished with a sigh. "So I've heard. Is everyone else on time then?"
Clearly, everyone was assembled in a timely manner as Irene had to be the only student at Auradon Prep (where "Goodness doesn't get any better") who was notoriously tardy. She and Doug hurried out to the front courtyard to coordinate the school band and make sure everything was all set so to welcome the new students. The uniforms had to be pristine, buttons shined and nothing wrinkled. The band members had to make certain that their formations were perfect, warm up their instruments, and give their nerves time to settle enough to display a professional appearance for the newcomers.
It wasn't surprising that everyone was reacting strongly to Prince Ben's first official proclamation. He was welcoming the children of the villains that had hurt so many in their kingdoms, those who were royal in status especially. She didn't blame Audrey for being apprehensive about Maleficent's daughter attending the same school as her, but the whining was becoming a bit much, even if it was a coping mechanism. While everyone seemed to be dreading their arrival, Irene couldn't help but be a little excited even if she technically had a reason to be worried as well. She couldn't wait for the change of pace and what perspective they would bring to the slightly suffocating school. Although she didn't voice that specific opinion to anyone but Doug. It wouldn't do her any good to rile up anyone, even if it was by accident.
With their formations perfected, uniforms crisp, and instruments tuned, the Headmistress, the Fairy Godmother herself, approached them with Prince Ben and Princess Audrey a step behind her.
"Everything ready?" asked the fairy. "I've just received word that they'll be here momentarily."
"Yes, Headmistress," she and Doug chorused.
"Very good, dears. Excellent work," she praised as she moved around to double check the preparations. Prince Ben gave an appreciative nod and smile to the two while Audrey gave a sniff as she looked at her roommate.
"You've got spots all over your sweater," she tutted under her breath, just barely soft enough to be heard. Irene's cheeks burned as she quickly found the small black spots near the collar of her sweater where she had grabbed it as she rushed from the dorms. Her fingertips were still dark with dried ink as she tucked a stray hair aside. She kept her mouth shut as Audrey smirked, not even losing her pace as she walked with her boyfriend, following the headmistress.
There were students lining the path up to the castle holding up signs and banners, so to be the first to spot the limo (and maybe catch a glimpse of the villain's children), and their welcoming cheers were faint but all the cue they needed. Irene brought her hands up and the musicians took their positions and with the flick of her wrist the first strong notes of the welcome song rang out.
The sleek black limo easily made its way up the well-manicured path and came to a smooth and complete stop before the gold-and-blue band, giving her barely enough time to step to the side, maintain her conducting while simultaneously being out of the picture, not wanting to ruin the picturesque vision. Then a gentleman in a perfect grey suit stepped out of the vehicle and calmly walked to the other door and opened it for their visitors.
Immediately, two boys toppled out of the limo in a tangle of limbs, random items that included a televsion screen under one arm and an odd blue blanket between them and protesting. The band couldn't help but awkwardly falter at the strange sight and Irene was staring openly as well, very confused. It was brutally obvious who was winning the scuffle, but the boy with the odd white hair was still squirming like he had a chance.
"Ow-stop-! You got everything else-! Why do you want whatever this is-?!"
"'Cause you want it!"
"Give it to me!"
"Let go!"
It took her a second to realize that two girls had slipped out of the limo quietly and were looking around in their new environment. The boy's didn't seem to care and continued with their antics.
"Guys, guys, guys!" hissed the girl in purple, earning their attention. "We have an audience!" That seemed to snap the two out of it, turning their heads as if they just only noticed the bright blue-and-gold band. There was the familiar clip-clop of heels and the band broke their formation evenly to allow the headmistress to approach the new students.
"Just-cleanin' up," explained the taller one in the vest. He grabbed the other boy and yanked him to his feet with a whispered, "Get up!"
When they were all standing, Irene couldn't but noticed just how vibrant they all were. Their outfits were nearly blinding with color and personalization, and not to mention their hair colors were so vivid. Deep blues, screaming violet, and strange white. It was like a breath of fresh air.
She had been so busy staring that she completely missed Fairy Godmother's introduction and was snapped out of her daze when Audrey interjected into the conversation.
"-Prince Benjamin. Soon to be King!" she corrected, barely able to keep her swoon under control at the mention of his upcoming title.
"You had me at Prince," spoke up the gorgeous girl in blue, her voice nearly breathless. "My mom's a Queen which makes me a princess." She finished her title introduction with an absolutely perfect curtsy.
"The Evil Queen has no royal status here and neither do you," Audrey quickly reprimanded her, all while keeping her smile and pleasant tone. Irene's mouth formed a firm line at her roommate's unnecessary jab.
"This is Audrey," Ben introduced quickly.
"Princess Audrey," she clarified, correcting even the almost-King before taking his hand. "His girlfriend. Right Benny-boo?"
It took all of her willpower not to roll her eyes at the disgusting pet name Audrey gave to the son of Belle and the Beast. Ben was one of the kindest people she knew, and she was thrilled for his coronation, but what he saw in Audrey she would never understand. She was roommates with the girl and she still didn't know.
The Fairy Godmother had given her last words, including her usual joke about how she "has a thing with curfews". Cue Cinderella humor. It was practically mandatory to laugh or least smile at the headmistress's puns. Wouldn't want to get turned into a pumpkin. As the iconic Godmother walked away, the band members started to follow with Doug in the lead, which meant that Irene was to bring up the rear to make sure that no one straggled, forgot or dropped any equipment.
She had just finished the head count and gave a quick survey of the immediate area, to make certain it was clear, when she barely began to turn away to follow the others-her name was called.
The girl whipped around at the sudden call, very confused. Prince Ben waved her back over toward the group and she obliged, not one to argue or disobey the son of the King. It helped that he was very kind, even to her. The four villains were watching her too and she did her best not to stare back as well, her own interest in them still overwhelming. Her gaze kept lingering on the white haired boy and that his mouth seemed to be smeared with chocolate and that he was completely oblivious to the fact.
"Why don't you join the tour with us?" he offered. He ignored Audrey's pointed look, continuing to smile at the ginger haired girl.
"Her?" asked Audrey.
"Audrey and I won't be able to stay for a complete tour and I was wondering if you would care to pick up where we leave off? If you don't mind, that is," he explained. He looked to the four. "No one else knows the grounds as well as Irene. She'll make sure none of you get lost here."
Her? Prince Ben wanted to leave the villain's children with her? She wasn't royalty and she certainly didn't command attention or give off the air of authority. She was a musician and tended to be looked over.
"Of course," her voice betrayed her. How was she to say no? It wasn't as if she was scared of them, it was just…out of her comfort zone, so to say. She wasn't a leader type, she was a background piece. Audrey could confirm that for her.
"Excellent!" Ben smiled. Audrey linked her arm with his once again as he turned and began to lead the way up the path, launching into the history of the castle and Auradon Prep. She barely heard him as she took a deep breath, steeling her determination. She was not going to be intimidated by their villainous parentage. She refused.
With one hand she slipped her hand into her pocket while her other reached out and tapped the white haired boy's shoulder. He flinched terribly and whirled around to look at her with wide brown eyes. She held out a simply embroidered handkerchief and gave a smile with a quiet whisper.
"Here. You've got a bit chocolate on your face."
REVIEW! Your thoughts would be loved as always! So I know I shouldn't be starting another story but I've fallen head-over-heels in love with Disney's Descendants, it makes my Disney heart so happy!
Pairing is headed one way but I'm open to input as the story progresses, and it wouldn't be the first time my characters have run off with their own agenda lol
Bonus points to those who can identify Irene's parents!
Hope you enjoyed!