Morgan straighten out the hem of her dress as she sat in the car nervously waiting. Nick went to grab Greg and Sara for their double date. The one she was now seriously regretting. This was going to be more awkward than all four years of high school combined. She was sure of it. Going on a double date where your crush was the other guy could never end well. What the hell was she thinking? She should have called it off the moment she found out Greg and Sara were coming. Too late for that now, she thought as her co-workers approached the car.

Sara tapped on her window. She rolled it down.

"Hey Sara, you look great," Morgan said studying her figure-hugging pants suit. She stole a side eyed glance at Greg, who was also dashing in a suit and tie. She had heard rumors that Greg once liked Sara. The question was: did he still?

"Thanks Morgan. I love your dress," Sara smiled. "Hey, sorry to do this to you, but I get car sick if I'm not sitting in the front. So…" Sara looked away sheepishly.

"Oh! Of course!" Morgan said catching her drift. She exited the car, standing unbearably close to Greg. Goosebumps prickled all over her as she felt his presence right behind her. God, he smelled good. Leather and soap. An oddly intoxicating combination.

"Thanks," Sara said as she moved into the passenger seat.

"Ladies first." Morgan spun around to face Greg who held the door open for her. She gave him a shy grin and climbed into the backseat.

Nick started the car. He turned to Greg and Morgan in the back.

"Everyone comfortable?" he asked. Greg and Morgan both nodded as they shifted uncomfortably in their seats, avoiding eye contact with each other. Nick shot them a smirk. "Good. Buckle up. The ride could get bumpy." He winked and then turned back to the front.

The car jolted as he gunned the gas, sending Morgan and Greg lurching forward. They both braced themselves on the back of the chairs in front of them, exchanging a glance in the process.

Greg smiled at her. "And I thought you were a bad driver," he said. Morgan laughed.

"I heard that." Nick looked at them through the rearview mirror.

Morgan stifled another laugh as she moved back in her seat. Greg held her gaze. His hand brush against hers causing a shiver to course through her.

"You know the show isn't until ten. What do you say if we grab a drink first?" Sara asked, breaking the tension.

"I could use a stiff drink," Morgan said, swallowing hard as she shifted her focus to Sara.

"Hell yeah, we all could. I know the perfect place too," Nick said. "Hold on." He swerved the car making a U-turn. Morgan was shoved right up next to Greg in the spin. She felt his hard muscular body beneath his suit as it pressed up against her. She gulped. This was going to be a long night.

Greg and Nick found a table by the bar while the ladies scampered off to the restroom.

"I saw you getting cozy with my girl in the back seat, Sanders," Nick said as he signaled for a waiter. "Better keep your hands to yourself." He bit back the urge to grin as he placed their order.

Greg rolled his eyes. "She's not your girl either so you better keep your hands to yourself also." He opened his mouth to say more, but Sara and Morgan returned, sliding into the seats between them. Greg greeted the girls and then took his buzzing phone out of his pocket to read the incoming text. It was from Nick. He glanced up to see Nick put his phone back in his coat, sending a smirk Greg's way. Greg silently read the text:

Put your money where your mouth is. I bet you can't keep you eyes off of Morgan the whole time we are here. Here are the terms: If I do catch you looking at her, you have to buy and take a shot every time. If you can go without looking, you can be the one to take her home tonight.

Greg stared at him. He nodded his agreement as he put the phone away. This was one bet he was definitely going to win.

"Who was that?" Sara asked as the waiter set their martinis down. Greg looked at her.

"Oh…um, just my mom." Greg waved it off as he took a sip of his drink.

"Aww… That's so sweet. Are you two close?" Morgan's voice melted in his ear. He closed his eyes briefly and then looked at Nick.

"Very," he answered and then down his martini. This was going to be harder than he thought.

By the end of the second round of martinis, the challenge was becoming impossible. Greg heard Morgan whisper something to Nick who laughed in return. He peeked over at her, letting his gaze linger on her lips a little too long. He realized his mistake when his phone buzzed again.

Time for a shot, the text read. Greg glared at Nick and ordered a shot of vodka. Three more glances later, each becoming less subtle as Greg's blood alcohol level increased, Nick decided it was time to go. A three hour show and a stop for coffee should be enough to sober Greg up by the end of the night. Besides, he need Greg conscious for the grand finale of his plan.

As they got up to walk to the car, Greg stumbled in step behind Morgan. He leaned in behind her, smelling her hair. Morgan held her breath as his lips brushed against her ear.

"Mmmm…you smelled good." Sara tugged on his arm and pulled him aside.

"Hey Morgan, can you start the car? I need to talk to Nick for a minute." Sara took the keys out of Nick's hand and tossed them to her.

"Okay…" Morgan raised her eyebrow, frowning. She glanced back at the three of them, giving a strange look before leaving for the parking lot.

Sara, who was still holding a sleepy eyed Greg with one hand, hit Nick on the back of the head with the other.

"What is the matter with you? You're suppose to get him to make a move on Morgan, not get him wasted."

"Look, I just wanted to give the boy some liquid courage. It might have went a little farther than I anticipated, but I can fix this. He's not that far gone." He moved to prop up Greg. "Are you, buddy?"

"Morgan's mine," Greg slurred as he shook off Nick. Nick looked back at Sara, laughing.

"Sure she is. Let's get some coffee on the way to the show," he said walking Greg out to the car.

Two strong cups of coffee and an hour watching acrobatics later, Greg was starting to feel more like himself. He glanced down at Morgan, sitting next to him. He was such an idiot. Apparently on the ride over he had fallen asleep on her shoulder and snored. Like he would ever live that down. He never should have drank that much. And now Nick had his arm snaked around her. Nick. He was the real problem. Well, he wouldn't let Nick get the best of him. He just had to act like it didn't bother him that Nick's hand was resting on Morgan's perfect shoulder, touching her soft skin. Ugh. He gritted his teeth. This was hell.

Nick looked at him smiling and sent a nod his way. Greg bared his clenched teeth and threw his arm around Sara's shoulder as he shrugged.

Morgan discreetly inspected Greg, noting how close he had moved toward Sara. She sighed. Just an hour ago, she had felt the wonderful weight of him against her as he slept on her shoulder. It had been the sweetest moment; she dreaded when it had to end. His hair had been so soft that it had tickled her chin. And his scent cloaked her, comforting her as she breathed him in. She was so warm and safe snuggled next to him.

But now that he was awake and lucid, Sara was the one he clung to. Life was not fair. Greg's gaze met hers and she looked away, embarrassed that she had been caught staring.

Sara whispered something in Greg's ear. Then she stood and made her way down the aisle and out of the auditorium.

"Hey Morgan." She turned to Nick. "I'm not feeling so well. That pastry from the coffee shop isn't sitting too well. I think I'll just meet you outside after the show."

"Sure," Morgan voiced her concern. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Nick's eyes shifted their focus over her head and then back to her. "No. No, enjoy the show. I'll be fine. I'll text you." She nodded and watched him sneak away.

"I guess it's just me and you now." Greg's soft whisper startled her. She turned to him.

"Looks like it." She gave a cautious smile. "So, you and Sara, huh? How long have you two been an item?"

"What?!" A couple in front of him shushed him and gave him a dirty look. He lowered his voice. "We're just friends. I just came because she had an extra ticket."

Morgan shifted in her seat. "Wait…she asked you?"

Greg scrunched his brow. "Yeah, why?"

Suddenly all the pieces started falling into place. The random offer from Nick, Sara's lie about Greg asking her, and her need to sit in the front car seat.

"Oh my God! They're trying to set us up." Morgan hushed accusation hit Greg like a bolt of lightning.

"Crap! You're right. It all makes sense now. Nick being a tool, Sara asking me to go, them both leaving just now." Greg still felt the aftereffects of the alcohol streaming through him. His eyes traveled down to Morgan's mouth. "Well, let's show them."

"What do you mean?" Morgan hesitated.

Greg moved his lips down to Morgan's, stopping just before they met. "Let's give them what they want…what I want." Morgan could feel her heart pounding through her chest. He was so close, his beautiful brown eyes boring into hers.

"What you want?" she breathed, afraid to move. She didn't think it was possible, but Greg inched even closer, his warm breath falling on her lips.

"God, Morgan, I have wanted you for so long." He closed the space between them, his mouth covering hers. She leaned into him, deepening the kiss as her hands played with the hair at the nape of his neck. He was about to pull her in more when someone tapped him on the shoulder.

"Can you two take that outside?" A little old lady sitting in the row behind them scolded. Greg laughed into Morgan's shoulder, making her also giggle.

Greg and Morgan hurried out of the theatre holding hands. As the doors closed behind them, Greg pulled Morgan into a sensual embrace as he kissed her again. He rested his forehead against hers. "That was great," he said.

"That was just the beginning." She gave a sly smile as she searched his eyes. Before he could respond, his phone buzzed. He pulled it out and read the text from Nick:

Get a cab and maybe a room, lovebirds.

Greg shook his head and smiled. Yeah, he would definitely never live this down.

Nick parked in front of Sara's place. "Thanks for being my partner in crime tonight."

Sara smiled. "Well, despite your poor judgment at the bar, the mission seemed to be a success. Let's just hope we don't have to endure that PDA all around the office."

"Yeah," Nick chuckled. "Hey, I've been meaning to ask you something. When you said you knew something about unrequited office romance, you were talking about Grissom right?"

Sara's smile widened. "Night, Nick." She kissed his cheek and hopped out of the car.

Nick watched her walk away. "Well I'll be damned," he said, grinning as he started the car.