Nick watched Greg and Morgan from the break room as he scarfed down his tuna salad. Morgan was laughing at something Greg said. She put her hand on Greg shoulder as she caught her breath. The brightness of her smile reflected in her eyes. She was so obviously flirting with him, yet Greg acted oblivious.

"Come on, Greg. Make your move buddy," Nick said to himself as he studied their interaction. But someone out of his sight range called Morgan's name causing her to walk away. "Damn it!" Nick slammed his bowl a little too hard on the table, splashing tuna on his shirt.

"What's gotten into you?" Sara walked in, making a beeline for the fridge. Nick looked up at her dabbing his fish stained shirt with a napkin.

"Greg and Morgan. There is so much sexual tension there that it's becoming a distraction. Greg and I worked a robbery the other day and all the boy could talk about was what Morgan had said or something funny Morgan had done. Crawford finally told him to shut up about his damn crush and focus on the case. Sara, you should have seen his face. He looked like someone had slapped him. It would have been funny if it wasn't so damn sad."

Sara smiled as she moved from the fridge to pour a cup of coffee. "Unrequited office love. I know a little something about that." She blew on her coffee as she sat across from Nick.

"Yeah, well so does Greg. I can't even begin to count the number of office crushes I have had to listen to him moon over the past fifteen years. You, Sophia, some girl in the lab, Riley, and now Morgan." Nick ticked off his fingers. "I just want him to finally snag one of them instead just moping about it. And I think he actually stands a chance this time."

"You think Morgan's into him?" Sara sipped on her drink.

"Hell yes, but she's just as bad as him. Neither one of them will make the first move, and I'm afraid if we don't step in, we're going to have to watch this junior high flirtation mess for another year." Nick wadded up the dirty napkin and tossed it in the trash can as he leaned back on his chair.

"We?" Sara arched an eyebrow. "I'm involved in this now?"

"Come on, Sara. They're our friends, now. We've got to help them. Besides, it could be a whole hell of a lot of fun if we play it just right." Nick smirked.

"What did you have in mind, Cupid?" Sara shook her head and laughed as Nick laid out his devious plan.

"Hey Morgan, you're looking good today." Nick said as he walked into the office where Greg and Morgan were.

"Thanks." Morgan furrowed her brow in confusion.

"You have a hot date tonight?" Nick asked as he pulled up a stool next to her.

Morgan exchanged a glance with Greg. "Nope, not me."

Nick smiled looking between Greg and Morgan as they continued working on their laptops. "Well, do you want one?"

Both of them stopped working and stared at Nick. "What?" Morgan asked, startled.

"Sure, I have tickets to this show, one of those Cirque du Soleil things, and it's just going to go to waste otherwise. So what do you say?" Nick let his eyes flicker over to gauge Greg's reaction. It took almost everything he had not to laugh at the simmering anger bubbling up on Greg's face as he scowled, his cheeks flaming red.

"Um…sure, I guess." Morgan hesitated and then smiled. "I would love to. It's been so long since I've been anywhere. What time?"

"Pick you up at eight." Nick flashed a grin Greg's way. "Well, I'll see you then." He got up and walked out into the hallway slowing his pace in anticipation of what was to come.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Greg's voice rang out behind him. Nick stopped walking, taking a minute to compose himself and contain the laughter brimming at the tip of his tongue. He turned to face Greg.

"What's the matter, man?" Nick innocently asked.

"You just asked out my…" Greg stumbled over the words as he spat them.

"Your what? Are you and Morgan dating?" Nick crossed his arms over his chest awaiting Greg's answer.

"Well, no, not exactly. But you know how I feel about her. That's low, man." Greg jabbed a finger at him.

"Do I? Well, why don't you do something about it?" Nick smirked and then glanced down on his watch. "I have to go. Got a hot date to get ready for." Nick turned and started walking away.

"Yeah, we'll see about that," Greg called out after him, fuming.

From the entrance to the locker room, Sara spotted Morgan retrieving her purse out of her locker.

"Hey," she said as she made her way to her locker next to Morgan's. "So I hear you're going out on a date with Nick. You two an item now?"

"Huh? No. I mean I don't think so. I am just going as a friend. Why? Do you think he wants something more?" Morgan's eyes widened as she turned to Sara. Sara smirked. Nick was right. This was fun.

"Well he didn't ask me to go, so what does that tell you?" Sara remarked. "Are you not interested in Nick? He's a good looking guy, and he kind of has that cowboy vibe. Thought you liked that type."

Morgan stared into her locker, lost in a worried trance. "Yeah, I guess but I sort of have feelings for someone else. God, this is a mess. The last thing I want to do is hurt Nick."

"Well if you don't want it to be awkward, why don't we just double?" Sara asked. "Greg just asked me to go to the same show."

Morgan's trance broke. "What?!"

"Yeah, here let me just call Greg and confirmed. This will be fun." Sara sent her a bright grin as she dialed, waiting for the phone to ring.

"Hey," she said into the receiver as she walked out of the room leaving Morgan frozen in place, dumbfounded.

"Everything is a go," she whispered into the phone. "Greg agreed to go, and Morgan…" Sara covered her laugh. "God, Nick, you should have seen her face. Priceless."

"Perfect. Operation Cupid is in motion. See you tonight for phase two."

"Roger that." Sara said and then hung up. She shook her head still smiling. Could those two be any more transparent? If phase one got them this riled up, she could only imagine what phase two would bring.

This is part one of two. Will try to post the rest some time this week.