"My name is Barry Allen and I am the fastest man alive. I saved a man's life, he wasn't just another person I saved from a burning building or a crazy meta human. He thought I was a man named Sebastian Smythe who was identical to me. His name was Blaine Devon Anderson, and this is the story of how I fell in love with him."
"Are you ready to go?"
Blaine forced himself to get off the bed he'd just made. He knew that as soon as he left the door he'd immediately miss the smell, the warmth, the feeling of being in Barry's house. His heart already ached at the absence of the superhero by his side. He wondered how hard it was for Barry, or if he even truly cared beyond the fact that the situation had almost forced him too. He realized very quickly that it couldn't have been that easy for Barry to decide that being around Blaine wasn't a good idea, when they'd sang together Blaine knew he felt something. Every single time the two touched it was unclear to Blaine at first whether it was Sebastian or Barry.
The dark haired man took a breath, he'd been an emotional wreck for too long. Maybe it was time to get space from his hero, the clone of his fiance. As hard as it was, it was possible that all he needed to regain composure was to be away from what caused his brain to hurt from thinking so much. Since the day he was shot and the Flash had come to his rescue, his mind had refused to come to rest.
Finally, the man replied, "I'll be down in a second."
He still took his time to get dressed. He removed the sweatshirt and shorts that he'd put on after his shower and replaced the lazy outfit with clothing that much more suited him. He wore a navy blue and white striped button up shirt and a pair of grey dress pants. He gelled down his hair as usual then packed his stuff up and made his way down the stairs.
Iris sat on the couch, she turned and gave Blaine a small smile. He knew she could probably read the hurt on Blaine's face, she'd never know what it all really meant, she could never understand what he was going through. That was part of it, no one could understand how he felt, there was no way that a situation even similar to his had ever happened. He approached her, ready to leave but not wanting to one bit. Though Barry had caused so much stress he'd offered so much comfort.
The woman seemed to see how worried the man was. She patted the spot next to her on the couch, "Why don't we just hang out for a while, we don't need to leave in a rush."
It was ironic to him that they were in no hurry to leave, seeing as Barry was the fastest man alive. He figured he must go back and forth and all around the city in minutes just because he could. He didn't notice until that moment how he'd subconsciously felt rushed to get out of the house because of the other man's extraordinary abilities.
"Brittany and Santana sort of told me about Sebastian." Iris said in attempt to break the silence and tension that had built in the short moments.
"I thought they might. Small world." Blaine said with a small chuckle, life was ridiculous, "You didn't tell them about Barry, did you?"
She shook her head, "Of course not, I know better than that. Santana would have lost her mind and I don't think that Brittany would have understood it one bit."
The two laughed together at Brittany's personality but soon enough the silence washed over them once more. Iris watched carefully with her dark eyes as Blaine looked at a picture of Barry that sat on a side shelf of the TV stand. She instantly thought of her conversation with her childhood friend that happened so recently, she knew that the scarlet speedster had developed feelings for the singer. She was confident that he was falling him but couldn't deal with the numerous factors that would inevitably keep the two apart. It simply would just be much too hard.
She reached forwards and took one of the pale hands of Blaine, "He doesn't want you to go."
Blaine looked away from the picture, his dark orbs choosing to focus on random things in the room. Decorations, the coffee table, the shoes that were scattered by the doorway. He tried to distract himself from the sinking feeling in his heart. He felt so alone, even with Iris' touch. the only time he hadn't felt alone since Sebastian had died was when he was in Barry's arms.
"I don't want to say anything that I don't really know anything about, or cross any lines." She took an awkward pause, unsure of whether Blaine was even listening to her. She squeezed his hand and opened her mouth to speak once again, "It's hard for him too though. I doubt he's figuring things out very easily, about his feelings I mean."
The man perked up, the idea of Barry's true feelings enticed him. He wanted to get in the head of the Flash, just for a moment, just long enough to know how he truly felt about him. He wished he had his own supernatural ability that let him do so. He looked at Iris, silently begging for her to tell him what she meant, why she brought it up.
"I talked to him the other night about it. It's not my place to say how he feels. There's no denying that it's something though, I really believe that Barry won't be avoiding you for long." her tone changed to an even softer voice, "I know he's so scared."
He wondered if Iris was telling him that Barry was scared because of the fact that he was developing feelings for the shorter boy, or if he was scared because Blaine was another man. He ultimately decided that it must have been both. He remembered when he first realized he was gay, he then thought of when he met his first real flame, Kurt. He would never forget when they'd first met, how hard it was to see how scared and how lost he was. It was impossible to forget Karofsky and the pain he'd put Kurt through. He had at least one thing in common with every single friend of his that had come out gay, the bullying. The constant fear of being judged and the ignorance that everyone else had. No one pretended to understand, no one even bothered trying, instead they followed. It wasn't like it was easy, but looking back, Blaine wished he'd taken different measures, that he never ran away from his problems.
When he'd met Sebastian, he was so cool, so calm. He was so sure of himself, so proud of his sexual orientation. You would have never thought he ever struggled with it. In reality, Sebastian never had it so bad. He had a way of manipulating people, even the ones who didn't like him. He compared Sebastian to a cat once, saying that he played lived life like it was a game. Everyone else were mice, and he was teasing and playing with them in his favor. He remembered Sebastian playing it off, the way he laughed at it, then seeing him later that night with a sad look. That night he confessed to Blaine how much he wished he was like him, so kind, genuine and the perfect representation of amazing.
He turned his head to hide how emotional that memory had made him. He stayed quiet, hoping Iris would continue.
As if reading his mind, she did, "Just be patient with him, even though he can run so fast his brain isn't all that quick."
The two sat for another awkward period of time before Iris stood up, "I'll take you to your apartment now, let me know if you need anything alright? I promise that Barry will come back for you."
"Thank you, Iris. I appreciate it, all of it." He said.
He looked out the window as she drove. He wondered how fast Barry could really run, how fast he had to process things. It was hard to imagine what it was like, he recalled every time the hero had carried him. It always felt like a rush. Doing that so often seemed unbelievable. He watched the city go by, he didn't realize how late it had gotten. He felt like he'd only spent a small portion of his day in the Allen-West residence. He couldn't help but wonder what Barry had done all day, maybe he was just in his red suit saving lives like he had done for him. He was selfish to hope that maybe he'd just been at Star Labs all day, thinking about Blaine and his feelings. He shook his head, looking down at his lap. The world had taken Sebastian away for a reason, Sebastian Smythe was the love of his life, the person who made him whole. What was he supposed to do, it had been so long and he still couldn't determine whether he had feelings for Barry or his appearance and voice.
He said goodbye to Iris and made his way to his own apartment. He dropped his stuff on the floor of the familiar entrance and grabbed the framed picture on the nearest window sill. Sebastian's graduation picture, Blaine would never forget how amazing his fellow Warbler looked, how perfect he was. Blaine kissed the photo of Sebastian. His lips pressed soft against the forehead of the man. He held the photo in his hands, he felt guilty that he had feelings for Barry, whether they were even real or not. It felt wrong to want to be with someone else. He knew that Seb would want the best for him, he wouldn't want to see Blaine rot away in loneliness.
"I miss you, so much."
(Authors note: I'm back :))