Miya looked at the family. They were all prepared and dressed formally for the Choice battle. Looks of determination appeared on many of their faces. This family. The Vongola tenth generation.

A proud smile appeared on her face.

She twitched when hearing Byakuran's voice. She tried to shrug off her tension by moving her arms around her waist.

"Miya-chan, are you alright?" Kyoko looks at her in concern. She laughs in respond.

"Hehe, I'm fine. Just trying to warm up before who knows what will happen." Then she turned to where the bright light came from. Miya stares at Tsuna and his friends with their pets beside them. "They're amazing."

Kyoko smiled in agreement, "No matter what happens, we'll support them, right?"

"Yeah, we will."

"Tsuna," Miya called to the brown gravity-defying haired boy who stopped on his track to the base. "Don-"

"'Don't worry too much and keep your head calm. Do not lose focus and remember that we are all supporting you.'" The boy turned to her with a smile. "I'll do my best so you should not worry too much about me either, Miya. I'll win this fight. I promise you."

Miya grinned and Tsuna returned one back. They knew each other too well. "Once you're back, I'll cook your favorite steak."

The look on his face was priceless.

"So get going, or I will kick you all the way there." Miya continued.

Tsuna ran over to where Gokudera-kun, Yamamoto-kun, Irie-kun, and Spanner were. "THAT'S A PROMISE!" He shouted, glancing at her once more before he disappeared with the others.

She smiled and followed the rest to the spectator area.

She gripped her fists tightly in her pockets. He's going to be fine. He trained so much just for this. He'll do well. They're going to win. He won't die and leave me alone like him... Miya repeats those thoughts in her head as the fight starts. As the last thought went to her head, she could feel the sweat dripping down her neck in anxiousness.

Just a moment later, Miya felt a slight pain on her forehead and realized she was closing her eyes tightly before. The small hitman on Dino's shoulder had flicked her with a finger. "Reborn..."

"Trust Tsuna. You're his best friend. You've already been doing that these years haven't you?" Not waiting for an answer, the Arcobaleno continued to speak. "Don't start panicking now. None of them are in danger yet. So look up and watch the screen. You'll see him soon."

Miya, whose eyes already began to show tears, nodded. She used her sleeved arm and wiped those tears away. And as Reborn said, she stared at the screen. If looks could kill, the screen would have already been broken beyond repair.

Haru, who stood next to her, gave her hand a squeeze. In return, Miya send her a thankful look.

They both laughed when Dino flinched from Reborn's glare for saying that that was the first time he has ever seen Reborn "soothe" someone.

"Tsuna!" Miya ran to him with Reborn on her shoulder. Irie-kun lay on the ground in pain. Reborn jumped down and started to heal him as Irie-kun start to explain the power Byakuran has.

"Miya...I'm sor-" Before he could fully apologized, Miya wrapped her arms around his neck. Her surprise made Tsuna toppled over and land on the ground with Miya on top of him. Tsuna smiled slightly and embraced her. "I'm okay."

"You are the only person who broke a promise with me, Sawada Tsunayoshi." She said in a low and dangerous voice. Because her head was lying on Tsuna's chest, she could see the gulp her best friend made.

"D-Does that mean no Salisbury steak?" He whispered in slight fear.


"Awe, I was really looking forward to it." The disappointment in his voice was very clear.

When the two stood on their feet again, Miya laughed as Tsuna blushed at the stares he received from everyone.

"Here!" Miya put the plate down on the table in front of her best friend.

Eyes widened in shock, Tsuna stared at his favorite food in hunger. "I-I thought you weren't going to make it?!"

"I never said that. It was all in your head." Miya replied.

Tsuna gaped at her. "But we lost...I don't deserve this."

"If you say so."

But Miya wasn't the one who responded. Reborn, who appeared out of nowhere, already moved the steak to his own plate and he cut the meat into smaller portions. By looking at the amount left on his dish, it looks like half of the steak is already gone.

"Hey! Reborn, Miya made it for me!" Tsuna exclaimed, pulling the dish away from his home tutor.

"You said you don't want it." As quick as a professional thief, Reborn swapped the Salisbury steak Tsuna's holding with a plate of salad.

"Correction, I only said I didn't deserve it! I do want it!"

By now, the two of them fought over the last pieces that were left.

In the end, Reborn won.

"Don't think you can correct your tutor!" With a high kick in the face, Reborn snatched the food away, leaving Tsuna on the ground with the red print of two tiny shoes on his face as his best friend laughed.

Miya stood still as the Vongola Family's Primo appeared.

She stood still as he talked to Tsuna.

She stood still as he glanced at everyone.

She stood still as he stopped and stared at her for a fraction of a second.

She stood still as he informed them of the Inheritance trial.

She stood still as he then disappeared.

When Reborn started to assign the Arcobaleno's to their students, she collapsed onto the ground.

"You look pale, Miya-chan." Yamamoto-kun stated, his eyebrows furrowed in worry. "Maybe you should rest at home."

"No I'm fine."

Miya sighed when he send her a doubted look.

"I just felt dizzy after we traveled back from the future."

"But you seem more tired than usual."

Seeing there's no way to influence the rain guardian, Miya changed the subject. She sighed in relief when Tsuna and Gokudera-kun showed up and unintentionally distract Yamamoto-kun's attention from her. She turned to them with a smile as they all walk to school together.

I need more practice.

"Hana, can you please tell Ryohei-sempai that I can't come to the club today?" Miya asked her friend who sat next to her in their classroom.

"Is something wrong?" Hana asked.

"I'm not feeling well in my stomach." She told her.

She looked unconvinced.

"Red light." She lied.

"Go home and rest. You'll feel better soon." Hana smiled at her.

Miya grinned.

Miya closed the door slowly and lightly so that her parents won't wake up. She tiptoed downstairs and head to the front door. In a minute, she tied her sneakers and opened the front door. She stepped out.

The breeze outside felt cool and comfortable. She closed the door and stepped onto the sidewalk.

She was going for a walk.

Miya quivered.

His fixed stare was at her.

What used to be two people in love was now a person and a ghost looking at each other with sadness in their eyes.

He spoke first. "I missed you."

She replied. "Me too."

He took off his mantle and wrapped it around her.

Even though he was suppose to be not real, Miya loved the warmth his mantle gave off.

Suddenly, she was enclosed by two arms wrapping around her waist. Her back against his body.

"Let's stay like this for a while." He whispered into her ear.

Later, she felt asleep lying on his lap with his mantle warming her from the cold night.

The man's fingers brushed her cheek. "My beautiful Miya, forgive me for leaving you all by yourself. We'll be together soon."

He lean down, kissing her lips with his.