A/N: I should say something before this chapter cause this is the beginning of 'fun' but I don't know what to say, so whatever. Title inspired from the song 'little do you know' obviously, cause it's the theme song for this chapter. A head of you there's pure Steroline and a bit Bamon. And not to confuse anyone, Bamon parts are the present day while Steroline reaches the present at the very last scene. Enjoy! :))

… …

4 months ago.

"Scared?" He whispers.

"No." she says. "I'm with yo-"

It should've been the end; they shouldn't feel anything after that. They shouldn't even exist after that. But it sounds like they are.

She opens her eyes slowly, the light around them is gone, no more wind, no more things going down. But he is not gone. He is still there, holding her. And it is then when she realizes that their position is just a little bit awkward. Yes, they had hugged before, they even drifted to sleep while cuddling together but this feels different. So she pulls away. She looks at him and he is having his broody confused look on its best.

They pull away completely, hands falling to their sides. She looks around her and doesn't notice that his eyes are still on her for some reason.

"That was fast." She mutters.

Minutes later and they are walking through the streets. The night is so quiet.

"This just doesn't make any sense." She says. "On the other side you should see the living, and if we aren't dead then we shouldn't be able to get through Mystic Falls." She says in anger as she starts to ramble.

"Look." He says while staring at something. She turns around and sees the grill in its best statue, as if it wasn't bombed hours ago.

"Seriously?" She lets out a breath.

… …

She is waiting on the town's borders, leaning on the car as she waits for him. She sees his car coming from a distant, when he walks to her, his face is already upset.

"You got it?" She asks.

"Yes, Lexi." Matt hands her the paper, a bit hesitant.

"You know you're doing the right thing, right?"

"No, I don't. I didn't tell anyone about this, not even Jeremy who by the way lives with me in the same house."

"We need this, Matt." She looks straight into his eyes.

"Whatever." He mumbles after a moment.

"Thank you." She says before they both turn around and walk to their cars. But she stops midway, turning around again.

"You're a good friend, Matt." She smiles.

"So are you." He nods turning the smile after a moment.

… …

The sky is turning light blue and they are still walking next to each other.

"Is it just me or the cars are really old?" She asks as she walks closer to him.

"And yet they look brand new." He says. "And that is Elena's house which last time I checked was burned." He looks at her completely baffled face.

Something catches his eyes in the darkness so he walks to the grass and holds a news paper. She stops and looks at him.

"What?" She asks.

"Look." He holds the papers for her.

"Rare solar eclipse expected to be seen across twelve states."

"The date, Caroline."

She looks again.

"May tenth nineteen ninety four." She almost shouts in surprise. She looks up at him and expects to see him freaking out like her but instead he has a calm look.

"Excuse me why are you so calm? We are not just in a deserted island but also we have traveled through space, or time or whatever." She yells at him in utter confusion. He turns around and doesn't say anything and it makes her even angrier. She raises her eyebrows and gets ready for shouting again, but then she's staring at something behind him, eyes wide and lips parted.

"Stefan." She says and he turns around to see nothing but the sun rise. He looks back at her in confusion.

"My ring." She looks down at her empty finger. And in a second he is holding her shoulders and standing in front of her while her back is against a tree. The sunlight doesn't reach her as she stands under the branches.

Her eyebrows get furrowed as she looks down at his hands on her shoulders. She looks up and sees the same confusion on his face. He swallows as he stares at her for a second. His hand moves down from her shoulder to her hand, intertwining their fingers together. He looks down at their hands then back to her eyes. There's a question in his eyes, as if he was asking her for permission, more like wondering if he should do whatever is it in his mind.

He lifts their hands slowly, never breaking the eye contact. She feels a lump in her throat, her head goes fuzzy and she can't think properly. He stretches their hands so it's not under the shadow anymore; instead it is out there under the sun.

She knows what he is doing, yet she doesn't question him. She can't think about anything but his eyes gazing into hers.

However, when two seconds pass without any smell of fire or burning, they look at her hand. He lets out a breath although he is still confused. She pulls her hand from his and steps out of the shadow, standing completely under the sun.

And nothing happens.

From behind, Stefan looks down at his hand. His fingers play with his daylight ring before pulling it. But then his skin turns red and starts to burn. She turns around quickly and looks at him in concern. But as soon as he puts the ring back, everything is fine again.

They stare at each other for a moment before her hand moves to her teeth. She doesn't feel any fangs.

"I'm- I'm not a vampire." She whispers.

He takes a step closer and stops when their bodies are dangerously close.

"I'm gonna try something." He says, looking into her eyes. "Give me your necklace."

She stares back for a moment. "Why?" She asks.

He lets out a breath.

"Wait, did you just use compulsion on me?" She blinks several times, surprised.

"And it didn't work." He says.

She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. She shakes her head as she fails to understand this madness.

"You're not a vampire." He says. "And not a human."

… …

"Where are we going again?" Damon asks as he plays with his ring, looking out of the window.

"I showed you the address, dumbass." Lexi says while driving.

"Yeah and who the hell is the address?" He looks at her with annoyance.

"You'll see."

"Lexiiiii." He rolls his eyes. "Please don't push me to do something I'd regret."

"It's another lead, someone who might be able to help us." She says.

"A witch?"

"Something like that." She changes the subject quickly before he asks for more. "So how is Elena?"

He stares at her for good four seconds, which makes her finally looking at him with raised eyebrows.


"You're asking me about my love life now? What is next? Bonding together and pouring our hearts out to each other?"

"Even Satan wouldn't want that." She shoots back. "I was just saying, I don't see you two together much lately." She raises her eyebrows, eyes on the road.

"Yeah… I've turned into a loner lately." He mumbles, looking back to the road.

"Huh, well, it's such a waist, after fighting so hard to get the girl."

He doesn't reply to that, nor even look at her.

… …

They are at the boarding house, sitting at their chairs in front of the bonfire across each other. He watches her as she remains silent, watching the fire with furrowed eyebrows. Her heart isn't racing like earlier, but it's not calm either. He watches as she bites her fingertips.


"Hmm?" She looks up at him and tries to hide her confusion.

He looks at her for a moment, just staring, his lips turning into thin line. He sighs before looking down and holding her hand.

He looks up at her and sees how her eyebrows get back together.

"You feel that?" He says in low voice.

She opens her mouth but says nothing. And he feels bad for making her even more confused. He runs his thump over the back of her hand, as if repeating the question.

"I…" She doesn't continue, blinking several times.

"I'm a vampire… and when you touch me… you feel something." He says ever so slowly, trying to fill her in without scaring her.

The melody of her chuckle echoes through the house, it's nervous and hurts him in some way. He licks his lips, knows that his part is done and now it's on her, to understand and believe.

"This can't be." She shakes her head with a smile, so sure and confident. But then she looks at him and he is serious, he looks at her with no reaction. And then she knows it.

"This can't happen." She says. It's more of a question than a sentence.

"Maybe when Liv did the spell… when you became the anchor instead of Bonnie, maybe she did something wrong and… You switched or something." He says slowly, explaining to himself too.

She opens her mouth to talk but then the words get lost and she stares at the ground. He can see it on her face, the realization sinking in.

He can hear her heart, going unsteady.

"Caroline?" He whispers.

"But if I'm a witch…" The word feels strange on her mouth. "Then Bonnie is…"

She doesn't say it.

… …

"Okay, where is this witch-something-like-that?" Damon says as he looks around the house, Lexi follows him in.

"Not here, obviously." She says.

He turns around and looks at her with raised eyebrows. His face screaming are you kidding me?

"Relax, we'll wait for her." Lexi says as she takes a seat on the couch.

"It's a 'her'?" He walks around, searching for any photo of the house owner, but he finds nothing. However, he finds bottles of bourbon, he grabs one and two glasses then walks to Lexi.

"Now we're drinking together? What's next? Being drinking bodies?" She scoffs.

He just rolls his eyes and pours her a glass.

… …

He feels the silence filling his ears, everything is so quiet. For the first time in a long time, he misses Damon's voice through the house. He misses him shouting from downstairs, he misses finding him in his room and messing with his journals. It has been only one day and he feels like a stranger. Which makes him grateful that his bed is here, something familiar for him. But it's not the only thing. He hears heartbeats breaking through the silence, Can hear the pulse getting faster.

She is awake.

He suddenly wants to go to her, doesn't want to spend this night alone. He doesn't want her to spend it alone either.

He pushes the cover away and gets up. Once his feet are on the floor, she appears on his door.

"Would you sleep here tonight?" He says as soon as his eyes fall on her, not giving her a chance to ask it first. He didn't think about his words before saying them, yet his mind deleted with me from the script. And for some unknown reason, he is relived.

She bites her lips as she pulls her hand from the door frame, moving inside the room. He watches as her eyes wander around the floor, how she pulls the sleeves of her robe even more till they're covering her hands completely.

He moves from the middle of the bed to the right edge, leaving her enough space, almost all of the bed.

She gets under the cover and smiles once before staring at the ceiling.

"You okay?" He asks as he looks at her.

"Are you?" She looks back. "You're stuck her too." With a raise of her eyebrows she smiles.

"True, but I didn't turn into a witch overnight."

She looks away then, her chest moving up as she takes a deep breath.

"Is it normal if I'm not sure how I feel about this?"

"Of course it is, Caroline. You've been through a lot the past few days; you don't have to figure it out now."

She looks up at him and smiles.

"Well, I was thinking… maybe I should make a list, you know?"

He raises his eyebrows and grins like a fool. "Like advantages and disadvantages list?" He teases her and she mumbles shut up in the middle of her chuckles.

She looks at the ceiling again.

"Okay let's do it."

She looks up at him with confusion. But he seems so interested to do it, so she doesn't argue. Doesn't stop her from throwing one of her 'seriously's.

"Fine." She sighs. "Well, the good things are… "She pauses as she inhales, thinking about it. "I get a chance to live a normal life, grow old, have kids. I don't have to be invited into places." She teases and he rolls his eyes.

"Uh, what else?"

"No blood lust." He says.

"Yeah." She stares at him for a second.

"The bad things are," She looks back at the ceiling. "I'm not strong anymore, no more super hearing. I can't get the woman at the cafeteria to get me my favorite coffee so early. Add to that that pretty soon I'll have wrinkles, along with my old personality. And…" She pauses as she licks her lips. "Bonnie is a vampire."

He sighs, it's loud and tired. Probably because of realizing what he has to deal with, what he has to change her mind about. He is so exhausted that he just wants to click some buttons and convince her of how he sees it.

But there is no such a button, and he is not bothered.

"I think it's clear that the plan went south, but I think you're looking at it the wrong way."

She looks at him with 'oh really' look, another evidence that this won't be easy.

"Things aren't that bad, Bonnie is a vampire, yes. But she is alive. And I'm sure she's thankful for that. As for you… well you have me for now. So I think you have to deal with it." He raises his eyebrows and frowns. And she smiles. It's beautiful and genuine and actually reaches her eyes. For a moment he thinks it won't be that difficult.

She nods her head with the same smile, but then she feels something on her hand. She looks down and finds her hand in his own. His fingers find their place between hers and squeezes once.

"We'll get through this, together."

… …

He's gulping down his second glass when they hear the sound of a key opening the door. They both rush over and hide.

Bonnie opens the door absent-minded, eyes barely open. She closes the door and puts her keys on the table, only to find two glasses on it. She feels someone moving behind her, in a second she turns around and rushes whoever it is into the wall.

"Lexi?" She mumbles while her arm is on her throat. Lexi only stands still.

"Hello, Bon-Bon." Damon says from behind.

She grits her teeth, pulling her arm slowly before turning around.

"Damon." She says, eyes travelling between him and the floor.

… …

It's not his first time to cook, not at all. But they weren't many times that he made pancakes. He was never a big fan. But it seemed cheerful for some reason. And since he couldn't get any rainbows or unicorns in the backyard, pancakes were his only option.

Once she gets into the kitchen, he stands still and stops his hips from swaying with the music.

"You're in a good mood." She says with a frown.

"And good morning to you too." He smiles, eyes focusing on the pancakes. "How was your morning?"

"Oh I found Miss cuddlesssss." She squeals.

He looks up to see her hugging a teddy bear into her chest and holding her hands. The smile on her face makes him dizzy for a second.

"I lost it when I was nine." She is pouting now as she turns the bear to her and looks at it. "Ah I missed it." She hugs it with closed eyes.

The sight is quite interesting that he stares for few seconds, mouth open and eyes smiling. Yesterday she was depressed and now she is hugging a teddy bear. He notices something behind her on the table.

"What do you have there?"

She looks back and stands still for a moment.

"Bonnie's grimoir." She mumbles.

She turns around with a big smile and shiny eyes.

"So I've been thinking. What if this is for a reason? What if me being a witch is our ticket outta here."

He opens his mouth but she goes on.

"I mean think about it, if I didn't mess things up and it was Bonnie here, what would she do? Magic. She'd use magic to get out. So that's what I'm gonna do. I mean obviously I don't know how to use magic or anything, but I'm gonna figure it out." She finishes and goes back to beaming.

His lips curve into thin line and before he can say a word. The light around them goes dim. They look at the window to see the sky going dark during another eclipse.

"What the actual…?" She doesn't complete as she stares at the window.

"Caroline, would you look at the date at that paper?" He says, head still up to the sky.

"It says May tenth, nineteen ninety four." She says, swallowing. "Same day as yesterday, we're living the same day all over again."

He shakes his head in confusion.

… …

"Okay." She lets out a breath, hands resting on the kitchen table with the grimoire in front of her, eyes focusing on the candle. "Phasmatos Incendia." She repeats twice, with Stefan looking from behind. She opens her eyes and there's no fire in sight.

He looks away as she groans angrily.

"This isn't working." She shuts the grimoire with anger before he places the pancakes in front of her.

He offers her a smile, which she returns with looking away and letting out a breath.

"We still have time, you know?" He says as he takes a seat in front of her.

"Yeah, well if it was Bonnie she'd figure it out in two days." She looks back at him. "It's been two months and I still can't light a candle let alone get us out of here."

She pauses when she notices that he's busy with something. She looks at his hands and he's decorating her pancake with the same witch's hat.

"What are you doing?" Her voice is serious.

He looks up but doesn't get the chance to answer.

"You can draw as much as you want of these but I still don't know how to use magic and we're still stuck here." She shakes her head. "You're not helping." She says before standing up and leaving.

He lets out a breath and stares at the pancakes.

… …

He finds her half an hour later, hitting some coffee machine in the store.

"What are you doing?" He smiles.

"Coffee." She says without turning around.

"What's wrong with the one I make?" He teases.

She only shrugs.


"Stop, Stefan, just stop." She spins around. "Stop comforting me when I'm the one who started all of this." She shouts.

"How is any of this your fault?" He takes a step closer.

"OH, were you sleeping when I ruined everything that night?" She mocks him, hands crossed against her chest.

"You were trying to help."

"No, I was trying to fix something I had no business trying to fix." She shifts in her place. "It's like a textbook definition of control freak from hell."

"Listen, you're an optimist."

She looks away, shaking her head.

"No, and if you think that defending me when I'm wrong makes you so then you are wrong." She says more calmly than before, and then she walks away.

… …

She's sitting in front of the bonfire, her face seems relaxed but from the inside there's anger, anger at herself for taking too much time, but mostly for changing, for losing her thing and her rainbows. She doesn't know how they ended up like this, how she's the one brooding next to the fire and he's the one who has nothing to worry about. Him, she also feels anger for the way she acted with him. She knows he just wanted to help, but that's the thing; she doesn't want his comfort.

Not when all of this is her fault because she couldn't just sit down and let Bonnie do it herself. The worst part is, she knows that if she went back to that night, she would do it again. She would change the plan and do it herself because no she wouldn't stand there and just wait for him to be back. She wouldn't risk it.

At least she's with him now. It's the only thing that is keeping her going. And yet, she doesn't let him know it, instead she ruins everything.

She sighs out of anger and exhaustion and just then she notices him entering the living room. She turns around to look at him but he's not looking. She watches him as he opens one of the boxes, searching between the cylinders before putting one of them on the phonograph.

She looks away when he turns around, but then her eyes wander to him.

He is doing nothing but watching her, hands in his pockets and eyes freely on her. The music starts and it's a soft voice whistling. She thinks she recognizes the song just from the way he smiles.

She smiles too without thinking.

He walks to her, eyes not looking away. And then she knows the song, the voice of Barry Manilow singing I can't smile without you makes her blood rushes.

He spreads his hand to hers and she takes it, lets him pull her away from the chair so they can have more space. She lets him put her hand on his shoulder; she lets him put his hand over her waist and pulls her closer. It's so hard, holding his gaze; she can feel her cheeks burning and her eyes needing to blink. But she doesn't, she just smiles and stares back.

His smile is so beautiful, making his eyes wrinkle. She allows herself to look into his eyes as much as she wants, she had never thought about it much but god they're so beautiful. He is so beautiful, just like the song.

The lyrics make it to her brain even though she can think about nothing but his arms around her. Maybe because the words seem like a message, since she doesn't give him a chance to talk lately.

You know I can't smile without you

I can't smile without you

I can't laugh and I can't sing

I'm finding it hard to do anything

You see I feel sad when you're sad

I feel glad when you're glad

If you only knew what I'm going through

I just can't smile without you

His smile forces her to chuckle, it feels like magic, seeing him happy like that, knowing that she makes him happy like that. He opens her palm and intertwines their fingers. He spins her around, putting her in a position where her back is pressed against him, his chin resting on her shoulder with their hands still intertwined. They sway with the music and she closes her eyes. She had never imagined that she'd live to the day that she hears Stefan Salvatore humming along with a song.

Once the song heats up, he flees her away, stretching his arm before pulling her back. This time he actually sings with the song and she can't stop laughing.

"And you see I can't smile without, I can't smile without you, I can't laugh and I can't sing. I'm finding it hard to do anything."

His face at this moment will never leave her memory, genuine happiness and pure joy. He finally steadies his moves after swaying right and left like a little kid. Only then she lets a breath after laughing so hard. They look at each other for a moment, saying nothing.

"I'm sorry." She says. "For earlier."

"It's okay." He nods with the same smile before pulling her closer.

She rests her head on his shoulder, her fingers losing control and playing on his other shoulder.



"You're my best friend."

Three seconds pass.

"You're mine, too."

… …

He comes out of the shower with only pants on and a towel on his shoulders. He sees her on his bed, burying her head in one of the books.

"Hey, did you know that witches can put their magic in inanimate?" She asks, eyes still on the book.

Only when she looks up she realizes he is half naked. He has an amused look on his face.

"Oh, sorry." Her eyes widen. Turning around, she rambles. "I was just reading and thought you'd uh-"

"Be decent?" He raises his eyebrows while pulling on some shirt.

"Shut up." She mumbles.

"Come on, get the books off the bed; I wanna sleep." He says, already pulling the covers.

"What? I was just getting to the fun stuff." She protests.

"Come oooon, I wanna sleep, you need some rest too." He's putting the books away now. Then pushing her to sit in the bed, then covering her with the sheets despite all the groans and muffled voices she makes like a little child.

He turns off the lights and gets under the sheets as well, smiling all the while.

"You're kids' biggest nightmare." She mumbles with a pout.

"Good night, kiddo." He nudges her with his elbow, hearing her giggle afterward with closed eyes.

… …

She opens her eyes with a gasp, struggling for air. Her hands put her hair behind as she sits straightو behind as she sits straight. she sits straight. , trying to get rid of those images. She curses herself for having these dreams until now. It has been two months for god's sake, why didn't they stop?

"You okay?" He asks from his place before sitting straight as well.

"Yeah." She mumbles. She feels his hand on her back, a bit hesitant. She takes what she can have from it, which is assurance that he is here. Then his hand is putting her hair away, trying to see her fully.

"We can talk… if you want." He whispers, his voice husky and sleepy.

"No, it's uh, it's nothing." She smiles to lighten the situation but he seems not to be convinced. She looks at him. "I'm fine."


He spends this night thinking if he should hug her or not. There's a voice in his brain yelling at him to lay his arm on her because you know she can't sleep damn it. But he feels that it'snow needed to set some boundaries, he's aware that the line between them is no longer straight but rather curvy, and he doesn't know if that's right or wrong.

So he keeps his hands to himself, but he doesn't sleep until he hears her breath going steady again before finally drifting to sleep. His hands then, brush her hair away from her face. And that's the only thing he can do.

He tries not to think about why he needs that line so bad, why does he care? Why can't he just let it be? Why does he need that line? For his own good, he falls asleep before thinking any further.

… …

"What are you doing here?" She asks harshly, crossing her arms against her chest.

"Is that how you greet your friends after four months?" He smirks with raised eyebrows.

"We need you, Bonnie." Lexi says.

"No you don't." She says, walking to the end of the room.

"This isn't life, Bonnie, staying away and living alone." Lexi walks to her.

Bonnie shakes her head. "It's my choice."

"Oh, Lexi, it's her choice, she chose to forget about her best friend dying to save her life and to start over in a brand new town. Who are you to disagree with her?" Damon mocks from behind, walking closer to them.

"You know nothing, Damon." She says through gritted teeth, closing her eyes in anger without turning around.

"Enlighten me then." He raises his eyebrows. "What am I missing? I'd say, maybe I don't know how it feels like to lose someone you love, but I lost my brother."

He walks to her.

"Maybe I don't know how it is like to be a vampire, but I AM A VAMPIRE." His voice goes louder and Lexi shifts in her place as he keeps getting closer.

"Maybe I don't know how is it like, not being able to help people- hold on, YOU CAN HELP US."

"I'M NOT A WITCH ANYMORE, DAMON. I can't help you. Get out of your denial land and face it, I. Can't. Help. You."

"You're not even trying." He shouts back.

"What am I supposed to try? A spill?" She mocks him with raised eyebrows.

"How would Caroline feel, Bonnie? To know that her friends whom she died for has given up on her." He is the one to blame, the way he spits the words and looks at her with disgust only to provoke her. And he gets more than that.

He gets pushed into the wall, both hands on his shoulders to keep him there. But he spins them around, pinning her into the wall instead. Their eyes roar with fire, anger getting the best of them. Before he finds himself at the other end of the room.

He looks up to see Lexi glaring at him after pushing him off Bonnie.

"Okay, let's try this again." She says firmly, turning around to look at Bonnie. "Hi, Bonnie."

"I can't help you, Lexi." She closes her eyes, repeating the same sentence. "I'm sorry, but I can't."

"So what's your plan? Spending the rest of your life living alone, hiding, being a useless flesh on bones?" Damon stands up.

"Damon." Lexi warns him.

"Well that would make it two of us." The brunette scoffs. "You're right; I'm no longer your back-up witch, Damon. I can't do locater spills for you anymore. You want my advice? Go find another witch."

She turns around, walks to the kitchen and ignores them.

"Come on, Lexi. We got the wrong address." He says harshly, eyes lingering on her back before storming out of the house.

Lexi lets out a breath; her plan was a bit different than that.

"Listen, Bonnie. I know that it's tough, and I know that I'd never know how it feels like. But, we lost two people that we can't just leave behind, I believe that we can get them back, and I'm sure that at some point, you believed that too." She shakes her head.

"It's just- I know this isn't right."

She walks out then, And Bonnie keeps staring at the sink.

… …



"You're awake?"



She pauses a while, before turning to sleep on her side and face him.

"What are you thinking?"


She raises her eyebrows, and although it's dark and he can't see her face and he is not even looking, he knows.

"Damon." He sighs. "I'm thinking about Damon, wondering… what is her doing right now."

She swallows, thinking about it too.

"He either lost hope and fell apart again, maybe turned it off or… he's still trying." He pauses, licking his lips. "And I'm not sure which is worse."

She can feel the heaviness in his words, can imagine how such a thing is a burden on him. She looks down; every possible thing she could say to make him feel better turns out to be bad.

"It's been four months." She mumbles. "That's a lot of time, maybe they moved on… maybe we should, too."

He looks at her then, eyebrows furrowed.

"Everyone has a break point, Stefan." She says.

"What do you mean?"

"How long are we supposed to keep trying before giving up?" She whispers, knows that her words are scary.

"There's no giving up, Caroline." He says, a bit harshly.

She just sighs and looks away.

"There're people waiting for you there, there's your mother and your friends. You can't just turn your back to that."

"I'm just tired." She lets out a breath.

"As long as you have hope, it's okay."

"What if I lost hope?" She snaps, putting it there, trying not to care about him or his reaction. The strength built in her falls apart when she sees his eyes, shining as the moon light hits them from the window behind her. But shining with hurt.

She never felt the need to be strong and a whole just for someone, not for herself but because she can't stand letting them see her weak, because it's like shattering them.

It happens now, the look on his face. She can see something breaking in his eyes. She lets out a heavy breath.

"How about more four months? Another four months and then, if there's nothing to try… we do it together, we end it together." She whispers, her voice heavy.

He swallows, clinching his jaw and daring her to hold his gaze, and she fails.


She looks up at him, and she suddenly wants to take it back. She doesn't like it now, the way he just agrees with her. Maybe she wanted him to be stubborn; maybe she wanted him to be her anchor.

She smiles, despite of her she does. She just loves that face. She moves closer, leaning down a bit so her head rests on his chest. He puts his arm under her, pulling the covers on them.

He stares at the ceiling while his hand strokes her hair back and forth. Clinching his jaw, he feels his eyes watering, but the tears never fall. It shouldn't have been like this, she was supposed to be stronger.

He was supposed to be enough.

He holds her closer, gritting his teeth even harder.

This is not how it goes down. Caroline Forbes won't lose all hope and die in a world they don't know.

He just won't let it happen.

… …

A/N2: This is the part where you share your opinion! :D

لاf brborn finds bottels od for any photo of the house owner, but he finds nothing. raised house."