So here we go. This is my first multi-chapter Bellarke ff I told you about. I'm still writing and I hope I can update this fic once a week, maybe every two weeks. It depends because I will start a new job at the 1. September ... but most of the things are already planned out - you can give me your suggestions anyway if you want to ;) Also I am not sure if I picked the right rating because I don't know how detailed I will write eventual sex scenes ;)

Thanks to my wonderful beta reader [url= u/5466809/]Pandorathefirst[/url]! Thank you for your help hun 3

The Arriving

"Good morning Bellamy." His sister Octavia greeted him with a bright smile as he entered the kitchen at six am sharp. She always had been a morning person, no matter how many hours she slept, she would always be the sunshine she was right now. It wasn't that Bellamy was a morning grouch. He just hadn't slept much last night because Miller and he had to go out to the cattle because one of their cows was giving birth. It had been half past midnight , when Sterling called him because of some complications. So Miller and he have stayed for the rest of the birth, trying to help the animal with the delivery. It wasn't the first calf Bellamy brought to the world but it was the first time the mother refused to take care of her own offspring. Nathan and he tried to help the calf to drink, tried to persuade the mother to accept her calf but it didn't work. It was a maverick, so Bellamy had to bottle-feed the calf last night, hence he hadn't really slept at all.

He just got out of a shower, and still had small dark bags under his eyes. He sent his sister a weak smile, pecked her cheek and grabbed the cup of coffee she held out. "Thanks." Bellamy greeted his coworkers. Miller looked as exhausted as Bellamy felt, but he sat on the breakfast table anyway, waiting for the briefing with Kane. Even when the table was fully covered with delicious things like honey, O's self-made marmalade and other homemade food and even though he hadn't eaten anything for hours now, Bellamy wasn't hungry. He just took another sip of his coffee while the rest of the team had breakfast quietly chatting between themselves when the boss arrived.

Kane offered everybody his hand, just like every morning. He smiled at the table, thanking Octavia for the coffee she handed him and while his sister took a seat, Kane turned to his second and asked if something had happened last night. Bellamy nodded. He hadn't called Kane last night because Miller, Sterling and he were very capable of handling the birth by themselves. If there had been some serious threat for the animals he would have called Marcus of course. But Bellamy knew how much his boss had to work, more than them so he tried to disturb his nights as little as possible.

"One of the calves gave birth last night. Sterling called Miller and me because of some complications. We were able to handle them but sadly the cow refused the calf," Bellamy reported, hearing his sister's "Oh no", before he continued, "We tried all we could but she still doesn't want to take it. We have to bottle-feed it."

Kane was listening with puckered brows.

"Maybe one of the other two cows will take it after they gave birth," Miller suggested, his voice rusty from the lack of sleep.

"The odds are good that this will happen," Bellamy agreed, "but we don't know when they will bear, so we have to bottle-feed it until then."

"Okay. Where is the calf now?" Kane asked.

"In the stable, Sterling is with him." It wasn't a possibility for the long term. The calf had to be with his fellows, it needed to bond with the others. But Bellamy didn't want to put it to the herd until they had talked with Kane.

"Good. Well, not good but we can handle it. It's not the first time this has happened. The calf has to drink six liters each day. We'll put it with the herd on the south. I'm sure that they will take care of the calf, but we have to feed it three or four times a day. I'll work out the schedule later. But for now he is good, that is the most important thing. So, is there something else you have to tell me?"

Bellamy shook his head, "Not that I know of."

The boss took a huge sip from the coffee. "Okay, so here we go. What is important for today? Well, we have to look through the cattle. Jackson called me yesterday, he told me that a virus is in circulation." Kane looked very serious. The last virus that had been around had costs many cattle lives because they hadn't been prepared. If they only had separated the sick cows from the others earlier … .

"Murphy and Reyes, you will take care of the herds in the south and west. Miller and Blake, you will go through the others on the north. We have also to select a few bulls for the upcoming market. And I am very happy to tell you that Abby Griffin agreed on taking a break from the hospital in Ohio to celebrate her 50th birthday here with us."

"What?" Bellamy's head shot up from his coffee mug when he heard his boss' words. His heart bumped against his chest. Did Marcus just tell them that the Griffins would visit them? That he would see Clarke again? Why didn't he know about this? He was Kane's second, they talked about everything. Bell's eyes flickered towards his sister who was as surprised as him, even when she had a big smile on her lips while his forehead was carved into a deep V. They all hadn't seen each other for nearly ten years now. Bellamy thought Kane and Abby had lost contact through the years. The cowboy searched his mind for some hints that Kane had mentioned the visiting of the Griffins but he couldn't find anything.

Marcus laughed slightly at his worker's faces, just like their reaction was what he had hoped for. "Yeah, I was surprised by myself when Abby told me that she and Clarke would come –"

"Clarke is also coming?" Octavia interrupted her boss with a shriek of happiness and her eyes went wide in anticipation, her smile getting bigger. Bellamy's heartbeat stopped, he watched Kane carefully, not wanting to miss the smallest nod and the second Kane grinned, there was a loud yell from Octavia and he couldn't hide a smile from his own lips either.

"Actually they wanted to arrive tomorrow, but Abby called in yesterday and asked me if they could come today. So, the rooms had to be cleaned up today Octavia. I am sorry that you don't have more time."

Octavia shook her head, waving Kane off. "It's no problem. The rooms will be finished when they are here." His sister was full of excitement and Bellamy would have to lie if he said that he wasn't, but he tried not to show it as obviously as his sister did.

"Great. They will be at the Houston airport at 4.45pm. Miller, I want you to pick them up and bring them here."

"Got it boss." The cowboy said nodding, also with a smile on his lips.

Everybody loved the idea that the Griffins would be back at the ranch. They had been a part of their family for a very long time. Nearly everyone knew the Griffins, except Murphy, Reyes and the seasonal worker. Jake Griffin grew up in Cat Springs and went to school with Marcus. They both were friends, even when Jake decided to move away, working as a business man in the north while Kane stayed in the small town, and working at his parent's ranch. Jake and his family, his wife Abby and his daughter Clarke, came around every once in a while, spending the holidays at the ranch.

Bellamy and Octavia's mother worked and lived at the ranch, so the kids became friends. Spending their time together, having a lot of fun, but then Jake died ten years ago and Abby and Clarke visited them only once more. Bellamy remembered it as it had been yesterday. Jake's funeral had been two weeks ago when the two had come down. They hadn't stayed long, three days only. Clarke had been seventeen when she lost her father. Bellamy twenty-two and O was the same age as Clarke. They tried to take the pain of her father's lost away from Clarke. She hadn't said much during her stay. Octavia tried to make her smile at least once. Bellamy had pulled her into his arms, letting her cry into his shoulder. Ever since then they barely heard anything from the women from Ohio.

"The birthday is in three days, so we have a lot to do in the next days. Abby and Clarke will stay for a week at least, maybe a little longer," Kane explained, looking at his employees. Bellamy nodded shortly, trying to fight a long forgotten feeling stirring in the pit of his stomach. He was a little pissed at his boss that he hadn't at least mentioned anything to him. There were a few other things they talked about before everyone got up, going to work. Bellamy was one of the last, and while Octavia cleaned the table, humming a happy melody, Bellamy called out for Kane who was about to leave.

"Kane, can I talk to you for a second?"


Within three steps Bellamy stood in front of his boss. He cleared his throat, before he asked him why he hadn't said anything about the Griffins to him. Kane smiled at the serious expression on Bellamy's face. He laid his hand on Bell's shoulder as he answered.

"I didn't want to set up all your hopes that they might come and destroy them because they wouldn't. I also thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone, especially for the both of you." Kane's eyes switched to Octavia, then looked back at him. Bellamy's jaw clenched a little before he relaxed, and nodded.

"Yeah, yeah it is."

As Kane left Bellamy sighed a little, scratching the back of his neck. He bit his bottom lip and turned around when Octavia called out for him, for the third time.

"Excuse me?"

Octavia had an amused smile playing across her lips. "I said; isn't it exciting that Abby and Clarke will be here by the end of the day? I mean, we haven't seen them for nearly nine years now, right?"

Her eyes were big, her smile full of joy and Bellamy couldn't stop the spinning feeling in his guts. Nine years … not exactly nine years for him but –

"Yeah, it's been a long time."

Octavia frowned at the tone of his voice. He was totally lost in his thoughts. Bellamy thought about how it would be to see Clarke again. Talking to her, laughing with her … kissing her. A hot shiver ran down his spine and he had to stop himself from his thoughts, otherwise he wouldn't be able to do any of his duties today.

"Is everything alright Bellamy?"

"What? Yeah, I'm sorry. I hadn't slept last night because of the calf. I have to go. See you later." He dropped a kiss on his sister's forehead before grabbing his hat, leaving to ride with Miller through the herds.

It was nearly 6pm when the pickup truck stopped at the driveway and now Bellamy could barely hide his excitement as he stood near the door to greet the visitors and Octavia's bouncing wasn't helping either. She stood next to him, grinning from ear to ear when Abby Griffin got out of the car, walking towards them. The woman greeted his sister first, pulling her into a hug. Bellamy watched them with an amused smile.

"It's so good to see you Octavia," Abby told the brunette which returned the words in agreement, before Octavia got called by Kane, so she had to go inside – clearly pissed that she couldn't greet Clarke as the first one – and Abby turned towards him. He could see how the older woman took him in with her eyes, a smile on her face.


The man smirked, tapping his cowboy hat, "Ma'am."

Abby groaned, rolling her eyes. Her right eyebrow quirked upwards, when she reproached him – but not without a little smile, "How many times did I already tell you that you shall call me Abby? Come here."

The blond woman pulled him into a tight hug, kissing his cheeks.

Bellamy laughed, returning the hug. "More than enough I think," he answered when she pulled back. He had always liked Abby Griffin. His mother and she always liked each other. They had different lives and maybe different opinions about a few things, but Bellamy remembered how much fun both women had had. The Abby Griffin he knew was kind and grounded. And it was really good to see that the death of Jake didn't take that away from her.

"Exactly," she smiled, grabbing Bellamy by his arms, looking from his feet to his head. "Wow, look at you. You are a grown man now."

He still had a grin on his lips when he shrugged. "What can I say? Time runs fast."

Abby was nodding, a mixture of seriousness and amusement on her face now. "Don't tell me." She let go of him.

"So, where is mister stubborn?"

Bellamy couldn't suppress a small laugh at her words, before pointing inside the house. "Somewhere in there. He was called out for Octavia a few seconds ago. Maybe he just found something that wasn't presentable."

Abby rolled her eyes again. "Like I've never been here before," she smiled before going inside.

Bellamy's bright grin diminished when he turned around to look for the younger version of the woman who just greeted him. Bellamy would be lying if he said that he wasn't nervous to see Clarke again. It had been quite a while since the last time he saw her. His hands were deep in his pockets and he shifted from one foot to the other. His eyes flickered towards the car, when he spotted her with her back to him as she was still fumbling at the back seat. His heart did a huge jump as he saw the blond hair falling across her back in perfect uniform curls, her god damn curves which had burned into his mind that one long forgotten night and her perfect toned legs.

He took a deep breath and shook his head trying to get his thoughts back together. He rolled his shoulder blades back, walking a few steps towards Clarke, the biggest smile on his lips now – because he was so happy to see her – when she shut the car door and he stopped dead in his steps. The smile disappeared from his face within one second when he noticed who was slowly trailing behind Clarke. The air stuck in his lungs, his eyes wide in shocked as Clarke was walking towards him, a nervous smile on her face and a little blond version of her, clutching her right hand. There was only one thing that Bellamy could think of: Clarke had a daughter?!