Possibly Maybe
Chapter 1
I was early one morning, Yang was cooking up some eggs and bacon- a favorite breakfast item for all families and single people alike. normally she would be eating it on her own back in the day but she wasn't eating alone this time. carefully she places the cooked bacon and eggs on two seperate plates and walked over to the table.
"Lifen! time for breakfast." Yang yelled, her voice echoing through her home.
she placed the plates on the table, hearing soft pitter patter coming from the stairway which Yang knew who was coming down them. she placed the forks down and sat herself in her seat and started to eat. just then, a small girl with her blond hair tied into a short ponytail came running into the dining room with a backpack swinging behind her. she hopped onto her chair and seated herself comfortably in it before picking up her fork.
"got everything i assume?" Yang smiled as she saw the little girl eat.
"uh huh! first day back to school, i can't forget anything." Lifen said as she stuffed a fork full of eggs into her mouth.
"excellent, my little baby is going to be super prepared!" Yang chortled as she leaned over and patted her blond daughter on the head.
"augh! mom, it took forever to do my hair." Lifen pushed her doting mother's hand away as she frette over her hair.
Yang snickered and shook her head. "it took you forever to put it in a ponytail? geez, what are you? Weiss 2.0?"
"mooom, there isn't anything wrong with taking care of your hair." Lifen huffed.
"alright no more sesses with aunt Weiss, we need to perk up and be like mommy!" Yang yelled as she grabbed her daughter and pinned her head under her arm, giving her the classic noogie.
Lifen screamed, but not in embarrassment or agony but in joy as she fusses and tried to squirm out of her mother's grip. Yang just laughed at her daughter's attempt before letting go. Lifen panted as she tried to straighten her hair, Yang just smiled as she watched her fix it. Yang then shook her head and finished the rest of her food as he daughter finished doing her hair.
"so" Yang began, Lifen stuffing some eggs into her mouth.
"i'm getting married." Lifen's eyes widen as she coughed and pounded on her chest, getting the burning sensation of eggs down the wrong tube out of her mind before she turned to her mother.
"what!?" Lifen exclaimed.
"it's true, i'm getting married and you are going to finally get a daddy." Yang sighed as she smiled, looking perfectly content.
Lifen frowned and looked down at her eggs and bacon. "how... how did this happen?
Yang turned to her daughter, eyebrow quirked high at the question. "what do you mean?"
"well- how? how come i never met this guy before?" Lifen questioned.
"well your mommy gots to have a life aside from taking care of you, and besides i figured you wouldn't be interested in getting to know them." Yang shrugged, as if she thought it wouldn't matter.
"but- but mom! how could you do this? like i never knew my father because of reasons you said were personal and now all of a sudden you say this? mom this isn't normal." Lifen said as she sunk into the chair.
Yang frowned, seeing the error of her ways. it was true, she shouldn't have kept her lovelife secret from her daughter for so long but she just figured she wouldn't be interested. now seeing how wrong she was, she might as well make it up to her only daughter. Yang pushed her chair out it's facing forward position and turned it to face her daughter, shuffling the chair closer to the sad girl. Yang then wrapped her arms around her daughter and brought her in for a hug, Lifen complied with this and hugged her mother back.
"i'm sorry, i should have told you early but i guess i just thought- and i was completely wrong but hey, it make it better if i told you who i was marrying?" Ynag said, looking down at Lifen.
Lifen looked up at her mother, hopefulness in her eyes as she nodded her head with a smile. Yang chuckled and booped her daughter on her nose.
"well my little darling, i'm getting married to your father-"
Lifen shrieked, cutting Yang off as she rustled herself out of her mother's grip and landed on the floor. dancing around and around as she screamed with glee, Yang scoffed and shook her head at her daughter but smiled.
"okay, care to stop and maybe let me finish?" Yang said playfully.
Lifen stopped and quickly jumped back onto her seat and repositioned herself on her chair.
"good, well as i was saying. i'm marrying your father, in three day time the ceremony will begin." Yang said, very much pleased.
"wait! you've been planning the wedding all this time without me knowing?" Lifen glared at her mother who chuckled.
"like i said, i thought you wouldn't be interested but yes. in three days you will meet you dad." Yang sighed.
Lifen smiled but then frowned again. "wait, if you're marrying my dad then- who is he?"
Yang smiled mischievously. "that my dear daughter of mine, is what you have to find out-" she said as she booped her daughter's nose once more.
"huh? but how? i don't even know anything about your past." Lifen whined.
"well, now you get that chance because i am going to tell you everything about how i met you father and how we got back back together- it's a rather fun and PG-13 type story so i hope your comfortable because we are going to be here awhile-"
"but i still have to go to school." Lifen piped in.
"well yes, okay so i'll you some of it then after you're done for the day i'll tell the rest, how about that?" Yang said, holding out her hand.
Lifen smiled and grabbed her mother's hand and shook it. "Deal."
Yang smiled and smacked her hands together. "Good, now buckle yourself in kiddo it's time for a story."
Yes it is based off the movie of the similar name, but this time i am using my favorite three Yang pairings. and can you guess who Lifen's father is? it's going to be as much as an adventure as it for me to write it!