Hey guys I'm back! Yes It took me quite a while to make this chapter but hey at least I managed to finish it! Anyway a big THANK YOU to everyone who reviewed, followed, favored and gave this little story of mine a chance. I love you all!

Warning(s): Alternate Universe

Disclaimer 1: I do not own Harry Potter or The Darkness Within; they belong to J.K. Rowlings and Kurinoone respectively.

Disclaimer 2: This is my take on Kurinoone's 'The Darkness Within' which is done with the Author's Permission. The original story plot belongs to Kurinoone.

'Thoughts' / Spells


JAMES POTTER SCOWLED AT the sight of the run down warehouse in front of him. He, together with a team of four other aurors moved silently across the warehouse, wands firmly at hand. James signaled two aurors to check out the back entrance. While he and the other two aurors moved forward through the entrance entrance. He looked around the warehouse wondering who in the right mind would want to hide in a cold and desolated place like this.

"Are you sure this is the right place Prongs?" Sirius Black hissed at the Potter Lord, a look of pure disgust reflected on his handsome features as his grey eyes circled the room.

"This should be the place. But why a rundown warehouse such as this? I have no idea." James replied, his voice barely audible. They had received information from someone claiming to be a Death Eater who is willing to give information in exchange for protection. James and other level minded aurors from the Ministry held reservation about this, but that idiot Fudge took this as an opportunity and sent a team to apprehend this person.

James had come with a team of aurors. One of them is Sirius Black, his best friend and a tall dark-skinned man named Kingsley Shaklebolt, both were members of the Order of the phoenix. The other two aurors were non-order members but James knew them fairly well.

Sirius and Kingsley flanked James as they continued to survey the room with outmost caution. So far, there's no sign of the Death Eater from anywhere. They were about the round the nearest corner when James caught sight of a blonde man sitting on the floor with his back against the wall. His hand covered his face and seemed to be shaking. Whether it's from the cold or fright, James didn't know.

James gestured both Sirius and Kinsgley to move when he suddenly caught sight of another figure approaching Hunt forcing the three aurors to back away and hide in the nearby corner. It was a teenager, a boy. He was clad in a black cloak making it impossible for them to see his features from where they were. James watched the teenager walk towards Hunt without making a noise. It was as if the kid casted a silencing charm on himself, if James hadn't caught sight of him or her, he wouldn't know that the teenager was there in the first place.

The death eater looked up from his shaking hands and saw the cloaked figure in front of him. "I… I knew you would find me." Hunt managed to say, his voice was shaking in obvious fear.

"Where else would I look for a rat?" the cloaked teenager whispered back icily.

Hunt let out a strangled sound before he flung himself on the floor bowing at the figure's feet.

James was taken aback. The kid was definitely young, around the age of fourteen to fifteen. But something about the kid's voice unsettled him. It sounded a little bit feminine to be coming from a boy. He pushed the thought to the back of his mind, it was not the time to think about it. He threw a look at both Sirius and Kingsley signaling the two to move when he tells them to. The other two auror nodded, understanding what James wanted.

"P-Please! I-it was all Riley! I would never dare do something like that! He was the one who is planning on blackmailing the Dark Lord not me! I swear I have nothing to do with it!" The death eater all but sobbed.

James stared at the scene in disgust. He had never seen a much more pathetic man than this Death eater.

"Would you swear on your magic then? Swear that you are telling me the truth?" the boy started, his voice hard. The death eater stilled, not knowing what to do.

"I thought so." He paused. "And now you're throwing your pal Riley under the bus, how pathetic… But no matter, Riley is dead and soon so will you."

The Death eater let out a strangled sound before he flung himself on the cold hard floor begging at the boy's feet.

"Please… Dark Prince! H-Have mercy!" Hunt begged, he looked up to the disguised Dark Prince with a pleading expression.

James looked at Sirius who was smirking. 'Dark Prince?' what an odd name, James thought as he continued to watch the boy who was not giving into the older man's pleas. Just who is this kid that a full grown Death Eater so afraid off? It's just a kid for Merlin's sake; he didn't even have his wand with him.

"You're going to kill me without even listening to whatever I have to say?"

"You have no story to tell. I have wasted enough time with you already." The boy hissed as he brought out his wand from under his cloak. The boy's voice held nothing but anger towards the man cowering before him.

"You're going to kill me?! I haven't done anything to you!"

"You can't hurt me Hunt. You betrayed my father therefore you betrayed me. He doesn't forget and I don't forgive." The boy said pointed his wand directly between Hunt's eyes. James quietly prepared himself to launch onto the boy. There was no way that he's going to let Hunt be killed. He is to be apprehended and questioned not watch as he gets killed.

"Well I never thought Lord Voldemort and his son would be the kind to forgive and forget." Hunt managed to scoff despite his fear.

James and the rest of the aurors froze. Did they hear the Death Eater right? Voldemort has a son?! James threw a wary look at the equally shocked Sirius and Kingsley, both were already looking rather pale.

Voldemort had a son.

A son!


The mere thought of the Dark Lord managing to procreate sent shivers down to their spines. It was absurd. James looked at the boy again and suddenly the young wizard looked twice as dangerous. They can't underestimate him now or it might just cost them their lives.

"If you're done talking nonsense… I suggest that you take your last breath rat!"

James can't let the boy kill Hunt. They need Hunt for information; he had to stop the boy and now was a good time as any. With a burst of speed, James and the other aurors dove at the boy at the same time. Three beams of red light sped towards the boy.


Harriette bit back a smirk as she felt three beams of light sped towards her, those foolish aurors thought that she didn't know that they were there. They were subtle, yes but not subtle enough for her not to feel. With a flick of her wand, a bright blue sphere erupted around her body, absorbing the spells. The looks of surprise and shock from the auror's faces were phenomenal.

She quickly shifted to her preferred fighting stance and delivered a strong kick at the barreling auror sending him flying across the room before dropping on the floor with a loud thud. The dark skinned auror recovered quickly and fired a curse at her.


With a grace of a skilled ballerina, Harriette merely took a side step and flawlessly dodged the stunner. She twirled and fired a curse of her own.

"Incedio!" The spell caught one another auror's cloak. Harriette couldn't see the faces of her attackers aside from the dark skinned man.


Harriette froze. Sirius Black. She then felt movement from behind her and fired up her shield. Another two aurors who she doesn't recognize appeared from behind firing curse after curse at her. She moved forward to face off with the two aurors. She watched another auror run around her and approach Hunt from her peripherals. She needs to finish this quickly. She can let the Ministry get their hands on that traitor.

"Stupefy! Petrificus Totalus!" Without missing a beat, Harriette fired the two spells consecutively, she managed to hit one. The other had erected a shield to deflect her onslaught but was thrown back. Harriette leaped forwards and delivered a solid roundhouse kick to the other auror followed by a devastating left hook. The auror stood no chance and collapsed in a heap, knocked out.

It was only her and three other aurors. Bright green eyes scanned the room, taking note of the men's positions. She watched the other auror pull Hunt back to his feet and started dragging him towards the door. Damn it! This is taking too much time.

"Put your wand away. You are outnumbered." She snapped her eyes towards the two aurors in front of her; both had their wand aimed at her.

"Outnumbered you say?" She grounded out; it was fortunate that she had disguised her voice and made it sound like of a young man. It came as a perk with the advance glamour charm that Voldemort had taught her to use to hide under her disguise as the Dark Prince.

"Listen here you cocky bastard—"

"Ossis Fraendo"(1) Harriette hissed, a dark blue beam shot from the tip of her wand and hit Kingsley's leg. The dark haired man cried out in agony and fell down, his legs mangled. Sirius then dove at her and managed to grab hold of her body. Harriette gritted her teeth at the vice grip like hold Black had on her. He managed to lock an arm around her neck and the other held her wand arm and twisted it behind her.

"Got you now bastard!"

Harriette knew that struggling would do her no good. It would only waste her energy and would not work too well on a larger man like Black. So she didn't struggle, she didn't move. Her mind raced to what she is going to do next. Her emerald eyes gleamed and with a burst of speed, threw her head back hitting Black's nose with the back of her head. It was strong enough for Sirius to loosen his grip on her. The man has his hands on his now bloody nose. He threw a stinging spell towards her but quickly deflected it with her shield.

Harriette smirked at the shocked and awed look on Sirius face; no doubt the auror was not expecting that. With a quick stride, Harriette appeared behind the auror and leaned over his ear.

"My turn…"

James watched in shock and awe as the boy face off with two fully trained aurors, both were one of the best the Ministry can offer. Not wanting to waste any more time, he moved towards Hunt who was half catatonic in fear. He grabs hold of the Death Eater and hauled him to his feet.

"If you want to live, I suggest you come with me." He hissed.

Hunt's eyes moved from James to the fight between the two aurors and the Dark Prince, then numbly back to James.

"He wants to kill you. We want to arrest you. Make your choice!"

This seemed to knock Hunt from whatever stupor he was in and leap to his feet. James quickly grabbed the Death Eater on his collar and started dragging him towards the exit and to the nearest apparition point.

They were almost out of the warehouse when he heard a pain filled scream rip through the air. He stops and looks back only to see Kingsley writhing on the floor, both legs mangled. Sirius was faring better and has the boy in lock down.

The boy didn't struggle.

James watched in awe as the boy threw his head back and hit Sirius. The animagus held his bloody nose and threw a stinging hex towards the boy but he brought out his shield and deflected it again. It was amazing and terrifying at the same time.

He had seen enough. He had to get Hunt out of there. If he didn't leave now, Hunt could lose his life. He grabbed the shaking man and dragged him to the door as fast as his legs can carry him. He was only few phases away from the warehouse when he heard the doors slam open behind him. He didn't know if it was Sirius or the boy, he just kept on running with Hunt it would only be a few more minutes and he should be outside the wards and could safely apparate back with Hunt. James has no love lost for Hunt, but he knew that they needed the Death Eater alive. If they manage to bring in Hunt back into the Ministry, he could give them information about Voldemort's whereabouts.

However, he was just within the bounds of the ward when he felt a spell zoom past him and hit Hunt at the back. The Death Eater fell heavily on the ground. James stopped and turned to look at the downed man, he was still breathing. James then saw the boy approach him calmly. James was immediately in front of Hunt, blocking him from any spells.

James stared at the boy intently; the majority of his face was covered in a silver mask. But what James didn't expect is to see a pair of brilliant green eyes staring right back at him. The boy's eyes looked oddly familiar, like he had seen it somewhere before. Shaking the thought away he focused back at the boy. The boy was holding his wand loosely around his hand but the rest of his body was tense. The boy gave James a cold withering glare.

"Get out of the way Potter. This is none of your business."

Unease swept through James once again. There was something on the boy's voice that made the hair at the back of his neck stand. It came out distorted, a mix between male and a female. It was nothing like the cold, smooth voice from before. But he stood there defiantly, he needs to protect Hunt. He raised his wand and pointed it on the boy's chest.

"I think it does since you took down my entire time back there!"

Before James could do anything, a strong forced sent him flying across the field. James landed on the ground with a loud thud and was momentarily unable to move. He willed his body to move and struggled to regain his balance as he stood on shaky legs. He looked up to see the boy had Hunt on point blank begging for his life.

"N-No! No… Please! My Lord! Have mercy!" Hunt wailed as he tries to back away.

The boy stared coldly at the man before bringing down his wand and uttered a spell incantation.

"Avada Kedavra"

James gasped as the sickly green beam of light left the boy's wand and slammed into Hunt's chest, killing him. Anger coursed through James as he leaped up to his feet, blocking the boy's path with his wand pointed at him. James threw all hesitation at the back of his head. This boy, this child just killed someone in cold blood.

"Get out of the way Potter, I don't have time to deal with you anymore."

"How about we make it an appointment? How does Friday afternoon sounds? I can even throw in some tea and biscuits if you want." James mocked, his anger rocketing. He took a step closer to the boy. It was really hard to see the boy's face because of that stupid mask. It was even harder to see the rest of his face because it was dark. All James saw was a pair of emerald eyes, but that looked blurry as well. He was still a little bit disorientated due to his fall earlier.

The kid was something else, James thought. He had single handedly took down four fully trained aurors and doesn't have a single scratch on him! He couldn't believe the force that sent him flying earlier was in fact from the boy! It felt like a sledgehammer had been used to hit him through the ground.

"I said move Potter!"

"Make me you little shit!"

A dark look briefly crossed the boy's eyes as his whole demeanor changed. The Dark Prince took a step forward while pocketing his wand underneath his cloak. James on the other hand was confused. 'Why did he put his wand away? What was he playing at?' James thought and then suddenly the boy made his move.

"As you wish."

Emerald eyes met his hazel ones before James felt his body being thrown to ground with the same force as before. Gritting his teeth, the auror quickly went back to his feet and saw the boy making his way to the edge of the anti-apparition ward. James quickly shot a spell on him. There's no way he's letting the kid away.

"Stupefy!" James yelled, but the boy quickly moved out of the way.

James took aim again, but he had lost sight of the boy when suddenly felt something penetrate his arm making him double over in pain. He gasped in both pain and surprise dropping his wand accidentally. James blinked at the sight of his now blood soaked sleeve. He hasn't seen anything sharp, it was not a spell since he actually felt something enter his arm.

He quickly picked up his wand with his good arm and focused back to the boy who appeared a few phases from him. He could figure out what the heck hit him later. He need to catch the Dark Prince.

He switched his wand back to his wand arm and painfully took aim and fire.

"Suropto" Two jets of sickly yellow light erupted from his wand. The boy managed to dodge the first one but was hit by the second one on his shoulder.

James watched as the boy hissed in pain before grabbing his shoulder where the second cutting hex had hit him. He quickly aimed his wand at the boy again.

"You'll pay for that." Came a feminine voice. James faltered for a bit, confused to where the voice came from but quickly shook it off. But before he could fire another curse, his words choked in his throat. The boy moved quickly and hit James's neck with a swift palm heel strike. James staggered back and grabbed his neck, he could feel blood pooling inside his mouth. But the boy was not yet done, James was hit with a series of strong strikes from all over his body. He could feel his rib crack after receiving a full kick in his torso. James' breathe hitched after having the air viciously knocked out of him. He dropped to his knees and collapsed on the ground in a heap. He struggled to keep his consciousness, he tried calling out for help but nothing came out.

White spots littered his vision as he looked up to the boy just in time to see him looming over his prone body. James could slightly hear voices calling him name but was focused on the boy. Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind, blowing the hood from the boy's head. Blood red hair illuminated by the moonlight flowed from under the hood. And instead of a boy, James could see a masked face of a teenage girl before he knew no more.

And cut! I suck at fight scene. I had a hard time pulling this off as I wanted it to be similar with the original but different at the same time. Did you manage to spot the difference? There are a couple out there. Hopefully you can spot it.

Some of the spells I used in this chapter are a mixture of both canon, fanon and my own spells. You can recognize the canon spells I'm sure. I've put a brief explanation of the my own spells below. It's nothing special and I just need to put a name on the spells that I've made up. So yeh.

1 'Ossis Fraendo' – Bone Crushing Hex; A stronger variation of the Bone Breaking Curse.. Classified by the British Wizarding Ministry as 'Dark' in 1940s. Heavily used during Voldemort's first reign in power as a torture curse due to its potency and the ability to crush any bone into pieces. Characterized by a dark blue beam and a slashing motion with a wand.

Please tell me what you think about chapter! Give me some reviews guys I appreciate every single one. I always try to respond to each reviews so please tell what you think okay? (Yes, I am begging for reviews.)

I'll update again before the year ends together with my other stories. See you then!
