Lost Warriors

Jaiden's POV


The stone I held flickered into life and the image of a young girl caught my attention.

I had been waiting anxiously for this ever since she'd left.

The girl had blonde hair, curly with dirt streaked through it, and her eyes were a bright green. These were the features I recognised as my best friend, Mina.

"Mina!" I exclaimed, hoping she could see me like I could see her, "What happened? What have you found?"

"Sh," she hushed me quickly, looking to the side fearfully.

The stone we both held somehow enabled us to communicate. People believed they were a result of the psychic type Pokémon that had once existed. Whatever the reason, they allowed us to communicate.

So when Mina was picked to go on a special mission, it was only fitting that she'd call me sometime.

But something seemed wrong.

All around I could see blackened rocks, smoke and a dim glowing which usually would mean there was fire nearby.

"Jaiden, I don't have much time," she said urgently, "We found the nest."

I paused as the image crackled before me as the sound of a dragon roaring filled my ears. It was loud, as if I was standing right there with her and it made me nervous.

"You found the nest?" I asked, urging her to go on.

The nest of where the dragons were. Years ago, mutant creatures appeared. They had different abilities, mainly fire, but they were vicious and big and could not be caught. Many believed them to be mutant Pokémon.

Pokémon slowly started going missing as well as Pokéballs. It was a mystery no one had get explained even though the issue had been around for a long time. Some still had Pokémon, but they were now rare creatures.

A group of our five best warriors had been sent to find and destroy the dragon's nest. We believed that it would put an end to the dragons and that maybe the Pokémon would come back again from wherever they were hiding.

"Should I get dad?" I asked her.

She shook her head. Her face was streaky like dirt and water had mixed together. It was…like she'd been crying. She looked ashen and sad, fearful as well.

"I've got no time," She said, wiping her face, "I have to tell you now."

"Wait, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I'm hiding," she said, wiping her face again with her dirty hands, "Be quiet so I have some time left to talk to you."

I didn't like how she was talking. Her appearance didn't help to assure me either. She was really dirty and I could just see in the dim light that some of her clothes were torn.

The 13 year old girl looked directly at me. "I'm stuck here. Our boat is gone."

"How did you find the nest?" I asked urgently, "we'll come get you."

She shook her head. "We followed a dragon from the last raid. I don't think you could do that. It's too far to swim. I'm stranded."

"Where are the others?" I asked.

She snivelled. "Gone."

"Gone?" I asked.

She let out a sob. "They're all gone. I think I'm next."

"Don't talk like that," I said, "You're not going to die."

A piercing shriek of a dragon got louder and she looked to the side fearfully.

"Listen, Jaiden, you can never come to the nest," she said, "there's something else. We can't beat it. It'll destroy you all if you come."

"Mina," I said urgently as a saw a claw sweep behind her.

Two piercing eyes came into view.

Mina trembled fearfully. "Promise you won't tell anyone how to get here. They'll end up like us."

"Mina, run!" I yelled.

"Promise," Mina said.

"Promise," I shouted, "Run!"

She screamed as a claw swiped.

And then the communication stopped abruptly.

I could still hear her scream in my ears. As if it was being replayed over and over in my mind.

The rock in my hand dimmed and went to a dull grey and I felt sick.

An expert had once told us when we found the stones that as long as they were coloured, the communication could still happen. My rock had always been a vibrant blue and hers had been a forest green, like her eyes.

Now, seeing it grey, meant something has happened.

Something had happened to Mina and the stone had been destroyed on the other side.

I felt sick down to my stomach.

She was gone.

No one from that trip five years ago came back. We'd sent our best 5 warriors to find the nest and none came back; Drew, Misty, Solidad, Dawn and, my best friend, Mina.

Everyone treated them like they were dead. No one would've believed that they were alive anyway.

But I had to believe that Mina was still alive or I felt like I would lose all control. I couldn't accept the fact that she was dead. I could not.

Me: I seem to be very bad at finishing projects before I start a new one...

Jaiden: I'll say. What are you doing this for?

Me: Because I had writer's block and you guys deserve something that I could actually write! Hey! You can't complain! You're the main character in this!

Drew: Hey, are any of us in this?

Me: Eh, a few of you have minor roles. I still need some romance.

Everyone: WHAT?! NO!

Me: *giggle* Drew, Solidad, Misty, Dawn and Mina may be gone, but memories are still there. I'm going to put in Festivalshipping hints. Contestshipping hints. Pokeshipping hints and Ikarishipping hints. Oh, and there will be some Oldrival/LeafGreen/Whatever-else-you-wanna-call-it-shipping.

This is my own twist on 'How To Train Your Dragon'. I know I haven't finished my other projects yet. But wait! I have actually prewritten this whole story, meaning that I have already finished this story through to the end. I thought you guys deserve something to read while I try to figure out my writer's block and get some motivation for my ACTUAL projects.

You guy forgive me? Right?