Special thanks to xxxErinMonafxxx for giving this the once over. I look forward to everyone's feedback.
This is the last chapter of this story. There is a sequel in the works that will follow Danny's recovery, his new relationship with Jamie, and of course Jamie and Eddie's budding love. Hope you enjoyed this.
Chapter Seven
"What about this one?" Eddie asked modeling yet another dress for Jamie. Tomorrow was her first Sunday dinner and it was very special. Danny had been discharged from the hospital on Friday and would be at dinner for the first time since being shot. His lung and breathing were much better, but his knee was still in a brace and would likely need to be totally replaced in the near future. That was not the news he wanted, it meant he could be riding a desk for the rest of his career.
"I liked the green one better, the green or the blue, they highlight your eyes," Jamie replied. "But seriously Eddie, they are going to love you, it doesn't matter what you wear."
"It matters to me," she replied. "I'll wear the green. Um, I should be ready about 1?"
"No, Mass is at noon. We need to leave by 11."
"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that. I don't really go to church. I believe in God and all, but I really don't practice."
"I understand, um, tell you what. I 'll go to Mass at St. Michael's at ten then we can leave her by 12:30 and meet everyone at my dad's."
Eddie smiled at him for being so understanding. "Will that make them not like me or give you a hard time about me?"
"No," Jamie said firmly. "All they will ask me is if we stay together will you agree to a church wedding, baptize our babies, and raise them Catholic."
Eddie raised an eyebrow, "Marriage and kids already, Jamie. We barely started dating…I want you to myself a little longer," she laughed. "Seriously though, I am Catholic, but I don't practice it. If those things are important to you, I'll agree to them, because it's not important enough to me to argue about it."
"Then stop worrying, get into your jeans, and let's go meet Walsh and the others. I'm still not thrilled about you riding with Reynolds. I don't care if he bought us a round of beers he still failed to respond to that shoot out."
"I know, J, but it's all right. I'm a good cop, I can take care of myself."
"I know you can, but I love you and I want your safe in my arms or out of them." He moved to hold her close and kissed her head.
"I will be safe, I promise you. I love you too, Jamie. I'll be ready in fifteen minutes."
While Eddie changed, Jamie texted Erin he was going to Mass on his own and would see everyone at Frank's house by 2.
Eddie and Jamie pulled up to Donnelly's right on time. Jamie's new partner and Eddie were becoming fast friends. Eddie trusted Officer Walsh with Jamie's life, that was essential for both partnerships to be successful.
Eddie's new partner was also at the bar for beers. After a few rounds Jamie pulled Reynolds aside, "Look, I just want to make sure that our differences won't affect the kind of partner you are to Eddie. She didn't agree with what I did any more than you did, she just had to go along with it because I was her TO."
"Reagan, for me, that's all in the past. Janko is a good cop, I like her. I respect her and I'll have her back out there. My word." Reynolds offered Jamie his hand. Jamie shook it.
"Careful on the stairs, Son," Frank warned Danny as he hobbled up the steps. "We moved your seat for a few weeks so you can keep that leg up."
"Thanks, Dad. It's really good to be here. Is that pork roast Erin is making?"
""Yes, and Eddie Janko made a very interesting looking apple and apricot dish. If it's terrible, fake it, the poor girl is scared and Jamie is playing guard dog. He jumped all over Pop for teasing her."
Danny laughed, "Kid's more like one of those yip yip dogs."
"Officer Janko, since you're Uncle Jamie's girlfriend, do we still have to call you Officer Janko?" asked Sean as the family started to gather around the table.
"Yes." "No." Linda and Eddie said at the same time.
"I think calling her Miss Eddie will be a good compromise," Jamie replied.
Linda agreed to that as Eddie elbowed Jamie in the ribs. "Miss Eddie?"
"I can't have them calling my girlfriend Office Janko," Jamie laughed giving her a light kiss. 'Here you will sit between me and Nikki."
When everyone was seated, "Frank asked, "Who would like to say Grace?"
"I"ll say it," Jamie offered as the family blessed themselves. "Bless us oh Lord for these gifts we are about to receive, through thy bountiful hands. Thank you for bringing all of us together at this table to share in his meal. May we all gather together for many Sundays to come. We pray through Christ our Lord."
"Amen," Henry announced smiling at Danny. "Pass the roast."
The food was passed around the table and the conversation began to flow. Everyone was full of compliments for Eddie's side dish. She blushed and laughed, "That and bacon is all I know how to make."
"If your bacon is this good you need to come over for breakfast," Danny declared. "Give me a little more."
"I see you got your appetite back," Linda quipped as Danny loaded his plate
Later that night after dessert was served and the kids were playing games, Frank poured the cops in the family, current and retired glasses of Irish whiskey. "A toast to my son and his partner for producing the link that led to the arrest of six members of the Santana gang including the one that pulled the trigger on Danny. Cheers!"
"Here, here, kid," Danny said raising his glass to his little brother and his girl. "You both did the Reagan name proud."
Jamie put his arm around Eddie's shoulders, "I'd say we make a good team."
"I guess some good came out of Danny's shooting," Jamie theorized to Eddie as he dropped her off at her apartment that night. "We found each other and I'm finally getting more respect from my brother."
"Another silver lining, Reagan?" Eddie joked leaning closer to him to kiss him.
"You better believe it," he smiled meeting her in the middle for that kiss.