FACETED [Incomplete]

"Will you be here when I wake up?"

Arthur sounded so desperate, so lonely, that Francis didn't have the heart to say otherwise. It surprised him how much he didn't know about the one he called his life-long nemesis, about the many facets of his personality the man tried to hide, that Francis vowed to uncover all of them, if only to finally know who Arthur really was. After all, it was unfair that the Brit could read him like an open book and Francis found the green-eyed man to be a complete enigma.

"Of course, cher," he then replied, but made no move to get closer. Arthur clung to his arm, gripping it tightly.


Francis vaguely remembered a short blond boy from across the channel, with a look of obvious distrust in his eyes and well-versed in warfare even though he looked no older than six.

So he made up his mind to stay, to be a friend, if only until the next morning when Arthur would have gone back to being his prideful self and they would both return to their usual stance of being rivals.


* This is the second "incomplete" fanfic. "Incomplete" means that it's written from a larger plot bunny that I didn't have the time nor motivation to write yet. As such, they are up for adoption. Just tell me beforehand if you want to use it.

* If you want me to expand this story, you may choose one of the following options:

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* Thanks for reading.! :)
