Chapter 29: Time

Sarah was chewing on her quill, pouring over files from the aurors, trying to make sense of all the conflicting pieces of information coming in. She was in the Headmasters office, consulting and sharing information with the portrait of Albus Dumbledore, them together trying to parce through each piece of information to see what they were missing.

Snape had Ellie on the other side of his office, a few files opened as well on the coffee table. He was sitting on his armchair, but instead of actually looking at his work, he had his feet on the ottoman and was holding his granddaughter up with his legs. Ellie was cooing and smiling at him, with an adorable pink ribbon in her hair, which was jet black and balding in certain spots. Her blue eyes were wide and lively, completely taken by her grandfather. Snape was engaging in very serious conversation with her about the elements of potion making.

Sarah paused and looked over, catching the sweet interaction between Ellie and her grandfather.

She pushed aside the files and walked over to where they were sitting. "She is a little young for potion making, Dad."

"Well, if you must know," he offered Elizabeth a finger, that she began to chew on. "I am determined to start at least preparing her young. We will have none of the problems we had with you."

"Well, that wasn't all my fault," Sarah said, making a face.

"In addition, cognitively, I can already determine that she is quite bright, which is quite her mother's daughter..." he paused as Ellie gave him another heartwarming smile. "that's right, you are, though we will have to watch her as a teenager, Sarah Grace. The lads will fall all over her much like they did you. Yes, Lady Elizabeth, I wanted to lock your mama in a broom closet, but I did not."

"You can tell alot from a three month old," Sarah said, laughing. "And the lads did not fall over me."

"Only Weasley and Malfoy," Snape retorted.

"And we saw how well that worked out," Sarah grumbled.

Snape looked up at her, acutely aware of her swift mood change."Do you actually want a relationship with Draco at this point in your life? Elizabeth is only 3 months old."

"I miss my friend."

"That's true," Snape said, offering Elizabeth his pinky, "yet, you were missing his friendship for years and didn't seem to mind."

Sarah's shoulders stiffened slightly, but Snape was watching Ellie not her so he could not see how his words hurt her. She turned back to her parchments, trying to focus her brain on the task, but all the words were blurring together. Merlin, she needed more sleep.

"What's your schedule like for the rest of the week?" Snape asked, casually.

"I am meeting with the board of Collin's foundation tomorrow afternoon and then I have a charity polo match that I committed to watching on Friday. Oh, and I need to go to the dress shop and order some new clothes, since the muggle press continues to write about my outfits, time after time. I have to make sure my style keeps up to date."

Snape snorted, "Stimulating week ahead of you, Black," he drawled, dryly. "Glad to know that your education is being put in so much use."

She couldn't help but being taken aback from Snape's words. They were spoken casually with Snape's usual snarkiness that she was so accustomed to, but still her heart twisted in response. She looked at the clock as it chimed 8. "Would you mind taking Ellie back to the nanny?"

"Certainly," Snape said, shifting, frowning. "Where are you going?"

"I don't know," she said, gathering up the parchments.

"Sarah," Snape shifted the baby, picking her up in his arms to stand. "I did not mean to push you over Draco. Only caution. Take care of your feelings."

"Of course, I know that." She nodded, "I just need some air. You will be okay with Ellie, right?"

"Of course. She is fine now but when she gets too fussy I can take her to the nanny. Go take some time for yourself."

"Thank you."

"No worries," Snape retorted. "Just be careful."

"Of course," Sarah replied.

"I think I'll just head upstairs," Gin said, "I have an early morning practice." She handed Sarah a glass of wine. "You look like you need this. Pump and dump," she advised, with a wry smile.

Sarah raised her glass, "You read my mind."

After watching Gin go up the stairs, Harry cleared his throat and took a swig of his wine. "You look like you might need something stronger." He rose to go sit beside her on the couch, tucking a leg underneath him. "What's wrong, Paddy?"

"I just need a friend," Sarah's voice cracked.

Harry reached out to squeeze her arm, "I'm here. Tell me what's going on."

"I don't know what I'm doing, Harry. I know it's too soon after Collin, but I can't keep thinking about Draco and that makes me feel so guilty."

Harry frowned, "He went to the christening. You talked to him."

"He wants me to stay away, to focus on Ellie."

"that's not a bad idea," Harry said, quietly. "For now."

"I don't think I can do this back and forth. I'm a muggle. I'm a witch. I do a function for the royal family. I work for the ministry. I'm going to screw up, Harry."

"When have you ever?" Harry asked. "The Queen is right. You can do so much for wizarding-muggle relations. You can bridge the gap between worlds."

Sarah leaned down and put head in her hands. "It's too much responsibility."

Harry was taken aback. He thought she was handling things admirably, but clearly, it was taking its toll. He knew how hard it was having a new baby, he couldn't imagine doing it without Ginny and in the spotlight of the whole country.

Harry scooted over and put his arm around her, "So stop. If you don't want to, stop. The aurors department can handle the case with Voldemort without you. You aren't a royal, so retreat into private life. People can forget about you and focus on someone else."

"But Collin's legacy, I have to preserve it."

"Collin's legacy will speak for itself."

"But his work isn't done," Sarah cried. "And Ellie needs a world where she can grow up in safety." She leaned her head into Harry and began to cry.

"What is it, Paddy?" Harry murmured. "Talk to me."

"I'm lonely."

"I know you are," Harry said, allowing her to have a good cry. "But you have friends, Sarah. Alot of them. We all love you and support you."

"I know that," she sobbed. "But you all have your obligations...your own families."

"You are my family, Sarah. You know that," Harry said. "And you have Snape. Did you talk to him?"

"Snape said I shouldn't be keen to run into Draco's arms with Ellie being only three months. And I didn't value his friendship when I was married to Collin, so I survived this long, I should just buck up and stop complaining."

"He said all of that to you...just like that?" Harry asked.

"No, he has been very careful to moderate his opinion since I have become of age," Sarah retorted, "but that was more or less what he was saying."

"Did you tell him how upset you were? How lonely?"

"No, I don't want him to think that I can't handle this," she wiped at her eyes, "Truth be told, I don't think he likes the person I am."

"What are you talking about?" Harry asked, incredulously.

"I get that he loves me and he adores Ellie, but does he like me? I don't know. You don't always have to like your kid, you love them, but sometimes you don't like them or the adult they have become."

Harry's mouth dropped open. "What makes you think that is the case with Severus and you?"

"He made some off the cuff comment about my schedule this week and how I'm not using my education. He's upset I am working for the aurors again. I don't know. He did save me from Voldemort. Maybe he thinks that what I am doing isn't worthy of a second shot at life."

"Merlin," Harry let out a breath. " this separate from the time you felt like he disapproved of you and Collin's muggle life?"

"We did deal with that. But I'm not sure much has changed. I mean he has been so great with me and with Ellie. I couldn't ask for more from him, but I don't know. I just feel what I do."

"Paddy, I don't know if you are exactly being fair to Snape."

She sat up and reached to pour wine. She took a long sip, "To be honest, sometimes I feel like Ellie is his great re-do."

"Sarah," Harry's tone was harsh. "that's really uncalled for."

"Since when did you become his great defender?"

"Since when have you not?" Harry countered.

Sarah gulped another big swig of her wine, "He is headmaster of Hogwarts. He thwarted Voldemort in one of the greatest occurrence of spy-craft to date. He's destined for the history dress problems probably do seem so trivial to him."

Harry's demeanor softened, "After all these years, you have earned the right to be trivial."

"You have too. And look what you are doing? You are head of the aurors. Merlin, part of the reason, I am scared to death of Voldemort's return, is that I know he would kick my arse into shape and the worst thing about it is, it wouldn't be undeserved."

"Sarah," Harry's tone was gentle. "Gin was the same way a couple months after Albus. She really struggled with her feelings and emotions. And you have to do so under the light of the press. I'm floo-calling Snape."

"What? Why?"

"You are sitting here sobbing into my couch cushions. Honestly, I need reinforcements. And he needs to know that you are struggling this much."

"He's the one who taught me to have that stiff upper lip."

"Merlin, Sarah, maybe when we were fighting Voldemort, but these days? He wants you to talk to him about these things. Actually, he has always wanted that, hasn't he?"

She wiped at her eyes, "I want to be happy, Harry. Is that selfish?"

Harry moved to put his arm back around her, "Not at all. I love you, Sarah. You know that right?"

"Yeah, I know that," Sarah responded. "I love you back...even if you are tattling on me."

Harry laughed, "I would never tattle on you, Sarah. But I want the best for you. And if you are really feeling this down, it can be serious. Can I call Snape?"

"Yes," she said as Harry sent the tissues in her direction.

"Good," he stood and went to floo call Snape.

"How is Ellie?" Sarah said when Snape got there.

"Elizabeth is fine, with her Nanny," Snape responded. "Andi is also there."

"I don't like her quite left alone at night, even with her Nanny."

"I know," Snape said, "and under the circumstances, I quite agree. They are at my flat in Hogwarts, which has you know has extra security."

"I feel paranoid," Sarah admitted as Harry handed Snape a glass of wine. Snape thanked him and went to sit next to his daughter on the couch.

"Do you need your privacy?" Harry asked.

"From you?" Sarah laughed through her tears, "You both have seen me at my best and worst. Stay and enjoy your wine."

"In that case," Harry refilled his glass and Sarah's as well.

"Good man," Sarah said as Harry sat across from them in an arm chair, putting his feet up. The fire was crackling and for a few minutes they were quite, enjoying the still, the only sounds were Sarah's stiffing as she couldn't manage to stay the tears.

Snape broke the silence first, "Elizabeth is not my do over, Sarah."

"Oh Merlin," Sarah cringed. "You had to tell him that, did you?" she pursed her lips at Harry, who shrugged.

"If you weren't so emotionally distressed and hormonal, I might take it personally," Snape continued, his tone low. "How depressed are you, Sarah Grace?"

"I have my moments, obviously," Sarah crinkled the tissue. "this is one of them."

"Obviously," Snape retorted, his eyes studying her carefully. "What perpetuates these moments?"

"I have to hold it together for the press, to figure out this damn case with Voldemort, but then I go home and even though Ellie is there, it's lonely. I'm lonely. You have been so generous to let me have Snape Manor when you are at Hogwarts, but it's quiet. Too quiet. And there is the press. I know you think I like dressing up and choosing clothes..."

"Don't you?" Snape said, dryly, with a quirked eyebrow.

"Well, yes...but that's not bad. I'm not being frivolous. And when I look at all those pictures, I only see the baby weight I haven't lost, which by the way there are the rags that are being absolutely horrid about it."

"Since when do you pay attention to that?" Snape asked, his voice low.

"I don't know, I have always been sensitive to it."

"Maybe as a teenager, but you are an adult now," he retorted. "I should think you should not care as much."

"Doesn't mean that I don't feel self conscious, especially when my face is in the papers," Sarah retorted. "I'm not confident in who I am. So when you make comments like you did tonight, even if it is off the cuff, it hurts me, Dad. It hurts me deeply."

He paused, "What comments are you referring to?"

"About my schedule and using my education," Sarah wiped at her eyes, "Really? It was low."

"Merlin, help me," Snape let out his breath and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I should think you used to those comments by now. Sarah, you have been hearing them since you were eleven years old. I was being snarky, trying to make you think, not go to pieces over it."

"I feel so pathetic," Sarah cried and Snape gave a glance to Harry, who returned a worried look.

"You aren't pathetic," Snape said. He banished his glass of wine to the table and then slid over and put both arms around her shoulders. "What is wrong?"

"I don't know, Dad. I don't. I thought I would feel the worse of it right after Ellie was born, not three months later. There are moments I feel so out of control."

"I can't believe I missed all of this," Snape put his large hand on her head, "I'm sorry. I thought you were handling everything well. We had talked about it and you seemed so much better. Visiting the royal family, the christening, seeing Draco, working for the aurors. You were so composed with everything."

"You have so much with your headmaster duties and helping Harry with the horcrux and helping me with Ellie. And it was only when I was alone. I'm sorry."

"Don't be," Snape hushed her. "I'm here now. And we are going to figure out this."

"Do you think something is wrong with me?"

"No, sweetheart, I think you need to rest. How much sleep have you been getting?"

"Even putting aside Ellie's feedings, I pour over voldemort's file at night when I should be sleeping. And then the noises in the house. I freak myself out. I think someone is coming for Ellie and I panic."

"Merlin, how long have you done that?" Harry asked, aghast.

"Since the christening. I worried about how much coverage it got and that people have seen her face."

"Lie down now," Harry said, "Right here on the couch. We will both watch you."

"But Ellie..."

"Is with her nanny and with Andi," Snape said. "She's fine," he eased her back on the couch, popping the pillow out from under her and placing it underneath her head. "Rest now. I'll wake you up to take you home after a while."

"Or we will put Kreacher to watch over you," Harry said. "He would love the opportunity."

"I'm not sure I can shut off my mind."

"I can enter it and help you," Snape said, quietly, "if you put your shields down enough."

"Be gentle," Sarah entreated and he retorted, "Of course." He helped her lie down. "Turn on your side. Take a breath. Good Black. Another. Okay, ready?"

"Uh huh," Sarah murmured, but her stomach twisted all the same. One hand was on his wand, but the other moved to her back, a large comforting presence that she could not help feel more at ease.

Snape rubbed her back before entering her mind, gently pushing aside all the bits and pieces that were swarming around in her mind, helping her clear it and with that help, Sarah eventually succumbed to wine and exhaustion.

Snape rose from his spot on the couch and gestured to Harry.

"I don't know what to do, Harry," Snape said. "Her mind is usually more orderly, more settled. It was swarming full of bits and pieces, moving at a rapid rate. And her emotions, they were completely on alert and heightened. No wonder she is so anxious and can't sleep."

Harry frowned for Snape always knew what to do when it came to Sarah.

"Ginny had something similar after Albus, but not this bad. Sarah is also so much in the spotlight." He paused, "I think maybe we should tell Draco. He would want to know."

"Pushing them together in both of their states is a recipe for disaster," Snape commented, folding his hands.

"Or their renewed friendship could make both of them stronger," Harry retorted. "Honestly, she may need a healer if this is the state of things. She could also be responding to that and all the time she has spent training with the Elder Wand. Nathan could help her control her new found magical strength. At least reach out to him and see what he thinks. Draco may not even need to stay in Switzerland that long so their interaction could be brief."

"What about Elizabeth?"

"Send her and nanny with her. You could visit whenever you wish. It would only be for a few weeks, maybe a month or two."

"I suppose it is worth.a conversation with Nathan." Snape said, reluctantly. "I just don't want her so far especially in her state, but if that is the best thing for her, I suppose I have to let her go."

"I don't like it either," Harry retorted either, "But I do not doubt her safety. Nathan and her are both more than capable of warding off any threat."

"Very well," Snape nodded, "I think you are right."

Draco folded up the paper, his cup of coffee in his hand. There was a knock on the door and Draco called out, "Come on in."

"Draco," Nathan came in. "Good morning."

"Good morning," Draco looked at his grave expression, "You look serious. Have a seat. Do you want some coffee?"

Nathan nodded, "I'd love some."

"I thought we were doing treatment later today."

"Yes, but before then I have to talk to you about something. It doesn't have anything to do with your treatment."

"Okay," Draco said slowly, sending him a cup of coffee, "What's up, mate?"

"It's about Sarah."

Draco let out a breath, "Is she okay?"

Nathan's expression was grave. "I honestly don't know. Snape wanted me to talk to you about her."

"Snape did?" Draco quirked his eyebrows up. "Merlin, start from the beginning and tell me everything you do know," Draco said, putting down his cup of coffee.

And when Nathan had finished, Draco stood. "Well, then, let's go get her," he said, resolved.

"What makes you think she will come?" Nathan asked.

"Don't worry, she'll come," Draco told him, "It's too serious for her not to."

"But," Nathan rose. "You have kept her at arms length for these three months."

"She needs me," Draco said, simply. "And I refuse to let my limitations interfere with what Sarah needs."

"You cannot play with her emotions," Nathan said, bluntly. "If she comes here, you must keep things platonic between the both of you."

"Of course," Draco said, "We have been friends for more than half our lives. Obviously, I would do anything for that women. Including this. I won't let things get muddled between us. Don't worry, mate, things will be fine."

Nathan just shook his head, wearily, but followed Draco.

Sarah felt like she had slept for hours. And she had. When she awoke, she was in her room at Snape Manor. Her eyes adjusted. The curtains were drawn.

"Good, you're awake."

Her eyes settled on Draco. She was startled but sat up, "Snape must think I am really bad off to send for you."

Draco went to sit on the bed next to her. "Heard you were a little theatrical last night, but then again, you do come by it honestly," Draco smirked at her.

"Oh just shut it," Sarah rolled her eyes. "I need coffee and Ellie needs to feed. How long has it been?"

"Hermione did some sort of spell, I think. you are both fine. You can ask her, but I didn't want the particulars, no offense." Draco said, honestly.

"None taken," She looked down to make sure she hadn't seeped through her shirt. She hadn't. She sighed in relief because this situation was embarrassing as it was.

Draco went to the side table. "I managed a warming spell," he handed her the mug. "I can get you fresh though if you want it. I was going to wake you earlier, but you were sleeping so peacefully."

"No, this is perfect," Sarah took a sip. "I really do feel embarrassed about last night. I don't want to make a big deal out of it though."

"Hum," Draco studied her, his hands folded. "Look at me."

"What are you going to do? Go into my mind?" Sarah asked, startled.

"Do you think I can manage that these days?" Draco scoffed, "No, I just want you to look me in the eyes."

She took another sip and then looked at him, "What is it?"

"Be still," Draco studied her carefully.

"What exactly are you doing?"

"Looking at you."

"Well, stop it," Sarah grunted. "It's disconcerting."

"Hum," Draco frowned, "Tell me that what you told Snape last night about being anxious and depressed is untrue."

She laughed, uncomfortably. "It's not true. I was being theatrical as you so elegantly put it."

He rose, "You are still a horrid liar. It's decided then. You are coming with me to Switzerland."

"I can't just drop everything and go to Switzerland," Sarah protested. "I have duties, obligations."

"Tell the Queen and Potter to both shove off," Draco crossed his arms.

"I'm not telling the Queen to shove off," Sarah's eyes widened. "She's the queen!"

"I trust you can put it in the proper duchess language, my lady," Draco said. "But you are coming to Switzerland. Matthews is downstairs. You need a break. For Merlin's sake...after all that happened with my father and the way you delivered Ellie and then you have gone nonstop afterwards. You need time, to properly recover and heal. We should have insisted upon it."

"But the threat is still out there..."

"I thought Potter was the savior of the world, not you," Draco interrupted, dryly. "Honestly, the wizarding world managed five years without you. Who do you think you are?"

Sarah put the coffee cup down on the table, hard. "You sure know how to charm the ladies, Draco."

"And I gave up alot for you, Sarah, so if you are struggling, I'd rather make sure that you are okay, if it is all the same to you," Draco retorted.

"I didn't ask you to give anything up for me!"

"No, but I did, Sarah," Draco said, quietly, "and I would again. Matthews says that this can be common in women after they deliver their children."

"well, if Matthews say it," Sarah grunted, "I honestly am fine."

"Merlin, help me, stubborn woman," Draco groaned, running his hand through his head. He went back to sit next to her. "Let me have your hand." He put his hand out for her.

She closed her eyes and put her hand in his. Draco squeezed it comfortingly. She opened her eyes and looked at him.

"Truth be told, Sarah," Draco said, "I love you, so if you are struggling, I want you to come to Switzerland with me. I will not interfere with your therapy or anything between you and Matthews. We won't even have to see each other that much. But," he squeezed her hand again, "If you say that you are okay, I trust what we have between us to believe you at your word. So I need you to think before you speak next, okay? Because I don't want your impulsiveness to interfere with the truth and trust we have between us."

It was true. Draco and her had always had such a deep understanding and connection. And there was honesty between them- a hard fought honesty and trust and openness to be marveled at his maturity. Draco had certainly grown up in the past few years.

She swallowed hard, "I can't stop obsessing about Voldemort," Sarah said, her voice low, "And I have to check on Ellie every few minutes in the middle of the night. I am so scared of someone taking her. I'm better during the day, but I have to clear my mind when at functions, otherwise I obsess over it to. And I'm lonely. I feel like I belong in both worlds, but to neither fully. I don't have a clear path, a way to follow. And I am just waiting for the next bad thing to happen."

Draco kissed her hand, "Switzerland, it is then. It will do you good. You need space from Queen and Country...and Ministry and England."

"What will the press say?"

Draco waved it off, "Probably that you're mental. But once you are back and charm the pants off of them again, all will be well."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "Thank you."

"For what?" Draco squeezed her hand again and then let it off, handing her coffee back to her again. "Drink more, you are terribly crabby without your coffee."

"For holding my hand when I'm scared," Sarah took a sip.

"Always, Black," Draco winked at her. "That's why Snape sent for me. Also, that we both knew you wouldn't come without my blessing."

"I wouldn't want to interfere with your life."

"You could never interfere, not truly. I'll go downstairs to tell the others and we'll start making the arrangements."

Sarah rose. "I can come with you," she said, "It's just Snape and Matthews, right?"

"Potter too."

"Then I won't change out of my pajamas."

Draco snorted. "Such improperness from a lady of the peerage," he teased.

"Merlin, are you never going to let me live that down?" Sarah rolled her eyes again, "I didn't ask for the title."

"But it suits you so well," Draco gestured for her to go ahead of him, bowing as he did, "After you, my lady."

She laughed, "the tables sure have turned, Malfoy. You would have eaten this up at Hogwarts."

"People change," Draco said, seriously. "Grab your coffee. It keeps your Snape-ness at bay."

She giggled, "Are you saying i'm becoming my father?"

"Undoubtably," Draco drawled in his best Snape impression.

"Merlin, that's a scary notion," Sarah said, "I love Snape, but he can be scary." Cries filled the air and they could hear Snape gently soothing the baby. "Then again, he isn't truly scary at all."

"Let's go, you," Draco put his arm around her shoulders.

And in spite of it all, Sarah thought maybe things would be alright...eventually.

"Yes, that's right," Draco said into the phone. "She'll be with me in Switzerland." He paused, "Obviously the press is part of the problem. Can you let her majesty know, Wills?" Pause. "She'll be fine. We'll all make sure. She just needs her privacy." More pausing, "No, man, I don't think so. She's insisting on meeting with the board of Collin's foundation in a few hours, but after that,we'll leave," he paused, "Okay, I'll hold."

Draco turned to Snape and rolled his eyes. "Okay, after the board meeting. Me too? Wills, I'm not sure that's the best idea. Okay, very well."

Snape raised an eyebrow, "You couldn't say no."

"Apparently, not. Sarah has been summoned," Draco said, dramatically.

"Merlin's sake," Snape grunted.

Sarah tapped her heel, impatiently.

"You look nervous," Draco put a hand on her arm, "Calm down. I'm the one that is supposed to be nervous."

"Sorry for getting you involved," Sarah bit her lip and tried to breathe. "I thought it would be an easy phone call. I just feel like I am letting everyone down."

"You are letting no one down," Draco said, rubbing her arm. "And you look lovely. You certainly know how to dress for the occasion these days."

"You sound like Snape."

"I don't mean it negatively though," Draco said.

Sarah had changed into a very proper blue peplum jacket and mid length skirt. Her hair was swept up into a bun, tied with a thin blue ribbon. She looked well, but pale.

"Ready, Lady Stevens?" The usher asked.

"Yes, thank you," she said, her voice low.

They were led into the receiving room.

"Sarah," the Queen held out her hand.

"Your majesty," she curtsied as she shook her hand.

"Will you make introductions?" she asked.

"Of course, ma'am. Your majesty, Draco Malfoy. Draco, her majesty the Queen."

"Mr. Malfoy," the queen held out her hand. "You have become somewhat of Lady Stevens' protector, have you not?"

"Your majesty," Draco elegantly bowed, "I have always strived to be her ladyship's protector."

Sarah struggled not to roll her eyes and had to suppress a giggle. The Queen gave her a look.

"Sorry, ma'am," she mumbled.

"Not at all. Let's all sit," she said and then sat her self in the chair and Sarah and Draco moved to the settee.

"I understand that you are friends with my grandson. Have been for years. I was sorry to hear about your father. Dreadful business."

"Yes, ma'am." Draco said. "Dreadful indeed."

"How is your progress coming along?" she asked.


"What you did for Sarah was incredibly self sacrificing...we are grateful to you. The country after mourning their prime minister, to mourn his wife would have been devastating. Not to mention what Sarah is accomplishing linking our world together. It's quite a feat."

"Thank you, ma'am, but I only thought of Sarah."

"Yes, I can see that. And now we must think of her again. Sarah," the Queen looked at her, "What is this about you leaving?"

She glanced at Draco and straightened her back, shifting in the chair, "Since the christening, I have struggled with anxiety over the developments at the ministry with that business..." she struggled, "and fearing for Elizabeth's safety if I cannot figure out how to prevent the worst from happening. I can't sleep. I check on her throughout the night and when I am not, I am looking at the file over and over. The press is naturally becoming oppressive and I have not managed how to successfully navigate both worlds. My that it will be best if I spend some time away, to gather myself together. I feel dreadful about it. I know I must be letting everyone down."

"I see," The Queen nodded. "You are to take care of yourself first and foremost, do you understand? Everything else can wait. We need you well and of good mind." She turned to Draco, "You are to take care of her, Mr. Malfoy."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I will depend on you to see her safely home to Britain when she feels recovered."

"Yes, ma'am."

"And Sarah?"

"Yes ma'am?"

"You are among people who care for you. I hope you realize that. And I do not think you could be a disappointment. You are a remarkable young lady."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"I will appoint the Prince of Wales to patron Collin's foundation. He can help with the particulars while you are gone. Would that do?"

"That eases my mind a great deal, ma'am. I was afraid we would have to delay things further with me leaving."

"There is no need for that. Be well, Sarah." She rose and Draco and Sarah followed suit. She offered her hand, "I look forward to the day we meet again, my dear."

Sarah shook her hand, curtsying again, "Thank you, again, your majesty. Truly."

The queen gave her a sweet smile, "You're quite welcome."

When Draco and her left, Draco turned to her, his mouth gaping. "I have never seen you like that before."

"Like what?" Sarah asked.

"So proper and dignified," he said, "you are so much like my mother, it's eerie."

Sarah turned to him, aghast. "What did you say?"

Draco chuckled and put his arm around her, "I meant it in the best way, Sarah. Let's go and fetch Ellie and your things. Nathan is waiting for us."

Sarah pulled away to turn her head towards him, "Thank you for coming with me...and convincing me to take this time. I do need it."

"I'm glad you still count me as a friend, Black," he looked at her intensely.

She looped her arm through his, "Always and forever, Malfoy."

A/N: Try as I might, I can't get those two away from each other for long! :) Sorry for the delay in updates. If you are still reading and enjoying please drop a review to let me know- it so encourages me to continue writing their story. And if you have anything you would like to see as far as direction, let me know too. Also, somebody asked about doing one-shots with Ellie and Snape. I haven't ruled that out, it would be interesting to see how Snape's treats his granddaughter verses his daughter...and what house Lady Elizabeth gets sorted in. :)