AN: So thankful for the love on my last update! Thank you all.


Enjoy! ^^

Sarah stirred from what felt like the deepest sleep she'd had in years. The air surrounding her was colder than usual and she shivered as an icy breeze hit her bare arms.

She tried to open her eyes but they were so heavy, it was almost impossible to do so. This bed she lay in was much more comfortable than normal, she noticed - which made it all the more difficult to wake up properly.

She yawned softly and scrubbed at her eyes in an effort for them to open easier. She had to get up now or she would be late. She was certain she had to start her chores soon. The days always started so damn early these days.

Even though she was still half asleep, Sarah couldn't miss the oddly high pitched sound that buzzed in her ears. There was an almost electrical-like tingle in the atmosphere and it flowed through her body like gentle water.

She groaned as finally managed to open her eyes. It was so dark still, very dark infect, but then again, autumn mornings always tended to be quite dark and it wouldn't be the first time she'd been deceived by it.

She sighed heavily as she felt herself drifting off to sleep again and she quickly squeezed her eyes shut, then opened them again, wider this time. It only took a few seconds for her eyes to adjust and she took in her surroundings.

Dark blue velvet sheets, heavy velvet curtains hung at each corner of the four-poster bed, tapestries, oil paintings, books, desk, vanity, mirror...

Sarah gasped and bolted upright in the bed as the memories finally came flooding back, jogged by the ache between her legs.

"My God! I really must have slept deeply if I forgot about last night!" She thought with a blush.

For some reason, she felt incredibly shy remembering the events of last night and she quickly pulled the blankets up to cover her nakedness. Not that there was much point, it was still extremely dark and nobody was watching her. Or so she hoped, anyway.

Another cold gust of wind hit her shoulders and Sarah turned her attention to the large double doors which she knew lead out to the balcony. To her surprise they were open, the curtains blew softly with the cold air that filtered through them.

Why on earth were the doors open on such a cold night? They definitely hadn't been open earlier that evening.

Sarah glanced beside her shyly, fully expecting to find Jareth sleeping next to her. However, she was met with an empty space. Immediate panic filled her heart. Why wasn't he beside her? Had he taken advantage of her and left? No. No, he wouldn't have done that to her. But... had the spirit of the labyrinth tricked her? More importantly, was Jareth okay?

Just as Sarah was getting more and more paranoid, she spotted a shadow in the corner of her eye. She turned to look, letting out a sigh of relief when she saw Jareth outside, leaning against the balcony railing, wearing a dark velvet robe.

The tick of the clock drew her attention to look at it, finding that it was only 3:30 in the morning. She wondered why he was up at this time and more importantly, why he was outside in the cold.

Deciding to investigate, she threw her legs over the side of the bed, shivering as her bare feet found the cold stone floor. She looked around for her dress but found nothing. so instead, she grabbed the folded fur blanket that was draped over the end of the impressive bed and wrapped it around herself before crossing the room and heading towards the balcony.

As she got closer, she realized it was still snowing outside, only now it was a very gentle snowfall and nothing like the aggressive snowstorm that had almost knocked her over from its intensity earlier.

She watched him from the doorway for a few seconds, clutching the fur blanket to her body.

Just as she was about to step outside, Jareth spoke up, startling her. "Do you feel it too? The tingle in your fingers and that high pitched sound in your ears?" His gaze was cast out to the Labyrinth before him, the snow drifting softly around him. "I'm sorry if I woke you," He added after a moment.

Sarah stared at the back of his head for a few seconds. Was he annoyed at her for coming out and disturbing his peace? She suddenly felt very nervous and she wasn't really sure why. Why did she feel so uneasy? She knew Jareth and she loved him for goodness sakes! So why these sudden nerves?

As if sensing her discomfort, Jareth turned to look at her, a small smile tugging at his lips as he admired her wrapped up in a fur blanket and nothing more.

That was definitely a sight he'd never expected to grace his chambers.

"Oh, erm, n-no... I just- I woke up and you weren't there." She said, pulling the blanket tighter around herself when she caught his eyes flicker over her. "Why- um...why are you out here? it's s-so cold." She said nervously, her teeth chattering.

Jareth smiled at her uneasiness. She was so precious and innocent. In a matter of seconds, he was at her side, gazing down into her face.

"I just had a few things on my mind, precious. Besides, that buzzing woke me. Do you feel it too?" He asked again.

Realizing she hadn't answered his question before, she quickly nodded. "Yes, that was one of the first things I noticed when I woke up. What is it?" She asked curiously.

"Magic. Of that I am certain. I'm just not sure why it's so strong."

Sarah stared up into his eyes, still a little confused about what was going on.

They definitely needed to talk at some point. She had to tell him about her connection to the Labyrinth, soon. It had been on her mind a lot recently. Keeping such a massive secret from him felt wrong. She just really hoped he would understand and not get mad at her when she did tell him.

Then there were the questions about last night. What had happened? What had allowed such darkness to almost take him from her? She had to know.

Jareth watched as an array of emotions crossed her face, her lips parting softly. He could sense she had questions for him, but it was far too early to begin talking about such heavy matters.

His eyes flickered down to her mouth as her bottom lip quivered almost like she was about to talk – or perhaps it was due to her being so cold. Whatever the reason, Jareth found it absolutely irresistible.

He leaned down, taking her plump lip between his own, his tongue darting out and caressing over it before he began to suck it softly, one hand cradling her cheek.

Sarah's heart skipped and her eyes flickered closed as he sucked at her lower lip. It was such a relief to feel his lips on hers again. She knew she was being silly, but she'd been so afraid that he might have lost all interest in her now that they'd been intimate. It was such a wonderful relief to know he hadn't.

Her stomach quivered and she let out the softest of moans as his other hand cradled her head, his fingers sliding into her hair as he released her lip and devoured her mouth thoroughly.

Just as she was really getting into it, he pulled away a few inches, gazing at her with such intensity she felt like she might melt under his gaze.

"You should know, that I will never tire of you, Sarah. You are all I have wanted since you ran the Labyrinth and you are all I will ever want again."

Before she even had time to properly register what he had said, he grabbed her chin, tilting her head up to meet his lips in another hungry kiss.

Feeling so insanely overwhelmed and happy from hearing Jareth's confession, Sarah completely forgot she was meant to be holding her blanket up and in a moment of passion, threw her arms around his neck, gasping as the blanket fell to the snowy ground and her body was hit with a freezing cold breeze that just happened to pick up as she lost her blanket.

Jareth's eyes roamed approvingly over Sarah's naked form. Her skin was pale in the moonlight, her dark hair contrasted beautifully against her skin and the snow that floated and fell around them. He could have stayed and stared at her all night. However, he was very aware that Sarah was shivering from just how cold she was.

In one swift motion, he picked her up, making her squeal and wrap her legs around his waist, her arms tightening around his neck to prevent herself from falling. "Jareth!" She gasped, clutching him desperately. She was shocked at how easily and quickly he had swooped her up and crushed her against him.

Having her naked body pressed firmly against his made him growl appreciatively in her ear. "If it wasn't so cold I'd be tempted to take you out here on this very balcony... perhaps against the wall..." He pressed his lips against her neck, kissing a path towards her ear. "Or maybe with you bent over the railing..." He purred, then chuckled low in his throat. "On second thoughts, I'm far too greedy to take you where everyone in the Kingdom could see you... I want you all to myself..."

Despite being frozen to the bone, Sarah felt her face flush with sudden heat. Her heart began racing in her chest to even hear Jareth talk about her in such intimate scenarios. It was hot. It was erotic. It was like nothing anyone had ever said to her before.

She desperately wanted to flirt back with him, but every time she went to speak her teeth chattered.

Jareth smiled at her, pressing a soft kiss to her trembling lips. "Let's get you warmed up, love. It is not my wish for you to freeze out here in my arms."

Without another word, he carried her back into the bedroom. With a wave of his hand, the double doors closed and the dying embers in the hearth sparked back to life, bathing the room in a warm orange glow.

Sarah fully expected Jareth to take her back to his bed and was quite surprised when he carried her over to the velvet couch by the fire instead.

He set her down and retrieved a fluffy blanket from the bed for her. Sarah smiled as he wrapped the large blanket around her, making sure she was all tucked in and warm enough. "Better?" He asked, his eyes meeting hers.

"Almost," She whispered, smiling at his confusion. "I just need you to snuggle with and it'll be perfect."

Jareth understood then and his smile broadened. Sarah scooted over so he could sit next to her on the warn velvet couch. Once he was seated, she cuddled up to him, her head resting against his shoulder as her fingers drew a lazy pattern on his chest where his robe hung open.

He placed his arm around her, sliding his hand up and down her side in a gentle caress.

They were silent for a few moments until that odd electric-like current ran through their bodies at the same time. Sarah gasped and glanced up at Jareth, furrowing her brow. "You felt that too, right?"

Jareth nodded, "Yes..."

"Was that the magic again?" She asked, watching him carefully.

"Yes, it's magic...magic pulsing through our veins like blood." He said, his expression unreadable, his eyes cast to the dancing flames in front of them.

Sarah found herself even more puzzled by his answer. "Why? I mean... why haven't we felt it before? Why now?"

"That's what I've been asking myself for the past few hours..." He glanced down at Sarah, finding her perplexed expression starring up at him.

He sighed and shifted slightly, pulling Sarah closer to him. He owed her some explanation. It wasn't fair to leave her completely in the dark.

"But I believe it has something to do with us... with the bond we have."

Sarah's brows rose slightly. Well, that would make sense with everything the spirit of the Labyrinth had said to her about hers and Jareth's bond being so deeply connected.

"It's been a long time since I have felt magic this strong coursing through me." He continued even as he tensed slightly. "When you defeated the Labyrinth, my magical connection to it weakened a considerable amount. I've spent the last few years trying to get it back but nothing ever worked."

Sarah couldn't help but frown. He seemed so tense. so uneasy. She could literally feel just how uncomfortable this conversation made him, but there was something else...was it guilt? But why? What would he be guilty about?

"But it seems that you have awakened a little of my magical connection once more." He said with a genuine smile as he traced his fingers along her cheek.

"So... sex really does remedy all?" She said with a laugh, trying to lighten the atmosphere.

She had a strange feeling that there was more to this story but perhaps Jareth wasn't yet ready to reveal it all to her yet. He seemed tense even thinking about it and she didn't want him to feel that way. At least not tonight, tonight was about them. Maybe one day they could speak in greater depths about what had happened. Yes, earlier she had wanted to tell Jareth about her connection to the Labyrinth and everything else, but she knew somehow that it wasn't the right time.

"Mmm... it seems it does." He said, the uneasiness slipping away to be replaced with a seductive smile. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap, pressing his lips to her neck and kissing along it, then slowly traced his kisses up and over her jaw, his tongue flickering over her skin.

Sarah fought the urge to moan. Okay, she knew he wasn't ready to talk about the Labyrinth, but she still had a few other questions. Like why had he been so angry and upset yesterday? Why had he locked himself away in his chambers and even placed a spell around it so that nobody could find the door?

"Jareth, we- " She gasped as he lightly nibbled her ear, causing her stomach to quiver in excitement. "We still have stuff to talk-" She trailed off as he cupped her face in his hands, gazing into her eyes.

"Please, my love, no more talking. We've already wasted so much time talking when all I really want to do now is kiss you, make love to you and show you how beautiful you are..." He whispered, gently pulling her face closer to his own so that their lips were only a few inches away from touching. He slowly traced his hand up and down her back, the fluffy blanket wrapped around her the only thing keeping their skin from touching.

He closed the little gap between them, kissing her lips with a sudden urgency, slipping his tongue between her lips, seeking and demanding. Sarah sighed softly, inviting him in and kissing him back with equal urgency.

After a few moments of passionate kissing, she pulled back, gasping for breath as she gazed down at Jareth, who had an almost blissful look in his eyes and a lazy smile on his lips.

'The cat who got the cream' Sarah thought with a smirk. She shifted on his lap, straddling him.

Jareth purred approvingly of the position and gently traced his hands over her bare legs which peeked out from under the blanket.

"You know what?" Sarah whispered, deliberately grinding herself against the hardness beneath her, rewarded with a groan from the man she straddled. "I think I'm warm enough, now." She shrugged her shoulders slightly and the blanket he'd wrapped around her fell from her body, leaving her completely naked on top of him.

"Oh, my beautiful Sarah..." He whispered, sliding his hands up her legs, over her hips, up her sides. "My gods..." He whispered, eyes glazed over as he gazed upon her. She was so beautiful, her body was flawless.

He watched her lips part softly as he cupped her full breasts in his hands, gently squeezing each one, enjoying the soft moans that escaped past her lips.

He slowly ran his thumbs over her hardened nipples, shivering with need when he felt her tremble against him.

"You are the most beautiful woman..." He told her, truthfully.

Sarah opened her eyes, smiling down at him. "You're sweet when you want to be."

"You make me want to be sweeter... to be better."

Sarah stared down at him, her heart swelling in her chest. "I do?" She whispered, touched by his words.

He simply nodded, his blonde main of hair bouncing slightly.

Sarah smiled and leaned over him, sliding her hands into his wild hair as she kissed him again, more passionately than she had before.

Jareth kissed her back soundly, sliding his hands up and down her back. He shivered when he felt her begin to move her hips against him again.

She shifted slightly, pulling his robe open and reaching between them. She wrapped her hand around his thick erection, enjoying the vibration of his muffled moan against her lips.

Despite her lack of experience, she felt brave and she wanted to bring him pleasure as he had for her last night. Well, earlier this evening.

Even the thought of earlier events was enough to spur her on. She pumped him in her hand, breaking the kiss she pressed her forehead to his as he let out a soft groan.

He gripped her ass, squeezing her plump flesh in his palm as she continued to pleasure him.

He let out a shaky groan when she became more confident in her movements. She listened carefully to his breathing so that she knew exactly what he liked and what felt good for him.

Soon, Jareth's hips were thrusting forward into her hand, his breathes coming in short gasps as he came closer and closer to his inevitable release.

When he couldn't take anymore, he gently gripped her wrist, stilling her movements. "Sarah," He rasped breathlessly.

Sarah stared up at him in confusion, furrowing her brow. Wasn't this good for him? She'd thought he'd been enjoying it but maybe he was just trying to make her feel confident. She felt embarrassed suddenly. "I-I'm sorry if it doesn't feel very good... I've never done this before. Well, apart from last night, but-"

Jareth blinked, surprised by Sarah's words. "Sarah, what are you talking about? The issue is that it DOES feel good, too good, in fact. If you continue, I won't last long and I fully intend to last as long as I possibly can."

Sarah understood then, and slowly removed her hand from him. "Oh, right, of course." She chuckled weakly.

"Come here, love..." He murmured, pulling her down to him and kissing her. She moaned into his mouth, gasping and trembling when she felt him rub the tip of his cock against her entrance. They groaned softly in unison from the feeling.

"My god, you're so wet..." He whispered, slowly tracing his tongue along her bottom lip before he sucked on it, causing her to let out yet another moan.

He teased her entrance again, then again, and both of them let out a long groan when Sarah suddenly slid down on him, causing him to fill her completely.

"Fuck..." She gasped, tilting her head back, her eyes closed and lips parted.

She didn't move, trying to adjust to the feeling of him. She felt so wonderfully full it was almost overwhelming.

Jareth began moving first, just slowly. He knew she would be a little sore after last night, but she'd soon recover from it.

He traced his fingers gently down her spine, pleased when she shivered and goosebumps appeared on her skin in their wake.

Sarah began moving with him, gasping and moaning from the incredible feeling of him inside her in this position.

Jareth watched with hooded eyes as her breasts bounced each time he thrust into her, it was beyond hot to see her like this and if her moans were any indication, he could tell she was really enjoying this as well.

He leaned forward slightly, placing open-mouthed kisses to her breasts, then he traced his tongue over her collarbone and her shoulders before leaning to kiss her lips again, sucking and nibbling at them.

"Mmm... Jareth," Sarah breathed when their lips parted once more.

Jareth leaned his head back against the couch, admiring the beautiful view of Sarah riding him. He grabbed her hips suddenly, helping her to move faster by guiding her up and down, his breaths coming out in short gasps as the pleasure built inside him.

"Jareth!" Sarah gasped, gripping onto his shoulders as he increased the pace, even more, his hips thrusting wildly into hers. Sarah did her best to keep up, but she faltered slightly. Jareth didn't seem to notice, though. And if he did, he didn't seem to care.

He pulled her closer and wrapped his arms around her just as he felt her tighten around him. She was so close.

He buried his face in her neck, panting and groaning as Sarah lost herself to him, her whole body shuddering as she screamed out his name in the dark room. The volume of her cry echoing around them. Perhaps if she wasn't on cloud nine right now, she would have been embarrassed to hear herself scream like that - but Sarah wasn't aware of anything but the incredible pleasure rippling through her body. She wasn't even aware as Jareth flipped them so that she was laying on her back on the soft velvet couch.

It was only when he lifted her legs up and began thrusting into her at an inhuman pace that Sarah became aware once more.

She locked her legs tightly around him, tilting her head back against the pillows as she arched up against him. Her body was still incredibly sensitive after her last orgasm and she was already fast approaching another one.

She cried out, the force of his thrusting practically ripping the cries from her throat.

Jareth growled, trembling when Sarah's nails bit into his back. It was both pain and pleasure and it was fucking amazing.

"Fuck, Sarah..." Jareth swore against her neck, struggling to keep himself together. He pressed his lips to her neck, sucking and kissing her soft skin.

Sarah ran her fingers through his wild hair, tugging on it as Jareth reached between them to rub her already over-sensitive bundle of nerves, making her cry out his name and buck against him desperately.

"Yes, yes, that's it, precious." He groaned in her ear, relishing in the way she thrashed on the bed.

"Oh my god!" She cried, gripping onto him as tightly as she could as she found her second release. Jareth whimpered desperately in her ear, his release following her own only seconds after. He groaned deeply, the sound vibrating in his chest as he shuddered and exploded inside her.

Sarah held him to her until both of their breathing evened out again.

He kissed her softly when he had composed himself, gently tracing his fingers over her brow, brushing away a few damp strands of hair from her face.

He chuckled when Sarah let out a soft sigh. Her head was resting flat against the couch, her eyes closed.

She looked absolutely adorable with her flushed face and swollen red lips. Unable to help himself, he leaned forward and pressed another kiss to her lips. "Have I tired you out again, darling?" He asked, cocking his head to the side as a lazy smile tugged at his lips.

"Mmhm... aren't you tired?" she asked, cracking an eye open to look at him.

"A little..." He whispered, shifting slightly which made Sarah squirm a bit. Jareth was yet to pull out of her and his slight movement was enough to send a jolt a pleasure though her.

Jareth grinned down at her knowingly, his sharp fang-like teeth showing.

"Jareth? Um...why haven't you...?" She made a gesture with her hands, a crimson blush rising to her already flushed cheeks.

"Why haven't I what, love?" He asked innocently, quirking an eyebrow.

Sarah rolled her eyes, lightly prodding him in the chest with her finger. "You know what I'm asking, Jareth."

"I assure you, I'm completely oblivious to what you're asking." He said, his expression serious but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away.

Sarah sighed, "Fine. Why are you still inside me?"

Jareth lowered his face to hers, his lips hovering just above her own, only a breath away from touching. "Because," He very slowly began thrusting again."I'm not done with being with you just yet, Sarah-mine." He whispered, his voice taking on a seductive quality.

Sarah shivered as she felt him harden inside her, his slow thrusting enough to make her want him again.

Defeated, she slid her hands down his back and over his butt, delighted by the soft sigh that slipped past his lips."Well...I'm not complaining." She whispered, just before their lips met in yet another hungry kiss.

When Sarah woke again, it was to the bright golden light of the sun shining in her eyes, and to the gentle hum coming from the man beside her, who lay with one arm wrapped tightly around her middle.

She smiled contently, her fingers gently tracing over his forearm as she watched the little particles of dust float in the air captured every so often by the bright sun streaming in through the windows.

She could feel the gentle vibration from his chest as he hummed a familiar tune in her ear. The song from the peach dream. She felt her heart flutter as he pressed a soft kiss just below her ear, interlocking his fingers with hers.

"Good morning, precious..." He whispered, his morning voice deep and sensual.

"Mmm... Good morning." She said, yawning, then giggling as he nuzzled her neck. "Hey, you ruined my yawn." She whined, even as she bared her neck for him, allowing him easier access to her skin. She shivered as he covered her neck in kisses.

He chuckled low in his throat, his breath warm against her skin. "It wasn't my intention to ruin your yawn, love." He brushed some of her hair aside, peering over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of her face.

Sarah smirked and tilted her head back to look at him, hiding a giggle behind her hand when she caught just how wild his hair was. Jareth gently grabbed her wrist and removed her hand from her mouth. "What is it?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"It's just... your hair." She said, unable to hold back a little laugh.

"What of it?" He asked, all serious. Sarah's smile faded and she gazed up at him, shocked by his vanity. "N-nothing... It looks great! I mean, really great!"

Jareth's frown deepened then. "You're a terrible lier, Sarah." He tsked, shaking his head. "I thought we'd moved past the point of lying to each other?"

"We have. It-it's just- well, you seemed mad..."

Jareth smirked at her uneasiness and gently hooked a finger under her chin. "Not mad, just teasing you. My hair is a terrible mess I'm sure." He pressed a kiss to her lips briefly before Sarah shifted onto her other side, facing him, her eyes shining mischievously. "It is a mess... you look like you've been in a fight."

Jareth traced a finger over a little purple bruise on the top of her left breast. "I could say the same for you." He grinned when Sarah blushed to see the mark he'd left on her.

"I can't believe you gave me a hickey."

Jareth blinked, confused by her choice of words. "Hickey? I'm not familiar with that word. Here we call these marks of love, of passion, love bites. Oh, and there is more than one of them on your beautiful body."

Sarah watched as he ran his finger over the bruise, his touch tender, and light.

"Hickey is just another word for love bite." She told him, watching as he lowered his head to her breast.

He peered up at her just before his lips brushed against the swell of her breast. "As much as I enjoy seeing the inflictions of our passion on your skin, I never want to be the man that leaves bruises on your body." He leaned down again, pressing a gentle kiss to the purple bruise. Sarah watched with amazement as it vanished the second his lips left her skin.

"Jareth..." She gently cupped his face in her hands, her eyes filling with unleashed tears."The bruises you've left on me are the only kind of bruises I don't mind... they are the result of something we both did and I enjoyed."

He let out a soft sigh and Sarah didn't miss the guilt and remorse that swept through his eyes.

She gently traced her thumbs over his cheeks, concern shining in her eyes. "What is it? What's wrong?"

Jareth hesitated, shifting uncomfortably in the bed. "Last night – I know I hurt you."

Sarah's frown deepened and she shrugged. "It always hurts the first time... and the pain soon went." She assured him, a soft smile on her face.

Jareth shook his head, unable to help the slight smirk that tugged at his lips. "Not that, precious."

Sarah blinked, still completely confused as to what he was talking about.

Jareth sighed and gently rubbed her shoulders. His face was once again contorted with something similar to sorrow or regret.

"Last night when you came and found me, I treated you terribly. I was angry and I hurt you. I pushed you back against the wall and I shook your body until you cried. Just because I was enchanted doesn't mean I don't remember what happened." He hung his head in shame, unable to look at Sarah as the memories of her crying face appeared in his mind.

Finally understanding what he meant, Sarah gently traced her fingers along his jaw, making him look at her again. "You weren't yourself, Jareth..."

He only shook his head, his pale hair hanging in his face. "That's beside the point. I hurt you. Don't deny it. Earlier this morning, I caught a glimpse of your back... it's bruised."

"It doesn't hurt, much." She said, "I promise it doesn't. I almost forgot that even happened."

"I will not be the man who leaves bruises on your body." He said again, turning her around and tracing his hands over the large bruises on her shoulder blades and on the center of her back.

Sarah shivered as she felt the tingle of magic working its way through his fingers and into her skin. She could literally feel the sore spots on her back healing as his fingers traced over them.

When he was done, she turned back towards him and sighed, resting her hand on his chest over his pounding heart.

"I don't want you to feel guilty about anything you said or did last night anymore, Jareth. Because nothing of that man was actually you."

He rested his hand over hers, keeping it in place over his heart. He stared down at her as she stared up at him, her green eyes soft and loving.

"And in future, I want to keep the hickeys." She said, her eyes lighting up when he gave her a genuine smile.

He leaned forward slightly, resting his forehead against hers, letting his eyes shut momentarily. "You are a true gift to me, Sarah..." He whispered, his hair tickling her face.

"I don't know about gift." She chuckled, even as her heart fluttered to hear him speak to her in such an openly tender way.

"I do." He whispered, closing the gap between them and caressing her lips in a way that could only be described as loving.

A sigh rushed out of her as he gently wrapped his arms around her, his hand cupping her cheek as he lowered her down to the mattress once more. His lips burned a path down her throat, over her collarbone, between her breasts and lower.

Sarah's chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath. Jareth's open-mouthed kisses over her flat stomach were making her beyond excited.

She moaned when he kissed her abdomen, then again as he kissed each of her slightly protruding hip bones in the most tender way.

Sarah visibly shuddered when he traced his fingers over her sensitive bud, his breath warm against her. He encouraged her to lift her legs back and rewarded her when she did by running his tongue over her folds.

Sarah gasped and arched against him, her hands sliding into his wild hair as he sucked more firmly at her most sensitive area, groaning.

The vibration of his groan against her there made her shiver and arch into him again. She felt him rest a hand on her stomach, keeping her in place as he continued laving his tongue against her.

She peered down at him with glazed eyes, trying to keep her eyes open long enough to watch as he pleasured her with his mouth which was quickly joined by his fingers.

Sarah moaned his name as he slid two fingers deep inside her, a low growl humming in his throat as he added a third, stretching her.

Almost delirious with the amount of pleasure she felt, she tilted her head back against the mattress, her lips parted in a silent cry as her legs began to shake, the pleasure building higher and higher by the second.

Jareth felt it too, her imminent release, and speed up the movements of his fingers, groaning against her warmth as though he was addicted to the taste of her, and to the feeling of her passage tightening around his thrusting fingers.

Sarah's hands fisted in his hair, and her hips, despite his hand holding her down, arched up against him. She was so close, only seconds away from heaven, but then, all too suddenly, he removed his fingers.

Sarah pouted, practically whimpering in disappointment from the loss of his fingers. She opened her eyes and glanced down at him. He was looking up at her with the ghost of a smirk on his lips.

"Stop your pouting, precious, remember I can be generous."

"You can also, be cruel." She panted breathlessly, watching as he chuckled softly before sliding a finger into his mouth and sucking her sweet nectar from it, never taking his eyes off her as he did so.

"Mmm... that is true, but you'll be pleased to know I'm feeling generous today."

Sarah watched as his head disappeared between her legs once more, his mouth returning to her slick folds.

Sarah gasped at the feeling of his tongue dancing up and down against her a few times before sliding into her as deep as he could, his thumb rubbing her sensitive bud at the same time.

It didn't take long for the warmth to start pooling in her abdomen once more, and all too soon Sarah saw stars.

She couldn't contain the cry that he tore from her throat as she bucked against his mouth, the sounds of his low groans rumbling through his chest was enough to make her melt. It seemed that anything and everything he did made her shiver.

Sarah panted for breath even as she came down from her high, her vision slowly clearing enough to make out the smug look on her lovers face as he lay beside her, resting on his side with his arm propping him up.

"I told you, I can be generous." He said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

She wanted to reply with some sassy remark but was defeated by what he had just done to her.

"Wow... The word generous will never be the same again." She thought with a blush.

She smiled up at him, then furrowed her brow when a sudden thought occurred to her. "What about you?"

He arched a thin brow. "What about me?"

Sarah gently traced her fingers over his chest, glazing up at him. "You didn't get any... attention."

Jareth smiled then. "There will be other times when you can please me, precious. But right now, it's all about you."

She sighed, almost dreamily as he leaned down and kissed her before turning and laying on his back, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her closer to him.

Sarah cuddled to him, sighing softly as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I love you..." She whispered, watching the slow rise of his chest.

He smiled down at her as he drew lazy circles on her shoulders. "I know you do..." He whispered, pressing a kiss to the crown of her head.

"How do you feel?" He asked after a few minutes passed in silence.

"Just a little sore." She chuckled with a blush. "But otherwise, great."

Jareth chuckled and kissed her hair - an apology. "Then I want you to rest today."

Sarah peered up at him, the disappointment apparent in her eyes. "I'm guessing that means you won't be resting with me?"

"I have a few things to do, unfortunately... but I won't be gone long." He said, running his fingers through her silky hair. "I've already spent too long in bed." He chuckled.

"What even is the time?" Sarah asked as she yawned, feeling quite sleepy again. Apparently, the lack of sleep last night was finally catching up with her.

Jareth glanced over at the clock which hung opposite the bed, always a reminder that time was indeed, short.

"Half-past eleven." He sighed, watching the little hand ticking by each second that passed.

Sarah's eyes widened and she bolted up in the bed, the blankets falling down and gathering around her waist. "Half-past eleven?! Oh my god – I have to get up! Poor Ellie! I bet she must have really struggled to do all those chores alone - she must be wondering where I am!"

She quickly shifted to the side of the bed, fully intending to jump out but strong arms closed around her waist, preventing her from moving despite her struggling.

Jareth chuckled, "Stop your squirming, woman."

"I have chores-"

"You have no such thing. I have already sent word to Ellie and the others and none of them are expecting your help today." He pulled her across the mattress with ease, smiling when her back came into contact with his chest.

He nuzzled her neck, whispering softly in her ear. "I want you to rest today. I know the effort it must have taken you to find me yesterday... finding a magically hidden room isn't an easy task."

Sarah tilted her head back against his chest, gazing up at him. "Well... I had a little help."

Jareth looked intrigued. "Oh? Have my so-called 'subjects' been betraying me again?" He asked. While he was being serious, there was no mistaking the amusement in his voice.

Sarah always seemed to make friends with his subjects. Somehow she always managed to persuade them into doing things with her even if it meant going against their King's wishes. It was quite amusing, really. Sarah had always had a way with his subjects.

Sarah couldn't help but laugh at his words and she turned in his arms, gently caressing his face, a little pout on her lips. "No, they haven't betrayed you, don't worry. Not this time." She patted his hair, holding back a giggle when he seemed to melt at her touch.

"Mmm... go on and tell me who did help you, then. I'm quite curious."

Sarah cleared her throat as the inevitable nerves arose in her chest.

This was it. The moment she had been so careful to keep a secret was about to be revealed. Was it the right time to discuss such things? Was she really ready to jump out of heaven and dip her toes into what might become hell? She was still uncertain of how Jareth would react when he found out about her connection to the Labyrinth, and if she was being honest, she was nervous as fuck to find out. Still, it didn't feel right to keep this from him anymore. She had to tell him no matter how he reacted.

"Be brave, Sarah."

She shifted, suddenly feeling very vulnerable. Sarah pulled the blankets up around herself.

"Erm... would it be ok if I had my dress back first? It feels odd talking about this stuff naked."

Jareth smirked at her bashfulness. He was once again laying back against the many pillows that littered the bed, sprawled out in a boneless manner with the blankets hanging low at his waist, his arm resting above his head.

He inclined his head, a few messy blonde strands of hair falling in his face as he flicked his wrist.

Sarah blinked when she felt cool fabric brushing against her body. She glanced down, blushing to see he had dressed her in nothing but his white shirt. She was surprised by just how long it was on her - the bottom of the shirt stopping just above her knees.

"Thanks." She pulled her knees up to her chin, blushing again when Jareth shifted slightly and the blanket slipped a little further down his waist.

"Okay... it's a long story." She started, tearing her eyes away from the far too good looking Goblin King. If she wanted to tell him everything then she needed to focus and she couldn't do that while watching him. Infect, she was certain if she did that, every word to slip past her lips would be nonsensical gibberish.

"Do you remember that day when you found me passed out near the Labyrinth?"

Jareth's brow furrowed and he slowly nodded his head. "Yes, how could I forget. I was worried sick about you."

"Please, don't get mad but I wasn't entirely honest with you about why I was there..."

Jareth's frown deepened as Sarah glanced away. His expressions would throw her off track if she kept watching.

She took a shaky breath and looked down at her hands, needing something to focus on rather than him.

"Patty had overheard me telling Adelaide a story... a story about a girl who ran the Labyrinth." She swallowed nervously but continued. "I never told anyone that the girl in the story was me, I swear I didn't. It was just a story for Adelaide, after all, so I wasn't expecting Patty to come to me the next morning and tell me about a prophecy."

She nervously fiddled with the frills on the sleeves of Jareth's shirt, never once looking in his direction. Too afraid of what expression would meet hers.

"She told me a few things about the prophecy and it got me wondering about the Labyrinth. Now, I'm not claiming to be this girl who'll 'unite the Kingdoms and restore glory to the Labyrinth' But... well, for the rest of that day I couldn't stop thinking about it, the Labyrinth, I mean. I felt th-this pull to go to it. It was so strong and I couldn't stop myself..."

Sarah went on, telling Jareth of how the Labyrinth had spoken to her as both masculine and feminine energy, and how the two had been the complete opposites to the other. The male energy being quite demanding and mocking her. She also explained how it had changed when she stood up to it, telling it that she was it's equal.

She went on for ages like this, telling him about almost all the things it had said to her. She did, however, miss out on telling him a few unnecessary things, like how the Labyrinth had told her she could 'fix him' with her kindness, ect.

Jareth was silent the entire time. He didn't interrupt. He didn't ask questions. He only listened. His expression neutral and unreadable.

Soon Sarah caught up with the present, telling him how the Labyrinth had guided her to him to save him. She finally looked back up at him when she explained how the ghost of his mother had lead her through the halls, all the way to the Escher room; A room she might never have found had it not been for her.

When she'd told him everything, she left out a shaky sigh of relief. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from her shoulders. She hadn't realized just how much of a burden it had been to keep from him all this time.

The room was silent for a few minutes. Only the gentle tick of the clock could be heard in the large room.

Sarah shifted uncomfortably. Had she made the wrong choice to tell Jareth all of that? Was he mad at her?

She suddenly felt like she wanted to be far away from Jareth and from this room. She almost wanted to be away from this entire world! In this brief moment of uncertainty, the idea of the comfort of home in her world, with Toby cuddled up to her side by the fire as they happily munched on home-baked cookies, with the thoughts of The Labyrinth and her connection to it far from her mind, seemed very appealing.

She snapped out of it when Jareth sat up in the bed, adjusting the blankets at his waist.

He glanced over at Sarah, noticing how she hugged her knees to her chin, allowing her dark hair to fall in her face so that it was hidden from him.

"Sarah, look at me." He said, keeping his tone rather cool and unreadable.

He watched with some irritation as Sarah winced at the sound of his voice. God, why was she acting like this? Was she really still so nervous of him? What did she think he was going to do to her? He tried not to feel insulted.

When Sarah did not look at him, he caught the gentle rise of shoulders and realized she was crying.

He sighed and tried to calm down.

He had to take a few things into account; her age for one, Sarah was still young even if she was wise beyond her years.

He also had to remember that she was probably not scared of him, but of losing him. She'd confessed her love for him over and over last night, and again this morning. Maybe that was what she was so afraid of.

Whatever the reason was, Sarah was obviously worried about something and he wanted to ease whatever those worries were. He loved her, and until now, they'd had the most wonderful morning. He didn't want it to all be ruined.

"You did the right thing."

Sarah blinked, looking over at him as he stared back at her, his eyes soft even though the rest of his face remained neutral.


"You did the right not telling me what happened." He explained. "I was... different then, I wouldn't have understood."

Sarah let her legs drop and stretched out a bit, her eyes wide and glassy with unleashed tears.

Jareth's expression softened and a small smile turned up his lips. "Everything you have told me is what I expected. Perhaps not the voice of the Labyrinth speaking with you and instructing you, but I've always had this feeling that it was you who the Labyrinth choose to latch onto."

Sarah gaped at him, a million questions shining in her eyes.

Jareth took it upon himself to answer her questions before she could voice them.

"My connection to The Labyrinth was lost when you won. I was too overcome by anger to maintain my connection to it." He admitted, humbly, for the second time that day.

Sarah said nothing, but her eyes sparkled with tears. She felt so bad for 'stealing' that connection from him. He was the King and the ruler of The Labyrinth! And yet, it had abandoned him and latched itself onto her! Perhaps that was why she had always craved to come back. Maybe that was why she had felt so out of place in her world for so long. What if it was because the Labyrinth had been calling to her all that time and that's why she had been planning to come back here, no matter what cost, even if it meant being the Goblin King's servant?

Her thoughts raged until Jareth continued.

"But... you are so pure, Sarah. You have the light of a thousand stars in you and they shine through you so brightly. Especially at specific times. Last night, for instance, you were able to defeat the darkest blackness I have ever seen or felt. You defeated it with your bravery and strength... with your love." He watched as Sarah's lip trembled, her tears suddenly flowing down her cheeks as if someone had turned on a tap.

"If you hadn't found me, it would have taken me, Sarah. The spirit of the Labyrinth was right about that..." He said, crawling over the bed until he was at her side, brushing her tears away with his thumbs.

Sarah wrapped her arms around him as tight as she could, sobbing into his neck, her tears warm against his bare skin.

"I wanted to tell you..." She choked out between sobs. "I wanted to tell you everything, but the Labyrinth – it told me to be cautious of everyone. I didn't know who to trust."

"Shhh..." Jareth stroked her dark hair, gathering her up in his arms and maneuvering them both to the head of the bed once more, the blankets magically covering them both. "You don't have to explain." He told her, brushing his fingers against her cheek when she pulled back enough to gaze up at him.

"You said you always knew I had a connection to the Labyrinth... what does that mean?" She asked, tears still shining in her eyes.

"It means what it means, Sarah-mine. That you are powerful and the Labyrinth has chosen you to fix it."

Sarah let out a watery chuckle, flexing her fingers against his bare chest. "I don't know why everybody seems to think I can fix it... I'm just a human-"

Jareth placed a finger over her lips, stopping her from finishing her sentence. "Never undermine yourself like that again, Sarah Williams."

Sarah stared wide-eyed at the man who held her. His eyes were bright and intense.

"You are so much more than you know...the fact that the ghost of my mother showed herself to you just proves what you are worth." He whispered, slowly removing his finger from her lips.

Sarah couldn't help the smile that spread across her face. "I thought you were going to be mad when I told you about all this... I'm a bit thrown off." She said through a giggle, shaking her head.

Jareth slowly ran his fingers through her hair. "I was taken aback by all you had told me...but not mad. You've finally given me the answers I have been searching for for the last few years. Answers I was never quite certain I would get, but now I know that everything I thought about you was right."

Sarah ran her fingers over the cool steel of his medallion, shivering when she felt the sharp tingle of magic radiating from it.

"Jareth, just because I've had this experience with the Labyrinth, doesn't mean I'm the answer to everything..." She told him. "I just don't want you to be disappointed if I'm not what the answer to everything like you think I am... I'm not fae and I don't possess any magic."

Jareth chuckled, tilting his head back against the pillows. "Sarah, did you or did you not wake up to the feeling of magic pulsing through you this morning? did you not hear it in your ears and feel it in your fingers? You are full of magic because the Labyrinth is using you as it's life force."

Sarah blinked in surprise."So...I have magic? I have magic like you?"

"Not exactly. You won't be able to harness magic and use it as I do. Rather, the Labyrinth is connected to you and it keeps itself alive through you because you are its champion. Magic is not just about being able to conjure something... it's so much more than that."

He chuckled at Sarah's blank expression. She looked utterly lost to what he was trying to explain to her.

"So... I don't have magic but I do have magic?"

"Exactly." He said, rubbing his nose against hers and making her giggle. "And it's because you have said magic within you that I woke up and felt it too..."

"I'm still not sure I understand." She sighed, rubbing her temples. This was all extremely confusing, especially before coffee.

"Mmm, coffee..." Her inner voice sighed dreamily. There was nothing she would like more right now than a large mug of fresh black coffee.

"Because we have been intimate-" He grinned, amused as Sarah blushed and lowered her gaze shyly from his."- And because we are deeply connected, you have passed a little of that magic back to me." He explained, watching as Sarah tried to put the pieces together.

She sighed and took his hand, interlocking their fingers. "So... do you feel any different for having a little bit of it back?" She asked, watching as a relaxed smile spread across his handsome face.

"Yes... I've not felt this at peace in such a long time." He said, truthfully. "Having you beside me and a little bit of my connection back..." He let out a contented sigh, his heart warm in his chest. "I feel complete for the first time in my life."

Sarah gazed up at him with glassy eyes and a genuine smile on her face. She gently stroked his cheek with the back of her fingers. "So do I..."

Jareth looked down at her, half of his face cast in the light of the sun, making his hair appear almost white in the light. His pale blue eyes were serious suddenly, which made Sarah a little bit concerned. "Jareth?"

He stared at her for a few moments, as if considering his next words very carefully. He leaned in a little closer, and Sarah noticed how his pupils had dilated. "I... I love you." He whispered, his voice so soft she almost could have missed it.

Sarah stared up at him with wide green eyes. Shocked beyond belief to hear him actually say those three little words. Last night he hadn't said them and she had woken this morning wondering if he did love her or not. He treated her like he loved her, but she'd thought that perhaps his desire for her had made it seem that way.

But now she knew the truth.

Her heart swelled in her chest, pounding so loudly she could swear he would be able to hear it, too. Before she could respond, Jareth spoke again, his expression vulnerable.

"I have been in denial but... I think I've always loved you. Well, maybe not always, but for a very long time... That's why I didn't marry Lilium. Not because I was waiting to fall in love with someone else, it was because I loved you. I was... destroyed when you won." He shook his head, rolling his eyes. "But you were too young back then... I was a fool for trying to get you to stay but you made me lose my mind."

He lifted a hand to cup her cheek and Sarah leaned into his touch, a few tears escaping her eyes. He quickly brushed them away with his thumb.

"I was angry for so long. Infect, I don't think I've been without anger until right now. Now I just feel this... odd sense of joy." He laughed, "Joy? I can't quite believe I'm even capable of feeling such an emotion! and yet...that's what I feel when I'm with you."

His eyes met hers and for a few moments, they just stared at each other. It was as though the two of them were processing everything they other had said.

It was only when the clock on the wall chimed two 'o'clock that reality sort of took over them again, reminding them that neither of them had said anything for the last five minutes.

Sarah spoke first, her voice a soft whisper against his lips.

"I love you, too." She whispered. "Now, I'm not going to ruin this with too many words because, quite frankly, I could never say anything as romantic as you just did,"

Jareth let his hand drop from her cheek just as Sarah pressed herself against him, making him lay back into the mattress. She loomed over him with bright mischievous green eyes.

"But I can say that with confidence because it's true. I love you, Jareth."

Jareth gave her a lazy smirk as he gazed at her through his thick eyelashes. "That's all I've ever wanted to hear you say, my love." He purred, shivering when he felt Sarah reach for his cock beneath the blankets, her thumb rubbing the tip in a circular motion.

"I've never been that good with words... but-" She shot him a cheeky grin, looking down at him through her dark lashes."-It's up to you to find out if I'm good with my mouth." She whispered, leaning forward and kissing his lips, swallowing the groan that escaped him as she stroked him under the blankets.

He trembled when she pulled her mouth away from his and began crawling down his body, kissing all the areas he'd kissed on her earlier that morning.

He tilted his head back against the pillows, a faint smile turning up his lips. "You're wrong, Sarah. You've always been great with words, and your mouth could be nothing short of wonderful..."

Jareth tucked his shirt into his leather trousers, adjusting them before adding his matching leather waistcoat. He grabbed his gloves from the vanity and put them on as well. Turning towards the ornate floor-length mirror, he caught Sarah in the reflection, gazing back at him from his bed with curious green eyes.

He smiled at her through the mirror, amusement shining in his eyes when she blushed and looked away.

As if he hadn't known she'd been watching him dress.

He turned to look at her, sighing regretfully when he caught a glimpse of her creamy skin peeking out from under the blankets.

"I won't be gone long. I just have to see to a couple of things and then I shall be back with you again."

Sarah nodded, watching as he approached the bed, taking a seat on the edge of it. He reached forward, gently caressing her cheek, a small smile turning up his lips as she leaned into his touch.

The softness of his leather glove was warm against her face and yet she still found herself craving the soft touch of his skin against hers. Nothing would ever compare to his skin.

"I'll have Patty bring some food up to you soon. You must be starving." He said, pulling some dark hair from her face.

"I'm fine, Jareth. Stop fussing." She leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. She lingered there for a few moments, then regretfully pulled back.

Jareth smiled and pulled the blankets up over her shoulders. "Rest, my love, and if I'm not back in a few hours, then, by all means, read and bathe if you wish. Do whatever you want. What's mine is yours." He lifted her hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to her knuckles.

She smiled, "Thank you, Jareth." She watched as he stood once more, exhaling and straightening before heading for the door.

Just as he went to turn the handle, Sarah called out to him. "Wait!"

Jareth turned to face her, concern furrowing his brow. "What is it?"

Sarah kicked the blankets off of her and jumped out of his bed, rushing over to him and throwing her arms around his waist.

Jareth chuckled and stroked her dark hair, a large smile turning up his lips as she squeezed him tightly.

"I love you." She whispered, her voice muffled against his chest.

Jareth pulled her back slightly, gazing down into her eyes. "I love you too, precious." He kissed her once more, then left.

Sarah spent the next few hours doing exactly as Jareth had said she could. She bathed and then rested with a good book in the window seat, staring out at the snowy Labyrinth below.

Even though the sun had been shining all morning, the snow remained. It sparkled like glitter even as the sun began to set.

At 4 o'clock, Patty arrived with a tray of tea and a bowl of soup. Sarah couldn't deny that she was very hungry and after spending a good few minutes deciding whether or not it was fair for her to eat when there were so many with nothing, she eventually gave in when her stomach rumbled.

She hadn't been eating much since the rations had started and she'd lost quite a bit of weight. She had had to take in almost all of her dresses a few inches around the waist.

She ate alone, the only sound was the gentle crackle of the fire and the slow tick of the clock.

When the sun had fully vanished, Sarah went around lighting every candle. Then she stoked up the fire and added some more wood to it, keeping the room warm for when Jareth returned.

A sigh slipped past her lips as she went over everything that had happened today and last night.

They had moved very quickly in only a short amount of time. And yet, their relationship had been building up more and more with every week that had passed, so it was about time they took the next step in their relationship, really.

She flopped down on the velvet couch by the fire, a slight blush covering her cheeks as she remembered how he had made love to her in this very spot last night. She gently traced her fingers over the soft velvet, smiling like an excited schoolgirl with a crush.

Oh, this was so much more than a crush. This was love.

She loved him and he loved her. Could her heart even bear such happiness?

She placed her hand over her fluttering heart, closing her eyes and trying to slow down her breathing or she would surely burst.

She wondered what would change now that she was his lover. Would he still want her to be his servant? Would she be sleeping in her own chambers or would he want her here with him from now on?

She chuckled at her own questions. None of that really mattered, but at least it was something to think about while he wasn't with her.

Pulling her knees up to her chin, she gazed into the dancing flames, wondering what Jareth was doing right now.

A few hours earlier

Jareth walked through the halls of the castle with his head held high. He had a spring in his step and the goblins had to double-take when he passed them. They had not seen their King look so happy and energetic in... well, ever! It was odd to them, and many stood back, watching with mouths agape as he passed them.

Jareth paid little worry to them and continued towards the kitchens, the faint smirk on his lips ever-present.

Once he'd entered the kitchens, he found Ursula, the goblin chief, busy preparing a very basic soup. She almost jumped out of her skin when The Goblin King leaned over her shoulder and peered into the cauldron which hung over the roaring fire.

"Good gods above!" She cried, dropping her wooden spoon into the cauldron as she firmly clamped her hand over her mouth. "Oh, your Majesty," She whispered, her hand fluttering over her heart. "Please forgive me, sire, I had no idea ya was in 'ear!"

Perhaps if he hadn't of been in such a good mood, he would have teased her, perhaps even threatened her with a trip to the bog, but he found that he had no desire to frighten the poor creature than he already had.

"The fault is mine, Ursula. I should not have snuck up on you." He said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Ursula was one of the taller goblins to live in the castle. She was probably only a few heads shorter than Sarah.

Ursula stared at him with wide brown eyes. She looked completely shocked by his apology, which amused him greatly.

"I-I- thank ya, sire... how can I help ya?" She asked, quickly curtsying before him.

"Can you make sure Sarah gets some proper food and tea today? She hasn't been eating much recently and I want that to change."

Ursula was a little surprised that her King was concerning himself with the likes of his servant but decided not to question him. She was sure he had his reasons. "Of course, sire. I will 'ave Patty take it to her room as soon as it's ready." She said, wiping her hands on her apron.

Jareth smirked, shaking his head. "Sarah is in my chambers so she will be dining in there."

Ursula blinked in surprise, her mouth opening and closing over and over as she struggled with how to respond to that.

" your chambers, sire?"

"Yes, that is correct. Now, forgive me but I must be on my way."

Ursula dropped into another curtsy before Jareth turned and left the kitchens.

Ursula was completely gobsmacked.

Sarah? Sarah the serving girl dining in the King's chambers? Who had ever heard such a thing!

She looked to Patty, who was standing with her back to the wall, looking just as confused as she was.

"Ya 'ears the King, girl! When the soup is ready ya will take it to his chambers for Sarah." She said, resuming back to her bossy self as if nothing had happened.

A few hours later.

Jareth's pale hair blew softly with the evening breeze. It was dark and the night air was freezing around him but he barely noticed.

Every fiber of his being was tingling with magic. Just being this close to the Labyrinth again was causing the hairs on the back of his neck to stand on end.

It was odd to be stood like this, right in front it again after so long. Standing here would have brought him nothing but sorrow only a day ago, and yet now, he was struggling to contain the joy he felt coursing through him.

Jareth wasn't sure how long he simply stood in front of it, admiring how the rock sparkled with frost when the light from the moon hit it. But soon, he felt the pull. It was so strong, it almost knocked him off his feet and onto the snowy ground.

He slowly approached with his arm outstretched before him, his hand raised as if he were approaching a wild animal.

He was being cautious for good reason. The power the Labyrinth held was strong even for him, and being without his connection to it for so long would have its consequences.

He inched slowly closer and closer until finally, his fingers brushed against the cool stone wall. In seconds, bright blue light shot out through his fingertips, merging with the bright white light that shot out from the stone beneath his palm.

"My old friend..." He whispered, breathlessly.

The air picked up around him, and the white light beneath his hand suddenly shot out, the force of it knocking him to the ground.

Jareth lay there in the snow, blinking in shock at what had just happened.

Had the Labyrinth just rejected him? or was his connection still too weak to properly communicate with it?

Despite what had just happened, Jareth found himself laughing. He wasn't even sure why, but it was better to laugh than to become distressed by it. He was still just glad to have a little bit of his connection back.

He got to his feet after a few moments, still lightly chuckling to himself. He glanced back at the ancient stone and tsked, shaking his head. "Well... it seems that time has not dimed your fiery nature, friend. I expect that's why you are so suited to Sarah." He chuckled again, "And, I suppose, why I am so suited to her as well."

He brushed the snow from his clothing. "Until tomorrow, friend." He politely nodded to the Labyrinth, then turned and left.

Little did he know that behind him, the walls of the Labyrinth silently twisted and turned, moving to reveal two white figures, starring after their son as he disappeared back into the dimly lit castle.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I'm still not completely happy with it but I'm stuck on how I could have improved it, so I guess it will do. Again, I apologize if it's not up to scratch.

If this chapter focused a little too much on fluff and smut, I'm sorry! Next chapter will be focusing more on the plot and probably won't contain a sex scene (unless my lovely readers demand otherwise! ;) don't be shy, let me know! )

Thank you all so much for reading and I can't wait to bring you the next chapter! Don't forget to review and let me know what you thought!

Stay safe x