Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon Series or it's character but I do own this story and the refined tweaks to the characters personality. No story follows Manga cannon or Anime cannon perfectly. All rights reserved.

This is the first story of a series! Thank goodness you came here first because all the stories weave together. I suggest you keep reading to the next story! If you favor this couple and don't want to hear the rest... well I guess I can't stop you...

Chapter 3

"And she did well?" Paul was slowly getting use to Nik's extravagant stories when he came to work in the morning.
"Lita did better then me and I go spelunking at least every three months. Really I'm not sure there is anything she can't do," Nik said playing with his pin. Maybe he should write an article about her.
"Maybe she is a spy for the government and that's why her record is so buttoned up!" Paul suggested with shifty eyes, Nik sighed, this man loved conspiracy theory's a little too much.

"No she is a chef, she doesn't have time for being a spy. Why would she be spending time with me? To spy on the outdoors reporting?" Nik was playing with a piece of paper and threw it at the trash in annoyance. He wasn't aloud to do any important reporting anyways.

Serenity danced around her room to the beat of her own drum. Her silver hair turned freely trying to ketch up as she spins around. Endymiond finished putting on his cuff link before looking up and pausing to watch his beautiful wife. She rarely got a moment like this but Endy knew this was Serenity at her best. Free, her mind aloud to wonder and enjoy life.
"May I have this dance?" he asked once Serenity realized she had an audience, blushing the Queen nodded and Endymiond quickly took her hand and pulled her close. The calm waltz only played in their heads but they both knew the song and danced about the room until someone knocked on the door and called them away to meetings. As of now it was just them, in their room enjoying each others company.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?!" Lita tried to shout over the sound of the engine. The aircrafts motor roaring in their ears, the sound deafening even with the right sound canceling ear protection. Nik smiled, you could see it through his crystal clear facemask. His suite was gray, oddly matching the color of his old Generals Uniform. When Nik suggested this outing she thought they would be skydiving, when she was getting the brief from the jump director she quickly found out it was much more.

"Stratosphere Skydiving is always a good idea!" Nik shouted back, Stratosphere Skydiving was skydiving so technically Nik didn't lie, the part he held out telling her until the trainer started to describe the decent... was the stratosphere part. Dropping twenty-four miles or thirty-nine kilometers from the spacecraft wasn't something Lita did everyday but she had to admit it was on her personal bucket list. She started shaking her head, this has got to be the craziest thing he will invite her to go do, Lita was really hoping for those calm nights of watching soccer to come back and stay.

Nik jumped first, some time between the two people jumping was expected. He loved it, to be amongst the stars in a free fall back onto land, he wished he could just stay in space, if slowly falling back into Jupiter's atmosphere was the only way he was going to do it then so be it. Suddenly he saw Lita shoot on past him, she was doing a nosedive back into the atmosphere, a risky move for sure. Sometimes the mask can crack under quick temperature changes and you can die from lack of oxygen. Looked as though Lita didn't care and Nik wasn't about to be outdone. Lita always believed time slowed down when she was doing something reckless. It's a good thing she was a Queen or she would certainly be a thug or arms dealer trying to get that same rush. It came from living so long, after a while a year went by so quickly it was nice feeling every second for once. Nik had caught up with Lita as they ascended down to the surface of the planet the thick clouds of Jupiter's upper atmosphere made everything so hazy for Nik but to Lita it never felt so clear. They broke past the smog and broke into the shield allowing fresh air for the planets population to breath all the sudden Lita's Compaq started to ring. 'You have got to be kidding me,' was all Lita could think when she then strategically fell slightly behind Nik and answered it.
"I'm a little busy," came Lita's annoyed voice.

"And I have some paperwork you missed that is time sensitive. If you don't come here right now you will have to answer to Venus who needs these papers," it was Jupiter's assistant Mancy at the castle. Lita let out an annoyed sigh,
"Do you mean sign by today or this moment?" Lita wanted to make sure her priorities were in order.

"If your not here in the next thirty seconds there will be an issue," Damn Venus and her self-transporting time sensitive paperwork. Lita said she would be there in a second and instantly transported herself onto the planet's surface.
"Your wearing a weird outfit," was all Mancy said as Jupiter asked for the pen to sign the documents.
"Hadn't noticed," Lita said quickly signing her name and waving to Mancy as she transported away, she had a hard time controlling her feel fall when she came back but gained control and realized they were about to land. Nik landed first he had his shoot out and he suddenly saw Lita doing the same, he smiled, she was a little slower then he eh? She will get better at it with time...

Nik hit the ground running, the easiest way to land after such a high jump he unclipped his parachute and turned to see Lita who simply took two steps on solid ground and was done. Assistants ran over to both Nik and Lita to take off their gear properly.
"You disappeared and then re appeared!" said a frantic man to Lita noticing her jump was far from normal. All she did was put her finger up to her lips showing him to be quite and winked. The pair took off their helmets,
"Felt great right?" Nik shouted over to her, they had landed rather far away.
"Never felt better," Lita returned actually happy her hectic visit to the castle was at a time she could... step away from Nik easily. This whole back and forth was starting to get tiring.

"And then he said, don't run at the wall! Jump!" Lita tried not to laugh too hard or the beer she had just taken a drink of would come out her nose. Nik laughed at his own story, "So of course I jumped because you don't say no to a Judo master and I fell so hard. The wall was the least of my issues," they were at a bar in downtown Jupiter's capital city. The cobble stone streets and sculptures at every corner told you they weren't too far from the grand palace. This is certainly a place Lita never got to go but for Nik this was his regular haunt, he lived just five blocks from here. They started walking to the outdoor area to look at the beautiful sunset with the moons all-sparkling in the soft haze of the sky.

"Nik? Nik O'Barrain," came a soft voice from the crowd Lita looked back to see where the voice was coming from but Nik didn't need to know, his hair instantly stood up on the back of his neck and slowly turned making sure Lita was close. "Oh it is you! How are you it's been so long!" said the girl coming up to Nik and Lita. Lita looked to Nik and the to the lady, she was a little shorter then Lita with short blond hair. The girl then saw Nik was not alone, "Oh sorry if I disturbed you two, I'm Katie Niks..." the girl said bowing fast but Nik cut her off in a dry almost emotionless tone,

"Ex girlfriend. Katie is my ex girlfriend who cheated on me with my ex best friend," Nik didn't sound like he was in the mood to be nice to this girl, public or not. Katie flinched at the sound of her name with his cold inflections.

"That was a long time ago, I've learned better. Who is your friend," Katie asked trying to be casual. By the look in her eye 'I learned better' simple meant 'I chose the wrong guy' Lita was trying to not get caught up in this, the idea of Nik having an ex made Lita want to apply some harsh shock therapy on this girl but that would blow her cover. Lita instantly laced her fingers into Niks hand and smiled,

"I'm Niks girlfriend, he was just showing me his favorite local bar. So you're his ex? Nice to meet you, thanks for breaking up with him. If not I would have never been able to date this wonderful guy," Lita said with a bright smile, she cuddled up next to him when she said he was wonderful. Katie's jaw practically hit the ground; she was obviously wondering how Nik could get this super model of a female to date him. Nik kind of went paralyzed for a second, she... Said they were dating!? He did come to his senses in time to keep up with the farce.

"Yep, this is my girlfriend. We thought would see the sunset outside, it was nice running into Katie," Nik said turning to leave looking over his shoulder to Katie, who was still in this weird shock. Lita tried not to snicker,

"I'm sorry, I probably shouldn't of done that," Lita said she was just sure she was going to be reprimanded.

"That was great! My gosh, the look on her face! Thanks Lita, though I would prefer the real thing," Nik said looking down to their hands still laced together. Lita couldn't help but smile,
"Nik O'Barrain are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Lita blushed a little, someone's girlfriend, what a foreign concept.

"If your not interested just tell me I don't want to rush you on anything and we all know that you keep very bu..." Nik's ramblings were cut off by soft lips meeting his. He instantly pulled her close, if his Ex was watching now, she certainly knew they were an item. Lita was on cloud nine nothing could get better then this, zip, zero, nada. They pulled apart and Lita blushed, should of asked before she went in for the kiss.

"Well that's all the answer I needed," he brought up their hands still laced together and kissed the back of her hand with a smile. He would not let her have an unhappy moment for the rest of her life.

Jupiter bobbed around the castle her head still in the clouds she was falling from just the other day. It was yes to everything anyone asked her, even Jupiter's troops were confused when she only had them run a few laps and excused them early. They had never had such an easy day. It was annoying Mancy but when she tried to ask her Queen what had her in such a lofty mood it went unanswered or Jupiter would just start mumbling about the newspaper writer Nik. If Mancy had to put up with much more of this she didn't know whom she would alert first. Venus? Maybe cut to the case and tell Serenity. Before Mancy could make her threats known Jupiter was off on another tour and out of Mancy's hair, good thing her Queen can get so love sick...

Nik had Lita's hand and was pulling her into a dark room, the lighting was very low and she wondered why he would be dragging her into such a weird place. Suddenly she saw some lights and her eyes went big at the ring where two fighters had boxing gloves on and where in the middle of a fight. An ammeters boxing match? The room was filled with men and women alike either cheering or preparing to go up for a fight. Lita looked at Nik with an odd look, this is a date? Nik lead her to the front as someone just got knocked out, this was nothing compared to what her troops go through.

"We have a winner," said the announcer holding up the arm of the boxer who despite the back eye won the match. "Now it's time for mixed martial arts fighters! Come on up and we will get you in the ring," get in the ring? Really who would be silly enough to jump in a mixed martial arts cage with these people who clearly have no issue breaking or bending everything in their body.

"Whaa!" Lita was shocked when she saw Nik jump into the ring, she swore he was right next to her a second ago, she looked next to herself to see his shirt and shoes still sitting there next to her. Lita shook her head, Nephlite always wanted to show off… but this? This wasn't what she was hoping for. Suddenly the bell went off and Nik started circling another man, about his size. Nik dodged a kick to the face, he loved coming down here and if he was to date Lita she needed to know all the crazy stuff he did, including the mixed martial arts... Nik jabbed a his completion who was smart enough to dodge. Clearly this wasn't the normal wild brawl. Suddenly Nik's competition went for a jab, there wasn't much time to react so Nik relied on his reflexes, Nik grabbed the mans arm mid punch and used his other hand to jab it into the mans waist line sending him off the ground and flying back against the fenced cage. Lita raised her eyebrow, that's an older style move, from the silver millennium, was he getting his memories back? Nik was also surprised by how he attacked; he is best at boxing and Judo not grappling, so where did that come from? The man stood up and shook his head not expecting that kind of move from Nik, the man charged at him thinking Nik might not have quick reflexes. That wasn't a good idea Nik unknowingly reacted but jumping in place timing it so he jumped and came down kicking the man in the chest. The crowed cheered and Nik looked around surprised he had won, what a weird match. He waved to the crowd as he peeped to leave the ring.

"Your up next," said the announcer to Lita who unknown to her was in the line of people lining up to get in the ring.

"Ohh no no no," Lita tried telling the man but he was paying little attention and before she knew it she was told to jump into the ring. Nik was looking around for Lita and couldn't find her anywhere; she wouldn't leave him there alone so she had to be found. He slowly turned to the ring and to his surprise she was standing there a little bewildered at her current situation, he rushed to the side of the ring.

"What are you doing?" He shouted up to her. Lita looked down to Nik,

"I was kind of shoved in the ring," Lita saw her completion come in the ring her hair was in corn rolls, she looked like a heavy weight champion.
"They do this to new comers; throw them in with the best. Um dodge and weave?" Nik said trying to give Lita advice but the bell rang and it was time to fight.
"Would you like to place a bet?" someone asked coming around to Nik, who was appalled by the question.
"That's my girlfriend in there! I can't bet against her," Nik said pointing to Lita the man smirked.
"You mean that was your girlfriend...," this aggravated Nik so much he put money down. If there was someone on Lita's side it was going to be him. Lita didn't quite know what to do, win? Loose? Act like she was about to loose but in the end win?
"I'm going to eat you for breakfast," called the girl her gorilla like movements didn't scare Lita one bit.
"I'm not on anyone's food chain," Lita said back sweetly, who said something like that?
"Your right, I don't like my food to be bruised," smirked the girl, they were walking in circles around each other, which really made the crowd excited for action.

"I don't bruise easy," Lita's smile curled into a wise smirk, this girl asked for it, Lita wouldn't hold back. Lita attacked first, Nik was so worried he knew it was best to wait for your attacker but... she moved so fast. Lita charged the girl and dipped behind her and used Ba Gua style of kung fu to keep behind the girl. A rumble of voices started to murmur out of the crowd, maybe this brunette knew more then she lead on. Lita's competitor couldn't shake her, Lita was the woman's shadow, every once in a while Lita would hit the girls ear almost playfully taunting the girl to fill with rage. This made the girl burst out in anger and quickly grabbing Lita's hand and pulling on it drawing Lita over her shoulder but Lita made this look planned, jumping flipping over the girl and twisting her own arm making the poor girl going with her. Lita landed square on her feet looking over she shoulder to the girl who let go mid flip and rolled up in a ball grabbing her arm in pain. Sadly the girl wouldn't bow out with a twisted arm and rose to have another go.

Lita sighed and crouched into a fighting pose for northern shaolin kung fu and waited. As soon as he girl flinched Lita jumped high in the air coming down with Nik could only describe with thunderous booming kick that made the girl stagger back but still standing. Lita decided to sit in the center of the mat, this was getting silly. She didn't want to waste any more time. Lita crossed her legs and closed her eyes taking in a deep breath. Lita's fighter was worried getting close might be the wrong idea but the second she saw Lita's eyes closed she smirked and charged at Lita. Just one foot away Lita acted swiftly doing a half handstand and using all her body's motion to kick the girl both legs hitting the girls stomach shooting the girl back so quickly it was hard to see. Lita balanced in a handstand and then stood up. The audience could tell Lita won but didn't know if clapping would piss her off or make her happy. Clearly no one wanted to be in an alley with Lita after the matches were over.

"Yeah that was your money..." Nik said cheeky and before the gambler could get mad Nik held out his hand to stop him, "You know what. Keep your money. I wouldn't want you thinking I was hustling you or anything," the man sneered clearly he lost to more people then just Nik. Lita hoped down from the mat and people literally parted for her to walk. Nik came up wrapping his arm around Lita's shoulders almost to say 'yeah she is mine, don't go near us' but he did show concern for Lita.
"Where in the hell did you learn all of that?" He couldn't help it; he has never met someone who knew that much kung fu styles.

"I lived alone for a lot of my youth. Learning how to fight was almost expected," Lita tried to laugh it off but Nik's blank shocked face wasn't allowing her to just roll this off her back. "Wa... What about you? I didn't know some of those moves you used," Lita was trying to bate Nik to talk about his own match.
"Neither did I... Oh! This must be a dream! Yep a very good dream!" Nik pinched his arm trying to wake himself.
"A dream where I get to stay the night at your apartment?" Lita asked cuddling herself closer to his thin frame. Nik looked down at Lita surprised, if this was a dream, and the possibility was growing on Nik... it had to be one of the best of his life.

Lita woke up slowly, the smell of Nik's cologne hitting her nose and Lita smiled. She had her head on his shoulder as his arm possessively wrapped around her waste. Lita wanted to stay here forever but she knew there would be many mornings just like this and she wanted to make breakfast before she had to leave back to the castle.

Nik woke up very well rested, sitting up and stretching he looked over to the window to see the shades moved back and he smiled; he normally keeps that window closed. Getting up he walked into his kitchen to see Lita happily cooking breakfast in his white dress shirt. Nik thought she looked just perfect humming to herself.

"Morning song bird," he said coming up behind her and kissing Lita on the cheek. Lita blushed, well he was just in his boxers but she still leaned back into his strong frame.

"I thought I would skip my normal morning run and go straight to breakfast," Lita said placing the banana pancakes on a plate and started squeezing some oranges for their juice.

"Wonderful idea, who needs to run when you can have Lita make you breakfast? This looks wonderful by the way," he said helping her bring it over to the table.

"Thank you, so you have any plans for today? Sadly this is a working day for me," Lita said wishing she could spend the whole morning with Nik but she still hand some work to do at the palace and staying here much longer will start to worry her employees.

"I'm bound to the newspaper where they tell me how much my last article didn't matter and how I need to just write another one," Nik didn't want to start the day on a sad note but it's hard to hide the sad reality.
"That is until you finish your book and you make a ton of money! You quit and then just a week later they are begging for you to come back," Lita ruffled Nik's already messy hair as she sat down. Nik liked how optimistic Lita was toward his writing. If only he had equal confidence in his abilities to write a novel... They enjoyed the small meal together and before too long had to go separate ways off to work.

"Hey Nik we've a... seen an improvement in your writing as of late and think your ready for the big leagues," Nik blinked up at his manager. Was he hearing what he thought?

"So I get a normal article assignment?" Nik's voice went up as he asked the question; this was a long time coming.

"Nothing too big, we don't want you to fail on your first assignment. Here is the facts and Nik. Don't mess this stuff up," the boss handed over a sheet of paper folded over to Nik. Nik nodded and accepted the paper with gusto. Sweet his first assignment now he can step out of this column writing and get into some nice reporting. Nik opened up the paper and his shoulders slumped, really? A story about the new downtown statue? How weak, Nik sighed, it was better then nothing.

Nik went down to the main part of town to where the statue sat, it looked like they were just putting it in right then. Later there would be a small ceremony where he could interview the artist and the committee members.

"Sir, we are just putting in this statue we ask all citizens wait for the ceremony," said a policeman walking up to Nik with a relaxed lazy look on his face.

"I'm a member of the press. Here is my ID if you need to check," Nik said handing out his information wanting to avoid issues quickly. The policeman took the ID and scanned it right there and then looked up at Nik slightly surprised. Well this was odd, that's not like it was a bad picture, Nik thought his ID image looked quite well considering.

"I'll, um be right back," said the cop walking off with his ID leaving Nik to stand at the gate rather unaware of the situation. After standing there for a while he saw a few cops walking up from the left, then he turned to his right and saw more cops then over his shoulder a few more walking slightly fast toward him. If that wasn't a sign he didn't know what was. He bolted, he ran down the street as the cops now hot on his heals. What in he hell was going on! Nik stumbled around a corner running like a pack of hungry lions wanted his soul.

This had to be a joke, it just had to! He ran into a dense crowd trying to weave quickly through random people as the police were blowing whistles and asking everyone to clear the way behind him. He ran down a side street and found himself stuck in an alley. He turned around his body tense working off of his fight or flight reflex. The cops rounded on him on the alley; he tried talking his way out of the situation,

"What in the heck did I do?! I have no clue what's going on!" it was the last thing he remembered thinking a quick clunk on his head and he was down for the count. Guess he couldn't complain about the police not being well trained. He woke up in a jail cell, it was remarkable clean, not much people get locked up. His hands were cuffed and his head felt like someone dropped a brick on it. He looked up to see one cop nudge another; they looked up and left the room. Nik told himself right there that he, a law-abiding citizen, paid his taxes and all of that respectable stuff shouldn't be in this cell. Right when he was about to tell this policeman a piece of his opinionated mind someone entered the room again. This time a man in a suit, he walked up to Nik and took off his glasses.

"Hello I'm the Chief of Police and I'm here to tell you the situation since the police," the man looked over to the cops on duty and gave them a glare, "didn't read you any rights and decided to chase you down and knock you out," the man sighed, clearly this has been an issue with the police force. "Nik O'Barrain if you know it or not you have committed a serious offense. It took us a while to filter it through the system because the queen has been on planet and all of our attentions have been on her. About two months ago you authored an article in the paper that defaced the name of the queen. This is a serious offense, one that we do not take lightly," the man seemed calm, unlike the police team who at the moment looked very tense. Nik thought back through the articles he has written knowing he didn't mention the queen of Jupiter once.

"Look I don't think you understand. I write reviews for restaurants and entertainment, I really haven't said anything bad about our queen, really. You have the wrong person," the honestly in Nik's voice really didn't effect the cheif.

"Known or not you have written some words that really do break the law. Please sit here and wait for your representation to get here and we will talk about the matter further," the man then bowed and walked out of the room. Nik sighed pulled his hands, then in cuffs, behind his head and slouched against the wall. Said something against the queen hum? Well that's a load of bull. This wouldn't even make a good story to Lita. Nik sat up suddenly he could hear some noise upstairs,

"I could care less I want to see him, now," came the muffled voice of someone upstairs. The guard looked over to Nik then up at the ceiling and then back over to Nik.

"Of course queen this way," said another voice and then footsteps across the room and down the stairs. Nik stood up to see what the ruckus was about. He saw Lita walk down the stairs and Nik was stunned. She was dressed a lot differently then normal that's for sure. A long flowing gown in a dark royal green which made her look taller and dare he suggest, more beautiful.

"L.. Lita?!" Nik stuttered out, as if being chased down the cops was weird enough, as if being told he broke the law was to top the list. The idea of seeing Lita down at the police station arguing with the police was borderline hallucination.

"Hello Nik I got here as soon as I herd. For gods sake let me in the jail cell," Jupiter said looking to the guard as he jumped into action searching for his keys.

"But queen he is currently under investigation," said one of the policeman trying his hardest to stand up to someone he admired.

"Queen? Lita, he is joking right? Right? Is this some really elaborate prank? Please tell me it's a prank!" Nik plead as the guard unlocked the door and Lita rushed into give him a hug. She then turned and glared daggers at the police.

"Give me the keys to his hand cuffs," she said the man quickly handed them over bowing his head saying 'yes my queen' as if she asked for something as simple as a refill on a drink. Nik looked to the guard and then back to Lita still trying to connect the dots. Why was the police doing everything she asked with no question? Lita finally got the cuffs off Nik and hugged him again. "I'm sorry for all of this. On your first big writing assignment and all," Lita's head sank she looked very let down. She turned back to the guards and they all leaned back at her stone cold stare.

"Why in the world is he in here?" she asked but no one responded right away.

"Queen this man is in here for writing an article that slandered you good name," said the person in charge. Jupiter raised an eyebrow,

"Well that is the stupidest law I've ever heard of," she said laughing slightly.

"I know! It's just crazy. Anyways, um Lita why are they all calling you queen?" Nik said stepping forward and then looked back to Lita with a tilt of the head. Lita sighed; well this certainly wasn't how she wanted things to go.

"You are not aloud to call the queen by her real name," said the Cheif shocked by how friendly this man is with the queen.

"He can call me what he wants! He is my boyfriend!" she said turning back to shutting the jail door. All the people in the room looked like a bomb just went off but no dust no explosion just shocked faces trying to process the unthinkable. The queen has a boyfriend?!

"This just about the worst time and place to tell you," Lita then looked around the jail cell, "I haven't been in a jail cell in about 700 years, ever since Serenity's bachelorette party," she said with a cheeky smile Nik was still trying to make sense of why Lita was constantly being called queen.

"I am Queen Jupiter ruler of the planet Jupiter and one of the royal guards to Neo Queen Serenity. I know it's a horrible thing to hide from you and I totally understand if you don't want to be with me now but um I've kind of fallen in love with..." Lita was cut off by Nik kissing her right then right there in the cell with an audience, this was quite unexpected.

"It's ok Lita, I understand. Don't worry; I don't care who you are or what you do because I like you for those things. I will it admit take a little bit of work getting use to... But it's worth it," he said tucking her hair behind her ear. Lita smiled and hugged Nik, she was so happy she didn't really like hiding things from anyone let alone Nephlite.

"And now I can break you out of jail! See there is some perks of dating a queen!" she said winking grabbing his hand and suddenly they vanished from the jail cell and were transporting. They appeared at Nik's apartment he quickly recognized they didn't use a transportation pad.

"I will have to go alter that law. What a bother just more paperwork," Lita said crossing her arms in a pout.

"Not to be rude but why me?" Nik asked as Lita's royal ora was glowing around her making her beautiful beyond words.

"Why not you? You are a wonderful guy Nik. Attractive, charming, smart, I got a list a mile long. We knew each other once, in our past life's. When I was a princess and you protected the prince," Nik tilted his head slightly, why did this information not sound crazy to him. "You will remember in time and I think you have been put through the ringer already," she smiled to him rubbing his shoulder with a small smile. "We can talk about this tomorrow for dinner," she said starting to walk to the door.

"Wait, so your still going to come and cook for me?" he asked rather surprised, maybe now that he knew she was the queen maybe she didn't want do something so menial.

"Of course I will. I've always loved cooking for you and that is a passion that will never go away," Lita felt like she couldn't be clearer, she then knew why in this life she loved cooking so much. It was her love for Nephrite coming out the only way it could. She left out the door and transported away, back to work to give those police men a piece of her mind, rewrite some laws, and maybe if she is lucky think up what dinner will be tomorrow.

The End

Ami and Zoicite are next in the series!