Sorry for the wait, school has started again, so the updates will be slower now. And my computer had been acting up

Previous Chapter

"Mada Mada Dane" was all Ryoma said.

By the end of the Ryoma's and Aomine's conversation, they had ended up outside an arcade.

"Is Aominecchi still trying to win against Ryo-cchi?" Kise asked.

"Yup" Ryoma and Kuroko replayed, then all of them went inside.

Chapter four

When they were all inside the arcade, Aomine and Ryoma when to the money machine first then went to a reception desk and asked when the next one vs one lazer tag game is next.

"Let me check" they said, then looked thorgh a few sheets of paper that was on a clip board "Your in luck, the last one startes in 20 minutes"

"Is that good enough for you Daiki?" Ryoma asked.

"Sure. What do you want to play for the 15 minutes?" he replyed.

"Hmm. I don't mind. You pick" was all he said.

So for the next 15 minutes, they played a few games. Ryoma mostly winning.

When the time was up, the two of them walked up to the reception desk again with everyone following. They handed over a few coins for playing.

"Is there a place where we can watch the two of them?" asked Momoshiro.

"Sure. I'll show you after I got the two of them ready" the receptionist said and lead Ryoma and Aomine to a room fill with plastic chest plates and guns. "you can leave your bags and anything else in here. Have the two of you played before. If not I will explain the rules"

"We've played quiet a few times" Ryoma replyed to the receptionist.

"Okay then. I will leave you to get ready. You just need to go though the other door and you will be in the arrena. I will go show where your friends can stand and watch" and with that said, they turned aroud and left.

They looked at each other for a moment before placing their bags and jackets in a corner. After they did that they first placed the on the plastic chest piece then picked up their guns.

Aomine was wearing the blue one while Ryoma was wearing the red one. After they were finished getting ready they walked through the door that the receptionist told them to go through. On the other side of the door was a small indoor maze like arrena to run and hide in.

Aomine turned and looked at Ryoma then said "Are you ready to be defeated by me?"

Ryoma just smirked, and started walking towards the maze/arrena.

"Say that you defeated me when you actually have"

"Are the two of you ready to start?" the receptionist said over the microphone. When the two of them nodded their heads, they continuied speeking "When the buzzer rings, you will have 30 minutes to beat your oponante"

It wasnt a moment later that the buzzer rang. They both ran into different parts of the maze. The first one to start shooting was Aomine.

As the game when on, it was obvious that Ryoma was the one who was going to win. Aomine barley got any hits on Ryoma. But it was the total opposite for Ryoma.

When the 30 minutes was up, Aomine was sitting on the floor panting while Ryoma was leaning on a wall panting softly.

"The red side wins!" the receptionist said over the microphone.

Everyone was shocked that Aomine was the one who lost.

"How long has this been going on for?" Kikumaru asked.

"A few years now" both Kuroko and Kise replied.

"Haha. There is even something Aomine cant do" Kagami said smugly.

"Then why don't you try playing against Ryo-cch?"

Kagami froze at that "Noway in HELL! The smile he had on while playing that.." he suddered.

Everyone beside Kuroko, Kise, Tezuka and Fuji suddered at the thought of Ryoma's smile, even his own team-mates.

"Who would of thought that Echizen could be a pro at lazer tag" Kikumaru muttered.

After he said that, everyone but Kuroko, Kise, Tezuka and Fuji started wishpering between them about Ryoma being so good at lazer tag. They didnt even notice that the one they were wishpering about had come up behind them.

They stood behind them for a few minutes to see if they would notice them, but they didn't.

Aomine strarted to get anoyed, so he made a coughing sound. They all froze at the sound.

They turned around and started to back away slowly.

"Did you have fun Ryoma-kun, Aomine?" Kuroko asked.

Aomine 'tsk'ed and looked away while Ryoma just smirked.

"Now that that is done. You owe me the winners prize, Daiki" Ryoma said looking at Aomine.

Aomine just grumbled and took out 3000 yen (Around 16.20 British pounds) then handed it to Ryoma.

"Here" he said.

Ryoma just took it, his smirk still in place.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the next chapter? Don't really know where to go from here

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